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Welcome to the California YOU voted for.
‘Shocking video shows ‘sex workers’ soliciting customers outside California ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – after Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom legalized loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/yc5h2mxv
‘New CA Law Decriminalizing Jaywalking Because of ‘Racism’ is Cover for Real Motive’
“A California district attorney unloaded on Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday as the state officials remain locked in a war of words over the death of a police officer allegedly gunned down by a released convict while on duty.” ….
“Authorities have identified the suspect as 23-year-old Nathaniel Dixon and said he was out on probation as part of California’s AB 109 law.
Dixon was sentenced to over five years in prison in March 2022 for “charges related to robbery, weapons and drugs,” but was released in August after only serving five months.” …
Sentenced to five years and back on OUR streets after only FIVE MONTHS.
If there is no threat of incarceration,
there is no deterrence to criminal behavior
I just want to know two things from Joe. Is the balloon recyclable, and did he put it in the proper container?
This spy balloon stuff is nothing new.
‘DeSantis Admin Revokes Liquor License of Orlando Venue
That Hosted Sexual Drag Show for Children’
Post Deleted – Copyright Violation
Why would anyone thumbs down on what you wrote.
I down thumbed that Jeff. I get it. My thing is if you don’t like what someone writes you can answer them with what you think instead of cowardly putting a down arrow. I never down arrow anything. So let the down arrows begin.
Happy Friday! Enjoy this week’s Clown World Headlines aka the BOO HOO NEWS!
Pentagon Refuses To Shoot Down Suspected Chinese Spy Balloon Hovering Over Montana for Days
Professors Insist ‘Sex Is Not Binary,’ Sex Separation in Sports Is White Supremacy
Leftists Triggered By Old Mister Rogers ‘Boys Are Boys, Girls Are Girls’ Clips
Federal Government Tracking Unvaccinated People Who Go To Doctor And Hospital Due to CDC-Designed Surveillance Program
Prayer outside abortion clinics in UK will become a criminal offense under new law
Delusional Trans Game Developer Creates Game Where You Kill Women
Woke EA Updates ‘The Sims’ Game to Give Teen Female Characters Double Mastectomy Scars, Chest Binders
Group Founded By Gavin Newsom’s Wife Teaches Kids About Gender Roles With Images From Pornhub
Gavin Newsom’s Wife Earned $1.4 Million Charging Schools to Screen Her Documentaries
Cosmetics Brand Accused Of “Erasing Women” With Bearded Lipstick Ads
A Good Democrat: Liberal NBA Player Stephen Curry Opposes Affordable Housing Development Near His Mansion
Bill Gates Secured Hundreds Of Millions In Profits From mRNA Stock Sales Before Suddenly Changing Tune On Vaccine Technology
High School Assistant Principal Collects Donations for Illegal Alien Student to Pay Off Human Smuggler
Segregation Is Back: Canadian Theatre Running ‘Black Only’ Events
News Outlets Announce They’re Abandoning “Objectivity” Because It’s Racist
Muslim Michigan Mayor on Ritual Animal Sacrifice: ‘No Way’ We Can Ban It
‘The Last of Us’ Director Says He Intended to ‘Trick’ Audiences Into Watching a Gay Romance
FDA Draft Drops Abstinence Requirement for Homosexual Blood Donation
Man Charged With Exposing Genitals Around Underage Girls Identifies As Transgender
Smithsonian National Air And Space Museum Kicks Out Catholic Students For Wearing Pro-Life Hats
Canadian Court: Government Justified in Denying Unemployment Benefits to Unvaccinated Man
California Tries to Blame Trump for $30 Billion in Unemployment Fraud
Battle of the Activists: Dead Whales on the East Coast Likely Due to Wind Turbine Farms
REPORT: FBI Planning to Build New Headquarters Building TWICE THE SIZE of Pentagon
Man Gets 180 Days in Jail for Raping Girls Aged Between Four and Nine: There Is No Getting Over It
Our best days are ahead of us. And I mean this from the bottom of my heart. I’ve been doing this a long time, folks. Our best days are ahead of us. Are not behind us. I’ve long said. I mean, this. I have never, ever, ever been more optimistic about America’s prospects. And am today. Never. Never. I’ve traveled over 140 countries around the world. I was the paraphrase the phrase in my old neighborhood. The rest of the countries the world is not a patch in our jeans. If we do what we want to do, we need to do.
