Home » Police, Fire Activity On Ygnacio Valley Rd. On The Concord/Walnut Creek Border – Possible Suicide

Police, Fire Activity On Ygnacio Valley Rd. On The Concord/Walnut Creek Border – Possible Suicide


Police and fire are on the scene of a possible suicide inside a vehicle on eastbound Ygnacio Valley Rd. near Cowell Rd. on the Concord/Walnut Creek border.

The fire department reported a person possibly shot themselves inside a vehicle.

Use caution if you’re in the area.

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God bless this poor, lost soul and their family.


They got what they wanted.


Damn me and my daughter seen the yellow tarp on the windshield and we were thinking there was a dead body on top of the car. I hope they didnt have kids.

Yes they only bring they yellow tarp out for bodies..


How heartbreaking for the family.


.. very sad…. but why there?


That is why I asked if was something other than a suicide.

I don’t see a posting where you asked that…….. but no big deal

It was taken down.

I drove right by this and quickly deducted something of the sort happened, thus the yellow tarp over drivers area. This was my 2nd major traffic disruption due to mental illness that day, before this I was delayed well over an hour due to a person with mental issues running around on Bay Bridge!

The world is not a happy place at moment!!

I feel sad that people are so desperate.


Very sad you feel this way


The heavy commute on that road does not exactly cheer folks up either.
Feeling caught, stopped & staring at brake lights, trapped in the rat race… helpless.
I do not miss it!


It was indeed a suicide and he was a long time friend ! Totally heartbreaking! ! Mental illness can take many forms and have many causes (including physical illnesses) leading to acts of desperation ! We are deeply saddened by what occurred and will miss our friend very much!
If you are troubled or know someone who is suffering and struggling seek help!
And please support suicide prevention!

I am so sorry for your loss!
I was the first to pull over to the shoulder after I slowed to see if whoever was in the car needed help, as there no flashers and the car was running, and not much shoulder room, I was wanting to check on them. Thankfully a gentleman stopped behind me as I it was a tough situation, and I couldn’t have dealt with it alone . We were kind of in shock as you can imagine.
I was praying as we waited for the police and emergency vehicles for his family. So tragic and wish there had been more we could have done.
Praying for peace and comfort for all of you as you deal with this painful loss.

I’ve been praying for his family, friends and the kind and caring individuals in the two cars who stopped to help. I passed by right when the police officers arrived. I merged from beside his car and had looked in – I immediately knew what happened and was shocked and heartbroken. I too typically stop to help folks at the side of the road – I can’t imagine the pain and suffering that would have made him pull over right there at that very spot and decide the world would be better off without him. I’ve been thinking about this incident since that day and keep wondering what could have been done differently before this happened. I have no idea what he was going through and I’ll never know, but I did say to myself that this is a reminder for me to continue to be intentional, attentive, kind and caring with everyone I cross paths with. Sending healing thoughts to all the folks who were impacted by this incident. Rest in peace, Sir.

Very sad. May his loved ones heal from this. Sad for everyone impacted.



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