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‘San Francisco’s Failing Political Policies Should Forewarn the Country’
“It’s not a secret that San Francisco is a ‘dumpster fire’”
‘Tracking the San Francisco Tech Exodus’
‘Business exodus from California is accelerating quickly, according to report’
I was born and raised in the City, and lived there until I moved to Concord in 1981. I can attest that it was a much safer city when George Christopher was mayor, I was a little kid then, but my friends and I would take the bus all over the city and walk around the different neighborhoods and nothing bad ever happened. Our parents never had to worry about us, and we would stay out until it was time to go home for dinner. The city really started to go downhill when Diane Feinstein was mayor. It got worse under Willie Brown, and Gavin Newsom sunk it into the toilet. London Breed is a do nothing mayor, stuck with a mess that she doesn’t know how to handle.
The Senate lost an Democrat today….the lady Democrat decided to be an “Independent” instead
and a typical Democrat response: How dare a woman be Independent !
Given recent disclosures, protecting the American people doesn’t seem to be especially high on their list.
Biden decides to read ‘Art Of The Deal’ after getting ripped off in Griner Trade.
Griner would do well to wipe her feet as she enters on what can now be referred to as Joe “The Doormat” Biden.
“Her” large black trans lesbian manly feet. What is wrong with this world? It’s like they are spinning us around to make us dizzy. Now desantis is going after vax companies for injuries and deaths, yet others mandate it?? What gives? Are people really getting injured or dying?
I read somewhere (don’t remember where but it seemed legitimate) the percentage of women who had suffered cardiac abnormalities, (stroke, cardiomyopathy, heart attack, etc.,) after receiving the two-shot Covid vaccine and the percentage was alarming. Men were not as negatively effected as the woman. Sorry, I don’t have the details, but it was widely reported.
I bet Putin is laughing at his trade. Bout will be back in business soon arming terrorists, criminals, and other misfits around the globe. I’m sure Griner will continue to complain about a country that has given her more than she will ever realize.
.. make no mistake about the lousy trade https://www.foxnews.com/sports/russia-state-television-mocks-u-s-for-brittney-griner-prisoner-exchange
This is just another embarrassment. It is difficult to believe where this country has been led over the last couple of years. It is even more difficult to believe that anybody really supports this direction.
Their absolute paralyzing fear & unmitigated hatred for one man has completely clouded their judgement. They need to get over the former President and open their eyes to what is happening right now…..This country desperately needs to stop this madness before it is too late.
How can we get over the former President when he simply won’t go away?
He won’t go away. You do whatever you want. Some of us love democrat tears. Keep crying lib.
Who’s crying? I’m actually laughing. Trump is a big loser who can’t stop losing, Biden is president, and the “red wave” was merely a drippy faucet.
Maybe there are people within the Biden team that think they can benefit from Viktor Bout being released.
If you haven’t, watch Lord of War, the movie based on Bout. It details his career working both sides of every war.
We are the laughing stock of the world with the Griner trade. We traded our Ace card for a Joker.
Why did even care about her … why did we waste our time trading for someone that dislikes the United States?
O yeah, a black female. Gotcha.
Good trade?
Woke up
So you think she should have rotted away in a Russian prison for weed? Do her politics make a long prison sentence more justified? If she was MAGA should she have been more swiftly released?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
So you’re endorsing identity politics?
I’m endorsing following the law of the land you’re in.
I’m endorsing being patriotic in the land of the free.
I’m endorsing Making America Great Again.
Grandstand much?
Those that believe the Jan 6 protestors should be locked up also claim to be acting out of patriotism. This is the problem with identity politics, especially when your side isn’t in power.
The people who think depriving Americans their right to habeas corpus are criminals. This is criminals vs law and order. January 6th is a hoax. Breaking the law to hold protesters is deprivation of rights under color of law.
The America hating basketball person who broke Russian law should have less priority then a service member.
Nobody should have been traded for an international arms trader.
Is that clear enough for you?
No its not clear at all. The US says Whelan was merely an Ex-Marine businessman who happened to be in Russia with a flashdrive of classified documents. Wrong place. Wrong time. Likewise the Russians say Bout was merely a businessman with a few cargo ships. How was he to know what was in the shipments?
