Home » Guaranteed Income Program For Pregnant Black Women Expands To Contra Costa County

Guaranteed Income Program For Pregnant Black Women Expands To Contra Costa County


A San Francisco-based guaranteed income program that gives monthly checks to pregnant Black women received $5 million to expand its care to soon-to-be-mothers across California, including women in Contra Costa County, the San Francisco Department of Public Health announced this week.

Since 2021, the Abundant Birth Project has provided an additional $1,000 a month to 150 at-risk pregnant women of color in efforts to mitigate racial birth disparities.

Now backed by a multi-million-dollar state grant from the California Department of Social Services, the program will work with local health organizations to serve 425 mothers residing in Alameda, Contra Costa, Los Angeles and Riverside counties for the next two or three years.


“Thank you to the state of California for this crucial investment in the Abundant Birth Project as it works diligently to minimize racial health disparities caused by financial stressors,” said Dr. Grant Colfax, San Francisco Director of Health. “We are so proud and excited to see a San Francisco program grow to help hundreds more Black birthing parents in California and give infants the best chance for a healthy start in life.”

The project aims to prevent premature births, which are nearly twice as likely to happen to Black women compared to white women in San Francisco, according to the city’s Office of Financial Empowerment.

“For so long, Black women have been excluded from the resources needed to have safe and healthy pregnancies. This funding will provide pregnant people with economic stability during this critical phase in their lives while allowing public health institutions to test a novel and promising public health intervention,” said Dr. Zea Malawa, director of Expecting Justice.

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So is a woman of color or a black woman? Just curious as both are referenced in this use of tax payer money.

As a taxpayer, I want to know why I need to pay for someone else screwing around.

If you want to give money out, fund raise like the rest of us …. All this is going to do is get more people to get pregnant so they can collect more money … endless cycle.


So its really a program to pay back ladies to get pregnant?


Nah. Just buying votes. Again.


Can I self identify as a pregnant black birthing parent and collect the money? Asking for a friend.


Typo-,i meant to say’ black ladies’.not-“pay back ladies to get pregnant”

How about all the “At Risk” Males that can get pregnant, they should get $2000 per month.


I am confused….do we not already have Obama care (Covered California) for this? More tax money seems to go to what we did not vote for… Gas tax for roads slopped into the general fund, mello-roos not going to schools, prop “whatever” you get the idea. Getting a little done here with endless homelessness, highest gas taxes in the country, Highest rents (might explain homelessness) in the nation “sorry New York” and the general detritus (waste) of our state. Lived here my entire life and never imagined we would be here.


The left wing government we live under keeps accusing us of all being racists & then they go and base all their decisions according to race?
They are the ones creating and promoting racism!
All men are created equal except for those of different colors over there… they are more equal…. WTF?


It’s the Orwell, “Animal Farm” theory of social justice practiced by unifiers in the tradition of democrats rubbing their two brain cells together to determine, “Some are more equal than others.”


And don’t forget the men who aren’t men but identify as men! Lol.


and, they just don’t see it.


Have they defined “woman” ?


Probably just “birthing units” now.

Racism at full display


And people wonder why there’s been a mass exodus of people leaving this crap hole state. The “wokes” crying “racism” but it’s only and always magically against blacks but never against anyone else, it seems. And the simple fact that these poor oppressed, discriminated people can’t even see that they’re pawns in a political game is pretty pathetic at this point. They just bask in the rewards of OUR TAX MONEY. Our govt is stealing from us to turn around and discriminate against us with our own money. Unbelievable.

The absolute insanity of the left and their minions never ceases to amaze me. California has officially gone to total sh*t.

So perhaps they choose to collect $1K per month for several months while pregnant, and then have California pay for the abortion. Then repeat. It’s the crazy mixed up world of Gavin Newsom.


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I made no reference as to fetus term.
The state of California is besieged with fraud as illustrated by billions in unemployment fraud, stimulus checks going to death row inmates and such. There will be people who will find a way to pillage this program also.


Why can’t programs be for all people? Any color of people should receive this, if qualified. This goes for all programs.


The reason they would never do this is because it makes too much sense!

This is discrimination for every other race but if I say that I am racist.


So now we are doing racism. Ok got it. Unbelievable. After all the years of equality, mlk, colorblind, diversity, inclusive bs, one race of people are handed money for procreating. If you want more black babies, get rid of planned parenthood who was created to regulate the flow of black babies. You people are insane. This will surly be found unconstitutional.


