Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – March 10, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – March 10, 2023


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The news reports that the Bank of Silicon Valley has gone under. Biggest bank failure in several decades! Are we sure we believe what President Biden said about the health of the economy?


They did promise to go carbon neutral.


The economy is healthy and in great shape; according to those getting China Joe stimulus checks, school loan bailouts, illegal alien payouts, welfare recipient support, activist group contributions,………


… Newsum too!


Or maybe regulatory oversight may not be a bad idea. I understand that SVB was the sixteenth largest bank in the US. In 2018 Republicans pushed hard for Senate Bill 2155 which increased the the oversight threshold from 50 Billions to 250 Billions, “effectively deregulating 25 of the 38 biggest banks in the United States.”


SVB had over 50% of its cash in bonds. We all know bonds have an inverse relationship with interest rates. When the Biden group started raising interest rates it was clear it would continue. This is poor, unresponsive management on the part of SVB. Regulators aren’t responsible for poor management.


Actually, regulators will make sure that there is enough liquidity. That’s exactly the problem what caused SVB to collapse.


Bonds are liquid investments. They may be bought and sold on the secondary market daily. The only thing making them appear less liquid is the holders reluctance to take a loss. They could have starting selling a year ago and mitigated their losses. They could have used a Put and Call strategy on the open market to mitigate those losses. Instead they chose to ride the horse into the wall. However their corporate officers dumped their own stock just before hitting said wall. Poor and unscrupulous management.
Can’t blame the regulators for this one.

The bank failure was not initially caused by a liquidity problem.
Banks need to keep a certain amount of liquid securities to maintain suitable levels of capital. They do this by purchasing US Treasuries and holding them. Treasuries are very liquid with no problem selling them. The problem in this case was that the value of those treasuries fell so much due to rising interest rates (remember, rates go up and Treasury value falls). The bank was forced to “mark to market” their treasuries instead of holding them on the books at face value. The drop in paper value cause SVB to be undercapitalized by nearly $2 billion. They tried to sell stock to plug the hole but that effort failed. Then came a run on SVB where they didn’t have enough $ on hand to pay off all of their creditors. Next came the Feds to take over the bank.

It will be interesting to see who actually gets made whole and when that is accomplished. Generally, individual depositors are only covered for $250,000 per SS#. If you are over $250,000, then you might be screwed.

Oh boy I guess some folks need to let Forbes know that they have no clue about business.
Why did Silicon Valley Bank collapse?
This was simply an old-school liquidity crisis. SVB’s underlying investments haven’t failed. They’re prices have just gone down. Because of the uncertain economic conditions, SVB has seen a lot of their clients looking to get their hands on their money.

JWB conveniently omitted that Senate Bill 2155 couldn’t have passed without Democratic support.

It’s simple math: Equity + Inclusion + ESG + Climate Change = Bankrupt. Certainly there is a better compromise to achieve individual goals and avoid the current scorched earth trajectory.


You said it all right there. There isn’t a thing the woke progressives do that goes right. They are mad.




What Does ESG Mean for a Business?
Adopting ESG principles means that corporate strategy focuses on the three pillars of the environment, social, and governance. This means taking measures to lower pollution, CO2 output, and reduce waste. It also means having a diverse and inclusive workforce, at the entry-level and all the way up to the board of directors. ESG may be costly and time-consuming to undertake, but can also be rewarding into the future for those that carry it through.

This is why these investments a failing. Sounds good but doesn’t make a profit so if you invest in them your money goes down the drain.



Manufactured racism
Manufactured oppression
Manufactured victimhood
Race hustlers
anti-personal accountability

You all know it’s true!

MLK yes, BLM is domestic terrorism


Now what’s wrong with boarding ants?


Historical Democrats: The Ku Klux Klan. Organized in 1865, the Klan’s purpose was to fight against the Republican Party’s policies to establish political and economic equality for Negros.
The Dems are the original White supremacists.


CLOWN WORLD HEADLINES! Barnum and Bailey might come out of retirement to recruit some of these clowns! Enjoy and have a safe weekend!

