Home » Beyond 925 – SF Supervisors Permit Privately-Funded Safe Injection Sites To Operate In City

Beyond 925 – SF Supervisors Permit Privately-Funded Safe Injection Sites To Operate In City


Non-profits wanting to operate safe injection sites in the city with private dollars are allowed to do so, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously voted on Tuesday.

Introduced by Mayor London Breed and Supervisor Hillary Ronen, the legislation permits non-city run safe injection sites to operate while San Francisco waits for the federal government’s decision on if it can back the programs with public funds.

Despite federal and state policies prohibiting safe injection sites, the city has still been in talks with organizations who expressed interest in opening sites with supervised drug consumption areas that could link residents to health and treatment resources.

Specifically, Tuesday’s vote removes a 2020 permitting structure, which prevented any overdose prevention program to open until California allowed San Francisco to do so.


“Repealing this ordinance would eliminate a burdensome permitting structure to opening overdose prevention sites,” said Ronen. “We need solutions to open-air drug use and chaotic conditions on the streets. Overdose Prevention Sites are a proven solution to these problems and save countless lives.”

Breed said it was necessary to expedite the opening of consumption sites amid a fatal overdose crisis. She said the move was in compliance with the city’s overdose prevention plan, which pledges to expand substance abuse treatment services and places wellness hubs as an essential resource for overdose prevention.

“We will continue to work with our non-profits partners who are trying to open overdose prevention sites, fully implement our health strategies to help those struggling with addiction in our streets, and work with law enforcement to close the open-air drug markets,” said Breed.

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Just what my former home town needs. Authorized drug injections to help drug addicts stay addicted. I’m sure the dealers and the addicts are grateful to them for properly injecting drugs. How does this close open air drug markets?


Remember the headline?
San Francisco Metro Area Pandemic Recovery Among The Worst In The United States

I think it may be a direct relationship.
I could be wrong.

Who are these non-profits? What is the source of funds?


Drug dealers and George Soros.

I think this supervisor wants to legalize prostitution. Nothing will bring people to SF like free drugs and legal sex workers.

So the madness continues. Don’t pick these druggies up and put them in rehab. We let them shoot up and bring the city down. Let them get stoned and go out into the public. Everybody likes to see stoned people walking around or sleeping on the sidewalk. I sort of like seeing them when they are all doubled up sitting at the curb. What could be better.



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