This post is “Talk About Politics”.
Please use this post to talk about politics, and keep politics out of the “whatever” thread.
Thank you, and be kind to each other.
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If climate change and the use of fossil fuels is such a big issue, why are Biden, Harris and the other politicians flying all over the country and the world in their massive jets contributing to the problem? Does the word hypocrisy come to mind here?
I saw a sign that said’ not seperating your food scrapes from regular garbage scraps causes global warming.So keeping the food scraps in one pile wont do that too?What about a compost heap,or when you rack a grass into a pile and it’s steaming.Wil they outlaw composts?What about taking a #2 out in the woods?%30 of all methane gas in the atmosphere is from cows.They are actually trying to outlaw cows from farting outdoors.They want it done indoors with filters.
Because it’s the serfs who must believe there is climate change. Biden, Harris and the others are kings of the earth ruling over us. Bow down serf! 🙄🤣🤣🤣
(Still wondering what happened to Swami Biden’s prediction of serve illnesses for the unvaccinated slated to occur last winter)
Poof! Politics rolled over an hour early…. I can’t handle all this change!
Politics & Whatever will be back to it’s regular schedule starting next week. (7 p.m.’ish) 🙂
Hot date tonight?
Haha, Dr. Jellyfinger 🙂
Well, proof that Twitter and social media helped Joe Biden get elected is being confirmed tonight. Whether you are a Republican or Democrat you should be alarmed and condemn what they did because what goes around comes around. Or if you want the pendulum is still swinging.
Yes, Ricardoh…..the pendulum is definitely still swinging.
Not just that Twitter helped – their top executives colluded specifically to come up with a narrative to prevent the public from learning about the documents from the laptop indicating Joe Biden was seeking deals from China and Ukraine based on his past role as VP and his then-current position as the top Dem candidate for president. Huge ethical consideration. New York Post’s links to its stories revealing these docs were then blocked as “unsafe.” According to the reporter who helped release the info today, Trump’s associates also requested and had tweets removed (though apparently unrelated to the laptop). Neither political party or its leaders should be interfering with the public’s right to free speech. And this proves Twitter was acting as a publisher and not merely a platform – leaving no reason not to amend tech’s complete immunity under Section 230. Stop censoring speech at the behest of political power – the dialogue is important.
I have seen you at city council meetings and I have to admit, I completely miss judged you. I blew you off as a typical bay area leftist type. I am completely embarrassed and ashamed to have done that. Thank you for having integrity and I hope I get another opportunity to vote for you for something. You are a stand up gal.
And it’s still happening. Major News Networks (cough cnn) … couldn’t be bothered even mentioning that Historical Twitter Drop tonight… And yes, it will turn out to be an historical event.
Historical? It turned out to be a giant nothing burger.
Tucker Carlson weighed in tonight on what we learned from the Twitter files — “big tech collusion destroys elections.”
Musk really took a dump in their lunchbox, but they had to know it was coming. It’s certainly a cautionary tale as to what happens when CEO by absence is a management style. This sure makes Dorsey look like a real chump. Further, it’s hard to imagine a multi-billion dollar company being run so irresponsibly. Perhaps it’s a good thing Musk bought it as it would have likely failed eventually with such yahoos running the day to day operations.
The real lesson here is what happens when people in positions of power start to believe their own B.S. These people somehow went way past The Peter Principal. Ironically that’s what we are also experiencing in the current administration. Hopefully we can put a stop to this tend.
If you have faith in our federal government maybe you should know 100 billion dollars has been stolen from the covid relief program. Three IRS agents are responsible for a mear missing 50 billion dollars in 2022. Then we have the millions or billions from California’s unemployment department. To the point where they don’t know who to send money to anymore. Everytime the government gets the bug to hand out money they can’t get it right. Who knows where the money is we sent to the Ukraine? I just sent the IRS $126 and change for something I did wrong last year. May as well have thrown the cash in a dumpster. Not to mention Mini Madoff and his lost billions. Ever get the feeling you are just a dumb pawn?
Don’t see a Local Politics link so posting here. Be aware that the main source of funding Seeno wants to use to start placing infrastructure at the CNWS is our property taxes. This is infrastructure that must be put in before anything can be built on the property so it needs millions of dollars of start up funding. City staff is pushing the idea that no money will come from the general fund. Which is good – but the statement masks the fact that the property taxes Seeno wants to use would never have been tracked by the general fund anyway; those taxes will go straight to Seeno, bypassing anything you would see on city accounting docs. They will use CFDs or IFDs; one requires voter approval but the other does not. Seeno has still not provided info on how much of its own funds it is willing to put up to start the project.
Yeah… The Local column has little interest lately, so probably a good move to discontinue for now. I was one of a few who suggested its return at least just prior to voting day. Thinking maybe just do it a month b4 each local election day.
Either way; I’m good with it.
CLAYCORD: What say you?????
Local Politics column does great around local elections. We’ll bring it back during local elections, but we’ll make sure it comes back sooner than it did before. Thanks everyone!
If anyone is wondering, California still hasn’t finished counting votes.
Gavin newsom may not actually have been elected.
This is what voter fraud looks like.
START MASS ARRESTS. I’m getting impatient. Lock the country down and bring back public hangings for these treasonous commies. WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK. The constitution was supposed to protect the people of this country from this. What’s the point if these criminals just keep going?
The California Reparations Task Force says that under the initiative, qualifying Black residents in the state could qualify for $223,200 per person.
The task force drew its ballpark number by examining gaps in housing and speculating the approximate amount of wealth lost between 1933 and 1977. The state panel says that Black Californians lost $5,074 per year under previous housing policies.
Fox News is spreading this story with lies again saying, “California COULD pay over $200,000 per person.” But the actual report does not say anything like that. No broad reparations are in the report. It does allow for specific reparations after a claim is reviewed. One example was the beach front property taken from a family in the 1920’s that was returned last year.
The actual report: https://oag.ca.gov/ab3121/reports
“IRISH NEED NOT APPLY” what about the Irish, they suffered the racism too?
“THE YELLOW PERIL” don’t they deserve a consideration too?
