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‘… Twitter’s top ranks were filled with over a DOZEN ex-FBI agents and executives which stitched social media giant even closer to the Bureau – as ‘Twitter Files’ uncover cooperation over account details’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2xmkkvvf
‘Spooks infiltrate Silicon Valley: Facebook is riddled with ex-CIA agents – including President’s briefer who now runs ‘harmful content’ team – so many ex-FBI work at Twitter they have Slack channel and Google is rife with ex-CIA’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/28t8xrup
“It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion”
—Joseph Goebbels
The immigration system worked well until liberals and Democrats started ignoring immigration laws and shielding these criminals.
Everything was better under Trump.
#MATA Make America Trump, Again
MAGA Making Attorneys Get Attorneys
Make A******* Go Away.
Naturally it’s a tall order.
Yeah, neither you or I are leaving on account of a simple disagreement. So maybe your 2nd abbreviation needs some work.
Since Rudy and Cindy are about to loose their law licenses, my statement won’t exactly stand too much longer.
Priceless ! ! !
‘Priorities, eh? Woke San Francisco announces air pollution fine up to $500 for anyone who lights a wood fire – as thousands of druggies openly smoke crack and meth on crime-ridden city’s streets’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/y89ezycv
Kind of interesting of SBF Sam Bankman Fried is out on a $250M bond with only placing his parent’s $4M dollar home up for collateral. You know when you are the second largest donor to the Democratic Party things seem to work favorably for you.
There is only one organization dumb enough to underwrite Sam’s $250M bail. Yep, the Biden administration. Our tax dollars at work.
But hey, like Griner, Sam wasn’t going to be supplied with a proper vegan diet while in jail. Something had to be done about such an injustice.
Perhaps they will put Kamala Harris in charge of investigating the root cause of securities fraud.
Our government doesn’t seem to realize there will be nothing left of the Ukraine when this war ends. It could have been prevented but the hawks wanted a proxy war. They found a pidgin to do it. It is sick.
Ukraine will be part of Russia. But first they will up the debt for Americans that haven’t even been born yet and launder it back to themselves. Supporting anything this corrupt government does is equal to selling your grandchildren into slavery. Like was done to us. Can we start auditing every member of congress and their families? What did Trumps tax returns show?
Expect Poland to gain some territory too. They also want a return on their investment.
Ukraine rebuilt after Word War 2. Ukraine will rebuild after this.
And how did the Ukraine and the rest of Europe rebuild after World War II? It was by the Marshall Plan where the US paid for everything. I think we have given more than our fair share and a Marshall Plan part 2 would not financially responsible.
Mr. History, at the end of World War 2 Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union declined the assistance and blocked the satellites from receiving funds. This includes Ukraine, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, and Estonia.
Only 18 countries in Europe accepted the benefits. England being the highest recipient of the grants from the Marshall Plan. There was an additional loan made to England of ~$3 billion and England paid that back by 2006. Additionally, the US did not pay for everything, Canada contributed ~$1.5 billion.
Ukraine is the world’s 7th largest grain producer and the 6th largest grower of corn. Food is going to become a more contested issue in the near future and while we [the US] produce vast amounts too, having a good relationship with Ukraine will benefit us.
I am assuming the clintons are not involved, because if they were, he’d be safer in the Bahamian prison. Color me jaded, but my suspicions had been raised when he was arrested just as he was to testify to congress, and now, as mentioned by @Chris above, his $250 million bail appears to be met with his parents’ property (less than 10%). I strongly suspect that somehow, we regular citizens are going to take it in the shorts, yet again, along with a pairing gift of the additional new $2.6 trillion spent just the last few weeks.
Mr. History,
“The Marshall Plan,” was originally “The Truman Plan,” then “The Hoover Plan,” and then “The Marshall Plan.” Former President Herbert Clark Hoover developed “The Truman Plan” at the request of President Harry Simpson Truman, but President Truman lacked the political capital necessary to get “The Truman Plan” passed through Congress, at which point it became “The Hoover Plan,” but former President Hoover also lacked the political capital necessary to get “The Hoover Plan” passed through Congress, so it then became “The Marshall Plan” because George C. Marshall had the political capital necessary to get the plan through Congress.