Newsom Found; Took ‘Personal Trip’ to Baja While Snowed-in Californians Are Still Desperately Waiting for Help

Tanned and Rested, Gavin Newsom Returns from Vacation to Request Presidential Emergency Declaration After Blizzard

Democrat Lawmakers in Maryland Introduce Bill Preventing Anyone 25 Under from Being Charged with Felony Murder

Governor Newsom ‘Won’t Do Business’ With Walgreens Since They Refuse To Sell Abortion Pill

Washington Post Complains That Conservatives and Libertarians Are Preventing Future Pandemic Lockdowns

Bondage-Themed Drag Queen Show for Babies Forced to Cancel Shows After Public Backlash

Parents Defend Transitioning Child – Say They Knew Their Child Was Trans “Before She(He) Could Ever Speak”

Court Forces USA Powerlifting to Allow Biological Men to Compete as Women

Not All Ovarian Cancer Victims Are Women, Says London’s Govt-Funded ‘Vagina Museum’

Arizona School Board Member Says District Should Reject Hiring Christian Teachers

“Where’s Our Black Bereavement Leave?”-Professor Argues for Paid Time Off Leave for Black Staff to Deal with ‘Fatigue’ and ‘Trauma’ from Systemic Racism

Get Woke, Go Broke: Christian School in Missouri Goes Bankrupt After Embracing the Radical-Left LGBTQ Agenda

College Publishes List of LGBT Terms for Students and Staff — Including ‘Cutie Pock’ and ‘Transmisogynoir’

Gay Irish Govt Minister ‘Raided’ State Funds to Give Cash to ‘LGBTQ+’ Projects

Alleged Antifa Member Arrested on Domestic Terror Charges Related to Violent Attack on Atlanta “Cop City” Is Attorney At Southern Poverty Law Center Where Soros-Tied MI SOS Jocelyn Benson Was Prominent Board Member

Two Ukrainian pilots are being trained by the US military to fl F-16s

Ivy League University Ditches Standardized Testing, Will Judge an Applicant’s ‘Background’ and ‘Voice’

More Dead Whales Wash up in NY and NJ, Feds Continue to Deny Massive Wind Turbine Farms at Fault

Ford Files Patent for Systems to Repossess Vehicles by Locking Features, Self-Driving Capabilities

Biden Administration Prevents World’s Top Tennis Player from Entering Country Because He Refuses to Take COVID Vaccine

New Yorkers Charged $5 Million Every Day to House, Feed, Care for Migrants

AT&T’s ‘Lily’ Wants You Know She Supports BLM, Has Had an Abortion, and Supports All ‘Birthing Persons’ Who Want One

Biden Regime Considers Vaccinating Chickens in Response to Bird Flu Outbreak – Could Destroy Poultry Industry and Harm Humans

White House Issues Women’s Award To Biological Man On International Women’s Day

Big Leak: CNN Boss Ordered Staff Not to Chase Down the Lab Leak Theory

Cross-Dressing Comedian Takes On Same Name As His Dead Girlfriend

Children’s Author R.L. Stine Says Publisher Made ‘Woke’ Edits Without His Knowledge

Woman Murdered By Pack Of Wild Monkeys In Restroom: REPORT

New York Magazine Art Critic on Twitter: ‘Shun’ Friends and Family If They Vote Republican

Texas Tech Suspends Head Coach After He Recites Bible Verse To Motivate Player

Biden Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Warns Assets Might Lose Value Because of … Climate Change

Hillary Clinton Claims Women and Girls are the “Primary Victims of Climate Change”

Christian Preacher Reported to UK Terror Police After Calling ‘Transwoman’ a ‘Man in Woman’s Clothing’

Dem. Bill Would Force Parents To Undergo Vaccine ‘Education Session’ Before Exempting Children from Jabs

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Ben & Jerry’s For Allegedly Using Migrant Child Labor

Let the Battle Begin: Biden Set to Formally Propose More Than $2 Trillion in Tax Hikes

BIDEN EFFECT: US Marine Sniper Testifies to Congress That He Was Denied Permission to Shoot and Kill Kabul Airport Suicide Bomber Who Killed 13 US Service Members

Documents Reveal FBI’s Secret Work with Hospitals to Take Away Americans’ Gun Rights

Why Would Bank of America Collude With the Feds to Target Gun Owners?

