Home » Close Call In Claycord Today – Dashcam Captures Illegal Turn That Almost Caused Crash

Close Call In Claycord Today – Dashcam Captures Illegal Turn That Almost Caused Crash


Now that was a close call in Claycord today.

Here’s a video on how not to drive, not only when it’s raining, but even when the roads are dry.

The driver with the dashcam did a great job to avoid the person who cut him off.


This is why it’s so important to pay attention to your surroundings while driving.

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There used to be things called traffic laws… back in the day.


I’ve seen a lot of drivers do “what’s handy” rather than what’s legal.

If they would let go of “what’s handy” they might be less distracted.

A good driver with good situational awareness to avoid a wreck, there was a time that was pounded into your head in Driver’s Ed. class. You can’t pound common sense into someone’s head, it’s a hard concept for some.


Hard to fix stupid!

That is on Railroad and a common driving occurrence. They also run that red light going towards Buchanan. Pittsburg PD could write so many tickets during both morning and afternoon commutes.

There is an intersection in my commute (sunset ave/ clayton road) near concord bart station where I swear i see so many close calls. One of these days someone will have a major accident there!! It seems people dont know they have to use first and second lane from their left to stay in sunset avenue. I have seen people cutting off others just to change 2 lanes to their left. Pd please do something!

I don’t blame any of the local PD agencies for the lack and absence of traffic law enforcement. They are burdened and probably overwhelmed by the current widespread lawlessness, created by politicians and their supporters who believe that criminals should be allowed to run wild and that laws shouldn’t be enforced.


Unfortunately, there isn’t Driver’s Ed or Training in high school anymore, it’s badly needed.


They don’t teach anything to these kids anymore, can’t you tell?


@LORRAINE….Like a few other subjects….Critical Thinking, Economics, Government and unbiased History courses. Basic Math might help too….maybe.

Driving Lesson: “Steer to the rear” the driver recording with dash cam should have steered to the rear of the vehicle and gone behind the SUV. The vehicles would still have collided if the SUB did not stop.

This is why I have a train horn on my truck. People have stopped using their eyes (and brains) when they drive so I apply a penalty on their ears. It’s a real life application of the game Operation – you made a bad move so I will scare you to enforce better decisions /awareness next time you drive. Simple highlight to show you could have caused an accident.

I’m working on putting a big red light on the front of my truck also! Lol


Driving has become one of my least favorite things to do in life! It got way worse after smart phones. I had a kid almost hit me one day and when I yelled at him he said “I was just looking at my navigation” as if that was an excuse to not look forward at the direction he was traveling. So dumb!!!!

“I don’t need directions….I’ve got the GPS!”


The other day when I drove from Martinez to Willow Pass Road to Todos Santa Plaze, a drive that takes about 15 minutes, I observed 3 red light runners. Granted the drove through just as the light changed, but they still ran a red light. Also the other day I think Thursday, a woman that was walking in the crosswalk right my Macy’s entrance (by the shoe department) was hit by a car, when I came back from lunch there were 2 emergency vechicles there, and 2 police cars. Some of Macy’s managers was also outside. Don’t know how bad she was hurt and how she is doing.

Driving way too fast does not help.


The driver with the dash am was ball in’

The second message here should be “SLOW DOWN”. Driving that fast in the rain is also unsafe. You should be half to blame. Maybe they thought they had enough time to squeak that sneaky turn in if you’d been doing the prima facia speed limit.



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