The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think members of your city council (no matter what city you’re in) really care about the area, or do you think most are in it to move up in the World of politics?
Talk about it….
I am left with the impression that they are all ego based in their intentions…. I can’t say I’ve ever seen a exception…
I’ve actually met people who ran for office with the intention of helping the public. It was also the first and last time they ran for office. They learned how dirty the whole process is.
Most are intrinsically concerned about the communities they represent.
However, former Oakland mayors like Willie Brown, Ron Dellums and Jerry Brown were in office simply to hold over their political careers. Brown and Brown did more damage than good for Oakland… Jean Quan and Libby Schaaf were largely ineffectual and just perpetuating mediocrity.
And by the way, Rep. Maxine Waters doesnt even live within the district she represents (CA-43). She lives about three miles out in a wealthy area with large house surrounded by walls and fences. Hypocrisy!!
For the most part, no member of the Concord City Council is there to represnt the people.
Most are there to bolster their ego’s, make themselves look better in other peoples eyes.
One or two are on the concil to move up the political ladder.
Overall, not one of them gives a moments tought to the well being of the people of Concord.
I completely disagree. These are good people who want to improve the city and help the community. . Obviously their ego is big enough to allow them to step up to the challenge, but that is not a bad thing.
I do not think it is an “or” situation. I think as a Council member, the view is they can help to improve/maintain the qualities of the cities they manage, using the experience to advance in the world of politics.
I personally think there should be term limits
on all of them.
We can always use new blood and new ideas.
For some reason we keep electing the same people year after year
We have one that’s been on the council for almost 20 years and they just elected her again.