Home » The Water Cooler – How Often Do You Order Something Off The Internet? And Do You Prefer Shopping Online Or In-Person?

The Water Cooler – How Often Do You Order Something Off The Internet? And Do You Prefer Shopping Online Or In-Person?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: How often do you order something off the internet? Also – do you prefer to shop online, or do you like in-person shopping better?

Talk about it….

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I have a few times but the wife all the time. Amazon should put a substation in front of my house. 🙂


….from our household maybe once a week on average

.. forgot to mention I prefer the brick & mortar stores but they have less and less inventory….. stores now tell me “I can order it for you” ,,,,, no thanks I can do that from home….

I order heavy stuff from Amazon since I’ve gotten weaker over the last few years and Amazon Fresh has foodstuffs that are hard to find, Point Reyes Blue Cheese and cold-smoked lox. That will slow down though as they just started charging a “service fee”….BS!

There have been some items I will order online, but when it comes to clothes, I prefer shopping in person. I want to be able to look, feel, and inspect before I buy. Usually when I buy online, it will be for something that I cannot find in a local store. Online shopping is great for hard to find car parts, I have an old car, and a lot of parts have been discontinued. There are a few places that specialize in old Corvettes, and they always have the part I’m looking for.

Dawg, What year is your Corvette? My boyfriend back East had a 1964 Stingray. I dated him in 1968 to early seventies. Loved that car (and the boyfriend) Remember driving by the beach in Westport CT with the top down and thinking this is why l came to the US. Guys l dated in Denmark only had bikes.


Hanne, I bought it new in 1972 shortly after I got out of the Marines. I did a lot of work on modifications, so it could handle the 2009 engine and transmission I installed. Two years ago, I had it painted, and now it looks brand new. I’m planning on giving it to my granddaughter when she graduates from college.

I stayed in touch over the years with my former boyfriend even though we had broken up. He too did some work on the car and kept for years, even after he didn’t drive it anymore. Your granddaughter is very lucky.😊


@DAWG.….I too have a ’72 car I bought new from Mother Mopar, ordered it in ’71 It’s been my daily driver for 50+ years, rebuilt about 26 years ago. It’s semi-retired to the garage now and I bought a pickup. Still runs like a champ but the comfy GM interior has my Mopar beat all to hell and it’s really quiet, different purpose vehicles….DAMN! I gettin’ old and I have the busted knuckles to prove it.

Try finding parts for a 1969 AMX.

At least nowadays we have the internet to search the world (vs the old local junkyards).

I shop online alot…except for clothes on e-bay.
Don’t buy clothes on e-bay! Brand new…. but wrong size, defective 2nds, broken zippers, just garbage.

Dr. Jellyfinger, . . . Ya need to reduce number of water crossings.

Semper Fi Dawg!

Used to be brick n mortar specialty stores but they’re for most part gone.
Could go to Fry’s and pick up diodes for pinball solenoids or AA battery holder.
Big box hardware stores all seem to carry same stuff packaged on cardboard with molded clear plastic covering item. Online now has the variety we used to be able to find locally.
Miss the days you could walk the isles of an old time hardware store looking for items that would you the ability to accomplish the idea you’d thought up over your morning coffee. Now days it’s research online, exploring websites then waiting for parts to show up.

From the internet? Probably once or twice per month (Amazon, Chewy, Rockauto).
… in-person, generally weekly, for household supplies and groceries (WMT, TGT, and Luckys/Safeway).

Amazon and Chewy are really convenient if you can wait a few days for your items. Some things come next day but not most of the things that I order. No traffic, no rude customers or staff, no lines….But many times you need to check the prices because sometimes you are paying more than you would pay in the actual store for the same item….not always but sometimes.

Groceries I would not buy online….but I don’t like going to the grocery store, it isn’t fun.

Thanks to inventory taxes we have lost a lot of specialty stores so I often order those things from Amazon. Or if it is available at Walmart for a good price I pop over there since it is nearby. A few other things I will order from the manufacturer if they have an online order presence. And yes Fry’s was a real loss. To bad they weren’t more ahead of the curve.

About 80% of the time we buy online, as well as drive up for things like milk, juice, bread, eggs. The only time I am walking into grocery stores is for meat, vegetables and fruits, I still need to pick those myself. But clothing and shoes, mostly online. I find it it has become cheaper than walking into the mall. No inventory, then you walk away with other stuff you did not need 😄

About 80% of the time we buy online, as well as drive up for things like milk, juice, bread, eggs. The only time I am walking into grocery stores is for meat, vegetables and fruits, I still need to pick those myself. But clothing and shoes, mostly online. I find it it has become cheaper than walking into the mall with no inventory there, tyou then might walk away with other stuff you did not need 😄

Often over 5 times per week. Very much prefer to shop online rather than going taking trips out in the car when may not have what I want.

Internet only if I can’t get it at a regular store. I do prefer the print at home Amazon gift card for family members.

I recently bought a Claycord shirt!…woot woot!!

Since I work at Macy’s and we get an employee discount I buy pretty much all of my clothing, fashion jewelry, kitchen, bedding from them. If it is not available in the store I order it from Macy’s com. A few years ago I took a chance and ordered Ecco shoes from Ecco’s website, I usually want to try shoes on, but I already had some Ecco shoes, and fortunately the ones I ordered fit. I buy a few things from Amazon every once in awhile, usually something that you don’t need to try on. Have also ordered CD of movie or tv series that is hard to find, either from Amazon, or a website that specializes in that sort of thing.



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