Home » It’s A Mystery! What Are These People Riding, And What’s In Front Of Them?

It’s A Mystery! What Are These People Riding, And What’s In Front Of Them?


Who can tell us what these people are riding, and what’s in front of them? (it’s not a quiz, we really don’t know).

Our friend “Officer Barbrady” took the picture on Farm Bureau Rd. in Concord this week. He said he sees them on Farm Bureau all the time, and even the police officers he asked had no clue.

Anyone know?


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The back is either a rickshaw (looks most likely) or some other type of no powered utility tricycle.

The front thing is some type of powered cart/engine/modified forklift/whatever that’s towing the tricycle.


It seems to be an autonomous vehicle being tested.


It’s a future teenage vandal drive by entertainment device.
Think of it as a “reduced height, moving target”.
Think of how may mail boxes could be saved.
NO, . . . it just more of the autonomous delivery silliness
With roll bar and light on the top, . . . . wonder if eagles or vultures could carry it off ? ? ?


This is an autonomous vehicle, there is a company in Concord that is testing them! A few weeks ago they were in Dana Estates driving around these funny looking self driving half sized golf carts. It almost looked like some kind of food delivery apparatus . They also run them out on the old naval weapons station.


Looks like they’re doing some sort of measurement or calculation. Likely Dept of Transportation should know or County. Not likely Cal Trans.


I’m guessing it is one of those fancy space age George Jetson class autonomous delivery vehicles with observers bicycling behind it to record its functionality and wonder what it will look like under the wheels of a Ford F250.


Farm Bureau in the past if I recall, had the issues with trucks etc and that’s where the Officer says he sees them.

I think its ground penetrating radar.
They had segways last year.
Its been going on a couple years. I wonder if they found an indian grave yard, or something else interesting.

New TikTok challenge?


I asked them, they said it was to do with mapping the bike lanes, However, I have only ever seen them on Farm Bureau.

It’s a GM prototype of an earth-friendly, green, and sustainable solar-powered people mover.
Pay no mind to the exploitation of child labor involved in mining the lithium and cobalt needed for the batteries. It’s a minor inconvenient truth. What is REALLY important is that you feel good about saving the planet from climate change regardless of the environmental impacts in those marginal and poor Third World countries.


They told me “it’s for mapping out the bike lane,” but why would they need to do that in exactly the same street for hours every single day for 5+ months?

My guess they’re still refining their computer code.
Over the years have worked with roughly 10 software engineers, most were fair.
One I’d put my family on plane he wrote code for and at other end of spectrum there was one I wouldn’t trust to automate a flush toilet.


Why do we care? It’s a distraction. We have bigger problems to Solve.

It’s a transporter for corn snakes. They are seeking the Olive Garden but are in an endless loop on Farm Bureau Rd.


Years ago it was an igloo type box on wheels with flashing lights. People were walking behind them then. Probably ten years ago. An article somewhere said it was testing for grocery delivery.

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