After watching politicians roll over for this $1.7 Trillion spending bill, with a big piece going to Ukraine, perhaps it’s time to embrace this “America Last” thing. It seems to be quite popular with some people. Perhaps it’s a social engineering phenomenon, that in some way could be good for someone, although highly unlikely it’s you.
Nope, it’s a disaster. Dumpster fire. Baloney without the Mayo. Vapor.
But as Joe Biden has frequently said, “Another day, another sausage.”
Don’t laugh at kids who believe in Santa,
“Happy Shwanza,”
Sounds like a line from Mel Brooks in Spaceballs. May the Schwartz be with you.
Actually it was from Nancy Pelosi yesterday.
Where’s Joe?
Same things never change
School Daze
A Visit With Santa
You are warm today bacause
While Elon Musk at Twitter has exposed one area of censorship and bias in media, billionaire Michael Bloomberg is working diligently to establish bias in another with his interest in buying the Wall Street Journal. Currently Mike publishes Business Week magazine which took a strange turn after his run for the presidency, becoming very political and lecturing the business community on the terrors of a Donald Trump and the benefits of illegal immigration. He will better encircle Wall Street and top business managers if he can push his progressive narratives in the only other leading business publication.
Kari Lake election contest fair? Nope. Watch the judge signal to the defense at 07:30.
With the winner running the election and polling places running out of material and the humongous wait times I think the election should be a do over. Lake may lose again but this kind of election should not be tolerated.
Kari knew what the outcome would be. Her lawsuit was a symbolic yet academic gesture to call further attention to the continued grift. However don’t count on any sort of election reform or corrective measures.
A body language “expert” wouldn’t be called to testify in court, why should we believe this analysis?
Also, the “hearsay” was evidence of what exactly?
People and the system they run usually don’t have a problem with reform. Especially when an actual issue is brought to their attention. Kari’s suite and entire campaign was symbolic, so she can write off all manner of things as campaign expenses.
So what you wanted to see
good has made you blind
And what you wanted to be
yours, just made it mine.
-Black Days
Has anyone noticed that every time we get within two years of the Real.ID deadline the DHS bumps it out another two years?
Perhaps it will be a race to see which happens first: Carbon independence or Real.ID.
Every sentence Mayorkas utters begins with, “We are working diligently to…….”
Sure Al.
No wonder Al Czervik gets more respect.
I looked it up and there is a nice video of the police driving by a shop getting looted and they just yell out the car window that you will get arrested as they uselessly drive down the street without even slowing down.
In the Blue Zoo, slowing down would be racist.
The first slaves sold into America were 100 Irish children in 1619. Know your history people. I will never pay taxes into a reparations system that first doesn’t expose truth as it actually is. Who bought the slaves, who sold the slaves, who transported the slaves. They have records of all of this somewhere. The real truth is not what they tell you. Poor Martin Luthier King Jr just got canceled…that should tell you everything. obama now pushing communist kuanza is everything to me.
History is always written for the amusement of the ruling class.
Now, it’s being rewritten for the amusement of the ruling class.
Current manipulations have nothing to do with those that suffered. It’s simply about vote harvesting. Just like George Floyd, they will drop all this reparations stuff like a hot rock once it’s no longer politically advantageous.
Perhaps Mel Brooks was quite serious in Blazing Saddles when it was proclaimed, “We’ll take the n****** and the c*****, but we don’t want the Irish”. We thought it was just humor, perhaps not.
In 2024, US senate election there’ll be 20 DEM seats up for election and only 11 REP seats.
After two more years of the biden harris fiasco . . . . .
“A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit from Massachusetts parents who accused public school officials of hiding their children’s gender transitions from them.”
‘A federal judge essentially says parents have no rights over their children’
your children are not yours
An they’re baffled why so many kids are now being home schooled.
Top school principal hides students’ academic awards in name of ‘equity’
For years, two administrators at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) have been withholding notifications of National Merit awards from the school’s families, most of them Asian, thus denying students the right to use those awards to boost their college admission prospects and earn scholarships. This episode has emerged amid the school district’s new strategy of “equal outcomes for every student, without exception.” School administrators, for instance, have implemented an “equitable grading” policy that eliminates zeros, gives students a grade of 50 percent just for showing up, and assigns a cryptic code of “NTI” for assignments not turned in. It’s a race to the bottom.