I think few will understand the true range and depth of their involvement in international affairs. But were both operators – players in the game of war. Griner on the other hand smoked weed and played basketball.
Yep. Do the crime, pay the price. It is illegal there, she should have known.
So yep.
Don’t care about her politics one bit, it I find it a bit ironic that she has bashed the people who save her.
9 years for a first offense, with no intent to distribute….you think that’s justice? Would you feel the same it was your family member?
Are you also okay with countries that have the death penalty for cheating spouses? Just because its a law doesn’t mean that its right.
Mr. Hop: I think it is so sweet that you paternalistically want to protect this poor little girl from harm. By the way, for each of the last 7 years she has traveled to Russia to earn a million dollars each and every year during the WNBA off season.
So yo-yo
What you are saying is that Americans should be able to travel anywhere in the world and that the local laws do not apply? Please explain your position clearly.
When I travel for leisure and work, I always check local laws and what I can carry, and what I can do. For this cry baby, it was not her first time to Russia. She knew the laws. She violated them willingly. She should do the time, does not matter if we as Americans think it is fair or not. We are in Russia’s house. Their laws apply, not ours.
As for my family members, my 13 year old is smarter than she is because even they look up the laws when we travel. We don’t want to violate anything and get in trouble. Common sense ….
Politicians, celebrities, sports stars etc, typically are given diplomatic immunity, or at least consideration in these cases – especially when there is a huge disparity in the laws of the two nations. Her sentence wouldn’t have been so steep had these nations not been at war with each other.
Where exactly have you and your 13 year old been traveling to, where you need to look up the laws? Really? Extensive traveling in the Covid ear with your kid, to the extent that they need to look up the laws? Super dubious.
And there it’s is…”the COVID era”
“Where have you been traveling to that you need to look up the laws”
There’s that democrat jealousy rearing it’s head. People have been traveling this whole time. COVID IS A HOAX. Put your mask on.
I have travelled to Asia, Europe and Australia during the Covid era, in addition to being in multiple states in this country. Some of these were for work, others were vacation.
We have looked up laws since my children were young, and I have been looking up laws since I started traveling 30 years ago. You see, I carry a knife everywhere I can. Some states, some countries do not allow it. For example, Singapore does not allow you to carry one except for specific reasons – none of which applies to me. I teach my children that no one should be above the law and that we must be aware of customs, culture and laws of where we are visiting. We also look up the culture because in Singapore it is almost taboo to offer a tip. I do not wish to offend someone because I am in the ‘ignorant American’.
I am guessing as you are dubious, you do not … your loss.
I commend your diligent traveling habits and it is great that you passing them along to your kids.
I don’t have a problem with Griner being punished for breaking their laws. I do have a problem with her receiving close to the maximum sentence for a first offense. And I find it hypocritical that many of the MAGA folks complaining about the Jan 6 protestors being given stiff sentences are saying “do the crime, do the time” when it comes to Griner.
I don’t see either party as having committed serious crimes against society. Rather they were convenient political pawns used by unstable regimes. So why cry foul, when they’re set free?
And BTW – This imprisoned marine, Whelan was no saint either. He had four passports, a flashdrive of classified files and a service record showing a less than honorable discharge from the military.
So yoyo thinks Americans should be imprisoned without trial. That’s an interesting position to dig in on.
With people like you roaming free, we definitely need to MAGA. You need some constitution in your life.
@ Sam, I’m not a Democrat. I never believed in the pandemic, sheltered in place or got the clot shot. But travel has been diminished for most, regardless of their viewpoints.
Like many people, neither my work or vacation has brought me to three continents. So yes, I am a a bit jealous. But then again I didn’t have to hassle with quarantines, vax cards or the looming threat of being stranded in a foreign country because of some nonsense pandemic narrative.
Less than 6gm is an administrative offense, 5000 ruble fine and up to 15 days detention.
She had lass than a gram in her and was sentenced to 9 years.
Trump traded 5,000 Taliban fighters for 1.000 Afghan citizens. What a deal maker. Why is no Republican talking about Biden getting Trevor Reed back home?