“NATIVE AMERICANS” How much do they get?
“ITALIANS” deserve a little something for being besmirched for decades?
Democrats have an opportunity to buy millions of votes with OUR money.
What a steaming pile of manure!
I got 1% African in me, do a get some $$$$
Dr Jellyfinger -I refer to the actual report. You refer to the National Review’s interpretation.
Cherry picker
DOH: I have not seen anything on Fox about it, but you might want to look at page 451 of the full report your link has. It claims a wealth gap of over $200K is due to discrimination for some based only on race, and this whole report is about reparations to compensate for racial injustice.
Some people feel the need to compensate, and others don’t.
The best way to “get even” for a past injustice is to live well and achieve great things on your own. Work hard and make your family proud.
Accepting free stuff due to an ancestors mistreatment sound like a very hollow experience.
Further, tax paying California citizens should not have to finance this. Perhaps our Governor will chip in.
You get out of life what you put into it.
Getting free $hit isn’t anywhere near as valuable as earning it yourself.
But I suppose the politicians and beggars/potential recipients wouldn’t know anything about that. It’s nothing more than politicians buying votes.
Those who set the criteria for reparations and those who demand reparations are particularly disgusting. You know who you are.
newsoms reparations crew
NOT “FOX NEWS” as doh claims.
doh is a threat to democracy.
Do all the thumbs down arrive the same time Doh does?
Another globalist democrat hoax blown away –
”Woke California teacher who identifies as ‘trans demi-boy non-binary’ is teaching kids about gender and pronouns using ‘gender-fluid’ stuffed UNICORN and narwhal’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2p9cmh63
“Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. …
In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”
–Antonio Gramsci 1891-1937
Marxist philosopher, Communist Party of Italy.
“Madam Speaker, the American People Have Spoken – They Fired You” – US House Representative Lauren Boebert to Corrupt Nancy Pelosi’s Face –
US House member Lauren Boebert told creepy and corrupt old Nancy Pelosi that she was fired by the American people.
No Congressman has done more to destroy this country than Nancy Pelosi. She pushed through spending bills that will never be repaid. She lied every time she opened her mouth and thereby destroyed the image of the House. She said terrible lies about President Trump and then set up and arrested his followers for made-up crimes. She is evil personified!
At the end of her term her husband, who’s benefited tremendously from insider stock tips from Pelosi, got caught with a man in his house and claimed the man had broken into the house and made it to his bedroom without any of the multiple individuals and services knowing.
Americans have had enough of that horrible, hateful, creepy old Nancy Pelosi and her crooked switch-hitting husband Paul.
Lauren Boebert let Pelosi know that she is fired;
“Madam Speaker, the American people have spoken. They fired you and have chosen to end the Democrats’ one-party rule throughout our government.”
“The days of this chamber being treated as Pelosi’s house instead of the people’s house are over,” she said. “The American people will once again be allowed into this chamber to see their representatives at work.”
We shall happily sing the last song from The Wizard of Oz. Someone please bring the water bucket!
Fired? She stepped down.
Ted Cruz has gotten the WEIRDEST puppets
Pelosi is well past her use-by date, and stepped down because she no longer had the needed support. When you’ve become useless you can quit or be fired, but you’re still gone. It happens every day.
It’s essentially the same as being fired. Good riddance to that evil hateful hag.
Whatever she stepped down, probably because she thought it was time, and also because of the attack on her husband, she felt it was time for her to go. Why try to make into something it is not, if you didn’t like her she is gone.
……..and don’r forget, Pelosi avoided the imminent impeachment. Too bad, I would have enjoyed that.
“Pelosi avoided the imminent impeachment”? There is no impeachment for members of congress or congressional leadership.
Based on the frequency of your postings here, it looks like you enjoy talking about politics, so maybe you should consider a basic civics class ?
JWB’s pants are on fore AGAIN –
While the term “impeachment” typically is associated with the Commander in Chief, the Constitution clearly states who can be impeached: “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States.”
Per the Constitution, any civil federal officer may be impeached for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” This means representatives, cabinet members, and even Supreme Court justices may be impeached. The term “civil officer” has been interpreted to include all U.S. officers holding their appointments under the federal government, including executive and judicial officers, members of the House and Senate, and those in all levels of government.
I think that makes you the authoritative liar, JWB.
Oh HP try to keep up with things and you don’t have to call others liar
“The Constitution’s structure and historical practice also indicate that impeachment likely does not apply to Members of Congress.17 First, Article II, Section 3 provides that officers of the United States are commissioned by the President;18 Members of Congress receive no such commission. Second, Members may be removed from office by other means explicitly provided in the Constitution.19 Third, the Ineligibility Clause bars any person holding any office under the United States from serving in any house of Congress, indicating the Members of Congress are not considered officers of the United States.20
Finally, congressional practice indicates that Members of Congress are not officers of the United States.21 In 1797, the House of Representatives voted to impeach Senator William Blount, the first impeachment in the history of the young Republic.22 Two years later, the Senate concluded that Senator Blount was not a civil officer subject to impeachment and voted to dismiss the articles because that body lacked jurisdiction over the matter.23 This determination has been accepted ever since by the House and the Senate, and since then, the House has never again voted to impeach a Member of Congress.24”
What you’re referring to, but failed to admit, is that Congress may DECIDE to ignore the Constitution and not impeach one of their own. The party in power of course never impeaches one of their own. And crooks honor other crooks to protect their own butts.
A body of lawmakers will always make laws that do not harm them. and invoke those laws as when it suits them.
Perhaps you’re not lying this time. Maybe you’re simply ignorant.
’nuff said.
So you decided to simply ignore all the evidence in the Constitution cited in my second paragraph?
And if Congress may decide to ignore the Constitution then how come that courts can declare laws as unconstitutional?
And all your ranting explains your initial statement: “Pelosi avoided the imminent impeachment”?
Nancy Pelosi has not “stepped-down,” she is still the Speaker of the House of Representatives, she did however “step-aside” from running for and serving another term as House of Representatives Minority Leader, although the press/media has reported that she intends to work extremely close with House of Representatives Minority Leader-elect Hakeem Jefferies, which will effectively make her the “House of Representatives Shadow-Minority Leader-appointee” or the “House of Representatives Co-Minority Leader-appointee.”
