The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: What’s one thing you love about the Holiday season, and one thing you dislike?
Talk about it.
Thing I love- Having the kids come home from school. Empty nesters for the first time this year. I really miss my kids and they’re both coming home in a week. I can’t wait.
Thing I dislike- Crowds. Mobs of people hitting the sales at the last minute and actin’ tha fool.
Love seeing the neighborhood lit up.
Hate gift giving. It’s fine for kids but adults, please.
Dislike: Commercialism
Love: Family
I loved it when it was actually fun but sometime around the 1990s it became less so. It became a hassle especially trying figure out what to give as a gift. That got so bad that we decided gift cards were okay and then later no gifts except to the youngsters. We enjoyed the dining and other fun we had for Christmas.
… that it is usually rainy, chilly, and in December.
The true meanings of the holidays are long forgotten. It is now the season of commercialism and spend more and more. Maybe Linus knew a lot more than we gave him credit for.
It is not only that people spend money, gift giving is fine, but I agree it is too commercial, store are open to 6 or 7, and there are shoppers, that stay to the last minute. I remember a couple when I worked in the Palo Alto store in handbags, it was 10 minutes to closing and they were looking at different designer bags, they wife saying “Do you think you mother would like this color or this color”, I was ready to scream, which of course I didn’t.
In Europe everything usually closes down at 2 p.m. some store might stay open to 4 p.m. most of Europe do presents on Christmas eve and have a really nice meal, most stores are closing not only the 25th, but also the 26, some grocery stores etc, might be open on the 26, but that is it. Many Americans just shop and forget what Christmas is all about.
Like – cooler weather… dislike – commercialism starting at or before Halloween, impatient people in stores, increasing traffic with drivers thinking they are the only one on the road
Hate the holiday season. Love when it’s over.
Love the story and the music that give Christmas its meaning. Dislike the crowds shopping.
I like Christmas carols, I dislike most Christmas songs. Especially, “Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer,” it’s the dumbest Christmas song ever.
I think that was the intention of the song. 😄
I love my Danish Christmas meal which I described here a few years ago, I love getting together with friends and family, the Scandinavian Club have a very festive dinner in San Francisco, usually about 100 people, since 1984 I have only missed 2, one because of Covid the other because I was sick. Because I work retail many probably think I hated this season when it comes to work, but I really don’t, it is at times a little stressful, and when we are open late it gets tiring, but majority of the customers are very nice and I enjoy helping them find the right gift. I just wish we had more than one day off, so I would have more time with my family.