Home » The Water Cooler – Should Prisoners Be Allowed To Marry While They’re Locked Up?

The Water Cooler – Should Prisoners Be Allowed To Marry While They’re Locked Up?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


The State of California currently lets prison inmates (even maximum security/death row inmates) marry a person who is not currently behind bars.

QUESTION: Do you think inmates should be able to marry someone while they’re locked up?

Talk about it….

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Absolutely not. Zero privileges.


They deserve zero rights there in prison for a reason.It’s not a resort.That’s why they are still criminals when they get out. No real punishment make it ruff so they don’t want to go back.

hell no!!!

They already have that privilege.
The Night Stalker got married

In 1996

Depends, first of all I understand even those in prison for crimes against women, (Scott Peterson, Ted Bundy( gets marriage proposals, so it’s tempting to say if a woman is stupid enough to want to marry someone like that, go ahead. Those in prison for child sexual abuse, absotutely not, they might use it as a way to get to that women children. If someone is in prison for less serious crimes, perhaps getting married might provide some stabability so when they get released they have a better chance of turning their life around. Lot’s of grey areas, lots of things to consider.


Grey areas? I disagree that there are grey areas. These people committed crimes and have been removed from society…and for good reason. They are entitled to be fed & housed. They also should be given what is REQUIRED in order for them to survive. Nothing more is owed to them in my opinion.


I do think there’s a grey area. Is someone in prison for murder, mass murder, rape, stealing at gun point, or white collar crime, other less serious crimes. However, if granted the permission I think they person wanting to marry someone in prison should pay for it.


In my opinion we as a society need to stop looking at criminals and saying that there are grey areas. Certainly some crimes are more serious than others, there is no argument about that and that is why there are maximum security prisons and then lesser security prisons on down the line….

But crime is crime and these criminals have been removed from society because they were unwilling to obey our laws. To me there is no grey area involved there, they chose to commit their crime and now they need to be held fully accountable….Feed them, house them and provide for their basic survival but don’t afford them any extra privileges while doing so.


I’m not saying society owes them, l’m just saying for less serious crimes it “might” make sense. However, l don’t think society i.e taxpayers should pay for it. The person not in prison should pay, if the want to marry someone in prison.


So why do you think they need to get married? They can visit like everyone else in the visiting room. Oh that’s right, they want the special weekend visits. Not long after that arrives the newborns. In many cases the taxpayer will be paying, for a long time.
Go visit a prison sometime so you can get an idea of how the inmates work this system.

Married? Isn’t imprisonment punishment enough?
Marriage in prison qualifies as “cruel and unusual punishment”.

Does the state pick up the tab for the ceremony? Prison isn’t supposed to be a picnic, so in my world, they can wait til they get out.

They were convicted and gave up their privilege of living among the free society.


People are supposed to loose many rights
theyre locked up. Then get rights back when theyve paid their debt to society. Now we want to let them vote, marry, etc. Now they have all these benefits. Next they’ll be wanting pay.


No. Not “we”.
It’s the liberals who floated the idea of allowing the incarcerated to vote.


I would say no. As being in prison, should be provided a bit of time to stretch their legs outside, and then back to the cell.

No! they are in prison because they took someone else’s freedom or rights away. As it is now, they get free food, free housing, free medical care, free cell phones. It’s free for them but every taxpayer in California pays for all of this. So now we can pay for them to marry?? do the taxpayers get to help support the new spouse too????

nope ….. I don’t want my taxes going to pay for a perps wedding .. ridiculous

Sure, and the state should pay for their Honeymoon also, wherever they want. (SARCASTIC!!!!)

Yes, they should be allowed to marry but only if they are cellmates.

Personally, I don’t care if they marry an animal, mineral, or vegetable.
However they should not be able to vote, receive California unemployment, stimulus money, or other poorly supervised economic freebies.

This is nothing new…..

Number forty-seven said to number three
“You’re the cutest jailbird I ever did see”
“I sure would be delighted with your company”
“Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me”

And we all know what “Jail House Rock” is code for.

Certainly not.

I don’t care if they get married but no conjugal visits.



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