Home » Proposed Bill Would Require Opioid Blockers In Gas Stations, Bars, Libraries

Proposed Bill Would Require Opioid Blockers In Gas Stations, Bars, Libraries


In light of the ever-worsening opioid crisis, a state assemblyman has introduced a new bill that would require opioid blockers to be present in gas stations, bars, libraries, and single-room occupancy hotels.

Assembly Bill 24 from Assemblymember Matt Haney would require that the opioid blocker, commonly known as naloxone or the brand name Narcan, be accompanied by posters that explain how to administer the nasal spray.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 932,000 people have died in the United States due to opioid overdoses since 1999. The highly addictive, inexpensive, and lethal drug known as fentanyl has been a key culprit in this spike.


Should the bill pass, remedial nasal sprays and instructions would be mailed to relevant locations free of charge by the California Department of Public Health. Naloxone medication is known to be able to quickly reverse the effects of opioid overdose without side effects.

A key challenge is that the spray can only be issued to an individual experiencing an overdose by an involved bystander once the individual has become unconscious.

Thus, the bill hopes to put the nasal spray in the hands of employees at gas stations, bars, libraries, and SROs.

“If fentanyl continues to be cheaper and more accessible than opioid blockers we’re going to keep seeing an increase in overdose deaths,” Haney said in a press release announcing the legislation. “Until we can cut off the source of fentanyl, we have a responsibility to make sure the only effective first aid response is always there when it’s needed.”


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A absolute overreach by Corruptifornia’s politicians.


So the answer to an uncontrolled border is to distribute narcan at taxpayer’s expense? “Until we can cut off the source of fentanyl…” Obviously, the feds aren’t interested in gaining control of the border. Thank you Jobama Obiden.


And if they are not willing to cut off the source, maybe just let natural selection take place??? Some people have been rescued by Narcan 10s of times. This is crazy. If people want to kill themselves so badly, who are we to stand in their way?


It is called The Law of Natural Selection. Charles Darwin was correct.

OPEN BORDERS perhaps a factor or treating possession for personal use as a misdemeanor that DAs won’t bother with . . . . .
Why is it liberals don’t make penalties for drunk driving LESS ? ? ? ?
Alcohol is for personal use . . . .
Have incompetent liberals running things given up on opioid abuse ? ? ? ?
What the heck, go ahead and put something in your body . . . you can trust the guy that took your money, right ? ? ?
If bill passes, and you didn’t get what guy that sold it said it was you can pull into a gas station and snort the cue. Then you can do it all over again tomorrow, knowing the downside consequences have been lessened by this bill . . . .
Have dealt with persons in recovery who hit a bottom and turned their lives around for 40 years. Have also watched people who never got clean. People who created havoc to those around them and finally died a slow, slow death.
Giving a substance abuser an easy out, will only cause opioid abuse to skyrocket.
But what the heck, were only here so liberal politicians have something to experiment on.


Funny how libraries are on the same level in our society as bars. I can only assume it’s because homeless drug addicts hang out at libraries dancing for kids.
This place sucks, don’t you want our old way of life back?
They could put the military all across the boarder instead of the wall and you would stop this.


I do want my old way of life back….I would think that the vast majority of people would say that they too want their old way of life back if they were being honest…..But they won’t be honest because then they would have to face some realities about the choices they have made and that this new reality is in part due to those very choices.


So I’m paying for this? Why just those 3 locations, what about Grocery stores, retail stores, etc. How about putting the money toward getting fentanyl out of circulation.


@WC—CREEKER….”…putting the money toward getting fentanyl out of circulation.” That “War on Drugs” worked so good on crack back in the 70s, just keep it up, it’ll work this time with fentanyl…BTW, it’s not Big Pharm that’s the problem, it’s the “bathtub” fentanyl coming into the US via China and Mexico. I would venture a guess that 99% of fentanyl overdoses are from the illegal trade, but you can’t sue the cartels, go where the money is….just my 2¢.

Another cash grab by Big Pharma. They make money causing the problem and they make money trying to cure the problem. And surely the politicians get their cut.


Good point. As if the COVID HOAX wasn’t enough for them. Big pharma one weapon of choice in our times. They are hitting us with everything at once.


Probably a good idea but catching drug dealers is a better one. Closing down the border is another good idea. Going after the Mexican cartels seems good or the drug sellers of China maybe.