Funny Liberal
Dem think tank preparation
‘nother Hollywood loony telling you what to think
Merry Easter from Traitor Joe
In danger of getting “Epistined
With their pants down, they’ve been caught
KARMA gotcha
Making liberal weenies nervous
Now Trump wants to suspend the constitution, just how do you Trump supporters defend that comment. You can’t possibly support that, and if you do support or defend it, how would you react if a Democrat tried the same? Try to give an honest answer.
Democrats virtually suspended the Constitution when Obama took office with his Executive Orders that defied everything holy about our Constitution. Then, when Trump took office, Democrats doubled down on the directives from the Department of Justice to find ways to make Trump look bad, even if it was a lie, freely invading his privacy and violating his Constitutional rights. And, let us not forget Biden’s blathering addresses to the nation wherein he basically said to do as he said whether it was constitutional or not.
We have had a wealth of Constitutional violations under Democrat leadership and they appear to have gotten away with it, but it is now time to pay the piper.
Why look at what Democrat Newsom alone did in California during the pandemic. Halted religious services infringing upon the State’s Constitutional right to religious freedom. Unforgivable! Trump could not possibly match the violations perpetrated by Democrats to date.
‘Judge Rules CA Gov Overstepped His Authority with Covid Order, Issues Permanent Injunction Restraining Newsom From Further Issuing Unconstitutional Orders’
‘Ninth Circuit rules Newsom’s COVID closure of Private Schools Unconstitutional’
‘U.S. Supreme Court rules against Newsom on indoor church services in California COVID-19 case’
“Harvest Rock Church has been battling in court for an injunction against Gov. Gavin Newsom since summer.
Under the settlement, California may no longer impose discriminatory restrictions upon houses of worship. The governor must also pay $1,350,000 to reimburse attorney’s fees and costs.”
WE THE PEOPLE deserve a government that can read with comprehension our founding documents and have the intelligence to make sure their decisions are not a violation.
Biden did say it was a living document subject to change.
‘A living document’.
Joe spouts basically that the Constitution can be changed at anybodys whim. Another example of Joes pandering feather his nest suck-up-ness.
Trump only talked about going outside the Constitution, while the Democrats actually did it in multiple cases as in the use of Constitutional impeachment not for actual crimes but as a tool to defeat his agenda and using the FBI and DOJ for political purposes. Also, the Second amendment is very clear about infringement, and the Democrats decided those words mean what they want them to mean. I could go on. Actually, I will. Having 2 to 5 million illegals coming over the border is an invasion and the Constitution is clear that the federal government is responsible for stopping invasions. This could turn into a long essay, so I will shorten it by looking more generally. Everything Trump does or says ends up with a negative spin from the Leftist media. I encourage him to say outrageous things just to jerk them around and have them chase their tails. If everything you say is lied about in the media, why should you even try? If I were him I would disclose the Federal Reserve is run by space aliens out of Area 51.
TDL so you really think the two impeachments for Trump were unconstitutional? Let’s see for example Mitt Romney voted twice for removal, he must be having absolute no regard for the Constitution. I guess that’s why he was the Republican nominee for President in 2012?
And let’s see since 2021 the Republicans introduced how many times articles of impeachment in congress?
It’s a staggering 14 times “Biden has been the target of nine, with two aimed at Attorney General Merrick Garland and one each against Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.”
MTG alone has introduced five resolutions.
JWB: You ask me questions you already know the answer to. Yes, both were ethically and legally unconstitutional. The first was based on the debunked Russia collusion story. The issue is not only that it was fake, but that given the close incestuous relationships between the top Democrats, its rather obvious they knew it was fake. Initially Pelosi wanted nothing to do with it until she discovered the power of the using the old prosecutor’s obstruction of justice charge as a tactic when the actual crime didn’t happen. It was spectacularly successful in hamstringing Trump’s agenda for a while as well as smearing him in the Leftist press forever. The second impeachment was only to knock him out as a future candidate as is glaringly obvious since it was not to remove him from power as the constitution intended for such a procedure.
It’s strange you would bring up Mayorkas as he highlights how sick all of this was. While the Russia collusion was known as fake, Mayorkas watched 2 to 5 million illegals enter the country under his watch, quite in contrast to the Constitution’s assignment that the federal government is responsible to protect the states from foreign invasion.
It says a lot if you proudly claim the impeachment of President Trump was unconstitutional and in the very same sentence express your view that it was based on “Russia collusion” which by the way has never been debunked. But at any rate the impeachment was for “abusing power by soliciting Ukrainian interference in the 2020 presidential election and then obstructing the House’s impeachment investigation.”
I may be old school but I believe if you want to discuss constitutionality it may help to first learn the facts.
JWB: I thought I made it clear that the facts changed over time. It started with Russia, then they decided it was abuse of power because he fired Comey over Russia and tacked on emoluments, and the final set of articles did wind up with Ukraine. They just kept throwing spaghetti (cheaper than turkey according to the Democrats) at the wall and that’s what they ended up with.
“wind and turn”? That makes no sense. What a tangled mess of spaghetti words. You should get the trial version of Grammarly software
Where have you been? Many Democrats, especially Obama, have treated the Constitution as something that can be totally ignored. Some have even stated that the Constitution is invalid now.
Still doing that desperate thing where you make up context of what Trump says?
You could totally post the quote from Truth Social, but you won’t because because you’re a threat to democracy.
If Obama had actually suspended the constitution l have no doubt the Republicans would have tried to impeach him. I support any action taken against President that did actually suspend the constitution. As for executive orders l seem to recall that Trump had a few of those as well.
Wouldn’t Trump be better served talking about something positive that he wants to do if reelected, instead of harping on the past. American like someone positive a la JFK or Reagan, l was not a Reagan fan, but give credit where credit is due.
