Home » Claycord Online Museum – The City Of Concord’s Officer Friendly Good Citizen Badge

Claycord Online Museum – The City Of Concord’s Officer Friendly Good Citizen Badge



These badges were given away back in the 1980s by the Concord Police Department’s own Officer Friendly.

Due to budget cuts, we don’t believe Officer Friendly has a job anymore, but the Concord Police do pass out stickers to little kids, and they’re friendly while they do it.

Does anybody else still have one of these?


ABOUT THE CLAYCORD ONLINE MUSEUM: The Claycord Online Museum is made up of historical photos, documents & anything else that has to do with the history of our area.

If you have any old photos or items that you’d like to place in the Claycord Online Museum, just scan or take a photo of them, and send them to the following address: news@claycord.com. It doesn’t matter what it is, even if it’s just an old photo of your house, a scan of an old advertisement or an artifact that you’d like us to see, send it in and we’ll put it online!

Click on the tag below titled “Claycord Online Museum” to view other items.


Badge1104 March 6, 2023 - 7:19 PM - 7:19 PM

I remember that program! We need to do something like that again.
The media and the liberals have had a field day trying to discredit law enforcement in the last few years, while promoting criminals as the good guys.

Darwin March 7, 2023 - 7:08 AM - 7:08 AM

So true. They have been vilifying law enforcement since the Obama administration. No one is oppressed in this country. The Democrats don’t believe in personal accountability, it’s always someone else’s fault. We also need to clean house of woke teachers. We are supposed to teach them math, science, history and reading. Not preferred pronouns snd CRT.

FPN March 7, 2023 - 1:30 PM - 1:30 PM

We need more Community and Civic minded citizens. We need to show support for our officers. My granddaughter received a sticker from an officer years ago and was so excited. It made her day.

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