Home » The Water Cooler – Real Christmas Tree -vs- Fake Christmas Tree – Which One Wins?

The Water Cooler – Real Christmas Tree -vs- Fake Christmas Tree – Which One Wins?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION – Which one do you prefer when it comes to Christmas trees? Real or Fake?


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There are many fake trees that look real, and can save people money because they don’t have to go out and buy a tree every year. Real trees have a pleasant aroma, but also pose a fire hazard. I think both are ok, and it all depends on personal preference.


Real, my dad would turn over in his grave if I got a fake tree. He was a vegetable Gardner, however were I grew up a big farmer would travel to the Jutland Peninsula, to buy Christmas tree to sell at a lot in Copenhagen, he had the money, but knew nothing about Christmas trees, so he would have my dad come along, to help him pick the trees. It was from what I understand a very nice trip, to a big farm, where they were vined and dined for a a couple of days. So of course we always had a very good looking tree since my dad had top pick. On top of that, he would buy an advent calendar, which all Danish children would have, usually a just a plain one you hang on the wall, but my dad would bring one back very eloborate, that you had to put together, I especially remember one with a train, mountains with snow and of course pine trees.


Why would anyone be giving Hanne’s comment a thumbs down? We too would cut down our trees, always a fun family outing. I remember my dad would put it in the stand while my mom directed him….a little left no a little right no left again. 😊 Memories. Those original advent calendars were the best, nothing fancy.

lots’a trolls in these parts……


When I was growing up in Denmark in the fifties I don’t think fake trees were ever a possibility. My parents loved nature and animals. Cutting down trees does not necessarily harm the environment, thining out give more room for other trees, and pine trees grow relatively fast, so when older trees are cut down newer ones gets planted.

Real….. no question


I like real trees because they smell so good, however, I always use the artificial because I do not want to pay good cash to cut down a tree, or buy a pre-cut, that will stay in my house for a month or 2 and then get tossed. That’s just me. I do love seeing everyone driving home with a tree strapped to the top of their cars, always makes mee smile.

Real Christmas trees a great. They look nice & they smell good. And there is also the fun of picking one out. However they are quite expensive and the tree lot personnel often inform you that they don’t have any 5 foot trees left but they’d be happy to give you a little Christmas break on that enormous 7 footer over here…Then there is the “small” fire concern, the mess and the disposal.

Artificial trees lack the same feel no question…..but they are largely a one time expense, are already in your garage and can certainly be decorated and made to look quite festive….

It is your call, I’ve had both.

Real Christmas trees. I understand why people have artificial trees… I get it. Real trees are fun to pick out, they smell good and they look nicer in the house! Just keep the cats away from the water!


A while back I decided there was something rather barbaric about cutting down a perfectly good tree and watching it slowly die for you over a period of weeks.
So we chose to plant a living tree in a huge beautiful ceramic pot and we decorate it each year. When it gets too big we’ll transplant it and start again with a smaller one.


Concur with your opinion about real trees’ wastefulness.


Give my comment a thumbs down all you want but you cannot deny the fact that a tree’s water consumption over its lifetime is relatively wasted for a fleeting 30 days worth of “emotion”.


@Exit 12A
Lots of water in Washington state for those tree farms that do nothing EXCEPT grow trees for Christmas and rely on folks showing up and cutting them down. And they’re being watered naturally. Not sure why people have a problem with this.

So you know for a fact that all Christmas trees sold in CA come from Washington state.
Tell us more.

@Exit 12A
I never said that I know “for a fact that all Christmas trees sold in CA come from Washington state”. Don’t be ridiculous.

Fake. I miss the smell of a real tree, but they are a fire hazard and expensive. We have a nice-looking fake tree. It’s a cinch to put up and has the lights pre-installed. Can do white or mult-colored lights, steady or flashing.

most of the live trees today are from farms; crops, like green beans…. I’m ok with that.
Trees cut from forest lands Nope…..

I agree with you 100%. The typical tree we buy are grown on tree farms just like corn. All the trees are mast harvest at one time for the season and the field is planted again for the future.



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