Home » Respiratory Virus Hospitalizations Expected To Severely Impact State’s Hospital Capacity

Respiratory Virus Hospitalizations Expected To Severely Impact State’s Hospital Capacity


A wave of flu, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus infections among children is currently outpacing the state’s availability of pediatric hospital beds, one of the state’s top health officials said this week.

Roughly 40 percent of pediatric intensive care unit beds are normally open statewide, but that figure is down to roughly 20 percent and into the teens in some parts of the state. Healthcare facilities are working tirelessly to adapt and learn hospital beds management strategies to address these challenges.

Respiratory viruses are also affecting older adults in large numbers, according to state Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly.


“These (infection) curves are getting steeper each week around flu, COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses,” Ghaly said.

“Taken separately, these infections are manageable, but when all come together, the difficulty posed to the system is pretty extreme and we’re seeing that now.”

Ghaly noted that indoor gatherings during the holiday season are likely to drive respiratory virus-related hospitalizations even higher into the early weeks of 2023.

Roughly 6,000 people are currently hospitalized statewide with COVID or the flu. That number is expected to climb as high as 10,000 by the end of 2022 or early January, according to Ghaly.


“We’re clearly preparing for that increase, but there is part of me that’s always hopeful that the effect of people seeing what’s going on around them and understanding that they can do something very meaningful today to gather safely with members of their family,” he said.


WC---Creeker December 8, 2022 - 10:21 AM - 10:21 AM

A wave of people will be hitting the supermarkets as the holiday season approaches, stretching their capacity.

parent December 8, 2022 - 10:21 AM - 10:21 AM

10,000! wow … we had at one point over 25K in California hospitals with just Covid (Feb of 21).
We had over 10,000 in Feb of 21 and Feb of 22. We pushed 10,000 in August of 21 and August of 22.
Data is from the state health website.

So, what you Dr Ghoul is saying is that we could right on the historical target of hospitalizations.

Now, knowing that this is a historical trend, wouldn’t you think that one of our big wigs in the state health department would plan for this? And since this is a historical trend, why is this news?

Fed Up December 8, 2022 - 11:52 AM - 11:52 AM

Why are you messing with their preconceived notion, your going to stop the panic and confusion. Just Remember “In confusion there is profit.” Lt. Nicholas Holden, Operation Petticoat.

SAM December 8, 2022 - 11:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Never again.

Old Otis December 8, 2022 - 11:35 AM - 11:35 AM

Oh brother!!
Here we go again!
Chinese style lockdown. Close everything again because people have the sniffles.
Get the poison jab and at least you won’t die of Covid. Heart attacks and blood clots but not Covid.

Anon December 8, 2022 - 4:15 PM - 4:15 PM

Fear & Paranoia.
FunNY how the vaccine (it’s not a vaccine) pushers Blamed the ‘conspiracy theorist’ for the jabbed getting blood clots.

Maybe they can now blame the Media for its 24/7 Propaganda, Fear, Paranoia & Schizophrenia!!!


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