Home » Walnut Creek City Council Will Consider Repealing Rules For Gender Specific Toilets

Walnut Creek City Council Will Consider Repealing Rules For Gender Specific Toilets


The Walnut Creek City Council on Tuesday will consider repealing part of a city ordinance restricting use of toilets in city parks and open spaces based on a person’s gender.

The city’s municipal code currently prohibits people from using or entering a toilet facility specifically designated for use by members of the opposite sex, in city parks and open spaces.

According to a report for Tuesday’s meeting, staff is recommending the council allow staff to “coordinate how the city identifies and assigns restrooms for access at an administrative level to maintain consistency with current state law.”

The report says “The Unruh Civil Rights Act prohibits arbitrary discrimination in California business establishments on the basis of specified classifications. The act mandates that all persons, no matter their race, sex, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, citizenship, primary language or immigration status, are ‘entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever.'”


The report says the law specifically includes a person’s “gender identity” and “gender-expression” in its definition of “sex” for purposes of the act’s anti-discrimination protections.

The report also says Assembly Bill 1732, passed in 2016, added the requirement that single-occupancy restrooms in California businesses, government buildings, and places of public accommodation be universally accessible.

The law requires all single-user toilet facilities in any business establishment, place of public accommodation or state or local government agency to be identified as all-gender toilets and designated only for single use or for family or assisted use.

The Walnut Creek Municipal Code currently prohibits any person, other than a child accompanied by a parent or guardian, from using or entering any toilet facility specifically designated for use by members of the opposite sex.


The staff report says city employees already don’t enforce the current toilet use restrictions in parks and open space restroom facilities and recommend updating the municipal code to maintain consistency with current state law.

The Walnut Creek City Council meets at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the council chamber at city hall, 1666 N. Main Street, Walnut Creek. The meeting can be seen at www.zoom.us (webinar ID 891 0338 6345/passcode 102509).

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And the cancer spreads.


That’s right, things like this should be our number one concern. Not Chinese spy balloons flying over us, criminals running around everywhere hurting innocent people. .but we’ve got to worry about bathroom. I wonder how woke we will allowed to be if we were taken over by communist China or Russia?


If there’s only a single bathroom available wouldn’t it be obvious that it would be used by all? Has all logic left our society? Next their pets will be needing nonbinary/gender fluid dog parks.


I hear cats are organizing to protest the entire concept of Dog Parks


I know your kidding but the way things are now in Cali please don’t give anybody more dumb ideas 🙂



This will end badly for some pervert.


Exactly my thought , this won’t end badly…just take a look at the cases previously. What a complete and total non issue and waste of time

Men are messy….let’s be honest, often times using a bathroom after a man the floor around the toilet is wet with urine and the toilet seat is left up. Seriously men be more considerate if you tinkle on the floor and you know who you are…..WIPE IT UP!! Let’s keep them separate for men and women. And please, no need for comments about transgender I’m strictly talking about bathroom etiquette here.


All men? Really? I don’t think that all women leave used sanitary products in an unflushed toilet.. only the gross ones!


Check the ceiling.

I am one of the employees of said city.
Hands down the women’s side is way dirtier than the mens side. This is a fact.


To The city employee…. If you’re a man what are you doing in the women’s restroom and likewise if you’re a woman what are you doing in the men’s restroom?

That does seem to be the big thing that gets left out, that there are people who are paid to be in the opposite gender’s “gender safe space.”

I am of the opinion that if people mind their manners, stay in their stall, and keep their hands and eyes to themselves then we can quickly get over the awkward moment of being in a public restroom. Past that is a case by case issue.

Strongly disagree with your assessment. Men are not the ones you should be worried about. I live in a house of all women and I can tell you it’s not I making the mess. If I do dribble, i wipe it up. Unbelievable are the areas of the toilet that get dirty.

Good for you Sir. Sure hope you’re getting those messy women to clean the place up!

By the way my comment was based on public toilets.

I guess WC never heard “Go Woke, Go Broke”.


I think Walnut Creek will be just fine then

A few years back we had a conservative city council. Like every other government agency the council has been taken over by progressive numbskulls. You don’t let a guy with a wig and a penis into women’s restrooms period. What are these people eating?


And then… my young children and I walk into a public bathroom in Portsmouth Square… where we encounter a trans man attempting to pee sitting down in a urinal… because he is trans (allegedly)… but the line for the “identifies as women” bathroom was too long. So in short- my then 5yo kids got to go into a bathroom and see a strung out meth head, naked, in a bathroom, sitting on a urinal, attempting to tuck his junk between his legs to be able to comply with his professed gender identity to avoid peeing standing up. But yeah, lets just open them all up. No rules… just trust people to behave ethically… around children… oh wait.


After they tear out the urinals, who is responsible for putting the seat down ? ? ?


I say if you want it down, put it down. You wrap it in all sorts of paper anyway, one more piece to lower the seat won’t be a problem.

The anger that stuff like this or the costa messa teacher having kids pledge allegiance to the pride flag is what creates homophobia in the first place !


No actually it doesn’t, it’s the constant crying for rights that already exist and taking things further than they should is what creates the division and so called phobia you persistently hide behind to cry victimhood


I’ll help get this reversed by peeing on the toilet seat every time. I’ll consider it, me, expressing my gender.


Won’t bother the guy with a wig and a penis, he will do the same thing.


Sigh. It would be so much easier if men’s bathrooms were gender-neutral and women’s bathrooms were for BIOLOGICAL women ONLY. Grown men pretending to be ladies have NO RIGHT to invade our spaces.


You think “our spaces” are the bathroom?

Aim a little higher.

Walnut is really going down the toilet fast with their Demb decisions.
City council needs to address imporatant issues and use their pea heads.. Soon they will charge to enter bathrooms because they are so money hungry and irresponsible.


The psycho state politician Weanor will be very pleased.

Witnessing someone with whiskers sticking out through their pancake make-up is something many humans would not be enthusiastic about. Care to explain that to the grandkids?

completed perverted sociology. Unscientific play with definitions to suit one’s desire/behavior, even when contrary to obvious facts. You got something God gave you dangling, you are a guy. Mental issues that prevent acceptance of this reality, and even further, demanding those around not be allowed to state this biologic/anatomic scientific reality is no basis for societal norms. I for one do not accept this dereliction of reality. Shame on those who promulgate this notion that just because someone thinks they want to be something they biologically are not, everyone else has to dismiss the reality.

Let’s face it, you are already having a bad day if you have to use a public restroom.

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History Lesson…

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