Home » ALERT: UPDATE: Head-On Vehicle Collision On Willow Pass Rd. Near The Kinne Bridge In Concord

ALERT: UPDATE: Head-On Vehicle Collision On Willow Pass Rd. Near The Kinne Bridge In Concord


image: courtesy of google maps

A head-on vehicle collision has been reported on Willow Pass Rd. at the Kinne Bridge (between Landana & Hwy.4) in Concord.

The collision occurred just after 6 p.m.

Witnesses say they saw at least one person outside of a vehicle, on the ground.


Use caution if you’re in the area.

UPDATE: Willow Pass has been shut down between Landana and Hwy.4.

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Will drive a longer route to avoid that stretch of road. Speed limit is too high for that roadway with bike lanes. Bridge should be widened or demolished.
Should eliminate bike lanes and install cement center dividers as was done on Kirker Pass Rd.
Again, speed limit on that road is too high.
Bailey Road speed limits are 35 and 45.
Wake up CoCo county ! ! !


Agreed – I hate driving that part of Willow Pass Road even on a bright, sunny Saturday morning. You never know when somebody will come straight at you.

Does anyone know what vehicles were involved ??

A white truck and a blue truck

This is so sad.

So many sirens.

I hope anyone injured recovers quickly.


Personally, I stay to the right of the lane as much as possible on that part of Willow Pass. It’s an uneasy feeling. Plus the roadway paving seems to be deteriorated.
Motorist behavior seems to be the worst it has ever been but this incident could have been the result of a medical condition.

I avoid any part of Hwy 4, if I can possibly avoid it. I don’t remember the last time I was anywhere near that area. I will go out of my way to get to Pittsburg or Antioch via Kicker Pass (new, politically-correct “woke” Pass) just to avoid it. People drive too fast for the conditions, the lanes seem narrower than most for some reason, and the on- and off-ramps are “crazy” designed. The misery seems to start somewhere about Treat Blvd and lasts all the way to Antioch. They need to “te-inagine” that whole route. It seems like the whole thing was an afterthought.

Again? Even with all the safety bells and whistles installed there to stop this from happening? Unbelievable, and sad it is still happening.



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