Home » UPDATE – Shooting Reported On Solano Way In Concord – One Victim Has Gunshot Wound To The Head, Another Person Shot In Stomach

UPDATE – Shooting Reported On Solano Way In Concord – One Victim Has Gunshot Wound To The Head, Another Person Shot In Stomach


A shooting has been reported on Solano Way, near Eastgate in Concord.

We’re hearing witnesses heard at least 3 gunshots, and saw a person running from the scene with a gun.

One person has a gunshot wound to the head. It appears the victim is deceased, police said.

There is also a second victim who was shot in the stomach. His or her condition is unknown.


The suspect is a Hispanic or black male who was last seen running on Solano towards the Solano drive-in, according to police.

UPDATE: One person has been detained inside of a backyard shed on Courtland Dr.

UPDATE #2: It’s unknown if the person captured is the main suspect. There were actually 2 suspects who ran from the scene, a male with a gun and a female. The male suspect was seen giving the gun to a homeless person, who then took off running. In all, there were 2 suspects who ran from the scene, and a homeless person who was given a gun, and ran away with it, according to witnesses.


T March 21, 2023 - 10:37 AM - 10:37 AM

Is it just me, or by the days go there are more crimes going on? Or is the PD just releasing more Information than they did prior?

Lamorinda Larry March 21, 2023 - 12:15 PM - 12:15 PM

It’s (mostly) just you. Concord’s Murder rate per 100,000 population over the last decade or so is noted parenthetically below.

2022 saw an uptick (five murders vs none in 2021 and two in 2020), but the 2022 murder rate is below the 2011 peak and a quite bit lower than the early-mid 1990s.

2008 (5.0)
2009 (1.7)
2010 (3.3)
2011 (5.7)
2012 (0.0)
2013 (0.8)
2014 (2.4)
2015 (3.1)
2016 (0.8)
2017 (3.9)
2018 (2.3)
2019 (1.5)
2020 (1.5)
2021 (0.0)
2022 (4.0)

2008-2020: https://www.city-data.com/crime/crime-Concord-California.html




PO'd March 21, 2023 - 12:48 PM - 12:48 PM

Using City-Data.com shows Concord to be reasonably stable in all crime categories as it
is 82.3% above national average figures. As it is the most populous in the county, there
is going to be more crime reported. They also had a reputation for cooking the books over
the last decade or so.
Not nearly as bad as Pittsburg or Antioch. Surprising that Pleasant Hill is outpacing Concord!

Sally Jorgensen March 21, 2023 - 10:40 AM - 10:40 AM

Just another normal or typical day in Concord if not most of Contra Costa County since the ultra-left took control years ago.

How the VEEY left-leaning folks in CCC don’t see, hear or understand this simple reality proves that they aren’t capable of making good judgements and or sound decisions.

Interesting how these incidents seem to only be the norm in cities, counties and states where Democrats are in control of the reigns?

Even though both political parties are heavily corrupted and leaning towards Communist ideology today, the more liberal the area is the higher the serious crimes are, not to mention, the greater overall peril exists for these communities.

When will people realize that the Democratic Party is no longer what it was under either the JFK administration or possibly even late into the 1980s?

I used to be one of you until I awakened in 2008!

It is not too late to turn this torpedoed ship around, but we better hurry as this vessel is no doubt ready to sink to unimaginable depths, and sooner than later.

Again….people…WAKE UP!

Lamorinda Larry March 21, 2023 - 11:37 AM - 11:37 AM

How do you know the shooter was a democrat?

If you know who pulled the trigger, you should notify the police instead of soap boxing here.

I’m certain that the DA’s office WILL prosecute if CPD rigorously investigates within constitutional bounds works up a colorable case. No public official gets re-elected on a platform of not prosecuting violent criminals where the cops follow the rules and present sufficient evidence.

Lefty Hatter March 21, 2023 - 12:24 PM - 12:24 PM

She isn’t talking about the shooter. She’s talking about the city leaders and elected officials. And I would think the dems in the city that voted for them. The elected a mayor that got a DUI in Clayton. Great example.

Lamorinda Larry March 21, 2023 - 12:35 PM - 12:35 PM

The article is about a shooting, right?

Was the shooter a city leader?

Mojoduck March 21, 2023 - 1:02 PM - 1:02 PM

We don’t get to elect our Mayor, the city council takes turns being Mayor

Patrick March 21, 2023 - 6:13 PM - 6:13 PM

They’re always democrats!🤣

Talos March 21, 2023 - 11:38 AM - 11:38 AM

Wow it’s almost like places with higher population density have more crime because there’s more people.

domo March 21, 2023 - 1:33 PM - 1:33 PM

Well said Sally!

Confudled March 21, 2023 - 3:37 PM - 3:37 PM

So, are you WOKE?

Wage Slave March 21, 2023 - 4:29 PM - 4:29 PM

While I agree with your general take on the bigger picture, a one off shooting like this can and will occure anywhere. In the redest of red states, they have stuff like this over Meth or someone with someone else’s girlfriend, etc.