–Joe Biden
the following lyrics from Duck Soup sounds as if they could be sung by joe (minus the unintelligible words he would include):
The last man nearly ruined this place,
He didn’t know what to do with it.
If you think this country’s bad off now,
Just wait ’till I get through with it.
The treasury is low on dough;
The last man went and flew with it.
If you think we’re short of money now
Just wait ’till I get through with it.
The country’s taxes must be fixed,
And I know what to do with it,
If you think you’re paying too much now,
Just wait ’till I get through with it.
Rufus T. Firefly the leader of Freedonia… Duck Soup should be shown in every history class.
“Over 50% of the women in my administration are women” – Joe Biden.
For Joe that represents a partial gaffe. He must have counted Rachel Levine several times in order to come up with that statistic. Arithmetic has never been his strong suit, that’s why he relies on Hunter.
joe’s only strong suits are to create fantastic tales about himself and to state the opposite of reality while keeping the same dopey grin on his face.
Unfortunately, that is a statistic he can actually cite, given the freak show in that group trying to “normalize” (meaning make abnormal seem normal) such Orwellian definitions on biology.
You know…..
Traitor Joe has been hit by crisis after crisis because of his own bad decisions, which are starting to look alike.
Illegal aliens or spy balloons, Traitor Joe fails to protect the U.S. This is what happens when the president is OWNED by corrupt anti-American interests and is too scared to react because they have the ability to expose the traitorous acts by him and his crime family. .
The first responsibility of a president is to protect our borders from foreign invasion.
The China spy balloon has been sent over military installations throughout the U.S. interior, with our Idiot In Chief doing nothing about it. What does that tell you about him?
That’s a sovereign violation that deserves a major response to China.
But our CORRUPT COWARDLY IDIOT’S response, is that “shooting the invading device down might create debris or hit a populated area.” That’s simply pathetic.
This is yet another IMPEACHABLE act by an incompetent, traitorous, lying buffoon.
PROVE ME WRONG ……… or if you’re just a troll post your thumbs down.
Yesterday many news outlets quoted officials saying that balloon is the size of 3 buses. They went on to say the debris could hurt people and damage property. It was shot down today over the ocean.
What happened to the three balloons that flew over during the previous administration?
Jobama Obiden.
What happened to this place? Everyone was against me for years, now I don’t even need to post anything because you guys got everything covered.🏆🏆🏆🏆
Looking at you BAYSLASHERS✌🏼
We’re winning, the tide is turning. Democrats and Rinos will never control the country after we finish. Even California.
Nah…. it’s just because there are a lot less liberals posting anything since Joe Biden wormed his way into the Offal Office. Even the most stoned out Democrat Socialists know there’s nothing to brag about.
Dear thumbs down troll, even though you always fail to add anything to the dialogue, thanks for the amusement.
Keep following along, perhaps you’ll one day learn something of value. Then again, maybe you’re like Traitor Joe.
Give this post a thumbs up if you have a die hard liberal friend now saying Biden has got to go.
Reply to this post if you asked them if it was okay to say “I told you so” now. lol
I have liberal friends who not only say Joe has to go, but they’re also saying Gavin has to go. And yes, I get a big kick out of telling them, “I told you so.”
Bet they would still vote for them were they on the ballot.
‘Why the menacing threat of China’s spy balloon – and America’s surrender to it – is just the latest proof that the People’s Republic’s insidious creep into the US is so much more than conspiratorial hot air…’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/44yhrr83
Smithfield sale approved by obama biden regime.
