The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Two weeks ago, a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. Emergency crews conducted a controlled burn of the spill at the request of state officials, which released cancer causing chemicals into the air.
Despite the government saying the air and water are now safe, residents are saying they’re suffering medical problems, and pictures show chemicals and dead fish in the local waterways, and dead animals on farms. FEMA aid has also been denied for the community.
QUESTION: If you lived in East Palestine, Ohio, would you feel safe returning to your home and drinking the water, or would you be looking for a way out?
Talk about it….
it seems the handling of this whole thing was a Cluster F… at all levels.
Of course we can trust the . . . . .
Defect detector,
‘Video shows troubling oily sheen in creek after Ohio train derailment ‘
“…Residents of East Palestine express fears about returning after it’s revealed there were more toxic chemicals on derailed Ohio train than originally reported and thousands of livestock left dead’
DOT-111 tank cars
2013 “The Obama administration has delayed by nearly a year a plan to boost safety standards for the type of rail car involved in a fiery explosion that killed at least 47 people in Canada this month.”
‘Ohio Gov. slams Public Utilities Commission for claiming derailed toxic train was not considered hazardous as EPA claims there are NO dangerous levels of chemicals in the air … but why are the fish all dead?’
‘…Toxic cloud left Ohio family coughing up blood and forced them to flee their newly purchased home as creek water turned blue and wildlife disappeared after chemical train disaster’
Don’t think it would be safe for something like 3 to 6 months all things considered. Maybe longer.
Absolutely leave the area, unsure if temporary, or just leave. I have not read what the chemicals are, but have heard many citizens describe the burns in their eyes, throats, etc., and of all the dead animals. Saw a US Senator scrape the bottom of a small pond(?) and you could see the churn of chemicals, one scrape. I really feel for the citizens who have limited or no way to get out of there.
I cannot say if a controlled burn was the right thing to do, or what other control measures would have been available, but it certainly is clear that nothing is more true than what President Reagan stated, “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.” is of no comfort. Not terrifying in this particular case, but certainly of no help, even though housewife pete has been nowhere to be seen in the assistance of management of this. dewine has been as useful (read that as useless) as he always has been in his political career. Seems to me the negative impact of this will be longstanding.
The same chemicals used during WWI chemical warfare
Unfortunately the Government has a long history of botching disaster relief and downplaying or ignoring the long term health effects of hazmat incidents. If I lived in this town and had the means, I would be long gone. I feel bad for those who are unable to relocate. Residents are already having ill effects from the airborne toxins and when the groundwater becomes toxic and it will, People and animals will get sick, produce will be inedible, housing values will plummet, Companies will leave and jobs will be lost and on and on. East Palestine Ohio is in for rough times I’m afraid. It may indeed become a Superfund site.
I would not even consider returning.
Typically during various disasters one party voices outrage and the other stays silent as that disaster is likely to their political advantage. When state senators from both parties voice their concerns, you know it’s a pretty serious deal which is likely being handled poorly.
The next several months will be spent searching for accountability for the crash, as opposed to focusing on environmental/human risks.
Address public safety scientifically with complete transparency and I would consider returning. Life is a series of calculated risks.
I would get out no matter the cost given the uncertainty of disease and death. The government is not telling the truth, with Pete at first saying don’t worry there are thousands of derailments, then it’s Trump’s fault, and now Biden saying they didn’t do anything because it was more important than what FEMA could handle. I wonder what the list of excuses will be if a massive earthquake hits the Bay Area. No one could have forecasted this? Too big for FEMA? Those rich Bay Area folks don’t need the help? They should already have a list just as newspapers write obituaries for famous people ahead of time.
I would not return! I think the Biden Administration – that claimed it would be the most transparent in history – is lying to us on many levels.
Trump supporting area, nobody seems to care. Government is so partisan it’s disgusting! I hate both sides.
I think it’s too late, they’ve already been exposed. The risk of coming down with a terrible, or deadly disease is all too real. If it was me, I would have left the area immediately, and even then, there is still the risk of getting sick later on in life. I have friends that were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam, and it took over 20 years before they developed permanent nerve damage, skin disorders, and certain types of cancers. One of my best friends developed liver cancer forty years after exposure, and died two years later.
With the contamination of water and soil from those kind of chemical it could be there for decades.
What if something like this could happen here? Could kids be able to play in the dirt? Could not use well water or grow a garden. Just look at what happens if a nuclear power plant has issues. Plus, right in our own backyards, like an Oil Refineries or even CNWS. Tons of toxics to be cleaned up. It saddens me for these people lives being pulled out from under them. It was handled totally wrong.
Igniting the rail cars in a “controlled burn” was a majorly ill-informed action.
The should just rename the city to Ukraine….then they can get Unlimited Funds.
Government has no issues putting up migrants in hotels……..
And let’s not speak about (PSR), “Precision” scheduled railroading…..where they combine 3 trains into a single mega train. These trains take 20 minutes to go through a crossing…..and the Railroads have nothing but problems with them.
This is what you get when wall street takes over railroads, Profits before People!!
Do the right thing and Arrest the CEO for a change!!!
The residents need to just block the tracks, let trucks deliver their goods until Norfolk Southern can get it’s act together.
The railroad faced with huge dollars in a clean up did the worst thing possible by burning it. They used an excuse that they were afraid it would explode but if they carry toxic material it is their responsibility to be able to handle a spill. You don’t contaminate the countryside because you are unprepared and unwilling to do something properly. I would never live in that city but if I owned property there I would expect the railroad to buy it from me at a market price before the accident plus expenses. As a side note I wonder who owned the toxic material and where it was going and for what use. Plus where are the tanker cars going to end up.
The human race is poisoning itself, and destroying itself.
Think Love Canal.
They could have pumped the product out of the rail cars and into other intact Haz Mat transport containers. It’s been done before(been there done that) but that’s expensive. So, it appears that the they went cheap and put money before human lives.
But Buttigieg says there are over 1,000 derailments per year. Why should this one be treated as anything special? He’s such a tool……….
I’m no body language expert, but the governor shaking his head while saying, “absolutely” about drinking the water is pretty suspicious.
I can’t help but find it interesting that NETFLIX, in 2020, had a show called WHITE NOISE, filmed in Palestine, Ohio, and the premise of the show was about a huge train derailment that subsequently puts out a very toxic and deadly mushroom cloud after an explosion is caused by the highly toxic chemicals within the cars.
The focus of the show is how a family tries to survive the carnage as many of their fellow citizens become sick and die.
The bit actors or extras were also from Palestine, Ohio.
Predictive programming?
The government has no right to tell private business on how to run its business or how it should do one thing or another. At least that is wet some would say. Make up your minds people can they take people and tell them how to be safe?