My condolences to the victims’ families, and sincere hope that the perpetrators are brought to justice.

The Fearless Spectator March 22, 2023 - 9:39 PM - 9:39 PM

It’s an evening with Wildman Fischer.

Lamorinda Larry March 21, 2023 - 9:47 PM - 9:47 PM

Sally – Your opportunistic, unconscionable political grandstanding while a family grieves their child offends common decency.
The nexus between election results and this particular crime wants for an arrow of causality. Your rank misattribution betrays intellectual integrity and your virtual grave-dancing are beneath the dignity of our community. Who raised YOU?

Shame on you March 24, 2023 - 2:11 AM - 2:11 AM

A 21 year old kid lost their life and all you can talk about it politics? Send your condolences and move along so many of you people on this sites only personality trait is politics and it’s pathetic. Get from behind a computer screen and go touch some grass and have some empathy, spend some time with your family or something instead of picking fights on the internet that will go literal nowhere.

American Citizen March 21, 2023 - 10:48 AM - 10:48 AM

And they say that we should not be able to carry guns to protect ourselves. Elections have consequences.

April March 21, 2023 - 11:06 AM - 11:06 AM

My heart goes out to the family.

Ricardoh March 21, 2023 - 12:33 PM - 12:33 PM

More than likely the the victims are not much better than the shooters. It’s gang stuff and the victims could have been shooters last week.

Elias Gonzales March 21, 2023 - 11:35 AM - 11:35 AM

My brother is homeless any update whom the victim is hope the madness stops its very disturbing was this a domestic violence situation or has the person been identified male or female

anon March 21, 2023 - 11:47 AM - 11:47 AM

That neighborhood is considered Norteño territory and the Monument area is where most Sureños live. If it’s gang related then CPD is looking in the wrong neighborhood.

Aunt Barbara March 21, 2023 - 12:08 PM - 12:08 PM

We have a problem with too many angry mentally unstable people. Is it drugs? poor upbringing? Who would shoot someone with the intent to kill? What do you have to gain? Do you have no remorse? not one ounce of kindness or compassion. You always get what you deserve, so have fun in prison where you belong.

Lamorinda Larry March 21, 2023 - 12:40 PM - 12:40 PM

I have no idea what you’re talking about or how it relates to this incident. Most violent criminals are fairly apolitical, and most politicians are not involved in street violence.

Indeed, I don’t see any indication that the shooting was connected with local or state politics.

Again, if you know something about the motive or the shooters’ identity, you should report it with law enforcement.

Wage Slave March 21, 2023 - 4:38 PM - 4:38 PM

The inference is that Democrats have been the soft-on-crime party for some time now. Decarceration movement is a Dem priority. It was almost entirely Dems calling to defund the police, and accusing police of being part of a systemically racist system. It is Soros funded Dem DAs that are abusing their power to decide that some crimes are no longer crimes. It is Dem run California and Dem voters that essentially legalized shoplifting. The federal government just had to override the DC Dem city council from legalizing carjacking and other violent crimes there. It is the Democrat party that is refusing to enforce the border, allowing almost anyone in who claims to be an asylum seeker, guaranteeing the importation of violent criminals and gang members. This isn’t a Republican issue. They have their own, to be sure, but this isn’t one of them.

Does that mean this shooting is a direct result of the politics above? Unknown at this time. But its disingenuous to pretend there isn’t a link between rising crime and the Democrat party as a whole.

Jeff March 21, 2023 - 1:38 PM - 1:38 PM

It’s The Wild West out there.

Firestone 11R

Daddy Joe March 21, 2023 - 2:49 PM - 2:49 PM

Sounds like there are 3 suspects with one of interest detained, am I wrong?

e.bunners March 21, 2023 - 3:11 PM - 3:11 PM

Hey Sally, and the election was stolen. You sound so YESTERDAY honking about Democrats vs. Republicans. Wake up, it’s no longer 2021. Stop spreading “Fake News”

Khloe March 21, 2023 - 5:30 PM - 5:30 PM

I was unable to get Subway sandwhich, because the police had the area taped off. There was a large group of young adults present, most of whom seemed to be mourning the loss of the victim. i must say, they appeared to be very polite amd respectful as people were going in and out of the shops.

Ken Cohen March 21, 2023 - 6:43 PM - 6:43 PM

The issue isn’t Democrats perpetrating crimes.

The issue is that they (and their DA’s) create a rich soil in which crime can grow.

Effectively legalizing small crimes that hurt shop-owners (and customers who have to pay higher prices), cultivates lawlessness and criminal risk-taking.

It is a process for developing a social garden filled with bitter fruits. NYC realized this under Bloomberg and Giuliani in the 90s and 2000s, and DeBlazio reversed all their crime-prevention “broken-windows”/”squeegie-men” policies, returning New York to a cesspool of crime.

California’s Democrat state and local governments are hell-bent on ignoring the incubators of crimes like this latest murder.

Thus, rampant lawlessness of all sorts—up to, and including, bullets-in-the-head.

Fertile soil for crime yields bountiful fruits.


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