‘Just Making Stuff up Here’: Kamala Harris Claims Kids Are Suffering ‘Climate Mental Health’ Issues

Teacher of the Year’ Arrested at School, Charged with Child Sex Abuse and Child Pornography

Public Library in Washington, DC Hosting Discussion With Communist and Former FBI Fugitive Angela Davis

Twitter Mods Were Ordered to Censor ‘TRUE Content That MIGHT Promote Vaccine Hesitancy,’ Latest Twitter Files Show

Huh? LA Times Says White Drivers Polluting Air Breathed By People Of Color

Fauci’s Successor at NIAID is a Partisan Democrat Activist Linked to Gain of Function Cover Up Operation

Great Britain to Require Backyard Gardeners to Register Chickens

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Genderqueer Shapeshifter’ Provided School District’s Professional Development Training For Teachers


Please allow me to paraphrase: “Hell in a hand cart” sums it up nicely.


I must say, I thought little obam would be the worst prez, but joe has so deliberately damaged the Republic, he is, without any challenge, the most God awful this country has seen. We have had the misfortune to live with the worst Speaker of the House (nutjob pelosi) and worst prez. Not sure if mcconnell is worst Senate Majority Leader ever (schumer is the oiliest), but cannot be much competition there. The Republic has been under assault from these 4 dinosaurs for 5 decades now. God help us!


Sad but true.


Joe is a hologram being manipulated by Obama to further socialist goals and to collapse
the economy. Create a crisis then a solution to gain control. It’s happening right now. I
can’t think of another description that fits the situation we’re in now better. Jobama Obiden
is being run by others to the detriment of the Republic. Intentionally.


Nailed it!


Makes one wonder, he:
Is an absolute total moron?
Wants to destroy the country?
Doesn’t care because he(and Hunter and Jim and…) got there’s, and some.
All the above? That’s what I’m going with.



Check the box

All were welcome on Jan 6, anything else is a lie

Adios to Leftist Captain

They’re well past their “use-by date” and………it’s time to phuggoff

More & more everyday

No rhythm & no swag, but still a bad@zz who scares the krapp out of dems & RINOS

Try not to blow chunks

Happy Saturday to all (well almost all) remember conservatives know best


Can anyone think of a reason why the Jan 6 footage shouldn’t be released to the public?

Rather Fox – a major news network – gets to vet the footage and allow just enough to be made public to keep their credibility with the “right.”

But is Fox substantially different from the media on the left? Both sides of MSM relentlessly pushed lock-downs and the war with Ukraine.

And now that Fox is throwing us a bone by showing that the Buffalo Man is innocent, they’re suddenly anti-establishment defenders of freedom?


Jan 6 and everything associated with it is a joke. Too many clowns, liars and bs’ers involved in the aftermath.
Comes right down to stupid irresponsible cops/security.


You would think you would be offended by a court that gave a man who did nothing but walk through the capitol four years in prison. That what happens when the government is corrupt. It is all for one reason to make Trump look like a crook. The same reason they refused to prepare for what they knew was coming. Every democrat in charge knew what was coming and they decided to let it happen because it will make Trump look like an anarchist.


Did the Democrats know what was coming on Jan 6? Or did they help create it – encouraging the chaos through agent provocateurs and reducing the police presence at the capitol?

Why did several Capitol police officers suicide in the weeks following Jan 6? Why was Officer Byrd not punished for murdering an unarmed protestor? How many people were actually waved in by the police?

Public access to the footage would ensure government accountability. Giving only mainstream media access to the footage ensures that a narrative will be created, the public distracted and the complete truth ignored.


My pick of the week was Jill Biden giving a man pretending to be a woman a medal for trying to be a woman on International Women’s Day. How much dumber can they get?


Buckle up, there are still a couple years to go. I do not think there is a bottom as to how low they can get.


Drag was pretty much adult comedy until the “dems” took office. I guess the “dems” wanted to be laughed at too.
I continue to feel like I’m living in a multiverse since there is such a polarization between political and social camps. I can’t believe that anyone believed the Covid narrative. And I’ve also heard neither could the folks who authored it. Big lawsuits now happening over the narrative so the chickens are coming home to roost. Thee may be some very rich folks who were looking forward to living in castles around the world but will have to settle with an 8×10 prison cell.


This is so disgustingly bad. Out of all the women in the world, this idiotic, extremely destructive administration couldn’t find a female with courage? Of course not!!! This administration can’t even define a woman. And as far as having courage…… apologetic Blinkin? What a joke.


