Home » The Water Cooler – Report – COVID Leaked From A Lab

The Water Cooler – Report – COVID Leaked From A Lab


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

CNN reported on Sunday that the US Department of Energy at the Lawrence Livermore Lab has assessed that the Covid-19 pandemic most likely came from a laboratory leak in China, according to a newly updated classified intelligence report.


QUESTION: Are you surprised to hear COVID came from a lab leak?

Talk about it….

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Can the bats sue for defamation now?


Communist China will people never learn, honestly I don’t get how America can be so stupid as to have anything to do with China.

The old slogan from long long ago the only good Commie is a dead Commie.


Yes, I am surprised it came from a leak. I don’t believe that it is so.

I am certain that it was released on purpose at strategic points around the world in a coordinated effort to control and reduce the population and promote the one-world government.


It’s interesting that all the so-called conspiracy theories that got people banned from social media are now being reported by mainstream media. Masks didn’t work, natural immunity is just as good as the vaccine, and Covid likely came from a lab leak in China.


We told you so!


‘And Just Like That, Natural Immunity is No Longer a Conspiracy Theory’
“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”
— Joseph Goebbels


Not surprised at all, I already knew it. Last year, a Chinese virologist, Dr Li Meng Yan, published a report about the probably that COVID-19 was intentionally leaked from the Wuhan Lab.


Oops! Probably is supposed to be probability.

At this point in time why would we believe anything the “authorities” are telling us? I knew this wasn’t going to work from the start and they eventually would be caught in pushing this narrative. It’s not like they haven’t tried it before. They never learn.


Hmmm the only people who wore masks pre Covid is Chinese people.


If you had ever been in the Orient you would know why. 😄


Surprised CNN released info.

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste.
And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”
— Rahm Emanuel
“Newsom was asked during the news conference if he saw “potential” to use the coronavirus “crisis” to push for the implementation of a “new progressive era.”

After talking for a couple of minutes while trying to qualify his response, Newsom said, “forgive me for being long-winded, but absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.” ”


If you read the full article you will see that the US Department of Energy holds the minority view amongst US agencies.


Which in the present state of affairs makes them highly more likely to be correct.


Chuq, I’m truly sorry it’s so hard for you and people like you to watch the narrative die.


Copernicus held the minority view that the Sun was the center of the solar system.
Columbus held the minority view that the Earth was not flat.
Darwin held the minority view that evolution was a fact.
Einstein held the minority view that relativity was a thing.

Chuq holds the minority view that he is capable of thought.

Just aligning yourself with the herd does not make one right. It makes you feel safe. There are millions of dead lemmings at the bottom of cliffs who thought, “The majority view is that we should all run off this cliff. Sounds good to me.”

Chuq the lemming.

Not surprised at all I said this from the beginning.How stupid do you think people are.It was planned from the beginning to destroy this country and they did a Damm good job.Shame on us we should cut china off at the knees.We need to be completely self efficient.Let’s get some leadership with some ba__s.


China owns Biden. so, the US is just screwed.


True! And if we had a fair media they would be reporting on Biden’s lucrative, underhanded connections with China.


I believed it the minute that the PRC blamed the US for the virus, after we questioned the market fable.
The only thing left to talk about is whether it was intentional or not.

I don’t think it was intentional. Some guy poked his finger through his glove. The lab design or containment equipment was faulty. Somebody made a mistake. Don’t know if this is exactly what happened but I believe that they were messing with something very dangerous and mistakes were made.


“PeeYu ! stinks in here! Someone open window”

How many “bio-labs” in Ukraine? Why blame China when we’re doing the same thing in backwaters in Eastern Europe?

Not to mention the Pfizer exec that was recently caught on an undercover camera bragging about gain-of-function research. Let’s start with controlling the bio-tech abuses in our own country. America first.


And they said there was no such thing as a stupid question.
And because of the Wuhan Flu, we shut down our economy and made people wear useless masks for TWO YEARS that we will never get back. And we got called racist for acknowledging that the Wuhan Flu came from China.


You’re right, no such thing as a stupid question, but there is such a thing as a stupid answer.

The “Wuhan Flu” didn’t make us shut down. It didn’t make us put on mask. It didn’t make us get jabs. Society consented to that themselves. And seeing society’s readiness to consent to nonsensical and counterproductive safety measures, the government used the emergency to grab as much power as could.

If you feel vindicated now that the official narrative puts China at fault, then you may be a cheap date. We neither have the moral high ground nor the military might to enforce any real penalty on China.

The worst of the pandemic was caused by our own government’s reactions – by the lock-downs, by the inflation from stimulus checks, by the vaccine (that’s not really a vaccine and has been granted legal immunity for its many side-effects).

We should be focusing on the government and corporate actors that pushed these reactions and policies. And once we have set our own house in order, we should then focus on international relations.


RIght on!


Who really knows? I don’t think we’ll ever get to the real answer… I don’t think anybody really knows … US, China, WHO, etc. …


WHO know where and why.

So what do you think of the WHO being our new government? Joe signed the order last week.


First base!

Trump was right again.


Yes, and so was Rand Paul.


Dr. Fauci needs to be Boiled.


