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“If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom.
This is the path to tyranny”
–Elon Musk
“Proposition 47 and Proposition 57 decriminalized many laws. Proposition 47 (2014) downgraded many felonies to misdemeanors; Proposition 57 (2016) reduced prison sentences and reclassified violent crimes as “non-violent,” and in 2011, Assembly Bill 109, Gov. Jerry Brown’s “prison realignment” scheme, shifted detainees from state prisons to local jails, overwhelming county jails. These have been a disaster for public safety, taking away the tools courts need to rehabilitate drug offenders, opening the door for rampant retail theft, and reclassifying violent crimes as “non-violent.”
If the radical “defund the police” movement can’t actually defund police departments to get rid of police as they desire, they are instead systematically decriminalizing important public safety laws such as jaywalking; reclassifying drug possession offenses, reclassifying shoplifting, grand theft, vehicular theft, receiving stolen property, forgery, fraud, writing bad checks; granting early release to ‘non-violent’ offenders: sex traffickers, rapists, abusive spouses and drive-by shooters.”
Katy Grimes caglobe https://tinyurl.com/bdhxytz6
So what is really their real long term goal ? ? ? ?
Interesting quote from Elon given that his businesses have all been government funded, his cars are surveillance platforms and he wants to put a microchip in everyone’s head.
They’re all actors slow walking us through the great reset. It’s no mystery that the government front called twitter “sold” to their golden front boy that everyone loves. They show us exactly what they want us to see.
Hilarious!!! Thanks for the needed comical relief!! Its much needed in these times!
Keep up the good show!
Martinez Refinery makes another mess. Noxious fumes spewed all the way into Crockett this afternoon. A spokesmen at the refinery apologized and explained that the fumes were due to wastewater but couldn’t elaborate any further.
When will we get some accountability and transparency?
Lets try this again without, muskDS (MDS)
“Proposition 47 and Proposition 57 decriminalized many laws. Proposition 47 (2014) downgraded many felonies to misdemeanors; Proposition 57 (2016) reduced prison sentences and reclassified violent crimes as “non-violent,” and in 2011, Assembly Bill 109, Gov. Jerry Brown’s “prison realignment” scheme, shifted detainees from state prisons to local jails, overwhelming county jails. These have been a disaster for public safety, taking away the tools courts need to rehabilitate drug offenders, opening the door for rampant retail theft, and reclassifying violent crimes as “non-violent.”
If the radical “defund the police” movement can’t actually defund police departments to get rid of police as they desire, they are instead systematically decriminalizing important public safety laws such as jaywalking; reclassifying drug possession offenses, reclassifying shoplifting, grand theft, vehicular theft, receiving stolen property, forgery, fraud, writing bad checks; granting early release to ‘non-violent’ offenders: sex traffickers, rapists, abusive spouses and drive-by shooters.”
Katy Grimes caglobe https://tinyurl.com/bdhxytz6
AB-109 was DEM’s knee jerk solution for a problem they created . . . prison over crowding.
There’s a little trick, have a goal that might be politically costly for politicians.
You intentionally create a problem them coax lawsuits, so when a Judge rules for the plaintiff politicians say “The Courts are making us do it and they’ve accomplished what they wanted to happen all along.
Prop 47 was another not thought out knee jerk fix for effects of AB-109. Then came along Prop 57.
I love Elon (right now) but like I said in a previous post “They want us begging for the robodogs and drones. And the dummies will, make no mistake about it.” Add facial recognition and the open air prison they are building around all of us will be complete.
I agree it is a problem when facial recognition technology fails and the innocent have been arrested. But for me, that is a very minor problem. The real problem is when facial recognition is successful. This technology plus software and databases are making mass surveillance easy even while the government has very obvious and provable misbehavior recently of using government resources such as the FBI, DOJ and IRS against political opponents. We are well on the way to leapfrogging the Chinese systems of tracking and social scores given to individuals based on how much they support the government. In China if you disapprove of their government or have too many civil violations like traffic issues, they can and will restrict what kind of jobs you can get and restrict your travel. So, I am strongly against such things as the US government’s using airport screening to build up their databases for later surveillance.
Hiding the TRUTH !
‘El Paso Migrant Camps Cleared Ahead of Biden’s Visit’
I read what you wrote so I decided to read an El Paso newspaper to see what is being said. What a liberal rag that is. El Paso Times. You won’t get the truth out of them for sure. So Joe wants only thirty thousand a month from just a few countries. So thirty thou come in legally and all the rest just cross the border illegally. What a country !!
