Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.
This is a post with no subject, you can talk about whatever you want. If breaking news happens (such as a shooting, earthquake, etc.), or you hear about something newsworthy, feel free to post it here.
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Happy Friday! Hope you all have a nice weekend.
Same to you, Mr. Mayor!
wave first!
Cowellian’s First
I can afford it, but damn! I refuse to pay these outrageous prices!
I’m not buying anything anymore.
Perfect year with enough rain to plant a large vegetable garden and share with neighbors and those in need.
My parents planted Victory Garden in WWII, we can plant . . . . . Inflation Gardens.
Book report: Farnham’s Freehold, Robert A. Heinlein,1964. This was call controversial in 1964. It was then and may be considered even more so now. It starts with a man who built a bomb shelter expecting a nuclear attack. Then there is one. I’ll let you go on with the story from there. If you ever want to build a real bomb shelter this book will give some great ideas of what to stock including some things you might not even consider. Enjoy.
Governor Newsom’s bad management shows again with his Middle Class Tax Refund.
The MCTR payments may be considered federal income, IRS Publication 525.
If so, you may have to file and pay a IRS quarterly tax estimate on the amount shown on the 1099- MISC we received on Jan. 27.
There is a penalty for late filing and payment after Jan. 15.
So, not only do you have to pay federal tax but a penalty also.
I’ll bet a lot of people don’t know this. The penalty may be 20% plus interest but a lot of computer tax programs probably can’t handle it so you may get a surprise letter from the IRS computer.
The IRS screwed up my return last year, so I had to call them. I was on hold for two and one-half hours. They did warn me at the start that it would take that long, so I just put the phone on “speaker phone” and kept it around until someone answered. Fun stuff. If you want the longer version, the error is that if you submit a paper 1040, the numbers are not read in with an optical scanner according to the IRS person, but using 1970s technology, they literally have 10-key typists enter it into their systems manually, and my return was one that they made a mistake on. That’s part of the reason they were asking for more money, besides wanting to also hire thousands of agents to harass us.
Telephone service for government agencies appears to have fallen through the cracks of late. I spent an hour on hold to the Social Security Admin (not the local one, the main 800#) and they hadn’t yet even given me the message about “We can call you back.” They had one message that kept repeating about how many million people they serve, like, “So, don’t get your hopes up, or anything.” I was a little discouraged. If someone even answers anymore I feel like I hit the jackpot.
I saw something interesting tonight – a sign at the Mall saying that Toys-R-Us is now inside Macy’s.This is good news!
Pick One:
A) Horchata
B) Sikhye
C) Yuck
I Like and A) Horchata
But , where can someone find Sikhye?
Any place around here serves it?
Would like to try it.
P.S. @ S ~
Again, Thank You for posting about different menu items.
Good morning big sis…I have never heard of either of those items. Assuming they are some type of veggie?
Hey Lil Bro ~
Hope you are doing well. 🙂
I know now that both are a rice-based beverages.
My neighbor is Hispanic, and she makes the best Horchata, according to my taste buds.
Thanks Roz,
Sikhye is probably available at most Korean Groceries and restaurants, but it is pretty easy to make; not as easy as Horchata though.
I first had sikhye at a Korean restaurant many years ago… Made it several times since. Usually when I plan for cooking Korean food.
“A” is my Pick One answer cause it is a Pick “One”…
Roz, There’s a Korean grocery store on Monument. Other stores you can try are 99 Ranch Market on willow Pass, and Seafood City on Diamond Blvd.
Thank You Dawg!
Horchata is good – I’ve never heard of the other one, though.
( S ) Kumis Mongolian. Because you need at least three weird drinks
and how !
Looks like “A” is the winner….]
Now, I’ll go see how the Tarantula is doing in the vote….
Up and out early this morning. Breakfast with friends then we are off to the Frey Ranch Distillery in Fallon for a tour and whiskey tasting. A perfect activitiy for a chilly (mid 40’s) day before the freeze returns. Monday’s projected high, 23! Good day to stay in and work on indoor project
Thanks W F…
Had not heard of this place… It is now on our roadtrip list. Please offer a review of the place when you return….
Thank you be great!
Okay S here is a review
The Frey Ranch Estate Distillery is located at 1045 Dodge Ln, Fallon NV. It is only open to the public on Saturdays from 12-4. They offer tastings during that time as well as tours the run about every 15 mins.
Yesterdays premium tastes were barrel 344, barrel 267 and barrel 379. This is strong stuff. Definitely sipping whiskey. Out of those 3 we preferred barrel 267. These 3 barrels are premuim single barrel spirits and run $114 per 5th. You can also taste anything on the other menu you might be interested in purchasing. Some interesting varieties are a wheat blend, an oat blend and a malted corn bourbon. There is also a standard rye, standard bourbon and a quad malt bourbon. These are $49 or $59 per bottle. The oat, wheat and corn are smaller than a 5th but larger than a pint. All others are 5ths. I puchased the Frey Ranch Rye and Frey Ranch Corn. They also a have a variety of gifty things like glasses, t-shirts, hats etc. A friend bought a whiskey scent candle.
There are many restaurants in Fallon to have lunch. We went to a place called The Grid which was on the way to Frey. The food and service were fantastic.