Now that the chinese ballon has done its work we shot it down over the ocean on the east coast. Does that make sense to anyone? What happened to the pictures of something coming down in Montana yesterday and the second balloon that was on the news yesterday.
California’s Democrat politicians are some of the most ignorant people to walk on the Earth followed closely by those who elect them. Save yourselves and leave while you can! California is DOOMED!
“Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character.
But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.”
— Norman Schwarzkopf
‘Whether it’s illegals or balloons, Joe Biden fails to protect the U.S.’
‘Biden praises Top Gun F-22 fighter jet pilot who shot down China spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina…’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2rmu9u6h
Wonder if they have a kill mark stencil for a balloon for the plane that shot it down.
To be the pilot that saved us from a chinese balloon . . . . . .
The famous balloon killer.
After it crosses America biden has it shot down over salt water which probably killed all the electronics and saved data.
Hmmmm, . . . How convenient.
Wonder if they were using it to return, key to the garage ? ? ?
Rumor is that the pilot had Highway to the Danger Zone cranked up to “11” during his attack run.
“shot down over salt water which probably killed all the electronics and saved data” because we all know that dropping it from 60’000 feet onto a hard surface would never kill any electronics…..
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
JWB might want to take his own advice about remaining silent.
But if I remained always silent there would only be foolish comments on this blog.
If JWB remained silent, there would be a lot fewer foolish comments.
JWB could be a Biden advisor.
The F-22 fighter jet was piloted by none other than crack Biden team member Rachel Levine. Thankfully the Biden administration planned ahead and ordered a selection of custom darted flight suits. After the mission she was quoted, “Personally, I have no room in my heart for hatred. However, I hate those guys. I was all over that balloon like a duck on a June Bug.”
Look for Rachel as a possible 2024 contender.
Contender for what?
You’re making this too easy. I recall a line from Blazing Saddles regarding a who versus a what.
If you live in Concord City Council District 4, please take the time to watch Concord Vice Mayor Edi Birsan’s 45-minute pro-Seeno anti-Concord resident speech/rant on January 28, 2023 at the CNWS Master Developer Term Sheet Special Meeting. He went on and on to defend, praise, and protect the Seeno family and their companies, while attacking Concord residents/citizens for their negative comments, opinions and views of the Seeno family and their companies, and at one point seemed to imply/say what Concord residents had to say about the Seeno family and their companies was “illegal.”
Another great observation…
If you guys think the chinese spy balloon is bad, wait till you find out how right Trump was about Tiktok. These balloons have been around for at least 5 years and more then likely not “chinese”.
Another day in the Big Apple, exactly as leftist democrats intended
Interesting Big Apple stats
Balloon Hunter & Protector of the Peace
Joe ordered it shot down, and our boys & girls jumped right on it?
Once AGAIN it’s true
’nuff said
Now we’re finding out there were three balloons while Donald was in office and he didn’t do a damn thing about them but you know that Biden he’s an evil one
Fake News
According to Snopes it isn’t fake news.
Snopes is just another leftist propaganda tool.
““I don’t ever recall somebody coming into my office or reading anything that the Chinese had a surveillance balloon above the United States,” Esper said, adding that “I would remember that for sure.””
Esper served as Secretary of Defense under Trump from July 23, 2019, through November 9, 2020. He served as Acting Secretary of Defense from June 24, 2019, to July 15, 2019.
I’m afraid the left wing “whatabouts” are going to need to produce some proof.
Proof? Heck, I just wish they’d produce some positive results in anything, anywhere.
Anywhere in the United States that is.
They seem to be rather adept in financing the progress of other countries with our cash, military equipment etc. if there were international voting the Biden administration would win in a landslide. They love “The Big Guy”, as well they should.
@ Dano, you bought the “fake news” BS that this happened under Trump. It did not. Maybe do some research next time. FJB
I hear Nancy Pelosi is starting impeachment proceedings against Trump as we speak.