It’s no surprise that ‘Game Show Gaven’ used January 6 as the date for his inaugural address. As usual he relied on the ‘all republicans bad’ blame game in a attempt to promote himself and his massive rescuer of the doomed world self image. He stated that California ‘is a beacon of progressive values’. His progressive values then obviously include disregard for the working middle class, crushing taxes, out of control crime, failing state children’s education, crumbling infrastructure and roads, support for those in the country illegally, and more.
As governor he’s doing as good of a job as he did as the mayor of San Francisco.
newsom’ inauguration . . . . . . . only a cartoonist could define that moment.
NewScum admonishes the Republicans per the East Bay Times headline. I’d like to admonish NewScum and the Democrats for ruining California and continuing to destroy it. In addition, they should be admonished for stealing taxes from its hardworking citizens and squandering the revenue on insignificant issues and projects.
Signed: a soon to be former resident of Corruptifornia!
Hypothetically, biden serves 49 months in office then resigns setting up possibility of giggles serving two terms as president.
More disastrous, she assumes presidency and picks newsom to be her vice president . . . .
That seems unlikely, but it’s prudent to plan ahead for a worst case scenario, which that certainly would be.
However it’s important to find humor in life. The campaign slogans, bumper stickers, and campaign theme music possibilities are endless. As a kid I remember seeing bumper stickers that said “Grits and Fritz give me the s****”. Imagine the possibilities for Kamala and Gavin.
Hi Original –
Take it from this moderate Dem – Kamala doesn’t have a chance of being president. I wouldn’t vote for her. Most moderate democrats wouldn’t vote for her. Most progressive democrats think she’s poison.
All Republicans and most Democrats agree that Kamala has done a horrible job with the border. So, I don’t think you need to worry about Kamala in your future. She’s four day-old toast.
DAMAGE she and grease slick could do to nation and world in remainder of term . . . . . 2023 – 2024
The left has their new messiah. They have groomed hakeem jeffries to be the new obama. He’s clean and a smooth talking…not white guy. You’ll see…I was right about the fauci COVID HOAX, hunter biden, russia, ukraine, china, and everything else. You’ll remember me when the full on media propaganda is targeting you for being a racist not agreeing with and voting for hakeem. HOPE & CHANGE BABY part ✌🏼
A President Kamala Harris could “pick” or nominate Gavin Newsom to be her Vice President, but a majority of Congress gets to decide who would fill the vacancy and it’s more than likely she would be told who she could nominate, as was done with President Richard Nixon in 1974 when Congress told him he had to nominate Congressman Gerald Ford to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew, especially if Republicans control one or both houses of Congress in March of 2025.
If a Harris/Newsom ticket ran for reelection in 2028 then California’s 54 Electoral Votes wouldn’t count for a Vice President Newsom, because when Electoral College Electors elect a President and Vice President they can’t vote for both of them (unless they split their votes) if the President-elect, Vice President-elect, and the Electors are all from the same state, which could prove to be devastating to a presidential ticket of any party in a close election. In 2000, we would’ve ended up with a President George W. Bush and a Vice President Joe Lieberman had Dick Cheney not changed his residency from Texas to Wyoming because the 32 Electoral Votes belonging to Texas couldn’t be voted for both Bush and Cheney.
Thank You, for the information.
Harvard Med research on mRNA vax spike protein undermines fact-checkers, COVID censorship
Woke individuals may continue regular frequent boosters.
Alec Baldwin has killed more people than the Jan 6 protesters.
The transformation of charity into legal entitlement has produced donors without love and recipients without gratitude.
A. Scalia
Experts claim to be unsure about what’s causing athletes to collapse, but absolutely positive it’s not what you think it is.
Public Indoctrination Centers
Well……looks like you’ve still got deep pockets, suckers
We’re getting closer to the new world order. Thanks democrats & RINOS
Is this YOU?
So……..THIS is what WOKE looks like?
Where is the “Tripledemic”?
I find financial expert Edward Dowd thoughts quite interesting. Where he thinks we are heading is very similar to something I mentioned last week. We are facing a breakdown of our society and life here will become more third world. Aren’t we seeing it already. Whether you agree with him or not his ideas and analysis are quite compelling.
‘Crisis, what crisis? El Paso clears migrant camps ahead of Biden’s first trip to border on Sunday …’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/29928h43
My opinion, history will harshly judge obama biden and biden harris regimes phone and pen approach to our border crisis.
