The City of Concord has set aside $5.4 million to fund priorities established in its forthcoming Homeless Strategic Plan.
At its Feb. 14 meeting, Council voted to approve a contract with a consultant that will collaborate with City staff and the community to develop the strategic plan, with work beginning in March.
Council also established and selected nine individuals to participate in a working group that will provide guidance throughout the development of the plan.
The strategic plan is intended to establish a framework to help guide the City in its response to addressing homelessness and its impacts, and it will incorporate the following elements:
- A broad community engagement plan to include diverse stakeholder groups of residents, businesses, individuals with lived experience, service providers, faith-based groups, etc.
- A working group, appointed by Council, to work directly with staff and the consulting team to guide the development of the Plan.
- A background report which identifies a system map of relevant community services, current regional and local strategies, challenges, and costs.
- An assessment of unmet needs, system gaps, and system performance.
- An overview of federal, state, and regional/county data, and opportunities for funding or partnership.
- The development of a vision, goals, and objectives with measurable performance targets and implementation recommendations.
The final plan will offer a comprehensive collection of strategies that the City can prioritize and implement to align with regional and state initiatives for collective impact on homelessness.
The first phase will include a series of discussions with stakeholders and the development of a background report that identifies existing services and system gaps. Throughout the process, the City will be seeking community input via surveys and public meetings. More information on this will be forthcoming.
imho the majority don’t want help – this will be seen by some as “enabling” – resulting in attraction of more homeless
So how much of the 5.4M will be left after the consultant takes their fees? IF the city of Concord follows the BART model, they could help 15 homeless, assuming the consultant does not take a large share …
Wow, let’s just waste more money and time on pointing fingers instead of getting them either into shelters or out of town!
The dairy industry spends over 80 Million Dollars per year on lost and stolen milk crates. I wonder who ends up paying that bill. Stolen shopping carts are another cost we pay for.
“City of Concord to Launch Homeless Strategic Plan this Spring.”
Are they waiting for the warmer weather? I don’t mean to sound like a critic. It just appears from the headline and the listed outline that they are getting ready to get ready.
Politics 101
Form committees, write reports, and spend money accomplishing nothing.
Demand more money to fix a failed experiment that will accomplish nothing
Politicians take a bow for all their hard work.
Spot on
I can save the city a lot of money with my plan. My plan would make Concord an undesirable city to be homeless in. Give the police the power to enforce the vagrancy, and littering laws. Take them to jail every time a law is violated, and when they are seen with a shopping cart, arrest them for theft. If Becton refuses to prosecute them, it won’t matter, because after sitting in jail for a day or two, they will be in withdrawal, getting sick. Better yet, arrest them on a Friday, that way they have to sit in jail until Monday when the courts open. After a few arrests and feeling sick from withdrawal, they will leave town on their own. A little overtime for a few more cops is a lot cheaper than $5.4 mil.
Dawg for Sheriff
Until you force people into drug treatment, alcohol abuse treatment and mental health care, very little will change. Otherwise this will just be another “pat yourself on the back” ploy by politicians and a continuing waste of taxpayer dollars.
I look at their list of things to do and don’t see anything in there that will help anyone. It is all gobble de gook.
5.4M for a plan, that’s it. Wonder how much it will be to execute the plan? What is the track record of the consultant that is helping develop the plan? Have the plans they produced in the past realizing results? What “… objectives with measurable performance targets and implementation recommendations.” did they use on past plans and what was the result?
Ask San Francisco how that’s worked out for them. Homelessness has increase dramatically everything they throw money at the problem.
When Newsom was SF mayor, his billion dollar plan was going to solve homelessness.
It’s pretty clear how that worked out.
Such a challenging and crucial issue. Congratulations to those selected in the working group.
You mean the Homeless Industrial Complex members volunteering to be on the committee to fund the Homeless Industrial Complex?
Lining their pockets and accomplishing nothing they are using homeless as an excuse to syphon money out of the government I guarantee you not one homeless person will be helped with this 5.4 million dollars it’s happened before this is alot of money just to talk about something that will never happen this should be a crime. This consultation company needs to be kicked out of concord not the people who need help. And also there arent that many of them they are not everywhere all the time it is not rampant in Concord there are a few and they do need help.They are not all drug crazed lunatics either you people need a course how to treat other human beings.
And whoever’s suggested putting homeless people in jail for being homeless dude you need real psychological help
$5.4 million of taxpayer monies on a “plan”. Think about that.
I wonder how many miles of road repair/paving that is worth.
I help homeless people in Concord 3 days a week you all probably wouldn’t believe that some of them were teachers ex military or contractors. And most of them have lived here all their life.
…and many don’t want help or intervention…
@ROCKETMAN..….and they all lie pretty well too. You’re right, I don’t believe 95% what they say. They’re glad to tell you whatever you want to hear to get all they can.
Thanks Rocketman, I like what you say.
Very “altruistic.””
BUT – Throwing more money at a “plan” won’t accomplish one damn thing. Billions have been squandered over these “plans”- and nothing has been solved – except Lin g the pockets of more consultants.
Apparently, you have an issue with others demanding accountability.
I’m tired of throwing money into a hole.
Wait a minute, . . . . outside people (homeless-industrial complex) unfamiliar with Concord . . . . .
Since homelessness is common place in liberal/woke CA, wouldn’t ‘city staff’ be uniquely suited having knowledge of city they work for and it’s needs ? ? ?
Plan seems similar to what this state does, kick cans down as far down the road as possible, throw massive amounts of taxpayer dollars at a problem and in the end come up with a thick shiny report loaded with graphs and platitudes. An they repeatedly get away with it . . . . .
We’ve already seen how governor photo OP handled homelessness,
“Just a few months after Gavin Newsom was sworn in as mayor of San Francisco in 2004, he announced a plan to get all of the city’s chronically homeless residents off the streets within 10 years.”
How’d governor photo OP do ? ? ? ?
HEY ! ? ?, city council and city staff, is Concord going to be different ? ? ?
Fix the roads first
Why not restore or enforce laws against vagrancy? Such laws were codified for centuries (millennia?) to protect public health and reduce squalor.
Able-bodied bums caught sleeping rough in our communities should be detained and relocated to remote labor camps where they are provided with shelter (austere communal barracks built to military specifications), food (think chow hall during basic training) and healthcare (similar to incarcerated convicts), plus minimum wage in exchange for toiling on public works projects.
With no overhead costs, they could accumulate enough to secure a basic apartment over the course of a year. If they instead drink their money and end up on the street, ship them back to camp to start over. Wash rinse and repeat!
Those who are just down on their luck would welcome such ann opportunity to regain their economic footing. However, some (perhaps most) will never relinquish antisocial proclivities. They will at least no longer menace productive taxpayers with their filth and disruptive conduct or blight our streets with their self-imposed despair.
I have a plan.Put them on a bus to the White House.Brainless Biden can invite them in for an extended stay.
Cheaper to send them to 1526 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.
For those not in the know, that is the address of our dictator-in-charge of California. Since he has a 10 years plan that was started in 2008? in San Francisco, he probably has an answer to help all of these folks who do not want the help but will take what the government gives them with no strings attached.
Gavin Newsom never aspired to help the homeless. His goal is to hide them.
Cities already have pest abatement plans. Put out poisoned food under the freeway bridges and lay humane kill traps along the creeks my suggestion.