I read it was 4 balloons. Dang orange man always upstaging the democrats
https://freebeacon.com/biden administration/watch-joe-bidens-senior-moment-of-the-week-vol-28/
What an embarrassment.
“SACRAMENTO: Fentanyl users in the dirt in front of the Capitol building in California’s capital. According to official data, there were 5,622 fentanyl-related fatal overdoses in California in 2021 – nearly 225 of those were teenagers as young as 15 years old”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2efan2f2
Picture of CA capital building in story should be newsom’s computer wallpaper.
Perfect political cartoon, newsom
Well there were in 2020 in CA 5,502 people died due to opioid overdose, and 3,946 died due to fentanyl overdose. Must have been that open border……
https://tinyurl.com/ mrye9jx7
But I know OG blames Newsom
So let’s look at some other states:
https://tinyurl.com/ 3dj4p2ek
Wow there are many deep red states with a much higher death rate than CA. But hey that’s of course not as good as whatever OG wants to believe.
San Francisco Board of Supervisors 1997-2004
Mayor 2004-2011
Lt governor 2011-2019
governor 2019-present . . . . .
With all that “hands on” experience, by now would have thought he and DEMs might have come up with a plan. Some plan, liberals gave us Proposition 47: The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act.
Drug possession offenses went from felonies to misdemeanors, an like a DA is gonna bother . . . .
Now police cars roll right on by junkies shooting up.
Instead SF experimented with a “safe” injection site,
‘Inside San Francisco’s open air drug market that proves why city’s woke effort to connect homeless addicts to rehab is NOT working – as users shoot up, pass out and scatter their needles’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/ycktujh9
‘San Francisco’s notorious addiction services site – which critics say became ‘$19m open-air drug market’ – will CLOSE at end of year after mayor withdrew taxpayer cash: Site failed to cut fatal overdoses and only treated 1 in 1,000 drug abusers’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/23y5zbeb
”Soft-touch’ San Francisco leaders now call for ‘IDEAS’ to be given to them within 90 days to end open-air drug markets ‘without anyone going to jail’: Overdose deaths hit 1,700 since 2020 as users run rampant across the city’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/4tj2mh6y
‘San Francisco shuts down $22M open-air drugs market after it referred less than 1% for treatment – or just 18 addicts out of 23,000 it welcomed in its first four months’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/yckzuh4t
This is what DEMs have done to CA and SF, . . . . why get clean n sober when DEMs make it so easy.
”I get PAID to be homeless in San Francisco – it takes one phone call’: ‘Old-school junkie’ says he moved to woke city because he gets $620-a-month that pays for his Amazon Prime and Netflix and ‘cops are like neighbors’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2p9cypkv
As always OG great story if it wasn’t for the facts
“liberals gave us Proposition 47”
Proposition 47 was heavily supported by Newt Gingrich and Rand Paul. So yes there were some liberal supporters but it was not only “liberals”. And it was opposed by Senator Feinstein.
But of course why let facts get in the way of your story……
Newt Gingrich and Rand Paul ? The answer to a question nobody asked….
How about identifying California Republican representatives who endorsed 47?
That would be relevant.
You shouldn’t have to travel to Georgia or Kentucky to find someone who fell for that crap to support your argument, they don’t represent California.
And please OG do me a favor. Point out which of your many dailymail links explains why for example Florida has a much higher drug death rate compared to California.
Drug Overdose Mortality by State 2020 numbers from CDC
Florida 7,231
California 8,908
Florida 21.78 million
California 39.24 million
Try again OG
Perhaps we are being too hard, so to speak, on Newsom. After all, he did promise to put an end to homelessness in California. He’s also business friendly, and is completely perplexed as to why large successful growing companies continue to leave California and take the tax revenue and jobs with them. Oops.
If you had to choose one word to describe Gavin Newsom, “Perplexed” would be appropriate. FYI “Philanderer” was runner up, followed by “Neanderf****”.
