Home » Major Flooding Reported – Rain Should Come To An End At 7 p.m.

Major Flooding Reported – Rain Should Come To An End At 7 p.m.


Astrid Dr. in Pleasant Hill near murderers creek is currently under water.

Natalie S. shared the photos with us. She says water has been in her garage since this morning, but so far her house is ok.

The weather forecast shows the rain will come to an end at about 7 p.m. tonight. It should be sunny on New Year’s Day before the rain returns on Monday.


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That is an awful name.

A word of caution, do not drive through a flood. Even in a small flood, water can get into the engine compartment and cause all kinds of havoc, one being an electrical short. The water can also cause the brakes to warp and fail.


Brake rotor warp?
No. That is pure misinformation.


The only way brake rotors warp is from excessive heat.

Excessive heat, and rapid cooling from the water, can warp the rotors.

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@ELI SPECTOR….You could change it to “Phil Creek” after one of your relatives. Maybe “Wall of Water Creek”.

With everything going on in the world today is this something that has any relevance. There are far more too many issues we are facing.

Murderer’s Creek lends excitement as a place where something historical may have happened in the past that gave it an especially interesting story to be told. Not many places are fortunate enough to have a name that stimulates the imagination in that way. You got your Oak Streets, you got your Smith Courts, your got your Baker Way … dull by comparison.


OK Eli, if someone finds your name offensive, for whatever reason, does this mean you would be willing to change it?


Sorry Eli, I never said that I found your name offensive. I asked you a question that you still haven’t answered.


“I don’t want to live next to something that offends me – wah wah.” Can someone please give me a pacifier?

What’s next we don’t call it Mount Diablo

So if you find something offensive, we should change it?

Does that apply to the color of my skin? My sex? My identity? … or do you just pick and choose what offends you and what you want to discriminate against?

Names used to be applied based on what they represented or what was around the area. At this creek they found a murdered individual, so murder creek. It is history, it is fact … you cannot change either of those things, no matter how much you try to rewrite it and wipe it out.

@ELI SPECTOR….Seems as though your link is dead. And people think they’re doing a great deed by signing their name on some stupid website. How does do anything to make a difference?

Was it offensive to you before you moved there? Maybe you should have picked somewhere different. Hate when people move some place and complain about things that have been there way before them. Like the Clayton Quarry, if you don’t like dust you shouldn’t have moved there, it’s been that way since the quarry opened. Don’t like plane noise, don’t move near the airport.

Hope Murderers creek doesn’t do to much damage to the homes near it.


When we moved to Clayton in 1958, the Clayton Quarry had maybe a total of five trucks a day hauling gravel down Mitchell Canyon Road and it was not owned by an offshore, multinational corporation. It was to be closed within a prescribed period of time, and it was not located in a densely populated residential area which crossed the route to a nearby school., nor near the entrance to a much-loved State Park. They changed their plans. You decide!

Everyone is offended by something it seems, if you don’t like it, move! Enough of rewriting history just because some idiot is offended by it! Grow up and get a life!


I think changing the name of the creek would be disrespectful to the poor Injun horse thief they strung up there way back when.


That hanging spot is on Hangmans Hill in Walnut Creek/Lafayette area behind the Purple Peoples house.


I used to ride my horse up there all the time and dodge BB’s the cultists shot at me.


More rain, please!


May i add…In moderation, please.

Is there some history on why the creek is named that?

It certainly would be interesting to know how the creek got it’s name. There is an story there that might require an historical landmark and help to demystify what some seem to find scary.

Lol…never saw anyone so sh*t all stupid as that idiot trying to drive through that water. Must have manure for their brains.
Used to live over there. Glad I moved before the mensa club moved in.

It’s a historical name.
“History isn’t to be rewritten, but to be learned, otherwise we won’t know how we got here and what to avoid” “ Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”
– George Santayana

“Murderer’s (aka Murderous) Creek is a seasonal drainage creek also located in Pleasant Hill. Murderous Creek was named when the surveyors found a victim hanging from a tree near the stream in 1849”

“At 1985 Pleasant Hill Road next to Murderous (Murderer’s) Creek, there once was a large oak tree reputed to be 200 years old. The story is that an Indian was hung from this tree for horse stealing around 1849.” From the book “Shadow On The Hills” written by local historian Bill Mero. It’s an interesting read cover lots of local history, check it out.



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