Doh you’re as smart as ever.
And still can’t get over Trump…..Everything is ALWAYS about Trump even when the subject at hand has nothing to do with him. It is very strange how deeply some people are disturbed by one individual…..and he is never far from their minds.
Viktor used to work for the US too. He’ll likely pick up where he left off, trading all the unaccounted for weaponry the US bought for Ukraine – perhaps arming the next anti-American terrorist group.
You can thank all the gullible Americans flying Ukrainian flags as much as you blame Biden.
Victor Bout armed the cartels that are killing our young with fentanyl. He has no intention of becoming a Sunday School Teacher. Many people will die because of this trade. Joe doesn’t care.
Looking forward to all the trolls posting in response to iron clad evidence that the FBI and DHS rigged the 2020 election.
How can they be “ironclad” if they have been censored, I mean “filtered”?@
It’s been released by Elon Musk.
Oh so the guy who told Twitter users to vote Republican said so? Must be iron clad then.
@ Johnny Sweatpants – Have any of those specifically named as censors at Twitter issued denials of the accuracy or authenticity of the emails made public? Has the FBI or any elected officials or their associates done so?
Or what about Sam Britton, the luggage felon X2
Sam Brinton has moved from gender-fluid to gender-stupid.
Being a thief doesn’t really help his/her/its cause.
Shortsightedness is a signature trait of every member of the Biden administration.
They are so incredibly impulsive.
That’s it. Impulsiveness needs to be rooted out. They always want instant gratification, social media has ruined people. This guy is a psycho.
When talking to a representative college student today about Brinton, I found using the “he/she/it” reference all at once gets a very cold reception, as in being asked to talk so no one can hear us. Neither was it successful to use “that thing” as a reference to Brinton.
Brintton was already suspended after the first theft. Now he will lose his job and reputation.
He might lose his job, but I wouldn’t bet on it. But he now has a reputation that will be his for life.
Brinton has an excellent resume.
While he has a lifestyle most of us can’t relate to, he had the opportunity to bring credibility to his gene pool by setting a great example. He chose not to do that, and therefore not only hurt himself, but others in his lifestyle. If anyone should be angry, it should be those people he let down.
Lifestyle? It isn’t a “lifestyle”.
All of his kind are just plain crazy… it is mental illness, obvious mental illness.
All the explanations and tolerance in the world won’t ever make it acceptable.
They’re just friggin nuts.
Mental illness is a gender now, hadn’t you heard?
They are working on legislation where all corporate boards will be required to have one mentally ill director. It’s a woke thing.
No, his reputation isn’t any different because of this. He is exactly who biden chose.
His (?) “reputation” has nothing to do with what he(?) was hired for.
Just another check-the-box cross-dressing nut-job criminal of the Biden “administration.” To hell with qualifications- it’s all about appearances. Then the administration doesn’t even fire the POS.
What’s new? Didn’t Obama/Biden trade 5 high ranking Afghan military detainees for one traitor/deserter Army sergeant Bowe Bergdahl in 2014? The former detainees are now Taliban commanders.
The democrats make very bad deals. Maybe Sleepy Joe should read “The Art of the Deal” or something.
The most concise explanation of our election fraud system.
Thumbs Down Lefties didn’t read the article. The facts it exposes are undeniable. Go ahead and point out anything untrue.
Dr. J.: Thank you for the article. I’ve been saying something along these lines for a year that someone does not have to have any stand on the counting of the ballots to define this as a rigged election. The counting issue is almost trivial compared to everything else that went on. And this paper does not include other things such as the encouragement of violence against the opposition.
Parent, please forgive my correction, but I believe you meant black, lesbian female. In our country’s current chaotic and tragic “woke” condition, Griner is safe as a f*cking kitten
Years ago Howard Stern made the statement. “Lesbians equal ratings”.
The Biden administration has clearly taken that to heart and continues in that pursuit.
Well done Joe, you made us proud once again. How much were you paid…….ooops, I mean….. we know that donation will be used to benefit all Americans. Keep up the good work.
I can’t help wondering what the reactions would be if Trump pulled the same good deed.