Thank you JWB, I needed that. Of course I know whenever I post something I’m prepared for the denials, hypocrisy, etc. I just would like some of these posters who are all in for Trump to admit once, that he might have gone too far. Doesn’t mean they did not like his policies, does not mean they might not vote for him again, but at least have the guts to call a spade a spade. Anyone that follows any leader or publice figure 100 percent is somewhat scary, no one is perfect.
Whatever she stepped down, probably because she thought it was time, and also because of the attack on her husband, she felt it was time for her to go. Why try to make into something it is not, if you didn’t like her she is gone.
Shes not gone and wont be and is still stirring up BS.
Get a clue,liberal,
Youre not middle of the road,and people are showing Bidens crimes and all you do is never mention him,just your TDS Trump.
Ha ha ha you can always tell when somebody hits a nerve. Hanne of course is 100% correct.
Hanne is correct about what?
I dare you to post the quote from Trump.
You won’t. I’m giving you both time to post it before I do and make you both liars.
Honestly Sam how can a little old lady, who works retail, be a treath to democracy, just because I disagree with you, aren’t you overreacing? You do support a diversity of opinions, right? That is the cornerstone of democracy.
Nope I don’t support people who outright lie. I don’t think Trump went too far. I think he’s 💯 right.
Hanne – just where in h3ll did Sam say you were a “threat to democracy?” You can claim your “middle of the road” all you want…but your ongoing posts make a liar out of you. If you have an issue here, you might want to check out Denmark….
Jwb – your starting off with “ha, ha, ha” leads one to believe that the rest of your comment is nothing but a joke and continue to not be taken seriously.
Democrats/liberals – while I don’t like trump (and never did),I like slow joe (who “doesn’t work for you”), Harris the ho (who got where she is on her back and by checking the boxes), and the rest of the administration $hit show even less. Those current “inhabitants “ of the WH are the real threat to this republic.
Let’s look at the thief working for the DOE (?) that stole the suitcases. Nothing more than another “check the box” moron. Just like the rest of the appointees.
Be careful about your claims – I’m betting that those you support are guilty of the same thing ….which just makes you a hypocrite.
Oh I said it and I stand by it. Spreading lies, half truth and completely out of context quotes is exactly what the democrats and media have done. They usurped our democracy by steeling the presidency and stifling our first amendment through manipulating private companies. This is nazi germany on steroids. Anyone who disagrees is an enemy of freedom.
However, I am partially making a joke as the democrats, deep state, and media have droned this line millions of times when referencing Trump supporters.
Hanne, you can say whatever you want. As long as I’m allowed to refute your nonsense lies, distortions and flat out manipulations, it’s all good. Yeah, the little old lady excuse is out the window when you engage in the information war we are currently in.
I think she is also trying to use the Leftist tactic of claiming victim status being a little old lady in retail. In contrast, she calls others Trumpsters and defends and denies Denmark’s Nazi past. No one here cared about Denmark. She is the one who continuously and unrelentingly brought it up and kept making an issue about it. It’s clear there is a lot of guilt there. Again, no one cared. She demanded we discuss it so she could put herself in a place to defend it.
The “little old lady” was tongue in cheek. Yes, l’m older but young at heart and active, l don’t consider myself a victim.
“I don’t consider myself a victim…”
Of course not – but your posts certainly disprove that.
During my law enforcement career over 25 years … do you realize how many arrests I’ve made by idiots who claimed “it wasn’t me..” when confronted with the evidence?
Try again, liberal.
Thank you JWB, I needed that. Of course I know whenever I post something I’m prepared for the denials, hypocrisy, etc. I just would like some of these posters who are all in for Trump to admit once, that he might have gone too far. Doesn’t mean they did not like his policies, does not mean they might not vote for him again, but at least have the guts to call a spade a spade. Anyone that follows any leader or publice figure 100 percent is somewhat scary, no one is perfect.
You can always tell when someone begins a comment with an elementary school “ha ha ha” (you actually type out your nervous laughter?)that they dont have leg to stand on and are just trying to disagree with something undefendable.What does one expect from a Fettermen fan.You both still live with your mother.,and dress the same way.
One realizes that a sentence starting with ha ha ha means everything after that is a joke.Who laughs at their own jokes?A failing comedian.
To do list. Denmark does not have a Nazi past, we had Nazi sympatizers as did most countries, but as a whole the Nazi’s was despised by most, we had a very active underground, and those who collaborated with the Nazi’s was dealt harsly with after the war. Perhaps you are thinking of Norway, who had a member of parliement welcoming the occupation, his name was Quisling, which now is often used to describe a traitor to his country. Even so Norway too had their underground. Sweden was neutral.
Once again you get to defend Denmark. QED.
What are you worried about Hanne,anything he does you guys will just cheat and destroy it,relax,the fix is in,but whe it isnt,better have that plane ticket ready,,because youre not going to like it.
Hanne, Trump supporters, like Biden supporters, don’t put every word their candidate says under a microscope. Zealous supporters will give their candidates a pass for a faux pas. Why? Because they feel they know their guy so well they simply can ignore a statement that seems to contradict their shared values. Only those afflicted with some measure of TDS will gasp and faint over Trump’s rant.
Biden mumbles and rambles like a old fart.
I also wondered how they would continue to defend Trump when the Trump family real estate business was convicted today of 17 counts of tax fraud and other financial crimes. I assume it won’t bother them as they never seem to upset when this happened in the past (for example when his university was revealed to be a scam).
Interesting how some less informed beings become deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to protecting The Biden Crime Family.
“Stupid is as stupid does”
Forest Gump
Your tax dollars at work.
‘California teacher who has ‘queer library’ in classroom is slammed by parents after giving sexually explicit content to teens including books on BDSM, kink and orgies’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/mr9cthtt
“Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. …
In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”
–Antonio Gramsci 1891-1937
Marxist philosopher, Communist Party of Italy.
Biden lied directly to the American people when he said hunter bidens laptop was a russian disinformation campaign at the presidential debate.
The laptop proves treason. Public hangings are 💯 in order and lawful. This country needs a good public display of what committing treason against the people gets. Media, intelligence agencies, deep state, social media owners…Drain the swamp now please.
The insurrection happened on Nov 3rd.
