Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Feb.24, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Feb.24, 2023


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

This is a post with no subject, you can talk about whatever you want. If breaking news happens (such as a shooting, earthquake, etc.), or you hear about something newsworthy, feel free to post it here.

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Cowellian’s First
Have a great weekend, y’all!


You gotta love those down thumbers they must not like the rain. probably were planning to go to the beach.


I’m not a big fan of the whole thumbs portion. I do however, like the new Claycord look. I feel if you have something to say, Say it. Just me I guess.


Some of the thumbs down do not make sense, I think some are just trying to be contrear. Not only me, but others get thumbs down over the most silly things, like how to save money on groceries etc. The thumbs up makes sense, sometimes when someone have a comment I totally agree with I will give it a thumbs up instead of writing something, if I’m totally in agreement there is no reason for me to comment.


It stands to reason that they don’t like the person because they usually don’t like their comments…. but if I read the comment and approved, I would not give it a thumbs down just because I know the person who wrote it is a bombastic, snarky, liberal, know it all. Even the worst of us can make a positive comment now & then.


@Dr. Jellyfinger
Lol. That’s a good post and I feel the same. Example: the other day I gave a Thumbs Up to a post by JWB regarding Dolly and Olivia……probably the only time I gave an “Up” to anything ever written by JWB.

@ CYN….. LoL! exactly. It had to happen sooner or later.

Have a good weekend everyone….I cannot believe it going to rain
for 6 more days through next Wednesday!!


We get a break from snow today into tomorrow evening then 3-4 more days of snow. UGH. Hope it’s the fluffy powder that we got yesterday. Super easy to remove from the driveway


‘No one his age should have to clean up our messes’


Very true. It’s great to see kids take an interest and solve his problem in such an enterprising way. It’s also a reminder that most of our tax money goes to a black hole. Contributing directly to something like this is a much more efficient use of money. Imagine if we could all take even 10% of our annual tax dollars paid and direct those funds to specific causes/people important to us. There would certainly be a lot less poverty.


The government does not take taxes to help anyone but the government.


Book report:Methuselah’s Children, Robert A. Heinlein, 1941 short version, 1958 long version. Lazurus Long is, of course, the Methuselah of the story. There is future history time line from 1951 to 2600 that is interesting in and of its self. This story starts in 2125 when the rest of the world has found out that “The Families” outlive run of the mill humans. Insisting that they share their secret of long life (just genetics) the members of The Families, 100,000 strong, escape death by stealing the 1st galactic space ship. Finding a friendly world where everything is perfect they are forced to leave it when they find out why it is so perfect. Actually sent to another world. The various ins and outs of the entire story I’ll let you read yourself.


Pick One:
A) Braciole
B) Rollade
C) Yuck

Rollade. But braciole looks pretty good as well.

A) Braciole.

Roz, the heart burn is worth it for me.
I do take an Rx daily though. so feel less of the burn anymore.

and yep the B is tasty too, but “A” beats it out.

I’ll pick B, Rollade.
My mom made Braciole, but the sauce always gave me heartburn.
Italian Cook, not so much, but was great at baked goods/desserts.

Never heard of any of those Big Sis…I’ll have to lookem up.


Hey Lil Bro ~ Think You would like both!

After clearing my driveway of snow 3x yesterday I gave up as I couldn’t really keep ahead of it. Going out in a bit to clear it so I can go to the store and get items for chili cheese dip and Heath chip cookies for tomorrows Kiwanis fund raising poker party, Only good thing about the current snow is it’s the light fluffy powder that is super easy to remove. Hoping the same for the storms blowing in Sunday night through Wednesday. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed.


Are you glad you moved out of Concord?

Hack-hack…..achoo! Anyone have a favorite cold remedy? Running out of cough drops and tissues, here, and Major Crimes binge is winding down. I caved and actually turned the heat back up. Have a warm and fun weekend, everyone!

If you want a natural remedy, that might help:
Chop or slice some yellow onion, thinly and sprinkle 2 Tablespoons of sugar on top.
Let set at least for 4 hours, then spoon out the liquid at the bottom to consume.
I learned this from an old Russian Lady.
Or just sip on a bunch of very warm/hot chicken broth.