The Constitution ceases to exist upon entering the nation state of California.
To borrow a phrase from Pirates of the Caribbean: “More like what you’d call guidelines than actual rules”. Gavin Newsom makes Captain Barbossa look like Pee-wee Herman.


Liberals literally want to re-write our constitution. So, there’s that.


Sounds like they have the baby covered coming or going now. You get your pick.


“Have it your way!” at Burger King!

How about going after the “pump and dump” sperm donors for support of their children! This handout will not solve anything in the long term. Funding birth control would be better than this handout…


Funding sterilization for a LOT of people would help the most.


COVID HOAX has entered the chat

100000 people will apply for this and 425 will recieve it.The complaints will be so loud they will give out hundreds of millions more for “equity”


Let me introduce you to a test run of socialism. Don’t be fooled by it good citizens.


LBJ would be so proud.

As a white woman who was incessantly and repeatedly hammered with messages of “Zero Population Growth” during my reproductive years — supposedly because the planet was in trouble — until none of my friends had children, I find this utterly appalling. It’s racist and discriminatory alongside the message to white women not to reproduce for the good of mankind. Where do we white women go when we’ve been cheated like this? This is simply more Critical Race Theory in operation and you can chalk California up to being fully on board with our tax dollars. Enough!


paying taxes for your own replacement.

Who has ever heard of a San Francisco agency called “Office of Financial Empowerment?” Or, an agency called “Expecting Justice.” This stuff would be laughable, if it weren’t so idiotic. Are you mad, yet? Critical Race Theory and your tax dollars in action!


Contra Costa has this as well. Don’t kid yourself, we’re in it deep.

I thought having sex for money was generally considered prostitution. I guess they’re calling it “Financial Empowerment” these days. What’s that expression about putting lipstick on a pig?

Yea this won’t get abused at all… screw, get pregnant, get income, abort, screw, get pregnant you know where this is going.
But now… when I play “Never have I ever – Paid Money For Sex” I’m drinking.

Oh, lol. The virtue signaling based off bad science. I wish any of this would actually compute.

Is it April Fools Day already?


Anytime I see an issue, plan, or idea coming from California or D.C, I feel like I’m reading The Onion.


One word- Insanity.

Since I can only give one thumbs up … I will write this.

+1000 thumbs up.


Aren’t these the same Branch Covidians that wanted unvaccinated to die without medical treatment?
Remember, cult members don’t realize the are in a cult without intense de-programming.

I thought the road to financial empowerment meant making better life decisions so you don’t need assistance? If you can’t afford a child you should be more cautious in your sexual exploits?

I here the word “poverty” thrown around so much when we talk about black and latin folks and the programs that are provided which basically promote the type of behavior we should be stopping. We should be pouring money into education and lifeliving guidance for these communities. Not rewarding bad decision after bad decision.

The first step out of poverty might be not having kids that YOU can’t afford. Crazy thought…or maybe I’m just a racist.


Shouldn’t the men who impregnate them get some money, too?

they are nowhere to be found and thats why these women are singled out as deserving the money,due to cultural ??????(disparities?)and when are black ladies ever excluded from anything like they are trying to say?Pretty much all programs are for them.What are tyhey talking about,can anyone name anything that excluded black women,including the boy scouts

Wow! That’s sort of a slap in the face. Get paid to stay home and make babies. They must not think these women have the talent for much else.

That is what welfare does now.

If you look closely at this program, it is a ‘public health intervention’ or social experiment whereby Black women and Pacific Islanders are guinea pigs and researched after being given this 1k month nut hoping that monetary supplementation brings better outcomes in their birthing– this from website “The Abundant Birth Project is rooted in racial justice and recognizes that Black and Pacific Islander mothers suffer disparate health impacts, in part because of the persistent wealth and income gap.” The research is being conducted by UC SF and I am looking forward to seeing the ‘results’ of my tax monies. And no, I don’t approve of this.

As a woman, I find the terms “pregnant people” and “birthing persons” totally degrading and offensive. Women have babies. They are mothers. Not “people” or “persons”. Mothers. Literally the very first word that most humans are able to say and these people are doing their damn best to try to erase it.


Did anyone here petition their government representatives to do this?
Nobody that I know has or did. The liberal Democrat California government thinks it knows more and is better and smarter than us, and does whatever it wants.



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