Too bad the stats don’t include the political parties of all the OD victims… there may be a link to help us understand the problem.
And citizenship.
People are dying of fentanyl. OG places blame on Gavin and Joe. I have seen estimates that 90% of that crap comes in from Mexico. Those are the guys in charge so it’s our problem for them to solve. We all see that neither is doing squat to stem the flow.
While this is going on, JWB equivocates that FL is worse than CA. How about any fentanyl deaths are too many? Seriously, no outrage over 56,000+ unnecessary deaths in 2020 ALONE? Instead you jump to the defense of “your guy” against any criticism. Nothing to see here, right? All is well? Joe is doing his damnedest to stop this slaughter? I call BS.
56,000 dead in only one year. For comparison, that’s almost the same number that died over 20 years in Viet Nam. Keep on defending the indefensible. Take off the rose colored glasses and realize what everyone else can clearly see. Emperor Biden has no clothes.
“Seriously, no outrage over 56,000+ unnecessary deaths in 2020 ALONE?” you may want to check who was President in 2020? So maybe King Donald has no clothes either? Or maybe the problem is way more complex than a bumper sticker?
And Florida is only one example of a red state which is worse than California, there are plenty more. So when OG blames these deaths on CA policies, why don’t you blame the equally on red states policies?
Business closed it’s doors and posted this sign on the door.
Their note sums it up,
Bidenville and Newsomville. Hoover has been displaced in a landslide of social neuropathy.
We are living “ The Wine Grapes of Wrath”. Or for the Wokers, “The Whine Grapes of Wrath”.
Poverty, like inflation, isn’t transitory.
If you checked the whole story Trump was never told about the balloons plus the didn’t
Trump never listened to his daily briefings.
Ok Doh, Prove it or admit you’re a liar.
On this Trump had balloons during his term in office,
think about it . . . .
Well done Joe, he’s a chip off the old block
Highlight and select the link to view the clip https://www.youtube.com/watchv=trcSpd_YWIA)
US Debt by President: By Dollar and Percentage
https://www.thebalancemoney. com/us-debt-by-president-by-dollar-and-percent-306296
You have money and democrats are after it by simply changing some RULE without your approval.
The criminal Biden administration’s new Department of Labor (DOL) rule allowing 401(k) managers to invest in Environmental Social Governance (ESG) funds will harm two-thirds of America’s retirement accounts, according to Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach in an interview that aired on Newsmakers by NTD and The Epoch Times on Feb. 1.
Kobach said that the Jan. 30 change was being done “in the name of this left-wing partisan agenda.”
He said, “There should be no partisan agenda when it comes to investing our funds. It should be done based purely on financial return without any regard to whether it helps left-wing causes or right-wing causes.”
Kansas is one of the 25 states suing the Biden administration over its rule allowing 401(k) managers leeway to invest in ESG funds by stipulating that the managers can decide to invest by considering “nonpecuniary benefits.”
Meaning they can make investing decisions where the benefits aren’t related to financial gain.
An ‘Illegal Rule’
According to Kobach, the new ESG rule is illegal as it didn’t go through Congress.
“It’s illegal … an agency cannot contradict the terms of the law that gives the agency the authority to act,”
Every time the Dems change the definition of words, bad things happen to the US. Now they want to change the definition of “fiduciary” and “prudent man rule” (Google them if you don’t understand).
Gee, what could go wrong?
ESG funds are simply an asset gathering gimmick directed at suckers. Their performance by definition is predestined to lag. That’s why it’s suggested they not be compared to traditional benchmarks. The fear is because they won’t measure up, their asset gathering ability will be temporary. This will cause a further erosion of returns as investors move to quality. You can bet their portfolio managers don’t invest in their own funds.
“Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid”
‘The Capitol fence returns for the State of the Union address: D.C.’s Democratic rep calls it ‘threatening’ while Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene says it proves that ‘walls work’ ‘
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/5y7ffukb
Interesting that you chose to quote a song that is about overreach by the police.
