The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: If you had to guess, what do you think the objects are that the U.S. keeps shooting down over U.S. and Canadian airspace? Also – if they are from “out of this world,” do you think the government would admit it?
Talk about it….
Nothing extraterrestrial. Only there to keep you in constant fear and/or give them the ability to easily pass some defense bill giving them whatever millions/billions they’re in the mood to pocket. ‘Murica. You’ve been hijacked.
Reliable sources told me they are Valentine balloons meant for Eric Swalwell from Fang Fang.
And you would be correct,
What Does The United States Keep Shooting Down? Besides it’s own self image ?
We won’t know for awhile is my guess, but, this is an interesting post that was from 10 days ago or so, about objects being spotted (starts about 4:15)
Corn Pop
I’m waiting for the best information as possible.
What does that mean? That means info from many sources and all that info weighed against each other. Are the information and conclusions likely, plausible, or false?
Beware! The deep state, leftist government and colluding liberal media (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, WaPo, NYT) will only tell you what they think you need to know and how to think.
The general public is so mentally shallow and gullible that they can be convinced poop can be picked up by the clean end.
I would hope they took pictures of these things before they shot them down. The balloon shot down over South Carolina did not have directional control. Winds aloft at that altitude are from fifty miles an hour and way up from there. It may have been able to change altitudes but it went where the wind sent it. The chinese may have launched it when the winds were favorable.
A recent report indicated it did have directional control and thats why it loitered over the Midwest for an extended period.
Don’t believe everything you read. Nothing known to man says a balloon can be that controlled in that speed of wind. There are things that can but not a balloon.
They are China’s growing threat to the crumbling Disneyland Empire.
The Feds know but they’re not saying – and we let them keep the secret ….. not from another world – although it’s too bad they aren’t – an invasion or something similar from beyond earth is probably the only thing that would unite the big 3 (US, China, and Russia) …but even then I have my doubts now days
Dreams of freedom.
My first thought as a response….
Float-y things that float in the air instead of water. Pretty sure not sent here from Mars.
The value of the US Dollar. Particular when contrasted by gold-backed currency in China.
The Biden Administration torpedoed the dollar well over a year ago, and they did it on purpose.
Inflation isn’t transitory, a strong dollar is. Remember, this is the way they want it.
I would not be surprised if they were shooting down nothing. Just getting the story out there that it seems to be open season now for things in the air. Kind of like a “See, we can shoot things down, we’re not as weak and incompetent as our ‘leader’ comes across as.” Until I hear from a reliable member of the the armed services committee, or the homeland security committee, I will continue to think this is a cornpop style assault (fantasy).
Early reports show a book was found at one of the sites written in an unknown language. Researchers at MIT believe the translation on the cover is “To Serve Man.”
IF extraterrestrials visited this would probably happen,
Or this might happen…..
Those aliens really are a more intelligent life form!
Nothing….”Wag the dog” It is completely irresponsible to shoot at anything you can not identify. nothing more than attempting to make Sleepy creepy look in charge. We can see a haircut from 250 miles in orbit but we cannot determine what is in front of a fighter plane?????? come on… wake up America you are being distracted.
This is the only planet in the universe that when Aliens fly by the lock their doors.
Half the humans on this planet are extraterrestrial, they just don’t know it …. yet. 😄