How does Jill Biden give out awards for something she can not define?


Jill Biden is so mentally messed up she can’t even see straight. What she pushes a gender-wise and gets her husband to push his pathetic both of them should be committed.


My pick of the week…Antony Blinken kissing that man who is pretending to be a women. Did you see that look on his face, taking one for the team.


J6 Sedition trial…. whoops!
Truth accidentally exposed.



This is what absolute fear looks like:

Here’s another example of dem’s rapid fall toward failure; Slimey Schumer, on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Tuesday ranted again for the removal of an American journalist, and deny our First Amendment.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen an anchor treat the American people, and American democracy, with such disdain,” Slimey Schumer said during his seven-minute authoritarian tirade.

“And he’s going to come back tonight with another segment. Fox News should tell him not to. Fox News, Rupert Murdoch—tell Mr. Carlson not to run a second segment of lies. You know it’s a lie.”

This is the same arrogant power-mad loud-mouth who directly threatened a Supreme Court Judge.

I’ll say one thing for ol’ Slimy, he can appear calm when his whole sleazy world is about to crash on him.


Slimy? You’re being kind.


I would like to report a problem. Some thumb ups do not work. Some do some don’t.


‘Texas trooper issues stark travel warning to Americans after three women vanished crossing the border to visit a flea market – as it’s revealed more than 550 U.S. citizens are now missing in Mexico’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/mtdby5d8


Just curious OG are you actually reading the articles you post here or just the headlines? The Daily Mail article links to a Washington Post article regarding the more than 550 U.S, citizens missing I’m not sure what you mean by “now” because the article only gives the details for three missing U.S. citizens and one is missing since 2008, the second one is missing since 2012 and the third one is missing since 2017, for the rest we don’t know since when they are missing from the article.
So don’t you think with the “now” you imply that these citizens vanished recently or not? I also don’t recall you being so upset about this in 2017?
Don’t get me wrong I think it is horrible what is and has happened, but not everything is a cheep partisan point.


I read the story and it said the three women mentioned crossed the border to go to a flea market on Feb. 24, 2023.


My bad I should have asked about reading comprehension. Did you see that my comment related to the part about the more than 550 U.S. citizens having vanished?


It seems that everything is a cheap partisan point to you?
Texas trooper issues stark travel warning to Americans after three women vanished crossing the border to visit a flea market – as it’s revealed more than 550 U.S. citizens are now missing in Mexico.


Gives new depth and meaning to GO WOKE GO BROKE.
‘Woke head of ‘risk assessment’ at Silicon Valley Bank ‘prioritized’ LGBT initiatives – including organizing a month-long Pride campaign – before bank lost BILLIONS and collapsed’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/462fhh5e
https://tinyurl.com/2zrww7yr Woke’s targets


It’s sure a good thing the WOKERs don’t have a baseball team. Every time their batter struck out they’d blame the pitcher for systemic strike throwing.


@The Fearless Spectator
Unfortunately, the woker’s DO have a baseball team, 30 of them actually. 🙁


Verrrry clever, CYN. Are you wearing your smarty pants today? 😉


Every single day! 🙂

Regarding SVB, Newsom commented the goal is to stabilize “The entire innovation ecosystem that has served as a tent pole for our economy.”
As much as his neo-intellectual verbiage should be offensive to anyone with a rudimentary education, perhaps Gavin has finally said something that makes sense:
America, especially California, has too many people sitting on the economic tent pole.


It’s not raining on the WH & Congress…….it’s raining IN the WH & Congress

“Free Jacob Chansley”: Musk Backs ‘QAnon Shaman’ After New J6 Footage Emerges
Jacob Chansley, the January 6th protester cast by the media as a ‘violent insurrectionist’ and sentenced to nearly four years in federal prison, has been vindicated in the eyes of many, after new footage emerged last week which refutes the entire narrative surrounding the events of that day.

Proud Boys J6 Sedition Trial Halted After Leaked Chat Logs Show FBI Agent Said Her Boss Ordered Her To “Destroy Evidence”
The feds’ political persecution of the Proud Boys took a wild turn after unintentionally leaked chat logs from FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller revealed she said she was ordered by her boss to “destroy” “338 items of evidence.”