Interesting to note that Pacifica Radio may be going down the tubes because their friendly “woke” Feds confiscated over $300K from them recently due to a defamation lawsuit. Where are the “woke” Bay Area billionaires to bail them out? I was a bit disgusted with them during the “pandemic” because they were biased and stuck to the narrative rather than the analysis the previously did. Karma? Too bad as they do some good arts and music things.
Headline #1
Pentagon gives Ukraine green light
for drone strikes inside Russia.
Headline #2
Putin Warns That If One Missile Enters Russian Territory, It Will Trigger Hundreds Of Warheads “It Will Be Impossible To Stop Them
They won’t be done until we’re in a nuclear holocaust around the world.
It’s all theater.
The FBI has issued a warning about upcoming security updates for Apple products, insisting the company’s plans to strengthen end-to-end encryption will interfere with efforts to track down criminals and terrorists.
The agency sounded alarms soon after Apple announced several “advanced security features” set to be introduced in the coming months – including new protections for files stored in the cloud – telling the Washington Post it is “deeply concerned with the threat end-to-end and user-only-access encryption pose.”
“This hinders our ability to protect the American people from criminal acts ranging from cyber-attacks and violence against children to drug trafficking, organized crime and terrorism,” an unnamed FBI spokesperson said in a statement on Wednesday. “In this age of cybersecurity and demands for ‘security by design,’ the FBI and law enforcement partners need ‘lawful access by design.’”
Given recent disclosures, protecting the American people doesn’t seem to be especially high on their list.
Need to put Barney Fife in charge of the FBI; he’d straighten them out in a hurry.
“Nip it in the bud!”
Color/number govt test
‘DAVID MARCUS: So now we know: Twitter secretly erased conservative voices – and let terrorists and vile vermin tweet freely. It’s savage proof the left fears ideas more than actual killers’ …
“If free speech is a pillar of democracy, then Twitter should be charged with sabotage, because they’ve taken sledgehammer to it. And every American has the right to be absolutely outraged.”
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”
Harry S. Truman
That’s what is happening right before our eyes right now. The media is pumping out fear every minute they are on the air. Our founding fathers knew this would happen. That’s why we have the second amendment. Why do you think the democrats are always trying to take that right away?
Imagine the backlash if the Marine’s family would have said it was not OK that Griner went first. The liberals would have torn them apart and Biden would have been upset that his political agenda was disrupted.
We have seen the true face of the Democrats idiocy.
‘The nightmare before Christmas: Jeep lays off 1,350 workers at Illinois Cherokee SUV plant – blames high cost of switching to electric car production and moves factory to MEXICO’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/ycytns5x
Feckless, inept, defeatist, DEM attitude
Incompetence on two legs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_FnCjzVw6E
‘Trump’s Policy “Magic Wand” Boosts Manufacturing Jobs 399% In First 26 Months Over Obama’s Last 26’
‘Carrier Announces Deal With Trump To Keep 1,000 Jobs In Indiana…’
Tip of the recession,
‘270,000 homebuyers who bought in 2022 are underwater on their mortgage’
“Elections have consequences.”
‘Company That Sells ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Wrapping Paper on Track to Double Last Year’s Sales’
Joe and his band of minions have no worries regarding the Sinema defection. After all, they still have Mitt Romney.
California Expands Program Giving Black ‘Pregnant People’ Up To $1,000 Per Month
California Democrats always good at giving away other peoples money!
They are ‘buying’ (with other peoples money) their cushy politician jobs.
My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci.
Good morning, Sunday morning.
Giving new meaning to the expression, “Give an inch, they’ll take a mile.”
To wit, that guy Biden appointed to head a high-level nuclear agency — the guy who keeps stealing women’s luggage at the airport and strutting around wearing bright red lipstick in the outfits he finds.? The guy is like Pete Buttigieg. He ticked all the boxes of the Democrats “woke” agenda, but he’s definitely not qualified for the position and, if push comes to shove and there is an emergency involving his agency, important time will be lost finding someone able to handle the problem.