“Why Won’t President Obama Help Us?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ccb-cwSFjP0
biden’s border Sunday “border visit” photo OP is an insult . . . . .
Original you knew that would happen. This is all never never land stuff. Like a bad dream.
How very true..
Would not be at all surprised if next 9-11 type terrorists have not already arrived across our biden harris obama protected southern border.
Given their compact size and availability after Libya invasion, Afghanistan pullout and massive arms shipments to Ukraine.
‘A Disturbing Market in Illegal Surface to Air Missiles Grows Worldwide’
Could stack dozens of MANPADS in back of an SUV cut a hole in border fence and drive thru.
Fence cutting happens weekly down there . . . . .
An if they’ve already intercepted MANPADS crossing the border, think we’d ever hear about it ? ?
While former President Obama deserves to be judged for his administrations handling of illegal aliens crossing the southern border, where he went along with misleading the public with the actual facts when a change in the definition of the words “deport, deported, deportation” which made it appear as though his administration removed more illegal aliens than previous administrations when they still removed illegal aliens from the United States without the word deportation attached, among other things, but it’s unlikely it will happen unless the political ideology of future historians is different from the political ideology of current historians, because current historians rank former President Obama as the 10th best president.
Every time a president has left office since President Clinton left office in 2001, CSPAN has had historians rank the former presidents. The top 10 presidents in the 2021 CSPAN rankings are:
#01 A. Lincoln
#02 G. Washington
#03 F.D. Roosevelt
#04 T. Roosevelt
#05 D.D. Eisenhower
#06 H. S. Truman
#07 T. Jefferson
#08 J.F. Kennedy
#09 R.W. Reagan
#10 B.H. Obama
The bottom 10 presidents in the 2021 CSPAN rankings (President Cleveland’s two non-consecutive terms were combined for his ranking so the 45 previous presidents are counted as 44 previous presidents) are:
#35 Z. Taylor
#36 H.C. Hoover
#37 W.G. Harding
#38 M. Fillmore
#39 J. Tyler
#40 W.H. Harrison
#41 D.J. Trump (tie)
#41 F. Peirce (tie)
#43 A. Johnson
#44 J. Buchanan
The previous 15 “modern era” presidents in the 2021 CSPAN rankings are:
#03 F.D. Roosevelt
#05 D.D. Eisenhower
#06 H.S. Truman
#08 J.F. Kennedy
#09 R.W. Reagan
#10 B.H. Obama
#11 L.B. Johnson
#19 W.J.(B.) Clinton
#21 G.H.W. Bush
#26 J.E. Carter
#28 G.R.(L.L.K.) Ford
#29 G.W. Bush
#31 R.M. Nixon
#36 H.C. Hoover
#41 D.J. Trump (tie)
As an example of a change in the ideologies of historians between the 2001 survey and the 2021 survey is how they now view Woodrow Wilson who has fallen by 7 spots from #6 to #13 and Ulysses S. Grant who has climbed 13 spaces from #33 to #20. It’s the same presidents with the same histories, but it’s new historians with different ideologies that are selecting facts and interpreting history by the “politically correct” standards of today and not the standards of when they served in office.
The PETER PRINCIPLE fulfilled. PRESS SECRETARY????? Oh please!
The job of a press secretary requires visibility, PERSONIFYING THE ADMINISTRATION being represented. Well this ill-prepared idiot is perfect for the job.
Traitor Joe’s puppet masters decided a that a black, lesbian, immigrant was the perfect diversity hire. She demonstrates their commitment to advancing those groups through appointment to roles for which they may be dubiously, at best, qualified.
Can you think of a press secretary remotely as embarrassing as that BUFFOON Karine Jean-Pierre. She can’t deal with simple questions for which she has no prepared answer. She must make some of you democrats squirm with empathy over her embarrassment. Not me though, I despise her and her incompetent boss.
Watching her frantically search through her briefing book, looking for a rescue, something to read in response to an unanticipated topic, never fails to entertain.
Any sympathy lasts only until she mouths some inane and yet self-righteous response with a smug look on her face. Just like that other buffoon, Traitor Joe.
PROVE ME WRONG, or be a cowardly weenie, woke leftist and post your usual thumb down. It’s what you do best anyway.
Karine is the perfect representative for the Biden administration. She most accurately reflects the depth, quality, knowledge, expertise, and integrity of their extremely shallow bench. Plus, she’s quite the wordsmith: “Everything has always been more expensive than usual” or something like that……..
