Home » State Of California Cancels Salmon Fishing Season

State Of California Cancels Salmon Fishing Season


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No surprise. I’m guessing some would like cancel all fishing. If plant based foods isn’t good enough, let the people eat bugs.


Im an avid fisherman and I believe canceling the salmon season makes sense.
Salmon reach adulthood in three years. This year’s cycle is by those spawned during the drought which were impacted by low flow and low water levels.
This year’s low count of returning salmon results in protecting as many fish as possible to promote the spawn.
Therefore, in three years the population can likely return to ecologically and commercially sustainable levels.
Those are the facts.


Yeah they said the same thing with abalone and look how that turned out.

Makes sense.

So many salmon were killed off by low water levels and warm water released by dams and reservoirs that were heated up given low water levels. The Klamath and Sacramento fall Chinook stocks are terribly low. Only 60,000 salmon returned to the Sacramento River to spawn last year. It’s a record low.

I wonder if this ban also effects the Indian tribes on the Klamath and the Trinity rivers. They have over fished that area with gill nets for years. There is no oversite on the reservations. I hope they don’t take what’s left of this year’s salmon or we will be in worst trouble in the coming years.

Considering how much the state of California F***ed over the Yurok Tribe, allowing them to fish with gill nets seems like throwing them a bone. I wonder if removing Pacific Power dams along the river would contribute to Salmon population restoration? I have no comment on the Trinity River.

4 dams are being removed from the lower Klamath in California and Oregon after a decades long effort. The dam removals will reopen access to more than 400 miles of habitat for threatened coho salmon, Chinook salmon, steelhead trout, and other threatened native fish. This should help!



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