Are you okay with this?
How would you deal with these people?
Couple political cartoons,
Poor ol’ Joe, he really had no choice
The political left is NOT liberal
This traitor must go
No problem, it’s all good
Well, whadadya know, some of us knew all along. We weren’t permitted to speak up.
Truth be known……..
On a more serious note……
These are so good.
Gutless left wing activist Peter Thompson Rules Elections with Broken Machines in 60% of Precincts and No Chain of Custody for Ballots Are Free, Fair and Certifiable.
Judge Peter Thompson ruled that when 60% of election centers have broken machines and hundreds of thousands of ballots are counted without a chain of custody, this constitutes a free and fair election. This despicable crooked liar had to go out of his way to ignore Arizona election laws to dismiss this case. It is crooked officials like him who are bringing down this great nation.
May he be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels, all carrying the plague.
That idiot Mayorkas is upset title 42 has been given a stay, which will put him behind schedule on his quota for illegal admissions. Always the charmer, he is now requesting Congress grant amnesty for illegals. Now he’ll also say he wants to create a path to citizenship. So imagine an illegal calls home to let his family know he is on the fast track to US citizenship. The first thing they’ll tell him is, “Are you daft? Don’t do that! You’ll give up all the free stuff”.
And that would be very sage advice.
The Climate Crisis is FAKE, this proves it.
The Pfizer heart
Can this be true?
Meanwhile in the big city
A really really really good idea
A dose of reality
And finally, a little humor
Muzzle -ready, Traitor Joe said he will hold airlines responsible for weather delays. IDIOT!
Elon Musk on Monday released another Twitter files drop: How Twitter rigged the Covid debate:
– By censoring info that was true but inconvenient to US government policy
– By discrediting doctors and other experts who disagreed
– By suppressing ordinary users, including some sharing the CDC’s *own data*
Disgraced FBI lawyer turned Twitter lawyer James Baker wanted Trump’s optimistic tweet about Covid deleted.
Trump encouraged Americans not to be afraid of Covid after he recovered from the virus in early October 2020.
James Baker ran to Yoel Roth and demanded to know why Trump’s tweet telling people, “Don’t be afraid of Covid” wasn’t a violation of Twitter’s Covid policy.
Yoel Roth had to explain to that idiot Baker that optimism wasn’t misinformation.
In light of concerns about Baker’s role in suppression of information important to the public dialogue, he was exited from Twitter today” Elon Musk said.
James Baker also interfered in the 2016 election when he acted as a running dog for Hillary Clinton’s lawyer Michael Sussmann.
Musk earlier this month announced he fired Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel James Baker for censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story. That guy really is a horrible hateful human being.
Once AGAIN we see that an education doesn’t necessarily provide one with wisdom, or a conscience.
Went up to west antioch today and as usual it was an adventure.
Vehicles running red lights, heavy set guy challenging cars like a football player on contra loma blvd. Made three runs to big box stores and he was out n about on two of those trips.
NO, No, no, obama explained this years ago, . . . it’s redistribution.
Rumor has it Greg Abbott is considering flying a couple of plane loads of refugees to St Croix.
It seems the weather is nice this time of year.
Just as happened after fall of Libya (obama biden – clinton) terrorists had so many weapons,
‘Weapons for sale on Facebook in Libya’
Fast forward to biden harris abandonment of Afghanistan,
‘‘Unbelievable’: Biometric Device With Identities Of U.S. Servicemen, Afghan Allies Sold On eBay For $68, Report Says’
Same attention to detail taking place on our southern border . . . . vetting ? ? ?
URL for first article https://tinyurl.com/uksb5x
Happy Schwanzaa!
An Interesting Coincidence? What are the odds?
Ever seen a traitor’s pants on fire?
Then & Now
Wait……What? You mean Trump was right? “C’mon man”
Why is Tarzan always portrayed as whits?
Vacation reward for a job well done?
Did nothing, created nothing, saved nothing, has nothing, wants everything. Wasted lives.
Just for fun,
And NOT ONE democrat has the balls to try defending the idiots in the WH.
This whole administration is an epic FAILURE!