Sounds like she got her training from the word salad expert in the WH….
Those that attempt to evade the questions being tossed out are nothing more than liars.
The hearings…..oh the horrors, those poor people, they must have been so frightened
This is the kind of horrible danger they faced on 1/6/2022
Remember Ashley, unarmed and murdered by a WH guard 1/6/2022
A pretty good start
Hey did you hear the one about……..it’s really stupid but it’ll make you laugh
Badazz Beth….My hero
Who did you vote for?
Trust the science
Welcome Campus Activist
The COVID HOAX of the 1700s
They have done this many times.
Plague doctors with the bird beak masks didn’t talk to the sick. They carried a stick to give directives.
Medical people are sick individuals
DOJ Investigating Classified Documents Biden Kept After Leaving VP Office…. How irresponsible!
That’s just Merrick Garland’s futile attempt to persuade voters he’s non-partisan. The very definition of “optics”. The regime media will give an assist and plaster the walls with it. However if they found video of a naked Hunter Biden smoking crack on Lincoln’s desk that would get buried toot sweet.
Another well researched and well written piece. Read entire article for full story
You”l see how in touch CA state legislature is . . . existing in their insulated Utopian fantasy.
“The warnings were there when AB 1066 was heard in legislative committees.
In a 2016 survey conducted by the Western Growers Association found over 80% responded that they would reduce wages as a result of both the overtime law and the $15 minimum wage law.
Key findings included:
More than 80% of farms will cut back working hours for farmworkers
On average, farmworkers will lose 15 hours of work and $180 in income per week
Many farmworker jobs will be eliminated as farms will look for ways to reduce the need for labor
Fewer than 10% of farms will be able to pass the added costs of minimum wage and agricultural overtime along to buyers
Nearly one-third of farms plan to reduce benefits offered to their employees
60% of farms with plans to expand operations in California will now shift their expansion plans to other states and countries
Democrats passed the law anyway – targeting the very workers they claimed they were trying to help.”
Katy Grimes caglobe https://tinyurl.com/397pab5v
‘Biden IS building a wall… at his Delaware beach house:
As the president faces backlash for his ‘sanitized’ border visit, construction work continues on a barrier surrounding his vacation home for increased security’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/bdd3c8c7
More hypocrisy and lies from this administration.
I’d like to see some immigration agents check the guys on that job.
In 2022, President Biden cut the deficit by the largest amount in history.
In 2023, Republicans’ first act in the majority is to try to pass a bill that increases the deficit by $114 billion.
The $114B The Hill article is referring to is a projection of reduced tax revenue. That does not necessarily increase the deficit. To effectively reduce the deficit, a decrease in Government spending is what’s needed.
@ CHUQ That first act is to cut the $80 billion dollars Biden wants to use to DOUBLE the size of his IRS army and squeeze even more taxes out of every American taxpayer. The $114 billion number you cited is potential increased taxes to be collected over the next 10 years from already overtaxed taxpayers.
I find it interesting these masked and boosted mental patients can’t understand this. Democrats crying about a billion in “lost revenue” is insane. The government is telling you they want to hire 87,000 new armed agents to shake down Americans for another billion and you people act like this? They already spent this money by giving it to ukraine.
Political cartoonists sum up biden,
DEM politicians ruining this state live in a Utopian fantasy world.
CA is stuck with a governor incapable of providing ADULT supervision.
‘California Facing $25 Billion Budget Shortfall Next Year’
‘This is what you get when a huge chunk of a surplus goes to pet projects and one-time only spending programs’
‘Texas lawmakers will have $188.2 billion available for the next budget after record-breaking revenue growth’
The sad thing is none of the dollars spent will ever be properly accounted for. As such, the effectiveness of those expenditures can never be measured. And that’s the way they like it.
Why should politicians and unelected bureaucrats care, it’s not like they’re spending their own money.
IF newsom were an actual competent governor he would be holding politicians and paperclip warriors responsible for their decisions.
Prospect of being fired and unemployed for failure to perform duties assigned tends to motivate.
It’s unfortunate citizens of CA are so poorly served.
One wonders what their limit is for incompetence ? ? ?
Just like the California EDD fraud.
Nobody is taken to task or fired.
Typical of democrats- never trust them around money.
A $100 billion surplus to a $25 billion deficit in one year?
Obviously democrats know nothing about finance or money in general.
Their knowledge is limited to tax and spend – and lie.
Less damage would be done if we just paid the politicians to stay home and do nothing.