‘Newsom the Dummy’ political cartoon
‘Gavin Newsom says he won’t compel schools to reopen if teachers unions refuse to go back’
…”…Newsom was asked to respond to growing criticism that his recently announced plan to incentivize districts to reopen gives teachers unions the power to keep schools shuttered until the pandemic is over. ”
Newsom is a Dud. He is the Kamala Harris of Governors.
He’s owned by the unions and therefore will never make any decisions in the best interest of students or their families.
Vote this lemon out. He’s better suited to hustling wine tasting rooms or running crooked bingo at the old folks home.
Hey OG I’m still waiting for your dailymail link explaining why the death rate of drug overdosing is almost twice as high in Florida compared to California. Is it because Ron DeSanitis’ policies?
He’s under no obligation to supply that information any more than you providing information to him when requested…..and didn’t.
If democrats didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards.
@JWB….If you set it to percentage of each states population it works out to .03% for Florida and .02% for CA and that’s rounded out so there’s very little difference.
Verry little difference? The rate per 100,000 is 35.0 for Florida and 21.8 for California.
Here JWB is arguing that we can corral political views into geographic borders to compare Florida (red) to California (blue), but in lots of other discussions where JWB is trying to defend Biden, he has said that US inflation is just a result of other country’s inflation, so borders don’t matter. I think he chooses to define borders or not depending on how it makes Democrats look good (actually just less awful) or not.
I can’t understand why anyone would want to defend Biden or Harris…..regardless of their opinions about Trump.
They’ve done nothing positive for the US.
Oh TDL obviously you are not able to follow the conversation. So let me try just for you. You can see the whole discussion started with OG’s comment blaming CA drug overdose deaths on CA policies. (i.e. liberal policies). In response I pointed out that many red states (including FL as an example) have considerably higher drug overdose death rates.
It’s not me blaming saying CA good and FL bad. As a matter of fact you will see I specifically stated that the problem “is way more complex than a bumper sticker”.
I’m not sure what your point about “geographical borders” is meant to say. But if you insist to discuss inflation you will see again that my argument is fully consistent. You’re are blaming current US policies for the high inflation, and I can point out to you that other countries as for example the UK (with a conservative administration) or Hungary (you know that Orban is a MAGA darling) have considerably higher inflation rates than the US. Again, showing that inflation is probably more complex that your MAGA talking point.
JWB: Thank you for your response. First of all, you should immediately question yourself when your opinions are different than O.G.’s. He is usually right, so that would make you wrong if you disagree with him. See how that works? You seem to be missing an important idea in statistics which is that it is difficult to understand the impact of a policy unless all else is held constant. If Florida were exactly like California, then different political policies could show the impact accurately. But they are different. You provide the best example here yourself by comparing the inflation rate in Hungary to that of the US because you think one politician in Hungary is conservative. Those countries are very different and their policies are very different, with short term interest rates here about four and a half percent versus thirteen percent in Hungary.
O TDL, do you ever take a minute and reflect on what you post?
All you and the rest of you have been doing for the last year plus is comparing Biden policies with Trump policies and expressing your view that you believe Trump policies were superior.
Now you’re saying that you cannot compare policies unless everything is held constant. Well things are not held constant, things differ between different years in particular geopolitics.
And no I don’t think one politician in Hungary is conservative. There is clearly plenty of conservative politicians in Hungary. I’m talking about the prime minister of Hungary who has been in charge since 2010 and here is what Trump said about Orban back on January 3 of this year:
“He has done a powerful and wonderful job in protecting Hungary, stopping illegal immigration, creating jobs, trade, and should be allowed to continue to do so in the upcoming Election. He is a strong leader and respected by all.”
But hey I can’t wait for your next MAGA talking point.
