Home » Buchanan Field Airport In Concord Hit With Major Wind Gusts – Planes Flipping Over

Buchanan Field Airport In Concord Hit With Major Wind Gusts – Planes Flipping Over


Thanks to Tina Kim for this photo from Buchanan Field airport in Concord.

Several planes flipped over due to the wind, but fortunately no injuries were reported.

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No tie-downs installed?
Weather forecasters had predicted high winds.
Someons should ask why tie-downs weren’t used.


I recognize these aircraft, they are on the Eastern side of the airport next to a hangar near PSA aviation. These three 172s are not in use, hence the flat tires. and are not parked in a spot where there are tie-downs. Maybe they are used for parts? I’m not sure. All I know is that I’m thankful that one of the fuel trucks where parked there to stop the planes, otherwise my flight lessons maybe stopped for awhile!


Upon closer examination, one tie-down was installed… only on the nose wheel. Basically to keep the aircraft from rolling away. Obviously, it was insufficient in preventing a blowover.
A three-point tie-down configuration would have prevented this incident.

The aircraft are now in proper parking spaces today and are all tied down properly. I was simply stating before that they weren’t in proper parking spaces and were previously abandoned by their owners.

OK, that’s it, . . . . . valet is NOT getting a tip.



Watch on YouTube: The Dimming: Geoengineering, Dane Wigington

What more will.it take before people wise up and wake up?



Oh no!! They are going to need a full inspection before being fit to use again!

Tie downs?! Maybe a good idea with new storm patterns.


On the bright side I’m sure they found lots of spare change and maybe some keys they thought were long lost…. It’s an ill wind that blows no one good.

Pretty unusual not to tie a plane down especially in a wind. In a heavy wind you tie it down facing the wind and let it sort of fly. If it is a tail dragger don’t tie the tail wheel tight. Someone messed up.

.. bet insurances companies won’t cover them whlie not tied down

.. bet insurances companies won’t cover them while not tied down

Yes insurance will cover that even if they aren’t tied down, however I seen some insurance companies in the past deny claims if they consider it a act of God, but they’re not getting away with that too much anymore

no injuries? yeah tell that to the guy opening his wallet to fix these birds… when some dumbass didn’t lear to tie up a plane correctly. I go to the last to tie them up and break some kneecaps!!



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