Aside from that he has a pathological problem stealing women’s luggage. That alone should be reason enough to remove him from the government payroll. It’s like we’re seeing insanity elevated to Theatre of the Absurd and Biden and his clan of wackos are making fools of themselves publicly with their “woke” nonsense.
The Democrat’s “woke” is a “joke.” Except it isn’t funny!
Help is on the way
Lol! Thanks, I needed that!
A felony arrest warrant was issued for nuclear energy official Sam Brinton after an officer recognized them from news reports.
Brinton was recently charged with theft over accusations that they stole a suitcase from a Minnesota airport.
Las Vegas police have now issued an arrest warrant for Brinton over similar allegations.
C’mon, liberals…. Aren’t you gonna defend your precious and morally corrupt administration? Slow joe the pedo, Harris the ho, et al….
Now stay focused and answer the question.
Who’s them? “officer recognized them”
Is it multiple Sam Britnton’s? Did he have an accomplice in this?
Who’s they? “they stole a suitcase”
Do words mean anything anymore? This trash is impossible to read and understand.
Sam – I think they meant “it”….
The Las Vegas police are just getting sucked into it, so they don’t “offend” others.
I don’t understand how Fauci claimed a vaccine stopped the spread of Covid-19 and no data showed that at all. All you maskies fell for it and then blamed us purebloods for not being gullible while saying we were in a Trump cult. It appears you were actually in the fauci cult. How does this work?
I drink bleach everyday right after my horse paste. 🤣🤣🤣 sucks to suck
Fire drill at Facebook
The Job Interview
All we want is Radio Shack and Motorola pagers back. Technology is incompatible with humans. All your cell phones and apps are a net negative for quality of life on earth.
Sent from iphone
“Sent from MY iphone”
But wait………they said the sky was falling. What a fool I was. They used me!
Once more for old time sake, what could it hurt. C’mon man!
Stop picking on me, I just did as I was told.
Be patient, were almost there
The Art of The Deal
Hey it worked in Ukraine…………….
Slow joe releases an international arms dealer, then talks about gun bans in the U.S.
On those covid lockdown restrictions, . . . were they merely a test run ? ? ? ?
“Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighbourhoods.
Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city.”
Alex Jones show was called Prison Planet. Is it any wonder he was the first to be un-personed. This has been in motion for decades per governments own documents. Julian Assange was publishing government whistleblower documents revealing this as well. They are letting out criminals and locking us all up. Smart cities are open air concentration camps. City of Concord is onboard. Talk about that at the city council meeting.
And the next step will be the government controlling the chargers for your electric vehicles….. to “save the planet.”
And if you sit back and watch, it’ll be too late. If you want control of your own life, you had better start doing something about it.
Arizona’s voting day technical difficulties just happened to be in Republican strongholds.
Yes because every time a Republican loses it’s because of a rigged election. Got it.
Well I would say Democrats are much better at working the system: For example in California ballot harvesting in skilled nursing facilities, drug flop houses, homeless encampments etc.
But hey, it’s quite legal in California.
@ Johnny Sweatpants…..
There was a widespread understanding that this election was not on the level.
We still don’t know what really happened.
There’s just a lot that I think will be revealed. History will discover.
No comment?
No surprise……
Democrat mega-donor Sam Bankman-Fried has been arrested prior to his upcoming testimony before the house financial services committee. Aww shucks, what a coincidence. Now the new CEO of FTX will have to testify instead. He’ll provide valuable testimony, even though he doesn’t know anything and can’t name names or numbers. All he can say is the company didn’t seem to keep very good records. Now that is a surprise, although still a coincidence.
This can’t be good for Sam. He better sleep lightly as sometimes those security cameras coincidently fail when guards are coincidently on break. Life is full of coincidences.
What happens when there’s no Adult Supervision !
‘California High Speed Rail: Low Speed Fail
HSRA claims it will build own power system but costs more than NASA’s Artemis project’
Well there goes the neighborhood,
‘Who could have guessed? Condo prices in downtown San Francisco slump thanks to soaring drug abuse and crime, with streets empty as tech workers continue to WFH’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/bdz2k39a
SF is merely the accelerated model of what’s happening to CA.