JWB: I have no idea what is going on in Hungary. I know Eva Gabor was from there and she was great in Green Acres. No, I’m not going to chase down their policies. I care about the inflation Biden gave us, the Chinese spying, the threats of nuclear war, the intellectual theft, the 500,000 and growing homeless, the fentanyl epidemic caused in large part by Biden’s open borders policy, and so on. No social experiment can be completely controlled like starting Biden and Trump out in parallel universes to be president to see the difference. But, some differences are obvious such as how the bar is so low for Biden that Jill and many others are just hoping he can read the teleprompter tonight without looking like an idiot.
As I said I was waiting for your MAGA talking points and you did so, attaboy.
JWB: News media reports that one homeless individual dies each day on the streets of San Francisco, so on that talking point of 500,000 homeless that Biden does not care about, it’s now only 499,999 he has to ignore since we last talked.
Still to early for actual truth to be established.
Thus far latest “facts” from biden regime, makes it look like best way to deliver a small nuke or dirty bomb is by balloon.
Whatever the truth it has hijacked the news cycle away from hunter’s laptop.
I don’t know why anyone would argue red states vs blue states for the number of overdoses they have.
I’m sure the overdosed druggies in red states aren’t those people who “cling to guns or religion” are they?
or those MAGA conservatives who want to keep our borders secure ? I’m betting most if not all of those OD’s are probably more inclined to lean left….even when they’re not trippin, no matter what state they’re in.
So you disagree with OG (February 5) or The Professor (February 6) who blame either Biden or Newsom (or both) for the drug overdose deaths? In your view it’s not policies but the political leaning of the drug addicts that are responsible for drug overdose deaths?.
Or maybe you just did run out of MAGA talking points? After all MAGA talking points is all you guys keep posting here week for week.
The type of people who abuse drugs are not typically Republican or conservative…at least not on planet Earth.
I don’t know what it’s like wherever you’re from.
You do not know who I agree or disagree with, as usual you only “assume” and you do so incorrectly.
There is plenty of blame to go around, but your memory impaired President with his insane border policy is the primary enabler to the drug cartels that provide the illegal drugs that are poisoning the weak minded Americans that abuse drugs.
I never said it was “the political leaning of the drug addicts that are “responsible” for drug overdose deaths” that is YOUR dishonest summation…. the point is that being of the left wing mentality is a typical characteristic of most druggies.
That’s not unlike jwb, who has a propensity for interpreting what others say according to his own beliefs, then accuses you of saying that.
Never trust a democrat.
According to a peer-reviewed study conducted by the JAMA Network in 2018 people who died of an opioid overdose were more likely to have voted Republican in the 2016 election.
CHUQ: That’s an “interesting” story clearly written to grab attention by the authors. The reality is that they only used medicare data so only took the oldest segment of the population and then tied it to how that county had voted. That’s not statistically defensible to take one slice of a population and then make such a generalization, and in addition when most of us talk about the opiod crisis it is in terms of fentanyl and similar and not doctor prescribed medications on medicare. I do want to thank you though, really I do, because I am always entertained by the misuse of statistics to prove points. Not blaming you, you didn’t write it. Thanks. It went well with my morning coffee.
Joe doesn’t speak; he reads………… the teleprompter.
Perhaps the problem is Joe remembers things from movies he’s watched. The whole eighteen wheeler thing. He obviously had just watched a repeat of Smokey and the Bandit. Joe is in the eighteen wheeler, the deceased Beau is in the TranAm, and they’re east bound and down with the pedal to the metal……..
Perhaps Jill should be in charge of the remote from now on.
Valentine’s Day is next Tuesday
Get it right
Lunatic, leftist Temple? Sure….whatever!
Ownage is Ownage
All In The Family
Who opposed the Wall & why?
Absolutely Priceless,
‘Play Biden State of the Union BINGO…’
BINGO CARD . . . . . you can print out.