Kamala Harris Brings Environmentalist Hysteria to New Low, Claims Climate is Causing This Illness Among Young People
I can almost picture the drug commercials now.
Envision it with me: A worried millennial walks through a smog-filled park, his/her/their/xir face fixed in a rictus of existential dread. Then comes the voice-over: “Do you have climate mental health issues?”
“Symptoms could include watching MSNBC for hours on end, worrying if your corgi is contributing to rising sea levels, and physically attacking your grandmother during Thanksgiving dinner for neither serving Tofurky nor giving a land acknowledgement to the Native Americans she stole her suburban flag lot from.
“Perhaps it’s time you ask your doctor if “KAMALA” is right for you.”
It sounds like a good drug name, doesn’t it? It also sounds like an inherently ludicrous woman one heartbeat away from the presidency who claims our children are facing “climate mental health” issues and don’t even know whether they can start a family or not.


“Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced that the federal government will not bail out the Silicon Valley Bank”
‘Companies scramble to meet payroll, pay bills after SVB’s swift failure’
cnbc https://tinyurl.com/ybkte73h


Biden is taking care of vets… no, not the homeless vets living on the streets, he’s taking care of the ones who are trapped in the wrong bodies!



Wouldn’t psychiatric care be much more cost effective?
Once those organs are tossed in the pan, they’re gone. Perhaps it’s best to wait until they perfect SCNT in order to reproduce previously discarded organs. There would certainly be far fewer lawsuits based on surgical remorse.


BOOM! Oversight Chair James Comer: “IT’S AS BAD AS WE THOUGHT – We Have In Hand Documents That Show Biden Family Was Getting Money from Chinese Communist Party”
House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.
This was an explosive interview. Comer dropped several bombs on the Biden Crime Family. According to Comer the House Oversight Committee is working with four individuals with close ties to the Bidens. Comer says the committee now has documents that tie the Bidens to the Chinese Communist Party.


SVB failure could have negative impact on venture capital for new companies and effect CA’s economy going forward. Will be no shortage of finger pointing in months to come. Remains to be seen amount of contortionist spin our, legend in his own mind, governor Photo OP will manufacture to fit the leftist narrative, possibly including climate change, gender inequality, equity, etc.
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste.
And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”
— Rahm Emanuel
As with covid expect DEMs to use the crisis to advance their agenda.
2020 April
“Newsom was asked during the news conference if he saw “potential” to use the coronavirus “crisis” to push for the implementation of a “new progressive era.”
After talking for a couple of minutes while trying to qualify his response, Newsom said, “forgive me for being long-winded, but absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.” ”
absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern


Nothing to worry about?

Andy Kessler wrote an interesting editorial in the WSJ yesterday on SVB. He did a nice job of illustrating a series of poor decisions on their part that all likely contributed to the failure. At the end he pointed out that Hubris, Delusion, and Incompetence all have the same final result.
Not coincidentally, we are experiencing all three in the Biden Administration. Scary.


Thank you for that keen observation. A dozen thumbs up.



Empowerment & Diversity?

Overwhelming Evidence

This is what our enemies look like

Are you privileged?

Who remembers the song by Seales & Crofts, “The King Of Nothing”

Great choice Joe

Democrat Justice


How do democrats define success?
Cutting off energy sources
Creating economic ciaos
Creating ciaos in, and pouring our money into, foreign countries as a means to distract us from illegal activity here.
Creating only tax payer funded govt jobs to appear as job growth.
SVB & now Signature Bank has failed and is being seized by regulators in New York. With more than $110 billion in assets, Signature Bank is one of the largest bank failures in U.S. history after the $175 billion Silicon Valley Bank that collapsed last week.
Which bank will be the next to fall while under democrat “leadership”
Well done democrats
Remember this when you vote


“The Truth Shall Make You Free”….Unless it’s a democrat truth:

”The overwhelming majority of protesters did not act badly or violently” — even the DoJ’s data supports that.

No one is charged with bearing a weapon into the Capitol.

Body cams show “outrageous misconduct by law enforcement. D.C. Metropolitan Police launched an aggressive and unnecessary offensive against the crowd assembled on the west lawn. Even though protesters were respecting police lines at the time, footage shows officers throwing stun grenades and other devices containing rubber bullets into the crowd beginning shortly after 1:00 p.m.” and that conduct enraged the crowd.