According to the DEA, 80% of fentanyl comes from China through Mexico. Wouldn’t it be a better idea to close the California/Mexico border? Then deploy the US Military to annihilate the cartels.


Exactly! These cartels are openly attacking and killing our citizens while they rake in the profits. Close the border and send the military in, what is Mexico going to do about it?? Colombia? Think anyone would come to their aid? We need to stop the problem.
The politicians are definitely in Big Pharma’s pockets, how much do you think we’re going to pay for each of these doses, then multiply that by the number of gas stations, let alone libraries and hotel rooms in the state! More profits to those that shouldn’t be making a profit. This is insanity. We are trying to help those that don’t want the help or are abusing the system, instead of the hard-working tax payers that are functioning members of society like us! Something’s gotta change

Defibrillators, Insulin, Aspirin, EpiPens, O2 cylinder w/cannula & regulator, nebulizers, antihistamines and cortisone!

Every bartender needs to supplied with these lifesaving drugs and medical devices!



Or, I don’t know, people can maybe be responsible for themselves for once???


So the law abiding citizens and tax payers have to shoulder more costs to provide treatment for the drugged out tweakers to stay alive ?? Why ?? If you choose to be druggies, then you take your chances….


Seems like a no-brainer to just let Darwin take over for these folks. Druggies offer nothing to society. Not one positive contribution. They only take and make stuff worse for everyone else. I say leave them to their outcomes.

Come on you stupid a_s politicians supporting drug use.And at the expense of taxpayers. And you people that keep them in office should be put in jail with the drug users.


Because California will be absolutely perfect if we can just make it so that people can take drugs anywhere they go, inhale some Narcan to be brought back to life from the verge of death, and go on to take more drugs. Paradise on earth.


I advise my employees to not administer ANY medical assistance.
Too much liability.


And, super not their jobs (I am guessing). I would help someone in medical need. But, I am not risking myself for a druggie.

This is all created by Joe Biden. His day will come to answer the man above.


There are many other politicians complicit in many things that are wrong in California and America, and yes, they will have to answer to the man above one day. However, too many of the politicians are too narcissistic to even care.

Shouldn’t these be distributed at the source and instead be available at the politician’s houses since they allowed this?


The common sense answer to fentanyl crisis is to establish some control of the wide open borders. However, that’s unlikely because China Joe is not about to bite the hand that fed him(and made him and Hunter very rich).


I believe Narcan is a good thing to have available as some of our kids and friends succumb to peer pressure and then get something that was not as advertised. Lives lost are still lives lost but this is simply once again treating the symptoms rather than fighting the disease. Rat crap politicians allowed this to become such a horrendous problem that we may be too far into it to get out. Then you get people like Governor Grease ball and Scott “the” Wiener wanting things like safe injection sites and legalization to further the addiction problems because “they sound so caring” “all bulls#%t”. Sleepy Creepy in the white house could stem this by simply enforcing laws already in place and at least it would have a chance of slowing down, but he won’t as these are pedestrian problems to them.
U.S. Overdose Deaths In 2021 Increased Half as Much as in 2020 – But Are Still Up 15% (cdc.gov)


Sure, continue to burden the business and their patrons with additional costs while ignoring the root of the problem.

Government fails at everything, including governing.

Right? I don’t understand why we have to keep paying for people’s bad decisions. It is THEIR choice to do bad things, so why should I pay for it?

It is amazing how the government is deciding how to put medical care in the hands of the people and doctors are letting it happen. The trajectory of this is only bad. They’ve earned it though by showing everyone how spineless they are.

California is so stupid just another way for them to steal money for their buddy’s. None of our politicians can solve problems. They just make new laws that no one follows and waste money.

Democrat reasoning.
So let’s say there is a dangerous highway merge where there are repeated multi-car accidents. A prudent person would say, “Let’s modify the highway for a more safe merge”.
Democrats would say, “Let’s order more tow trucks.”

Spot on.

Figures from the CDC….175 people a day die from fentanyl poisoning….385 people a day die from alcohol consumption (US figures 2019-2021). Going after Big Pharma is somewhat comparable to sueing the clerk behind the liquor store counter or a bartender isn’t it? ……or am I just ignorant?

And you’re feelings will change completely as soon as you realize your own son has been using and was saved by narcan



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