They stole your democracy and locked you up for protesting it. They banned you for speaking out about it. They threatened you with with everything from taking your children to firing you from your jobs. This will go down in history as a communist coup against the people of The United States of America. I prey we can set things right. Trump was the only thing standing between us and these monsters. This is why the COVID HOAX was needed. I hope more of you are seeing it now. They actually did it, they did everything. It’s time to come out of fantasy land. They want us all enslaved and they are willing to do anything.
Here’s a writeup about the FTX meltdown and why regulators and congressional committees charged with safeguarding investors failed so badly:
“Mr. Crypto goes to Washington”
I will quote Groucho Marx……. “This isn’t a particularly novel observation, but the world is full of people who think they can manipulate the lives of others merely by getting a law passed”
The real threat to democracy, the Democrats!
Internal email documents at Twitter reveal Arizona Governor-elect and Secretary of State Katie Hobbs allegedly colluded with former Twitter officials last year by flagging accounts related to so-called election misinformation.
The bombshell leak comes amid Elon Musk releasing internal company communications through journalist Matt Taibbi late last week, showing the company had previously censored conservatives at the behest of the Democrat Party.
What a snoozefest this was. You guys are all upset that you couldn’t see Hunter’s private parts on Twitter? and Bobfished you may have missed this tweet from Taibbi:
“Both parties had access to these tools. For instance, in 2020, requests from both the Trump White House and the Biden campaign were received and honored. ”
So if you believe that the Arizona Secretary of State (note that you alleged collusion was on January 7, 2021 well before Katie Hobbs ever became Governor-elect) was collusion then why don’t you point out that the Trump White House colluded with Twitter in 2020?
Of course it is all BS, Twitter just as Claycord has a “Terms of use” check it out here https://tinyurl.com/vv4sy985
And yes as on Claycord any user can allege a breach of the terms of use and it is the site’s decision whether or not they want to remove the post in question. As we know Twitter did this for the Biden campaign (removing unauthorized sexually explicit pictures) or the Trump White House, as well as other such as the Arizona SOS.
That’s not very nice jwb. You constantly lying. The treason on the laptop isn’t the nude crack smoking. It’s the deals with china, ukraine and putin. Joe biden doing deals with putin while you fools acted like Trump was hooked in with putin. The russia HOAX is that biden and putin and Xi and ukraine are all working together to screw over America. Years of TREASON. Nothing to do with Trump. People are figuring it out. And here you are trying to run interference as usual…🤡 Time for public hangings. NCSWIC
Some pictures may have been “sexually explicit” but they weren’t “unauthorized,” they were authorized by Hunter Biden when he took the pictures and the pictures were and are in the public domain because of the actions and inactions of Hunter Biden himself.
Where did you copy that one from this time?
Why are you worried about it?Anythng he does they can just cheat and destroy it.
Relax,Joe’s got this.
He’s got everything.
Musk releasing info, would be interesting if all social media manipulation is revealed not only for 2020 election cycle but for years 2021, 2022 all the way up to company changing hands.
Would imagine there are concerned DEMs . . .
Significance of public opinion was known last century,
“It is the absolute right of the State to supervise
the formation of public opinion.”
–Joseph Goebbels
“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE &
in working closely with Big Tech
Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat
Party, do you throw the Presidential
Election Results of 2020 OUT and
declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do
you have a NEW ELECTION? A
Massive Fraud of this type and
magnitude allows for the termination
of all rules, regulations, and articles,
even those found in the Constitution.
Our great “Founders” did not want,
and would not condone, False &
Fraudulent Elections!“ – Donald Trump
All my life democrats have tried to take guns.
All my life democrats have tried to convince people the constitution was a “living breathing document” that could be and should be changed or rewritten. Now you clowns want to act like it’s the most sacred of sacred because you got caught stealing an election. That’s funny. Fraud vitiates everything. Do you even contract law bro? Supreme court already knows.
You guys favorite word “ unprecedented” is in order. Lol also “literally” in its original meaning.
Democrats have said MANY times that they don’t want to take away guns. Look it up, boneheads.
Yet they’re trying to do it right now. Nothing different than Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Castro, Mao-Tse Tung, Idi Amin, Lenin, etc… and all the liberals can say “well it can’t happen here…”
Lying democrats. NEVER trust a democrat. NEVER.
Delusional Doh. Simply delusional.
The leftists here don’t like us because we are government whistleblowers. The just don’t want us to snitch.
Watching the msm run cover for themselves about hunter and joe bidens treasonous crimes is treasonous crime. We should be seeing 6 months of daily of public hangings. There are literally hundreds of thousands of media, politicians, social media posters and government officials that have committed HIGH TREASON. I want them hung on the White House lawn with my flag waving in the background. Every station, every you tube channel, beamed directly into everyone on the planet’s phone. The time is now. Bring in the military and declare martial law until it gets sorted out entirely.
It’s funny, Trump wasn’t saying to overthrow the constitution, Trump said the constitution was overthrown.
Your democrat, deep state, media, social media have all committed HIGH TREASON. The military must intervene. They took an oath to defend the constitution from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. DOMESTIC. DOMESTIC. That’s exactly why DOMESTIC is in there. HIGH TREASON IS THE CHARGE. The military must, by law, take control.
Time for you jane fondas to open your eyes to the internal war we are in.
Trump, like JFK put these fools on notice. This is the battle of the republic going on right now. Maybe more of you need to call it what it is.
Watch all the people who think HIGH TREASON is acceptable.
Since you mentioned JFK, he is quoted as saying, “the ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” Contrast that with the Biden administration’s suppressing the Hunter laptop information to influence the election, as well as the purposeful disinformation of pursing the Russia collusion hoax. According to the quote, JFK wanted educated voters. Biden and his handlers want uneducated voters.
I don’t think we will ever see a book of Biden quotes like the books I’ve seen with JFK quotes. What are you going to do with “where’s Jackie” and “if you don’t support me, you ain’t black.”
Don’t even mentioned JFK in the same sentence.
I know two American presidents who tried to fight the shadow government in the US. JFK and DJT. Look how the deep state responded to both.
I agree Biden is no JFK, but then very few are.
