Home » Retiring Contra Costa County Supervisor Hears Tributes, Issues Warning At Final Meeting

Retiring Contra Costa County Supervisor Hears Tributes, Issues Warning At Final Meeting


By Tony Hicks –

After decades of county service, Contra Costa County Supervisor Karen Mitchoff chaired her final board meeting Tuesday with tears, laughs and a few parting shots from her regular critics during public comment.

“We’ve been called communists and today we got a new one: domestic terrorist,” Mitchoff said. “I’m keeping a list. It’s the only way you get through some of these comments.”


Mitchoff, who was first elected to the board in 2010, is known for cutting through the bureaucracy of local politics and getting to the point, often bluntly and passionately.

Mitchoff paused frequently Tuesday, getting choked up talking about working for a Martinez attorney straight out of high school, becoming a paralegal, and working for former county sheriff and state senator and assemblyman Richard Rainey. She later worked for former supervisor and now U.S. Rep. Mark DeSaulnier and former county supervisor Sunne Wright McPeak, who was at Tuesday’s meeting.

“If there is a measure of someone’s service in public that is the reflection of those people around you who paid tribute, then you hit the pinnacle,” McPeak said. “It was wonderful seeing everybody at your (recent retirement) celebration, with all five supervisors there, and to recognize your tremendous contributions to Contra Costa County.

“As Tina Turner had said, and you paid witness to all of us, you simply are the best,” McPeak said.


Other colleagues, past and present, praised her work ethic, tenacity, and focus on issues, from the environment to libraries to social services. County Health Services director Anna Roth said Mitchoff’s strong support during the COVID-19 lockdown was critical.

“You have helped save so many lives,” Roth said.

District 1 Supervisor John Gioia was absent, due to a case of COVID-19 severe enough to keep him from even joining remotely. District 5 Dupervisor Federal Glover quoted Gioia from Mitchoff’s recent retirement party.

“The one (comment) that really stuck out was John’s comment about being in a fight and, to be in a fight, he would definitely want Karen to be on his side in that fight,” Glover said. “I’m reminded of that as on the various agencies and government bodies that she has served on down through the years, she has been a forceful leader and fighting for those things that she believed in.”


Pleasant Hill City Councilmember Ken Carlson won last month’s election to fill Mitchoff’s District 4 seat on the board, which includes Concord, most of Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill, Clayton, and nearby unincorporated areas. Carlson said he knows he has large shoes to fill. Mitchoff was on Pleasant Hill’s Recreation and Parks Commission before being elected to the City Council and serving as mayor.

“Your friendship, your support of myself and the community, has been truly outstanding as well,” Carlson said. “As for the entire District 4 and the county and beyond when I think of the work you have done regionally across the Bay Area, it’s just truly outstanding and tremendous.”

“I look forward to getting to work and doing my best to continue that hard work for you.”

District 3 Supervisor Diane Burgis thanked Mitchoff for making her better at her job.


“I also want to recognize how you’ve grown people like I know that you were grown by Sunne and Mark and the sheriff and all of these people, but you’ve also paid it forward,” Burgis said. “You have paid it forward and you continue to pay it forward you’ve made me a better elected leader so I want to thank you personally for that.”

Before reading the proclamation officially thanking Mitchoff and recognizing her retirement, District 2 Supervisor Candace Andersen told Mitchoff, “I’m just going to say you know well behaved women don’t make history, so keep it up.”

Mitchoff said she plans to spend time exercising, traveling to national parks, and will adopt a dog. She also referred to earlier public speakers accusing the board of being part of election and vaccine conspiracies in warning of a growing danger in local politics.

“I am very concerned about the future of those willing to serve at the local level in appointed and elected offices,” Mitchoff said. “We all know individuals who we believe would be great public leaders, but when we go out and ask them would they consider it, it used to be the concern was ‘I don’t know if I can raise the money to be able to launch a viable campaign.’ Now it’s ‘I wouldn’t do that for anything.’

“We’re going to need people who are willing to step up and do the hard work,” she said.


parent December 13, 2022 - 3:53 PM - 3:53 PM

So how much were those people who praised her paid?

I know no one who praises her.

Dawg December 13, 2022 - 4:04 PM - 4:04 PM

Give me a break.

Cellophane December 13, 2022 - 5:27 PM - 5:27 PM

Goodbye and good riddance.

S December 13, 2022 - 5:41 PM - 5:41 PM

good riddance

Anon December 13, 2022 - 5:42 PM - 5:42 PM

“….traveling to national parks, and will adopt a dog”.

Sorry, but Both of those are Not in line with the World Economic Forum ideals……which Mitchoff is so fond of.

Hope Johnson December 13, 2022 - 5:46 PM - 5:46 PM

One useless gatekeeper replaced by another useless gatekeeper.

Cyn December 13, 2022 - 7:00 PM - 7:00 PM

All I will remember about Karen is her wanting to “bring the hammer down” on struggling small businesses and fine business owners $20,000 for not asking customers to show them their private medical information (vax card). Bye, Karen, and by all means, DO let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

yoyohop December 13, 2022 - 7:48 PM - 7:48 PM

And then she insulted people for not enabling her attempt to become a Covid tyrant. – People are stupid – she said – Don’t they watch the news. –

Also let’s not forget the attempt to create church registries during the lockdowns.

Mike Mcdermott December 14, 2022 - 12:00 PM - 12:00 PM

One of her last votes was to allow the sale of vape products and accessories in Contra Costa County…. In spite of the objections of her own health department!

In 20 years we will all be looking back on these pro-smoking, pro-vaping ordinances as utterly oblivious to the medical evidence of harm…certainly resulting in more deaths and disabilities in her county than the pandemic we just experienced.

bdml December 14, 2022 - 11:18 AM - 11:18 AM

Ding dong the WITCH is gone!

American Citizen December 14, 2022 - 12:16 PM - 12:16 PM

Her years of cheating her constituents are over. She will still get a fat pension as she continues to shaft the Lemmings who elected her every term.

frank December 14, 2022 - 3:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Hope Johnson et al

Mitchoff did a good job. Held off the lefty’s on several issues. It’s really easy to sit back and make stupid remarks .Hope does it very well, but she and her pals have had a lot of practice.

Happy Squash December 14, 2022 - 4:24 PM - 4:24 PM

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. I had contact with her a few times for various professional reasons and she was always rude and condescending. Looking forward to someone new one the board.


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