Home » Bay Area Air District Offering Buy-Back Program For Older, High-Polluting Vehicles

Bay Area Air District Offering Buy-Back Program For Older, High-Polluting Vehicles


Bay Area residents with a vehicle made before 1999 can receive up to $1,200 as part of a buy-back program to improve local air quality, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District announced.

The buy-back program will pay owners of older cars and small trucks to get car removals Shellharbour. Vehicles made before 1999 often lack modern carbon emission controls and have higher air pollution rates than newer vehicles, according to the air district.

To qualify for the program, vehicles must be the 1998 model year or older, registered in the Bay Area for the last 24 months and currently drivable. Vehicles must also be smog certified.


“Transportation remains the largest source of air pollution in the Bay Area and scrapping older vehicles helps limit harmful tailpipe emissions in the air we breathe,” said Sharon Landers, the air district’s interim executive officer.

The air district has retired more than 90,000 vehicles via its buy-back program since 1996, removing an estimated 75 pounds of air pollution per vehicle per year.

Information about the buy-back program can be found at this link.

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An how many pounds of pollution do wlidland fires produce ? ? ?
“California’s 2020 wildfire season thwarted the state’s fight against climate change, spewing enough carbon dioxide into the air to equal the emissions of millions of passenger vehicles driving over the course of a year.
Those roughly 9,600 fires burned nearly 4.2 million acres, killed 31 people, and emitted an estimated 112 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, according to a California Air Resources Board report released Dec. 31.
The number is akin to the greenhouse gas emissions of 24.2 million passenger cars driving in a single year”
bloomberg https://tinyurl.com/46hyarr4


There is a technology that can turn that carbon dioxide into clean burning fuel to run cars. Probably not enough profit in it to ever actually get implemented. Instead they want to blank out the sun to stop “global warming”. No shortage of eggheads on this planet.

I’ll give you $1300 for that one.


Top offer for early 70s two door muscle car, only 6,00 built, so far is $42,000. Not sellin’.
Nice when vehicles go up in value, all are earlier than 96, all large V8s.
Standard answers at gas stations,
NOT FOR SALE . . . .
don’t know how many miles to gallon and DON’T CARE.

It is called smiles per gallon!

Never heard that before – I like it.

Better yet, try to energize everyone to scream at China to quit building coal plants and other polluting processes.

My 50 year old gas car is 1000x cleaner for the environment then a Tesla. 100% fact.
keeping it on the road costs about 500 a year. It’s already manufactured. Buying a newly manufactured car every 3 years is a pitiful example of being worried about the environment. Why remove cars already here? This is not logical.


In 1973 I bought a Datsun wagon new for $1800. Remember that was the “Drive 55” era. I recall people in their guzzler’s with their hand out the car windows open and closing their fingers twice as I passed them. My car was probably getting twice the mileage as their guzzler. I figured I had done my part.

I can’t believe the crap some people will believe. This, like practically everything else in this modern world is completely AGAINST the thing it claims. And people who have been so demoralized by propaganda think it is helpful. We are literally full with people who’s brains are broken, like really broken. Like never coming back broken.


As I have been pointing out for quite awhile Sam, it is a form of PTSD that the “plandemic” brought us, on purpose. Confused people are easier to control. Article on how personalities changed due to it:

I also recall how easy it was to work on cars yourself back then. I followed up the Datsun, which I sold before going to Europe, with a ’78 Subaru that I drove for 10 years. It was a manual and got 55 mpg highway. Next Subaru I bought was an automatic because no else including my mother who learned on a manual could drive the manual transmission wagon. 😄

78 subaru…now you’re talking. The economical cars from that era were built for the buyers. Easy to work on, simple and basic concepts, plenty of room. What a pleasure to own. Now it’s buy, buy, buy service appointments every couple months for an update. Don’t you dare change a spark plug yourself. Cheap plastic, built to fail clips, forget it. I’m good.

Great for removing all the affordable used cars that the poor rely upon. Great for limiting the mobility of California’s most vulnerable populations. Great at crushing and destroying future classics and collectibles for no good reason.

Cash for clunkers all over again.


It’s so more new cars are sold.
They figure you can just finance ,What’s more debt?

They want to get high polluters off the road, but “Vehicles must also be smog certified”



Haha I didn’t even catch that one..
The bay area is run by complete idiots.


Running, Registered and smogged? …. That buggy’s going straight down 5 and into mehicoooo… Cash in their pockets. Otherwise, they wouldn’t care about the condition… Old steel’s worth way more in a scrap yard.

I’ve read that the average car puts 25 tons of pollutants into the environment just in the manufacturing process. Everything from mining the iron ore, shipping it, the environmental costs of the freighters that carry the ore, the smelting, the turning to steel, the rolling, the stamping, the spot-welding – all the different processes with their own environmental costs such as workers’ commutes, etc.
25 tons, no matter what kind of car – diesel, electric, gas or hybrid.
If you buy a new car every year, you’re putting another 25 tons of pollutants into the environment every year.
It’s far better for the environment to keep driving your old car, even if it pollutes more than a new one on a day-to-day basis.
My 1966 Ford has had its 25 tons amortized over 56 years. I can drive a long, long way with my lower efficiency and more pollution before I come anywhere close to the 25 tons of pollutants that your new Tesla will create. Keep driving the old cars and make fewer new ones – that’s better for the environment!

This is dumb. The biggest polluter is more people. It is time to start sensible population reduction strategies, namely that people on welfare have to stop having kids. Simple.


What this does is put a minimum on the price of buying a used car from a private party.
Why should someone sell you a decent deal on a car for under $1000 when thy can get a guaranteed $1200.
This screws the everyman and low income people even more.
And they know it.

What about a buy-back for 2-stroke leaf blowers, I hear tell they pollute more than cars do. Think I read that here, BTW, where is Aunt B?


My truck doesn’t get smogged, it just creates it!!……………..j/k my 1992 F250 passed with flying colors. I am NOT buying a new truck………..I paid $130,000 for my house, not paying $80,000 for a truck.

Instead of a buyback for all the ‘ancient’ cars, maybe they should do a buyback on all the unregistered cars. On my way into the office today I counted three cars that had expired registration from 2019.

I get notes in park lots on my 1992 Jeep Laredo (Beast), of people who want to buy her.
Looks almost new, with 165,000 miles and passes smog with flying colors.
Four-wheel drive if we wish too, and she is a 5-speed manual which in rare.
No junk yard for her …. I’ll keep her 🙂

Glad we are so flush with cash that the Bay Area elite can buy older cars just to destroy them.



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