Ros, that was also my Irish grandmother’s favorite cough syrup. Except she set it on top of the stove’s ignition flame (old gas stove). I always preferred the hot chicken broth myself.

My mother use to boil cut lemons in water to make a hot lemon drink. May have to add a little sugar.


4 finger of top shelf bourbon; neat


@S ~
Yes, sometimes that’s the best medicine, LOL!


Had a cousin who whenever she had a cold would have a brandy flask with her.

I agree with S… except I consider it “Preventive Medicine” and it’s about that time as a matter of fact.


Ah yes, bird watching, Old Crow, Wild Turkey, . . . . .


It’s probably too late now, because it usually only works at the onset of a cold, but the next time you get a cold, it might help. At the very first sign that you are coming down with a cold, like the tickle in your throat that tells you, “uh-oh, I think I’m getting a cold,” have a bowel of chicken noodle soup and a glass of orange juice. Then run out to a store that sells vitamins, and supplements and pick up a bottle of Echinacea, and take one as soon as you can.
It sounds like grandma’s old recipe for a cold, but it really does help. The salt, spices, chicken, noodles, and vegetables help by providing electrolytes, carbohydrates, and protein. The warm broth will keep you hydrated and loosen any phlegm you might have. The benefits of the orange juice is the natural vitamin C it provides. The Echinacea helps reduce the cough, sore throat and fever. It also helps by increasing the white blood cells, which are needed to fight off infection.
I always keep a couple of cans of Campbell’s chunky chicken noodle soup in my cupboard, and a can or two of frozen orange juice in my freezer. The last time I had a cold was in 2013, and before that it had been about 20 years. When out and about, try to make a conscious effort not to touch your face before washing your hands, especially after touching anything that other people have touched, like shopping carts, and touchscreens. Cold and flu viruses enter the body through the mucus membranes, the mouth, eyes, and nose.
It works for me, and I hope it will work for you.
Get well soon.


Chicken soup if nothing else makes you feel better, especially if you have a sore throat
One of my best friends (since 1967 when l came to this country) had a Ph.D in biochemistry he was an associate professor at Harvard, told me long time ago Vitamin C is sometimes helpful, but you have to take it as soon as you feel something coming on and you need to take a lot. It is possible some new research take a different view, l haven’t asked him about in a long time (he is in Florida).


“have a bowel of chicken noodle soup”?

Sounds weird but I’ll try anything once.


Ha, ha, no mater how hard I try, and proofread, after I hit “submit,” there will be a typo.
Murphy’s law, “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.”…. It’s the story of my life.


@DAWG…It all ends up in the bowel anyway, you weren’t 100% wrong.


Menudo (the soup).

I had a little trouble getting Menudo in the enema bag…. maybe a larger funnel?

Hot lemonade with honey. Helps me every time.

Well, hello and welcome back!


Thank you, Claycordians all, for your wonderful cold remedies. Now, to chug lemon drink, onion syrup, chicken soup, menudo, bourbon of every avian variety, and top it off with vitamins and herbs. And don’t forget hand-washing. Sure grateful for your input. Claycord rules!

In my younger days, I would just pop a Contact capsule and chase it with Jack. Now, I just take a slug of Nyquil at bedtime, and that gets me through the night.


Rollade. But braciole looks pretty good as well.


Beginning to wonder if reservoir spillways will be getting a workout this spring.
Snow load https://tinyurl.com/3wkjme93
Daily reservoir storage summary https://tinyurl.com/3cb8dnnz
Soda Springs 15 day forecast https://tinyurl.com/yckjmypb
River capacity limit dam releases, could become entertaining, we’ll have to wait n see.


Orifinal G
Everyone in the Washoe & Carson Valley’s hope for a slow melt to prevent major flooding. For some reason the engineers at NDOT thought it would be a great idea to build a freeway basically at lake level through the Washoe valley. Washoe Lake and Little Washoe Lake are catch basins for snow run off and if the melt happens to fast the lakes flood spilling onto the freeway which then has to be closed. Sometimes agencies do things that make no sense. NDOT is one of them. And flooding isn’t the only issue with the freeway. UHG!