Inside the Capitol “police used batons to beat at least two women on the head resulting in injuries;” “excessive force caused the deaths of four supporters.”

There’s no evidence any officer was killed there and “there’s no evidence the reported suicides of other officers after January 6 were related to the protest.”

The claim that the protest was to affect the count was also bunk. “Congress was NOT voting to certify the electoral college results at the time,” in fact, as the Electoral Count Reform Act permitted, Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Paul Gosar “were in the process of disputing the election outcome in Arizona at the time” and Congress had adjourned to consider this.

This is hardly the first time the Democrats and media have worked together to spread lies to injure conservatives. Did you believe President Nixon was a racist and the Republicans had a Southern strategy to garner the votes of die-hard racists in the South? If so, you might read Don Surber’s detailed debunking of these widely believed falsehoods.



“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” – MLK
… Sorry MLK, Obama and the Democratic Party killed your dream.


@Exit 12A
Man, that’s for sure.


‘A mob of the best and brightest, shouting down a federal judge…’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2p8amp2k
Wonder when was last time students at stanford read with comprehension our founding documents.
First Amendment much ? ? ?


Blurring the line between ignorance and stupidity, the woke children of privilege once again demonstrate that education and wisdom are definitely not the same.


They obviously have never seen Tropic Thunder.

“You never go full ret**d.”


She espouses free speech but shouts him down .

Then is quoted as saying “Me and others…”

Whatta moron/hypocrite.

Then Stanford refuses to hire her and then makes counselors available to those who are “offended.”

This country is going to h3ll. Thanks libs/dems.



Scuse me – Stanford refuses to FIRE her…

OG – “…. the best and brightest…?”

That’s a stretch. Obviously a product of the public school system – have never developed critical thinking skills- have been taken care of by a nanny while both parents “work” so they could but their way into Stanford.

Methinks that this woke crowd of “students” is gonna be nothing more than ambulance chasers, social justice warriors (?) or social media “influencers.”


This SVB thing came along just in time for Pete Buttigieg. He’s obviously thrilled to have a wonderful diversion away from his most recent job failure. All those people calling for his resignation are now distracted with a potential financial crisis. Buttigieg is living proof that it’s better to be lucky than competent. Pete is the J. Pierrepont Finch of politics.


While I love the J. Pierpont Finch reference, I believe that Chauncey Gardner is more appropriate.


The Silicon Valley Bank meltdown has provided a fun chapter on finance in which we yet again incorrectly assumed those making decisions were competent. They were not. And, people have a way of believing the future will look like the recent past and based on that there was nothing to worry about. There is a much bigger iceberg on the horizon that is being ignored with the massively growing US federal debt.

Well…….son-of-a beach……finally the truth;


Explanation of border polities for liberals.


‘Woke-obsessed bankers and the president’s mad spending juggernaut fueled this banking tsunami – but guess what? YOU pick up the check’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/mv8tzsbx


Chart of Federal Funds effective rate from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Shaded areas indicate U.S. recessions.
Slider at bottom left of chart can be moved.
Repeatable pattern of FED as rate is reduced after tightening.
There has been some speculation FED will reduce rate late summer.


Looks like the top management of Silicon Valley Bank will all eventually resign or be fired for financial mismanagement and losing money for those who trusted them. Why shouldn’t Biden and Federal Reserve chairman Powell also be fired or resign in disgrace for their inflation forced upon us? I also think the bureaucrats calculating this inflation are way under estimating it. My bill at Safeway yesterday was a staggering $150 and if I had bought those same items at the start of Biden’s reign of terror it would have been much less than the 15 or 20 percent that they report as their official inflation.


If you prefer lip- service of twisted facts, half truths, and outright lies, this is your candidate.
There isn’t an iota of truth in his statement.


Inflation is not an act of GOD, it isn’t a catastrophe of the elements, nor a disease like a plague.
Inflation is an intentional act of government policy. Prove me wrong.
Republicans are horrible but Democrats are far worse. Democrats have ruined EVERYTHING.
Like him or not, we were better off with Trump.
If only a third party had a chance to beat the Machine.


How many times did you risk your health/life getting unnecessary and unproven shots.
Natural immunity found to be as effective as COVID vaccine — 3 years after mandates: Lancet study.