To quote Groucho Marx (again) “Only one man in 1000 is a leader of men… the other 999 follow women”
I agree Biden is no JFK, but then few are.
Don’t even mentioned JFK in the same sentence.
I’ll say whatever I want dear. But thanks for the suggestion.
The Fake News is actually trying to convince the
American People that I said I wanted to
“terminate” the Constitution, This is simply more
RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and all of their other HOAXES &
SCAMS. What I said was that when there is
DECEPTION” as has been irrefutably proven in
the 2020 Presidential Election, steps must be
immediately taken to RIGHT THE WRONG. Only
FOOLS would disagree with that and accept
In the words of democrat presidential pipe dream Michael Avenatti: BASTA
In other news, Michael Avenatti sentenced to 14 years in prison. 🤣🤣 He went after Trump and you fools bowed down to a criminal..I’m noticing a pattern. Your brainwashing runs deep. You should sue the media for your lack of oxygen. 😷 😷😷
Avenetti is a sleazy attorney, he stole from Stormy Daniels and others he deserves to be in prison.
Isn’t it amazing you don’t see anybody defend the sleazy criminal Avenatti. Quite different from all the usual suspect here defending the sleazy criminal Trump. Wonder why?
Avenatti’s crimes were real, not imagined or invented by political opponents…. and there was actual evidence.
That made Avenatti easy to hate & prosecute, nothing “amazing” about it.
Trying to convict an innocent man in court is alot tougher…. just keep plugging away with the smear campaign & fake news aka “Democrat Politics”.
The “little old lady” was tongue in cheek. Yes, l’m older but young at heart and active, l don’t consider myself a victim.
Our society is so
dumbed down and
indoctrinated that
anyone who’s a
critical thinker is
perceived as a
Conspiracy Theorist
Don’t worry nobody thinks your a thinker in the first place and certainly not a critical thinker.
Just another thing us _________ people don’t understand !
JWB: Again, Grammarly could have saved you from self-destructing in the middle of that insult, and that’s the whole cannoli.
Now I do agree that’s embarrassing. I certainly know the difference between your and you’re. Not sure how this happened but I do apologize.
I think you want to date me.
The sniveling former twitter weenies are having a tantrum over their names being released in twitter files are the same anti free speech weenies who allowed our SCOTUS justices home addresses to be posted on twitter and refused to remove them.
Paybacks huh, they’re a b***h.
Paul’s Buddy Bumps
School the new dem way. Gone are the 3 R’s
The Future? Let’s hope not
It’s a great day to MAGA. …..For the evil dem bottom feeders, not so much
Reparations to buy votes and stay in power
Prove Me Wrong
Stand & be free, or kneel & be owned by the Left
They all want to date me. I’m flattered.
We are occasionally re-reminded in the news about our whistling by the graveyard on our possible upcoming currency crisis. The US had $9 trillion in federal debt as of the housing crisis back in 2008. Now the debt has ballooned to $31 trillion. Rising interest rates are requiring the government to sell even more debt just to pay the interest. One does not need to wonder why major foreign owners of US Treasury bonds such as China and Japan are reducing their holdings. US household debt including mortgages and credit card debt has grown to over $16 trillion, encouraged by the federal reserve by keeping interest rates low for years.
Some apologists of this craziness say government debt is only 120 or so percent of GDP and some other countries are worse. However, the government does not own the economy so looking at the percent debt is of GDP makes little sense. Will this all come crashing down? It has in other countries. Remember, most of your wealth is just in databases owned and controlled by banks, mortgage companies, the government and others. In a financial crisis all bets are off, and the government may just decide to change the numbers on these databases to fix their debt and perhaps reallocate wealth to address equity. The only thing between you and bankruptcy are some entries on databases you don’t control.
Concord City Council swearing-in and reorganization tonight. Public is invited to attend reception afterwords where food and drinks will be provided by the City of Concord.
Despite his prior claims, it appears Jim Crow 2.0 is Warnock’s best friend!
It’s hard to believe a CRT guy could garner such support from people who oppose it.
On congress and railroad Unions, . . . way it was handled could well come back to bit ’em.
Forty some years ago ran a crew working in a ‘support’ shop and if management ticked us off we could start work on time take two 10 minute breaks, 20 minutes for lunch and work up to the end minute of our 8 hour shift and shut the place down.
IF Union rail workers are unhappy rail traffic could suffer for YEARS to come.
Is possible lack of competency on part of biden and obama’ retread minions may have caused more of a problem than they averted.
There is room for the Christmas spirit, even in politics!
So then..
Trump endorsed Walker. He endorsed Oz. He endorsed Lake. He endorsed Masters and Mastriano. The voters spoke and made it clear they are done with his divisiveness, his election denying antics, and his losing ways. Then he invites a white supremacist over for dinner. The Trump Org. is convicted of tax fraud and will forever be a criminal enterprise in the eyes of the law, among banks and other lenders, and in the historical record. Will this be enough for Republicans to abandon the loser and move on or will they continue to cling to him to the bitter end?
Not a chance. If we find another person willing to take on the permanent corrupt government and willing to trash globalist WEF types in order to Make America Great Again, the deep state will do the same thing.
Trump is a person, the country we demand, the constitution so many fought for, the it freedom guaranteed and the pursuit of happiness with a government that works for us not itself is the idea. Trump could disappear today and we will still be here. It’s us you want to get rid of, admit it.
Spinning a story about a guy that plead guilty of cheating on his personal tax return into “TRUMP CONVICTED ON 17 COUNTS” is the definition of fake news. We see you guys. It’s the same old song and dance. What happened to Russia? Let me know when it’s thrown out on appeal, I’m sure it won’t make the headlines.🤣
The first answer to you question just shows how screwed Republican really are.
If they stick with Trump, they have to contend with his soaring unpopularity and his 2020 conspiracies.
If they abandon Trump, he’ll sabotage them and try to keep himself in the news daily.
Better hope Trump doesn’t ride off into the sunset. The current administration continues to need him terribly as a diversion in front of their many failed policies, and their media collusion. Further with a staff of distinguished individuals such as Sam Brinton they need all the cover they can get. I mean, the Biden administration has a lot of baggage, or in Sam’s case you might say luggage.
