Home » The Water Cooler – Police Field Offices Throughout Local Cities In Contra Costa County

The Water Cooler – Police Field Offices Throughout Local Cities In Contra Costa County


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it!

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

Some cities do, and some cities don’t have police field offices located throughout their city. Field offices are offices that are staffed with at least one police officer during the day, and they’re available to respond to nearby calls for service, talk to local residents, provide information, and just be part of the local community.


QUESTION: Would you like to see police field offices make a comeback throughout cities in Contra Costa County?

Talk about it….

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Under most circumstances I’d rather the “Officer” be out on patrol. Maybe staff it with a Community Service type person???

Yes. Whether it will cut down on crime or provide peace of mind, etc. the more police the better. I’m sick of crime.

I’d rather see the good old-fashioned beat cop, walking the beat. The cop will get to know the neighbors, and the neighbors will get to know the cop on a personal level. When I was a kid, we had a beat cop that would stop and take the time to talk with us, sometimes he’d even play a little ball with us. He was a motorcycle cop, and he’d let us sit on his bike, and for ten and eleven-year-old kids, sitting on a cop’s bike was fun. It’s a good way to form relationships and trust with the police. A couple of my friends even grew up to become police officers.


Concord Police use to have three field offices that I can think of one in the Clayton Valley Shopping Center, also near ACE Hardware on Clayton Rd. and one near Solano Way Shopping Ctr. There may have been more but that is all I can remember. Not sure why they closed. Maybe $$$. I would say more walking the beat would be better.

Yes – but have the community offices available to the public – not blocked off or refer residents to the main station “downtown”


Yes. And the first office should be at Dicks Sporting Goods Pleasant Hill. Please include a very large all-gender holding cell.



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