HUGE: Matt Gaetz Reveals Republicans Will Release the 14,000 Hours of J6 Tapes That Have Been Hidden by Criminal democrats.
Looks like we will finally get the full story on what really happened on January 6th. Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told Charlie Kirk today on Kirk’s radio show that the new Republican Congress will unveil the hidden J6 tapes.
Gaetz told Charlie Kirk that releasing the tapes “would give more full context to that day rather than the cherry-picked moments of the January 6th committee.” He further explained this is one example of the deal made with Kevin McCarthy to provide the American people the truth rather than the lies propagated by the Biden Regime.
Reported more documents marked classified from obama biden regime located at another biden office location.
Hoarding ? ? ? ?
C’mon, democrats- you gonna push to convict Trump when slow joe is guilty of the same damn thing?
“210 Democrats vote against bill requiring medical care for babies born alive after abortion attempt”
Roll Call 29 | Bill Number: H. R. 26 Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act …..
DeSaulnier NAY
What is your opinion ? ? ?
So if I understand this correctly – DeSaulnier voted against requiring medical care for babies born alive that survived an abortion attempt. In other words, he would refuse medical care allowing the “survivor” to pass away ….unless the doctor takes to heart the Hippocratic oath.
To me, that says DeSaulnier has zero morals.
It’s because of Barry telling Valerie to tell Nancy to tell Hakeem to tell Mark how to vote.
So mark is ok with not providing medical treatment for babies who survived an abortion!
And the left claims that not requiring medical treatment violates a woman’s “right to choose.”
Democrats have zero morals. I don’t see how they can look in the mirror each morning
Saying “only 12 files found” aint gonna cut it no mo’,liberals.
Trump sleeps like a baby tonight.
Hunter Biden snorting coke through a rolled up classified document off the belly of a naked stripper: Priceless.
The President has the right to declassify records. President Trump did so before he arrived in Mar-a-Lago and he kept the documents safe. There was no need to raid the President’s home. Some believe that the FBI took documents from President Trump that implicated the FBI.
Fast forward to this week. Documents were “found” at the Biden office at Penn University. The documents held very sensitive information that could get people killed if in the wrong hands. China donated millions to the facility at Penn U.
Joe Biden was Obama’s Vice President. He had no reason to maintain these top-secret documents. As VP, Biden DID NOT have the authority to declassify these documents. He committed crimes by holding this information in such a non-secure environment.
American news sources say “2nd Batch Of Biden Classified Documents Found In Another Location”
The fact is the second batch of classified documents were found in the garage of Biden’s Wilmington Delaware home. How irresponsible !
“They were in a locked garage… it’s not like I left ’em sitting on the street!”
Joe Biden 1/12/23
Classified documents at two unsecured offices.
Now classified documents found in Biden’s garage… his GARAGE!
Pot, meet kettle.
And Biden is “surprised…”
It’s clear that he has the mental capacity of a dead fish.
With apologies to dead fish.
Joe can’t remember who is wife is. How is he supposed to recall where he left top secret documents? He’s surprised every day when Jill reminds him that he is POTUS.
The authority to remove documents?
The Real Undisputed Clown
Who has gas? The plan to transfer wealth to the Oligarchs by fooling the fools
Some of Those Fools, do you recognize yourself?
Waiting for Trump to be arrested for bidens classified documents. It’s a good thing he kept them in the garage in the trunk of his corvette. Safety first, then teamwork
If it had been Trump they would have cut the Corvette in half to open the trunk.
They sat on this for 60 days. Plenty of time to remove any sensitive or compromising data. Garland’s special council will investigate for a couple of months and report the files were incorrectly labeled and simply contained Joe’s Reader’s Digest crossword puzzles and some hastily completed coloring books.
President Biden: “How irresponsible can you be?”
..said in reference to classified documents being discovered at Mar-a-lago.
Well Mr. President, Mr. Trump’s document were in a secure office – not next to the Corvette in a garage.
Pot, meet kettle.
…This administration is so inept.
OK…. the straw that broke the camel’s back . I’ve had enough problems with these guys over the years ( a customer since 1976). I’m closing my account.
I notice the democrats are silent on Biden’s holding onto classified documents…. from when he was VICE PRESIDENT????????
WTH was he holding onto them for from when he was VP??????
C’mon dems – aren’t you gonna defend slow joe ?
Just another criminal.
To all of you that voted for senile Joe, hope you’re enjoying the inflation you’ve brought on yourselves and the rest of us. Thanks for nothing!!!!!!