The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
QUESTION: Would you ride in a self-driving vehicle if you had a chance, or do you think it will be a while before you trust the technology?
Talk about it….
All my cars have been self-driving, I always do the driving myself. However, I would not trust a car to operate autonomously unless I am sitting behind the wheel in full control. I do not trust the computer, or the sensors, they can and do malfunction.
Only stupid people instantly buy off on new technology. No healthy skepticism at all…. only blind trust and ignorance.
It’s a wonder to me why NHTSA has not yet required Tesla to disable the autopilot feature given the numerous wrecks and deaths associated with its use. If it were Ford or Chevy they’d be on it like flies on a sh1t.
The crash last week involving a fire engine on I-680 and a few weeks ago the 8-car pile up on the Bay Bridge are just two examples.
Not now. Maybe if they have another decade of perfecting their systems while they use us as expendable Guinea pigs. What is that Winston Churchill quote about how so many died so a relatively few can enjoy their self driving toys or something like that.
No. I would like to know if any self-driving cars were moving with all the power outages.
If the gas ain’t flowin’ I ain’t goin’!
Nope!! And I don’t think any of them should be on our roads either!
In years after it’s been tried and trued and perfected for a short run only. They have a loooooooong way to go imho
Dang things keep hitting Fire Engines and killing people
Absolutely not. I don’t like automatic transmissions or cruise control either.
A future question is: Would you get on an airliner with only one pilot and and a flight attendant who knew how to push the auto-land button? Not too long after that happens: Would you get on an airliner without a pilot onboard, with a remote pilot sitting somewhere else?
Driving a car is one of the best privileges and pleasures of modern life. I drove a 5-speed Mustang Bullitt before I sold it. So much fun. I miss that beast.
Hands on operation beats computerized automation any day of the week.
Everyone alive who ever sold a hot rod regrets it.
I race an E36 BMW at Sonoma and Buttonwillow.
A total blast.
Loved the car chase scene in Bullit, with Steve McQueen. When I lived in Westport Ct, I had a platonic male friend that had a 1968 Mustang and he would let me drive it, great fun.
Not in the rest of my lifetime.
Only if I have a 99.5% chance of surviving riding around in one!
The only halfway safe self-driving vehicles are the ones at Disneyland that are on a rail, you couldn’t get me to get inside a self-driving vehicle for nothing I can’t believe people are stupid enough for buying those and actually activating the self-driving mode.
Let me think…….that would be a permanent “no”
It would be a while. Doubt I will ever trust the technology. Soon enough, Congress will start writing legislation to provide a means for even more tracking of we (once free) citizens’ movement. Besides, I like driving.
The deal with technology is this: If something works reliably and properly, it clearly doesn’t have enough features. So they add features and suck the reliability right out of it. Then, if it’s still working OK, they decide it’s time for a software upgrade. In case you haven’t noticed, nothing good ever comes from a software upgrade, it always makes things worse.
It’s called planned obsolescence.
I unwittingly rented one on a business trip. Not really self-driving, but with some autonomous features while in cruise control. I played around with it a little, but it’s not for me. Creepy as hell.
I do not think so. Personally witnessed a model X do a left hand turn from the right hand lane (across two lanes of traffic) much to the surprise of the driver busy chatting with her passenger. I admire the tech and think it has a role to play in the future but right now it is a steep learning curve.
No I wouldn’t feeo comfortable, I have a hard enough time being a passenger.