Mr. Spectator has some good points. The above tirade against Trump shows where the energy is focused, as opposed to Biden saying he does not need to visit the border, the six months of negative GDP growth in the first half of the year and forecasted recession in the next year, the 8.5% inflation, the threats of nuclear war from three other countries, half a million homeless, organized looting of stores, and so on. Just keep us focused on Trump’s taxes so we don’t notice a shopping trip at Safeway is now over $100 and all that other stuff.
Thank you.
I was talking with a liberal acquaintance the other day, and they just weren’t comprehending my point. Idealism and ignorance seem to go together. So I said, “Look, don’t take my word for it. I know you don’t have any investments or a 401K, but perhaps one of your centrist friends does. Ask to see their 11-30-2020 statements and their 11-30-2022 statements. Then ask them if their life or future has improved. Then get back to me on it.” I don’t expect to hear from them.
Let’s see the S&P500 closed at 3,621.63 on 11/30/2020 and closed at 4,080.11 which is a gain of about 12.65%. And of course if you look at the index during the Trump administration it was as low as 2,404.92 on03/20/2020.
So what is your point?
not sure why it scrambled up but it should say the S&P500 index increased by about 12.65% between 11/30/2020 and 11/30/2022.
what about 2019,18,and 17?You know they are just going to shoot down any fluff you try to publish.
Perhaps I have been too subtle here.
Historically, going back to 1928, the S & P has averaged over 11% annually. Therefore, 12% in 24 months is poor, by any portfolio manager’s definition. Further it’s all large-cap, the slowest moving. So you can count on more Biden damage shortly that hasn’t been priced yet. Very good mid and small-cap stocks have been decimated by the crappy policies of the Biden administration. And the bond market is really hurting retirees or anyone in target funds, a large part of the 401K business. So again, review a statement and it’s clear the Biden administration policies have injured investing Americans.
JWB: The analysis must be unlayered like a lasagna. The next layer down shows these returns were entirely wiped out by Biden’s inflation so your alleged happy Italian dish is a bust. Note returns during Trump don’t have to be adjusted much.
First of all nobody will dispute that particularly the current year has been very challenging
in the financial markets. However your very own statement that for example the historical average of the S&P500 gains over a long period (from 1928 though today) has been about 11%. You may have missed the meaning of the term “average” but it implies that there have been periods of lower growth as well as periods of larger growth. You can probably find such periods in pretty much any administration.
It is general knowledge that politicians of either party take too much credit in periods
of growth but equally get too much blame in more challenging periods. As a matter of fact politicians probably have not that much influence in global markets that are often driven by events outside of their control.
Clearly your post indicates that you do not share that sentiment, so let’s dive a little bit further into your arguments. Obviously the current administration could not enact any policies prior to 1/20/2021. The S&P500 opened on that day at 3,816.20 and one year later on 1/20/2022 closed at 4,477.95. This represents an annual growth of 17.34% and in your words a significant gain over the historical annual growth rate of 11% So using your arguments the Biden administration policies during that year greatly helped investing Americans.
On the flip side, during the Trump administration the S&P500 closed at 2,784.49 on 2/28/2019 and on 2/28/2020 closed at 2,954.22. Meaning, during this particular 12 month period the S&P500 gained 5.74%. Since “12% in 24 months is poor, by any portfolio manager’s definition” you will certainly agree that less than 6% in 12 months is poor by any definition and shows how the Trump administration policies have injured investing Americans.
JWB: Your analysis falls as flat as a pizza and is just as deep, taking one set of cherry picked numbers to peddle your point. The economy, when Trump took office was weakening and way overdue for a recession according to NABE, the National Association of Business Economists. So right at the start, Trump’s story is of a recession that did not happen because he changed the course of the economy. Additionally, the Covid lockdown forced on us by Fauci and his ilk was like weathering a minor version of the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs. Your pizza depth analysis ignores the context.
Let’s look at Biden. The economy was growing nicely toward the end of Trump’s administration, but Biden ignored all economic theory and dumped trillions of unneeded money on the economy leading to inflation and the mess we are in now. Vanguard Investments today announced hardship 401K withdrawals are now the highest on record. Finally, you conveniently ignored inflation that entirely wiped out any and all S&P500 returns during Biden’s mess of a presidency. It gets worse. He has forced on us a $31 trillion dollar debt, many times larger than anything the world has ever seen, and possibly larger than any experience intergalactically.
Biden can do no wrong in aTDS melon.He just can’t do ANYTHNG.
No kidding, they would have to do a ton of false flag events if they didn’t have Trump. Trump is saving lives.
Perhaps I have been too subtle.
There are years where a 6% return while poor, is not especially injurious. However rampant inflation over 8% puts a large hole in every investor’s bucket. This drives people to invest in hard assets which further pushes down market performance. Mutual Fund managers are then forced to sell assets they like in order to cover redemption’s. So on non-qualified investments investors receive poor performance and unreasonable capital gains expenses.
This would all be completely avoidable if this administration chose to be fiscally responsible which they have not.
Don’t worry you have not been too subtle.
Your talking points are just a big fail. You simply keep trying to change goal posts. My example for the S&P500 for the first year of the current administration enacting policies was 2021 and the index gain was 17%. The inflation in the US in 2021 was 4.6% and not over 8%.
Please stop wasting my time with your talking points.
JWB: The fact that everyone’s money is now worth only 88 or less cents on the dollar is not a talking point. It is a disaster, like day old cannoli.
Back to my original post: compare actual statements 11-30-2020 and 11-30-2022, not indices, you can’t spend an index. It’s quite clear Biden fiscal policy is killing performance. Biden inflation compounds the problem.
For the last time don’t waste my time. Wouldn’t it be easier for you to simply say “Trump good” “Biden bad”? So why do you keep trying to dress it up in some insane BS?
You realize one cannot spend statements either? I simply used the index as a proxy. It’s virtually impossible to compare statements for two years considering that there were about 130K in contribution over that time period.
You’re completely silent on 2021 which was actually a fairly good year for the markets and it was under Biden’s fiscal policies.