@ Well Folks ~ Are you by chance a member of the Washoe Sawks Indian tribe?
That “UHG!” made me wonder.


No? Maybe the Washoe Undees ?
Just guessing…..


What Happened ? ? ?
What happened to thinking?
Outside a mid sized box store, customer pushing a shopping cart accompanied by an employee using a hand truck with a large purchase out to customer’s vehicle. After large item is loaded customer begins to load purchases from cart as employee walks off towards store. Customer finishes loading looks around, where to put the empty cart . . . no cart corral to stick it in.
Why couldn’t store employee wait 45 seconds and take cart back with him, leaving customer with a positive experience?
Later same day Big Box store, looked on line for pellet stove wood pellet fuel.
Said there were 531 bags of ’em. Look all around store in all their normal places they put them.
Ask customer service, they are of course clueless . . . Finally find them.
Walk to back of store, yup, from years past know where bosses offices are . . . empty.
Walk back out to a guy who asks can he help me.
No colored company vest, no name tag but claims, he’s a manager.
Ask him about wood pellets, (blank stare) . . . tell him they’re out back of the store behind a locked gate.
He then matter-o-factly says won’t have them next year because they don’t sell enough of them.
Wrong answer !
Informed him as have done with other “managers” over past 4 years, when wood pellets are left out in the rain they turn into wet sawdust mush. Over $3,000 of ruined product, that people with high pge bills can’t use.
Is our society spawning generations of self centered, shallow thinkers with no initive or common sense?
You hold the door for people, if a lady is headed for cart rows you offer the one you just pulled out for yourself. What the heck, in my 70+ years, was taught to think of others and be courteous . . . maybe I’m just old fashioned, just don’t understand these newer generations.


We are in the “I’m OK you suck” generation.
Common courtesy? None.
Hold the door for lady’s and seniors? Why?
Stop at red lights and stop signs? Why?
Step over an unconscious person to enter a restaurant? Why not?
Take solace in knowing these are the same people who would spit into a fan or walk into a spinning airplane propeller. These things have a way of working themselves out.

And they vote…….

‘God forbid they vote and procreate…’

Were becoming fewer and fewer. Soon enough we’ll be gone and so will simple kindness.

Mr Mayor would you please update us on the MDUSD public meeting that was held last week at the middle school regarding the cotton ball incident and all the on campus fights of late that were reported? I can’t find anything on their website. Thanks.

Does anyone know if the office building on the triangular lot on Sunset Boulevard is being converted into an apartment building? The building is across the street from the AT&T building, and is also bordered by Clayton Road and East Street. When the building was first constructed it was the home of Giovanni’s Bar & Grill, it had an outdoor waterfall that was later converted into planter boxes.

OG: Holy Crap!!! What a inspirational and amazing video! Well worth the time it took to watch it. Thank You 👍

Been going to some cold restaurants lately. Looks like they are really being affected with high PG&E bills.

That could result in some waitresses getting bigger tips.

The last update on my iPhone included clean energy charging by default. The phone will only charge at certain times. I turned it off. When I find time to charge my phone I want to know it will charge.

Wow! Venus & Jupiter are a sight to see tonight.
Getting ever closer to their “Cosmic Kiss”


Mr. Mayor, consider bumper sticker.
Claycord.com then after and smaller new logo.
Ones used to make at work 2in tall white sticker variable length with 1.85in tall black letters.
(Great rear view mirror entertainment, liberals don’t understand irreverent conservative humor.)

Anyone remember classic cult film, Harold and Maude?
How about the Jaguar, https://tinyurl.com/mr2d3bsj
Today, came across something never knew existed C-3 Corvette station wagon.

The one and only original Hearse Jag did indeed go over the cliff. However there is a pretty darn accurate recreation you can read about on the Hagerty website. The BMW M Coupe has a similar although less sexy flavor, as does the 1971 Volvo 1800ES. Wagons are just plain cool.



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