Years after the roll-out of vaccine mandates that led to the firing of thousands of workers, the Lancet has reported that natural immunity is just as effective as two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer shots in preventing both reinfection and serious illness from COVID-19.

The findings, which were published in the February edition of the prestigious medical journal, were based on a review of 65 separate studies from 19 different countries.

And the fake hoax created by democrat crooks came just in time to lock down the country so that criminal in the WH now could hide out and avoid being challenged on his propaganda and his lies. There were NO coincidences.




Great thinking HP why get a vaccine if you could just risk your health/life getting infected to acquire natural immunity?


Thanks, as a great thinker I humbly acknowledge and accept your compliment.


Kinda funny, but not, made it 70 years with zero heart problems until 2 covid jabs.

Sorry to hear that OG. Hope you’re okay now.

Great thinking JWB. Get a monthly jab if that’s what you want. I don’t care.
But you will still eventually catch covid and achieve natural immunity.
The jab is nothing more than a prophylactic, like a condom. Use a condom and you can still get preggers. Get jabbed and you will still get covid.


Unfortunately the one million plus American who died from COVID were unable to comment on how much they enjoyed achieving natural immunity.
“the jab is nothing more than a prophylactic” ? So what would you want it to be?


Gotta love that leftist ‘rithmetic:
No accounting for those who died WITH covid but not FROM covid.
No accounting for those who died from the flu, as many thousands do every year.
Forget about the 99+ percent survival rate among healthy people.
Same old gaslighter in action…….again!

‘Welcome to the United States of Bigots where we’re apparently all racists, sexists, homophobes and transphobes – and our woke White House is perpetually offended by us. Shame they can’t do the jobs we actually pay them for’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/thhcmen3


Governor Newsom is putting hydraulic jack manufacturers on notice: Far too many Catalytic Converter thieves are being crushed by defective hydraulic jacks. His new bill, entitled “Stop the Crush and Bob” is aimed at holding hydraulic jack and reciprocating saw manufacturers to account. It seems that one Catalytic Converter thief accidentally sawed through the wrong exhaust member rendering him shall we say foreshortened. Newsom commented, “Here in the nation state of California, we encourage every member to stand tall. And if you can’t, we’ll write you a check. Thanks for your, err support.”

SVB Gave how much to who?


It’s difficult to believe the defense department chose to release footage of the drone being drenched by Russian fuel. Don’t they think before releasing this stuff? Optics anyone?
Let me spell it out: The Russians just urinated all over the Biden administration.


Russia is testing the Biden Administration & Biden is failing.

“The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is now going after gas furnaces and gas hot water heaters.
From the SF Chronicle:
Bay Area regulators voted Wednesday to adopt rules to phase out the sale and installation of natural-gas furnaces and water heaters over the next eight years, one of the most ambitious plans in the country to replace gas appliances with electric alternatives.

The rules, approved by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, are meant to reduce air pollution from some of the worst home-appliance offenders. The main pollutants targeted are nitrogen oxides, or NOx, which can cause acid rain and smog as well as increase risk for asthma and other respiratory diseases.

People will be able to repair their gas appliances if they break — but the rules take effect when existing gas-powered furnaces or water heaters no longer work and need to be replaced. New construction will also be required to have zero-NOx — effectively, electric — furnaces and water heaters.”

At least these bureaucrats are leaving your gas stoves alone (for now).

Ambitious and Delusional apparently now mean the same thing. This isn’t a plan, it’s only a hypothetical list of rules and deadlines without addressing the obvious problem:
Where is all that new electricity going to come from?
How much additional pollution will be created during the building of new electricity sources?
What energy source will be used to operate those grids? And how dirty is it?
What’s the payback time in terms of capital invested and a reduction in pollution assuming there will be any?
California citizens deserve cogent answers to these questions. It’s called Underwriting.

Politicians aren’t interested in facts – 🖕.

Democrats – this monkey is on YOU!

To the politicians and democrats….


It’s like some perverse version of Field of Dreams where regulator’s goals, despite all facts, are based on hearing voices, “if you stop it you will succeed.”


‘GET THE HELL OUT’: Chicago reporter confronts Lori Lightfoot
This man speaks for “WE THE PEOPLE”…..and this needs to happen throughout the nation.



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