The cost of electing liberals, encumbered with delusional Utopian fantasies
That girlyman baggage thief was fired
mum’s the word
More on Paul Pelosi
Side effects?…..What side effects?……..We don’t have to show you no stinkin’ side effects!
School in the Big Apple
No wimpy girlyman here
Joe’s Chosen Ones
The freaks have taken over the TIMES
“It’s 11 PM. Do you know where your children are?” Public service announcement from the 1970 broadcast on Sacramento television.
If you can convince people to take 5 shots and wear 2
masks and still be terrified of those who do neither, then
you can easily convince them that cutting off their
children’s genitals is life saving and that euthanizing the
lonely, poor, sad and depressed is moral virtue.
Apparently, according to Biden’s speech today, there is nothing more decent, more dignified, more American, than getting ***** up the ***. Personally I don’t care. But when they glorify the lifestyle in an attempt to recruit youngsters, it’s wrong.
‘Biden vows to protect trans kids and stop ‘criminalizing’ their sex-change doctors in front of DRAG QUEENS at White House as he signs same-sex marriage bill …’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/3mxwvm8r
Do believe this picture is of the backside of The White House . . . . .
Biden is a sick man. Why are we having to listen to this disgusting drivel coming from the White House? Of course, he thinks it’s okay. Look at the trash he calls his son!
I saw the video of C. Lauper singing at the White House, she sounds like a cat fight.
It’s only a matter of time before the B/H Administration all don black leather open butt chaps and while slapping their hips with riding crops, declare their supreme dominance over the American people & decree by executive order that heterosexuality is henceforth illegal. “Praise Satan” appears in bold print on the American Flag with multiple rainbow colors added to the red, white & blue…. JMHO
You are cracking me up.
Rumor has it “YMCA” echoes through the West Wing halls on an endless loop.
Don’t walk, skip down the halls……
Actually Biden said ““Marriage is a simple proposition. Who do you love? And will you be loyal to that person you love?” There was absolutely nothing said that implied recruiting youngsters.
And the there’s this:
Who will be the first liberal to declare snow men are racist ? ? ?
‘You think I don’t know how f***ing old I am?’
Joe Biden
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/34h9zabd
I don’t find his dementia-driven combative outburst charming at all.
The solution, if he wants one, is a cognitive test. Then such questions would stop.
However as the world knows, a cognitive test would not provide favorable results. They certainly could meatball one together to make it seem like he tested OK. Likely the only reason that hasn’t happened is this way his handlers can boot him easily if they feel it’s necessary. Like say, right before they announce who the real 2024 candidates will be.
And today Newsom p***** all over Biden’s shoes claiming illegal migrant busing and flights into California (???) are taxing the finances of this great nation state (???). Why exactly would you bus or fly into a state with a completely open border? Don’t you just walk across? That’s a technicality Gavin apparently thinks nobody will notice.
Why not just print up the Harris/Newsom or Newsom/Harris bumper stickers right now? I can think of a few catchy campaign slogans but decorum prevents them from being stated here.
Absentee ballots are the currency of election fraud.
The criminal left and their RINO allies, along with who-knows-how-many other corporate and foreign actors, have set up the most complicated electoral fraud system in history. Every step of the voting process — from who is allowed to vote, how they vote, how the votes are tallied, to how the results are reported — is compromised. They are so far into their corruption that being exposed is not an option. They will do literally anything to avoid being caught.
The voter rolls are so corrupted with inaccuracies, full of outdated and blatantly false information, that no election can be considered safe. The data are completely unsecured and can be manipulated at will. And most efforts to clean up the rolls are either ignored or done so slowly or incompletely as to be useless.
“One county in Arizona noted “42,000 changes to the election rolls within weeks of the election — most were illegal. 21,000 new voters added to the election rolls, within 29 days of the election — almost every one is illegal. 8,000 voters appear to live in a business — each one would be illegal. 1,951 people received ballots at one address, and then voted from a different address — every one is illegal”
C’MON Man !
And you know the democrats will deny deny deny – it’s a vast right wing conspiracy.
That was just a portion of the link Happy Pappy posted! Read the whole thing and give him the thumbs up!