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/y9hmcbcm
Political cartoonists seem to have summed it up well,
Remember comic spy vs spy? https://tinyurl.com/5c9nun8c
biden as superman https://patriotpost.us/cartoons/31280
biden foreign policy https://patriotpost.us/cartoons/31279
hunters paintings https://patriotpost.us/cartoons/31281
banner carrier deck https://tinyurl.com/2u35wsvj
State of biden https://tinyurl.com/5n8x43pc
‘Biden repeats misleading claims he has created more jobs than any other president, has made biggest deficit reduction in history and is responsible for lowering inflation during ‘deluded’ State of Union address’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/86pede99
Apparently Fact Checkers were given the night off.
Soo………..nothing has changed with the message from Traitor Joe, the Swampocrats, and the fake media;
It remains Twisted Facts, Half Truths, and Outright Lies.
Their motto is still “Hooray for us, and eff you!”
No matter how many times Biden shows mental incompetence, when it counts, he can still rise to the occasion and show the decades of experience he has being a swamp creature. That speech was just so hideously dishonest and the perfect forum for him. For example, using the juvenile tradition of congress rising to applaud ideas to spin his absolute pure lie of Republicans trying to shut down Social Security, into what appeared to be a standing ovation for him when he demanded those who support Social Security applaud. He played the rules and congress like a fiddle. And his absolute pure slimeball lie that Republicans are keeping him from fixing the border? Here is the reason opinion polls universally put politicians at the bottom of the list of ethics and respectability among professions. What an absolute slimeball lying speech and half the press is cheering for him.
I asked my lawyer for a comment on Biden’s speech……
Is it just me or does anyone else think the government under Traitor Joe and the Swampocrats is for those who run it to plunder those who don’t?
All that phony rhetoric spewed by the incompetent Traitor Joe about cops and blacks is just a continuation of the same old gas-lighting campaign BS.
Without the support of an underclass Swampocrats would struggle for votes. They will keep feeding us the same divisive speech to keep the hate alive, because their sweet, cushy jobs depend on it. I don’t believe intelligent people, black, brown or white will buy into that vile talk.
It’s gotten to be all Swampocrats have because their “accomplishments” have failed miserably and created crisis upon crisis.
I hope American voters along with the family and friends of Tyre Nichols are smart enough to see through the same old gas-lighting campaign BS.
The media are trying to hang the Disney layoffs on the pissing match with Desantis. Sorry guys, as they say, that dog don’t hunt.
Bringing sexual topics into video and amusement park presentations aimed at prepubescents is a sure fire way to alienate Disney clients. Responsible parents reserve such conversations to within the family at the time they feel it appropriate. Therefore, responsible parents take their business elsewhere which has been demonstrated quite profoundly in the last couple of years.
Why did they blow the dust off Bob Iger? To slow the bleeding and hopefully stem the many forthcoming class action lawsuits from investors. Hopefully this is a teaching moment for the former happiest place on earth.
Standing In Line Land…. the crappiest place on Earth.
If I didn’t hate it enough already, now it’s gone totally woke & gay.
You folks can have it…. yuck.
Little by little the creeps, under the guise of “creativeness”, wormed their way into the Disney empire. Eventually these creeps were in a position to hire more creeps, as creeps will do.
Together the creeps have turned the Disney empire into a place where recruiting innocent youngsters into their world of perversions is considered permissible.
Uncle Walt would NOT allow this deliberate creepshow to infest his former Happiest Place ON Earth.
As plunder became a way of life for Swampocrats, over time they created a system that authorizes it, and a moral code that glorifies it.
“There is no distinctly American criminal class
– except Congress.” —Mark Twain
Biden’s oil analysis:
I’m still confused about dress codes. I don’t get it. When the FBI searched Trump’s place they wore their scary all black outfits with scary looking rifle thingys and extra ammunition and bullet proof vests. When they searched Biden and Pence’s houses, they wore dockers or khakis, sneakers, and Polo t-shirts.
Quote: “Fetterman Might Have Permanent Brain Damage, Chief of Staff Admits” (2/10/23)
https://pjmedia.com/news and politics/matt-margolis/2023/02/10/fetterman-might-have-permanent-brain-damage-chief-of-staff-admits-n1669704