Home » Police Arrest Man Claiming To Be “Sovereign Citizen,” Find Fully Automatic Gun In Vehicle

Police Arrest Man Claiming To Be “Sovereign Citizen,” Find Fully Automatic Gun In Vehicle


Antioch Police recently conducted a traffic enforcement stop on a person who was driving recklessly, however, the driver refused to identify themselves and stated they were a “sovereign citizen.”

The driver also refused to follow any commands the officer was giving him.


Due to the officer’s training in de-escalation, he was able to explain to the driver the reason for everything he was doing and ultimately got the driver to exit the vehicle peacefully.

A search of the vehicle revealed a Glock 40 caliber pistol on the passenger seat.

The pistol was equipped with an aftermarket switch. The switch enabled the pistol to fire fully automatic.

Police arrested the man, but did not release the man’s identity.


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Per Southern Poverty Law Center – Sovereign citizens believe they are not under the jurisdiction of the federal government and consider themselves exempt from U.S. law. They use a variety of conspiracy theories and falsehoods to justify their beliefs and their activities, some of which are illegal and violent.

I guess they carry modified Glocks also…


I wouldn’t trust anything said by the Southern Poverty Law Center. They are themselves corrupt, with a political agenda.


Agreed; the SPLC are as bias as they come.

Sovereign Citizens are also NUTS !


In this case, the SPLC is correct about “sovereign citizens”.


I’ve had to deal with these people – very difficult, really think they are above the law. Good job LE! … but why no names or pictures? ….. oh…


Those sovereign guys are way out there. They seem to be the type that might wear an inverted colander on their head so people can’t read their mind.
Glad the officer was able to make a safe arrest.


The concept is based in law. There’s merit to differences in the legal status of citizens and sovereign humans. In the systems of finance and global trade, your birth certificate number is a stock on an exchange. Population and projected tax revenue on the life span of every citizen is calculated and monitized through loans to governments. That’s why the government can’t just give citizenship to “illegals” from mexico or other places. The citizens of countries are “owned” by the governments and used as collateral based on future tax revenue to that particular government.
That said, the people who have taken on this position against “the system” are usually completely lawless and truly believe they are “opting out” and have the “legal” right to do so. As everything in this world is done by lawyers and based on contracts. They claim to renounce their citizenship and forfeit their social security number and any and all befits from the government.
I would be following this case. They may have to release him and give him his gun back.


Who law is the “sovereign citizen” based upon? There is a youtube video stating why this is not a real defense. It is given by judge. It is not a legal argument. It was conceived in prison in the early seventies.


I know you folks don’t like having your boats rocked, but there is something to this. It has to do with the corporatization of the country. Definitely way over most of your heads. You can easily verify your birth certificate as a stock certificate.


Well please enlighten us. Where in the law does it give someone the right to have all the benefits of being a citizen with none of the responsibilities?

FYI – bar is short for barrister and a barrister is British for a lawyer entitled to practice as an advocate, particularly in the higher courts. It is literally the Lawyer Association.


That’s the point, the “law” is a corporation policy. This is how so many politicians refer to the constitution as outdated and dismiss it entirely.
Technically, you voluntarily give up your benefits from the corporation such as social security and any other benefits offered from the state.
The BAR is where I get drinks too


It’s been fact checked..nice. Go ahead and do it yourself, it’s absolutely factual.


Law of the land vs Admiralty law (law of the sea)


Citation to support your baseless claim?!

Every lawyer and judge, must pass the BAR and are loyal and registered to the British Accredited Registr (BAR). Our leagal system is controlled by a foreign. You were made ignorant on purpose.



You are a mental case, get some help.

Firestone 11R


Again, this is a false claim. Bar associations are state-wide organizations, not federal; and certainly not “controlled by a foreign.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_association


Wikipedia..cool jay you got me.
Try Blacks Law Dictionary


I tried it. It proved you wrong.

In order for a defined society to function, citizens are bound to a Social Contract, which includes a set of laws and, fortunately, a constitution in our case. Whenever an individual or group operates beyond the bounds of the implied Social Contract and established laws, they become OUTLAWS.

1871, United States of America ceased to exist
as nation and became a corporation owned by
City of London…
On January 20th 2023 the body known as the
United States of America is dissolved, the
military then become the custodians of the
I really don’t know all the details involved, but I
do know the ultimate goal, is the destruction of
the 1871 corporation and the return of America
to the people of the Constitutional Republic


“I really don’t know all the details involved,”
Wow – there’s an understatement.
Do I understand that you are claiming that after 1/20/23, the military will become the “custodian of the nation”?! Well; check back with us in a week when you will have proven to be wrong.

And so now it is January 21st, 2023, and as near as I can tell, the “body known as the United States of America” HAS NOT been dissolved, and the military HAS NOT become the “custodians of the nation.” Let that be evidence of your disconnect from reality.

Any gun control is a direct violation of the second amendment. “Shall not be infringed” means exactly what it says. If you disagree then you are a traitor to the us Constitution and everything it ever stood for.


I like the way LE handled this.
Kudos to these cops!

The sovereign citizen defense was used by that guy that killed patrons watching the Christmas Parade in Waukesha, WI. The judge in that case put up with a lot of his bs, but that particular angle did not fly well.

Think it will work with the “classified documents in the garage” defense? Heck it probably will.


No need for it to work. this is a move to raise the IQ of the executive branch by attrition. elite and establishment do not suffer many consequences.


And Wesley snipes doesn’t have to pay taxes. Armchair legal experts lol

I’ve known a few people that opted out, and they were a lot less crazy than those above making broad statements on anything they don’t like or understand. There are very tight rules to the game, but like Sam stated, it will be an interesting case to watch regardless. However, having a fully auto Glock on your seat? That’s just idiotic and asking for trouble, so yah, I’d say a fair amount of crazy on this one.

Meanwhile in Washington D. C. , “Kamala Harris seen salivating in her office over news Biden being investigated”.


Would venture a guess, not a member of Mensa.



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