If we pay for or allow labs to play with viruses eventually they will kill all of us. We can see how bad they were before we started adjusting them. I have a thought that all of the ancient civilizations that disappeared, did so with the help of a virus. They didn’t have to kill everyone just enough to make the society unfunctional.

This is why I say “Scamdemic” lol

Ok, that’s solved, now, was there a second shooter on the Grassy Knoll?…if so, who was it?… inquiring minds would like to know.

“Escaped… or was set loose.”


Gee…that’s where Trump said the virus came from. and everyone said he was just being mean and racist. Ends up he was right. And we’re going to find out that he was right about a lot more things too!
The media through its alliance with the democrat Party did everything they could to discredit president Trump and smear with falsehoods.


We are going to find that out more and more…..we are already seeing that he was right on many issues and we are seeing that on a regular basis.

However those that are chained to their liberal media sources will never hear the whole truth OR they will pretend that Trump never said this or that…..Heck they already refuse to acknowledge what is as plain as the nose on their face. They will simply NEVER admit that Trump was right because if they did their entire narrative against him would begin to crumble…..and THAT to them is absolutely unacceptable.

Didn’t someone imply that this was likely the case from the very start?!?



The Democrats eagerly embrace censorship. From today’s New York Post: “For years, the media and government treated anyone raising a lab theory as one of three possibilities: conspiracy theorist or racist or racist conspiracy theorist.”

At the local level, sometime in 2021 or thereabouts, Contra Costa County issued a proclamation that stated “misinformation is a public health emergency”. I doubt if they will ever retract that statement. But one can hope.


Misinformation IS a public health emergency. Especially when the misinformation comes from those with the power. Our government, the WHO, Fauci, Pfizer, and our media have lied to us. Their motivation was (and still is) control, power, and money.

The same local players who imposed mandates while trying to suppress free speech did a great deal of harm to local businesses. Many went bankrupt, or are still in debt. Contra Costa county is still reeling from the effects of poorly thought out mandates that caused first responders to quit their jobs, delays in medical treatment for the elderly, harm to students, and fines imposed on restaurants when they pushed back against the vaccine police edicts.

China locked down Wuhan but didn’t take any precautions at all letting infected folks fly off to infect the rest of the world.
It parallels the Steven King story, “The Stand” where the bio weapon is leaked in the USA and is out of control, so govt. decides to send infected people around the world to level the field.
China deliberately killed millions.


“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”
Donald J Trump January 24, 2020


You know that Trump engages in “puffery”, right? Just like any other politician or salesman. Kissing someone’s starfish is just another way to build them up, lower their suspicions, and then try to take advantage of them. Calling them out as a liar and pos to their face is not a very good way to promote diplomacy


The opposite side of Trump’s quote is that he really believed it and Xi put one over on him. Either way, adults can spot bs.


So he lied to the American Public?


Nice try at Gotcha. For a second, I thought your comment came from Doh. Guess you didn’t read the definition.
No, he did not lie to the American Public. He was not addressing the AP. He was addressing China in general and Xi specifically. He lied to them.

Let’s not go down this “So he lied” path. I think that we both can point at numerous instances where every politician has been less than truthful. Rep, Dem, Ind, Foreign, Domestic, they are all guilty.


Wow you’re now just making it up. There are plenty more tweets out there saying about the same in the January/February 2020 time.
Now I wonder who he is addressing when he claims election fraud? Is it just puffery to his donors?.
BTW reading the responses here I can only wonder how come if there is a classified report nobody here has actually seen but according to the media at least one group in the intelligence community now believes with “low confidence” that the most likely origin of the novel corona virus may be a lab leak it is taken as the gospel.
Contrast this with all the intelligence reports about the absence of the alleged fraud in the 2020 election and knowing that this has been corroborated by many courts and multiple judges, as well as, recounts, forensic audits, sworn testimony and so forth but you guys still maintain that there was massive fraud?
Have you ever wondered why your mistrust of the government is so selective to feed your narrative?


Jellyfinger never mentioned Trump in the comment you replied to. Try to get some medication for whatever syndrome you’re suffering from.


I know Rollo that’s probably a little bit to hard for you to follow:
Jellyfinger said that basically that China did let infected people all over the world to spread the infection. Our President clearly said that China was “working very hard to contain” the virus and furthermore was very “transparent”.
Unfortunately, I don’t think there is medication for your problem.


and apologies “too” hard.

Wondering why Rollo would object for me to cite a President to show that Jellyfinger obviously was wrong.


Jellyfinger made no mention of Trump nor did he attempt to defend any of Trump’s words or actions. Yet your first reaction is to bring Trump into the discussion. Trump lives rent free in your pathetic mind


China didn’t want the liability or loss of face. That is why they did what they did. They knew that they screwed up and hoped that denying responsibility and blaming everyone else would give them deniability. Xi knew that his own people would be riled up if they found out the truth. It’s the same playbook that Russia followed when Chernobyl blew up. Deny, deny, deny, until the clock runs out and people find some new shiny thing to distract them.
The leak from the lab was a tragic mistake. The silence, denial, and finger pointing was the real crime as 7 million and counting have died.


What’s next, the government will admit that masks don’t work and the teacher’s unions will admit the tactics they used during COVID did tremendous long term damage to our kids? Someone cancel the department of Energy!



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