Nobody is arguing that 2022 is not challenging and yes inflation is too high. However inflation is high in many other markets outside the US as well. And there are many factors which influence inflation.
I’m certainly not trying to defend the current inflation rate but here is an inflation calculator. Note it is not useful for 2022 because it’s only updated to April 2022. But to the argument that since Biden took office that because of inflation 1$ is now only worth 88 cents. You may want to see how 1$ fared from 2017 through 2021 (the previous administration) and you will see that it declined to about 91 cents.
A quick call to a 401K plan administrator will provide account values net of additional investment.
JWB: You chose a website that does not update its data and creates its own index, not the CPI. Nothing fishy there. Well, let’s go with that number for now because getting you to admit something is like picking up a cooked lasagna noodle with chopsticks. Anyway, you seriously admire Biden for having the same inflation in one year that Trump had over his entire four year term? You have an interesting definition of success.
Jwb -“wasting YOUR time…?”
Nobody is forcing you to read others’ posts. You’re wasting your own damn time!
Typical of democrats – blaming others because they’re wasting YOUR time.
Just goes to prove you have no time management skills….just like any other democrat.
“In Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Address, Kamala Harris Urges Nation Not To Forget January 6th.”
She urges people to never forget that she has never done her job for even one day.
‘More than two-thirds of shoppers struggling to pay for groceries’
upi https://tinyurl.com/y4h4j64t
griner takes a knee during National Anthem.
‘Biden celebrates release of Brittney Griner in prisoner swap for ‘Merchant of Death’ arms dealer Viktor Bout – but FAILS to free Marine vet Paul Whelan: President says WNBA star who was jailed for smuggling cannabis ‘represents best of America’ ‘
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2p8xuwjy
biden administration his it’s bergdahl moment . . . . .
It’s perfectly clear that Biden is trying to buy votes.
Racist POS🖕
Biden said “ “The fact remains that she’s lost months of her life, experienced needless trauma,” he said. “She deserves space, privacy and time with her loved ones to recover and heal from her time being wrongfully detained.”
“Wrongfully detained?” She violated the f***ing law. And he trades her for a convicted international arms dealer.
And that boneheaded idiot in the WH doesn’t understand law…. Nothing but pandering to the “check the box crowd.” Prove me wrong.
Biden traded a notorious arms dealer for a basketball player. Now those are some serious negotiating skills. He must not have been very good at board games as a child.
Can you imagine what would happen if he were put in charge of a sports team? ” Sure, I’ll trade Willie Mays away in exchange for Joe Schlabotnik”. Joe Biden, the Charlie Brown of Presidents……..
Thank goodness Brittney Griner will be returned to the USA to resume her lifestyle of same sex marriage & drug abuse……Biden says Griner represents “The best about America”
The “best”?
Griner represents “the best in America?”
Leave it to slow joe and Harris the ho. This entire administration is devoid of any brain cells.
More anti-military “check the box “ diplomacy.
Wonder if biden regime is upset her release wasn’t on December 7th ? ? ? ?
After all they left a U.S. MARINE behind . . . .
“Former US Marine Paul Whelan has spoken out from Russian prison after four years behind bars, slamming the Biden administration for failing to secure his release in the prisoner swap that freed WNBA star Brittney Griner.
Whelan said he was being held as a ‘hostage’ of Russia and pleaded for the White House to ‘do everything they could to get me home’ as he faces another 12 years in a Russian penal colony on spying charges he says are bogus.”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/bddbdmt2
CNN sure did not disappoint. There is a Joseph Goebbels quality propaganda piece on their website today that sounds like a love letter to the arms dealer. Two additional and important points made are that the deal is good for the planet because it shows how superpowers can work together even during conflict. Second, it shows how weak Putin is. No, this is not satire. It really says both of those things. I am going to print and keep this as a nice reference to the twisted and sick beliefs of the cancerous Leftist media.
“A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is,
when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud.”
― George Orwell
Who would have thought to see the day when OG would come out and speak up against Trump.
Hence the Twitter situation in a concerted effort to stack the deck. Cheating isn’t new, however cheating on this scale is. Victories as a result must be incredibly hollow. However for the soulless, it’s likely acceptable.
Honduras v Switzerland
The “RIGHT” to work
The roots of Justin Castro
Vegan barbecue
Xmas shopping with dems
Sick of this guy yet?
Guess who else got fired
How it starts
Come the millennium, month 12, In the home of greatest power, The village idiot will come forth To be acclaimed the leader. ~ Nostradamus
Seems that time has come.
Twitter moving to Texas ? ? ? ?
‘Twitter’s Janitors Go on Strike and Elon Musk Personally Cleans House’
Makes sense probably better bankruptcy laws in Texas.
‘Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema QUITS Democratic Party and registers as an independent – just days after her party won 51st Senate seat – in massive blow for Biden’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/ydsvy87h
“in massive blow for Biden”
So post fake news? Because you link says the following:
“She said: ‘I don’t anticipate that anything will change about the Senate structure.
‘I intend to show up to work, do the same work that I always do. I just intend to show up to work as an independent.’
The senator said she has ‘never really fit into a box of any political party’ and is close with allies on both sides of the aisle.
That will disappoint Republicans keen to woo her and her vote.”
JWB: Therefore, I guess this means that when your seventh girlfriend gave you the same let’s just be friends talk, you believed her?
You mean one of the other 37 genders?
The market for her vote just jumped.
Maybe Joe Manchin will follow her lead?
Sinema votes for Biden’s bills 93% of the time; has voted 100% to approve every Biden judicial nominee; twice voted to convict Trump and remove him from office; voted against Amy Coney Barrett being placed on the Supreme Court; voted to put Ketanji Brown Jackson on the Supreme Court; and is trying in the final three weeks of this session to pass a DACA bill to protect over 2 million “Dreamers” who were brought here as children.
Just the same, she’s going to demand alot more for her vote now!
Perhaps she realized that everything she has been told is a lie.
Some people gain wisdom later in life.
Having an epiphany can be a wonderful thing. I’ve had a couple over the course of a lifetime.