The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think schools should have classes about the dangers of driving? Not just drunk driving, but driving in general.
Talk about it….
They did when I was in HS…that was long ago.
Yes! We can not reply on the parents. New drivers need to learn the laws and stopping distances at different speeds. I don’t expect the schools to afford a drivers ed car but at least give them classroom training. The training will save lives.
way back when it was called drivers’ ed.
You betcha!
When I was in school, they used the same car for Driver Education and Sex Education. Avoiding accidents should be a priority!
Back when people thought Sex Ed was the pervert custodian
No, thats is for the parents to teach. Which unfortunately is the problem why most drive like crap today as the parents dont teach anything now a days.
Just this morning had a “POC” cut me off when construction had one lane closed, he speed up at last second to pass several cards and cut over at the last second and swiped his side view mirror on a cone and ripped the mirror right off his car.
Don’t they now?
we can’t trust them to teach Math, English, or Science…
what makes one think they could instruct this topic correctly?
Public schools will just somehow make it all about “social justice”… a term used to justify institutionalized racism.
At least make them watch “Signal 30” and “Red Asphalt”. Those movies may not be that scary for kids now, pretty gruesome back when I was in school.
Exactly, and don’t forget the simulators.
Yes the state patrol brought a movie for high school showing fatal accidents. Seeing a crushed human kinda sticks in your mind. And then there was always the vision of a truck jack-knifing in front of you and cutting off your head. We have other things that cause accidents these days that weren’t around back then if you know what I mean and I think you do.
I can still see Red Asphalt in my head 45 years later!
I think a lot of adults forgot what it was like when they were young. Most kids feel they are invincible and immortal, teaching them the dangers of driving would seem like a lot of fearmongering. One of the reasons the military recruits young people is for this reason. It would make more sense to teach them defensive driving skills. They should learn to pay attention, and to always be aware of their surroundings. Always be on the lookout for pedestrians, animals, and other drivers, and do not depend on other drivers and pedestrians to do the right thing. Cut out distractions, keep their speed down, and follow the three-second rule. It would also help if they have a basic understanding of the mechanics of a vehicle. Teach them how the engine, transmission, brakes, and suspension work, it will help to improve their driving skills. An understanding of the dangers of driving will fall into place once they have achieved the skill it takes to operate a motor vehicle on a highway.
Exactly!! Defensive driving need to be learned, gotta anticipate the idiots doing stupid thing at all times!!!
that implies that drivers are actually looking at the road and other cars. my observations conclude; actually paying attention to the road applies to less than half of drivers on the roads
Yes, bring back Driver’s Ed (the classroom instruction – where this would fit) ..the Driver’s Training. The actual driving of a vehicle. Calif can afford it as $$/ Student is just about the highest in the nation for public schools – and our academics are now in the lowest 5 of the nation… so what is actually going on with all that $$ ???? (Rhetorical question given the Newsom Teachers Union relationship)
DOMO, driver’s ed and training were removed from school curriculum LONG before Newsom.
removed due to massive tax reductions for the wealthy. yes, even here in calif.
that along with many, many other things, a generation ago had enjoyed
@COWELLIAN….Wear that “rain suit” when necessary, avoid accidents. The “train” method doesn’t always work, they don’t always pull out of the station on time.
Yes, but not like the so called professional driving schools way. They teach to the DMV test which only part of learning how to drive.
It used to be that passing Driver’s Education was required to graduate from high school in California.
The way this question was posed makes it sound like it’s not about “teaching the dangers of driving (traveling)” but about indoctrinating the young into being afraid of traveling by car so that they will use alternate forms of transportation, walking, biking, and public transportation such as busing and BARTing.
Back when the California State Legislature showed their hearings on the California Channel members of the legislature and talk show hosts on the channel were constantly saying “Freedom isn’t owning a car to drive (travel) where you want to, when you want to, but “REAL FREEDOM” is using public transportation because you won’t have the financial costs associated with owning a car.”
ITSME – didn’t mean to insinuate Newsom had an impact to Driver’s Ed / Training… just that he is the “leadership” to do better than Calif spending more $$ / Student than 90% of the country
Red Asphalt – nuff said.