It’s about a 2 hours drive from SLT, 1.5 hours from Reno and a smidge over an hour from Carson City,
I would say it is worth the drive. What the do with the byproduct makes the cows on the ranch very happy, the gounds and tasing room is very nice and in good weather it is a nice drive (it snowing today again). On the way there is a used car lot in Silver Springs that has a Doggy Diner head in the lot. Dogg E has been there for several year.
So I would definitely keep on a road trip list
Great Review !
You could be a writer for that AAA Magazine….
It is on my list,
Thanks !
That was a very thorough review. Maybe “Well Folks” DOES write for the magazine. 🙂
Thank you fir the compliment but I really don’t want a second career. I was just try to say ‘it” in less than 500 words LOL
Sorry I’m no professional writer
My online coffee bean order wasn’t eligible for overnight delivery.
They told me they only ship ground.
Speaking of beverages…
Doin’ a Q next weekend with a flair.
Anyone here ever had “Cheerwine”? is a “cherry” soda out of North Carolina…
Tasty? or “C”
Never heard of Cheerwine (I always have to look up your choices, and thank you for that), but I have had cherry soda so my choice is “C”.
so, just after i made my post , i ordered some. arrived last night…
not bad, tasty to me… it will go well with my Q…
a bit pricey though… propably a 1 time thing.
It’s 6:45 pm Sat night Jan 28 and we have three US Postal Service postal carriers each in their own trucks scrambling around Sanford St Concord trying to deliver mail. There are no weather problems, but it’s very dark outside at this time. Their vehicles are all running fine. Not long ago it only took one truck delivering mail to our street during daylight hours. What happened that the service got so bad and inefficient. ???.
I saw an advertisement a couple of weeks ago that the postal service is trying to hire 2000 people in California. Locally, there were job fairs being conducted in the Concord and Walnut Creek post offices. See https://about.usps.com/newsroom/local-releases/ca/2023/0117-start-the-new-year-on-a-new-wave-coastal-job-fair.htm
We talked to our mail carrier a week or so ago about this – seems like nobody applies because it means work at less pay than they want.
You just need to listen more closely to your cat,
@ORIGINAL G…..Very similar to one of my kitties after his de-balling today. The other one was chasing ghost “meeces” around the house. I now have 2 transgendered (?) kitties, too much CNN. I wonder if they want to be called by “them or they” or whatever, help me out here.
Is there a way to fix the ads, pictures and articles from running into each other on Claycord? Do I have to set something on my computer?
My guess is that there are so many versions of software and hardware that websites can’t adjust for all of them. It may help to check for the latest operating system updates on your PC/phone and install them as needed. I can only use my laptop now to get Claycord because my cell phone returns a message about my browser sending a request the server could not understand and says the size of the header field exceeded the server limit and other such things.
OK, this is totally serious so let’s all try to act like mature adults (I’ll try really hard too).
It’s been bothering me for awhile & now I feel I have no choice but to ask……
How many of us look under the toilet seat checking for spiders before we sit?
I’ve been doing this all my life and have yet to ever find even one spider.
I’m not even sure how it began… probably an overprotective Mom thing warning all us little offsprings to “have a look first”.
Anyway, I’m sure everyone has a great outhouse story & that’s OK but what I’m concerned about is indoor, modern, flush toilet spider checking…. am I the only one who has spent my whole life checking under the seat first? I feel like a dope bothering to look…. never seen a single one!
Do not visit Australia !
I’ve never looked but I will now……THANKS A LOT. 🙁
@DR. JELLYFINGER……About 20 years ago I hopped on my bike for a short putt over Hwy 4. About half way to Antioch I looked down and had a big Black Widow crawling across the placket of my jeans…..instant moment of panic, now I check each time I get on my bike. I had gloves on and she hit the pavement at 75 mph…..no mercy.
Yes OG, I’m familiar with the song! With my luck I’d sit on a funnel web spider instead of a red back…
But I’m asking a serious question here, really.
I’m assuming everyone is just too embarrassed to admit they look!
Or don’t look.
I don’t embarrass that easily. But I don’t check every time. Just if I’ve seen one in the bathroom recently … I know they’re … around. And, if I haven’t already swatted the daylights out of it. Dr.Jellyfinger, you must’ve seen one … one time maybe … run out and that’s what kept you doing it … checking for it. Maybe when you were just a very young child. Certain times of year they are more prevalent than others. One time, one actually ran out from under the seat when I put the lid up. I couldn’t imagine why it would want to be there. My problem is the bolts and washers that hold the toilet seat in place. Mine keeps coming loose and I have to reach underneath where I can’t see what I’m doing in order to tighten them. That freaks me out. I know that when I reach under there, the spiders just all scatter … except I can’t see it. I thought about getting a mirror and looking underneath it first, but I haven’t done it yet. I should just go buy a new toilet seat. When I moved back in here, the house was full of spiders. You would turn back the covers and spiders would run out of the bed. It was a freaking nightmare. Every night at 11 o’clock when you went into the bathroom and turned on the light, there would be a spider on the wall. You would have to spend the time right before you went to bed swatting the daylights out of spiders. Then you would go to bed with that image in your head. I was so glad when I finally got rid of them. I think it’s the only way I could stop looking for them that way.
I don’t look.
About 9:35 PM tonight, sirens all around south Pleasant Hill. Helicopter circling over/near our home.
The helicopter is now over near Emeryville.
Happy Groundhog Day….again