Home » City Of Martinez To Develop Its Own Community Warning System After Negative Feedback From Community During Flaring Incident At Refinery

City Of Martinez To Develop Its Own Community Warning System After Negative Feedback From Community During Flaring Incident At Refinery


photo credit: Cliff Martin

The following update on Friday night’s flaring incident at the Martinez Refining Company is from the City of Martinez:

We are hearing from the community about concerns regarding a lack of timely communication from the City related to last night’s flaring incident at the refinery. We understand your frustration regarding the notification process, and we want to do better.

There are multiple agencies that respond when significant events occur at the Martinez refinery. The County is tasked with the very important responsibility of determining whether a community warning is needed, including a shelter in place.


Contra Costa Health presented information at the City Council meeting this past Wednesday about the community warning system, and the three levels that guide their outreach to the community about major events.

While the City cannot get out ahead of these notification steps, we can work more expeditiously to communicate timely information to the community.

To strengthen our communication and coordination, here are some initial steps we plan to take:

We will continue meeting with County agencies weekly, and daily if needed, to follow-up on recent events at the refinery. When the County or the Air District has an update to share, we will work quickly to re-share the information.


We will debrief with all agencies involved in last night’s response to the refinery incident to review communication protocols.

We will announce information next week regarding a time and date for an upcoming community meeting. The following agencies will be invited: Martinez Refining Company, Contra Costa Health, Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office, and Contra Costa County Fire Protection District. All of these groups play a role in ensuring the community is informed about events occurring, and whether there are any health and safety concerns.

In addition to this, the City will be developing its own local notification system to more quickly communicate to residents and businesses when an event is occurring, rather than having to rely solely on the County’s community warning system.

RELATED STORY: Another Flaring Incident At The Martinez Refining Company On Pacheco Blvd. In Martinez

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It already exists, it’s called the Air raid siren which is tested every Wednesday at 11am.

If the community wants to discuss using that, that should be the discussion – not a new system.

As we have seen, the Amber Alert signage on the freeways has been misused.

They need to come up with a Level of Severity to determine if the siren needs to be used.

I would ask, how many of the complainers are new residents.


I would like my phone to vibrate and announce “Danger Will Robinson!” in a proper robotic voice


Flaring is a method to address excess combustible gases efficiently and safely.

So if this is true (been proven for a very long time, that’s why it is an industry standard), what is the issue? Why do people feel like they need to be communicated to? You live NEXT to a refinery. That refinery was there BEFORE you purchased your home. You ASSUMED the risk when you purchased your home (hint: it was in the disclosures).

This is just like the people who buy a house next to an airport and then complain it is to noisy … and now they want to be notified every time a plane is landing (sarcasm for those that did not catch it).


Contra Costa County Community Warning System

CWS can alert residents and businesses within Contra Costa County that are impacted by, or are in danger of being impacted by an emergency.

The CWS message will include basic information about the incident and what specific protective actions (shelter in place, lockdown, evacuate, avoid the area, etc.) are necessary to protect life and health.

CWS is generally not used for traffic notifications or other non-life threatening incidents.

Residents of Contra Costa County need to Register at https://cwsalerts.com/



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