No, particularly in this state. I am only slightly surprised by any of it, I did not expect the “red wave” that was predicted. As soon as mccarthy came out with his GOP plan, I figured there would be not much turn out; he is not at all motivational for anything. I also did not think a candidate as flawed as Oz was in PA would be able to attract enough votes to overcome the clearly mentally injured candidate.
You didn’t think Oz could overcome a mentally challenged democrat? Tell us how was OZ flawed? He had common sense ideas and was not radical but that flawed him? It is the liberal press that sunk him. They refuse to say or print the truth.
I can tell you how some people view Oz as flawed. There are many in the medical profession that see him as a self-serving quack, who pushes questionable dietary supplements that are known to have serious side effects. If people see him as greedy, and dubious, and will do anything for money, it makes him appear to be susceptible to corruption, and they will not vote for him. People vote on a candidate’s character, and personality, as well has their policies.
I agree with you Dawg, it is too easy to blame everything on the liberal press, if you are a conservative, and right wing talk radio if you are a liberal. There are times where I think it is appropriate, but not all the time. I also think he failed to connect with the common people. I use to watch him a little on Oprah and saw his show a few times, he seems like a pleasant fellow, but once he tried to push the supplements that was dubious I lost interest in him.
Connect with the common people? I don’t want to connect to a politician. I want them to vote the way I want them to vote. I don’t want them to expand inflation or let killers out of jail.
Ricardo, Hm intersting take. I heard several conservatives complaining that Hilary did not connect well with people, perhaps you weren’t one of them. Connecting means understanding, so in that sense I guess you are right, even if the president is a millionaire, like Kennedy or Trump, those voting for them like to feel that there concerns are understood.
Fair question. My perception is that Oz became more conservative, or more accurately, more Republican, once he began running for Senate. He did not campaign well, in my opinion. He did not do poorly, just not well enough to overcome the typical MSM hostility. He also moved to PA in order to run. I understand he went to school there, and is licensed to practice there, but he lived in NJ, why not run there? Those were what I see/saw as flaws, not enough to overcome the media assault. He did nothing to spark his candidacy, that I read/heard.
November 9, 2022 - 12:40 PM 12:40 PM
Could have been better, could have been worse. If the Republicans can win the house then that should slow down the psychotic Biden Administration and their destructive policies so that’s something to be happy about. Super majorities in any level of Government are not good. Checks and balances are needed. Did ok on the local propositions. Hate Newsom, so I was hoping for a Dahle miracle but it wasn’t to be. I think the Democrats will keep the Senate but without the house, Biden will still be handcuffed. Maybe its time to eliminate the two party system and require all politicians to be independent. Might deliver decisions based on what’s best for the people they serve rather that what’s best for the party or getting reelected.
too soon to know right now. As of now, the turn out will not be ready for days or weeks. so, do not expect much yet. They got a long way to go.
November 9, 2022 - 12:56 PM 12:56 PM
For California, definitely not. The majority of California voters continue to show how ignorant they are by electing the same or like-minded fools that continue to destroy the state. This just cements the reasons to leave California ASAP.
I’ve seen this kind of taunting that Tony is doing before as if in elections the politicians should stay put and those who don’t like them should be kicked out. Kind of the tail wagging the dog. When in San Francisco I saw these comments for years, and over that time families fled the city, homeless grew more aggressive and became permanent tent cities, and shoplifting and car break-ins flourished. Those who would not put up with it left, and those who are OK with it stayed. And now it’s a mess.
November 9, 2022 - 1:00 PM 1:00 PM
You wouldn’t know from reading Claycord that Contra Costa County voted 80% democrat. This election proved one thing, that the scare tactics of the liberal press and democrats was more powerful than the scare tactics of Trump and the Republicans. That many people love crime and inflation along with drug deaths and open borders. That TDS prevails over common sense. Very sad.
I could make a nasty light hearted insult, but will not, at least yet… I will state it is a sad state of affairs when the leader of this (once free) country can get in front of a backdrop similar to that of maybe some other type of leader from an earlier age, and tell the nation that half of the population is dangerous.
It is just reflective of how dumb the population is. They do what they are told instead of researching for themselves. They have been brainwashed. That’s it. They vote straight dem ticket with no thought.
JWB, People that hold strong convictions sometimes have a hard time believing that someone my have a different opinion or worse a totally opposite opinion, so they explain by saying those are low information voters, or they watch the wrong news channel etc. I seems to run rampant among right wingers, but I have a girl friend who is very liberal (Bernie supporter) who have at times voiced the same. Some people need to realize that there are many different opinions, even among people who are well informed and get their news from different news sources.
Younger voters have not learned from history so they must learn from experience.
DEMs want voters easily influenced, with memories and attention span of a fruit fly.
They also strive to create each year more people dependent upon government for their financial well being.
Evidently DEM voters don’t care how many times actions taken by newsom during covid lockdown were ruled unconstitutional by the Courts.
Count of conditions in CA to continue to deteriorate as result of incompetent DEM governance.
ORIGINAL G, You get ten thumbs up from me. You are right that young voters have not learned from history. What younger voters have learned is from the Left leaning schools they attend, social media, and the liberal press. It amazes me how many believe climate change, inflation, high taxes, and a crumbling infrastructure, is the fault of baby boomers. This is one of the reasons the youngsters of today show a lack of respect towards their elders.
November 9, 2022 - 1:26 PM 1:26 PM
No real surprises. I’m not doing communism with you.
I remember how highly intelligent and truthful your posts always are. Welcome back, its never to late to start being honest. 174 wins to 9 loses ain’t to shabby if you ask me. Dropping pelosi, winning the house, the senate, and putting the screws to fauci, and the kibosh on biden sounds like the plan. Just let it sink in. We own you. You’ll figure out what happened.
Who’s rupert murdoch? paul ryan runs fox news. He’s like eye patch mccain writing the news..means the establishment wants ron defakeis who is nothing without King Trump…he knows it. See you next week cheering for florida ron
Sam, I listened to 3 conservative talk show hosts today (surprise) Tom Sullivan syndicated, Mark Levin syndicated and Joe McGinnis he is a former sheriff and has a show 1530 am Sacramento, all 3 felt Trump is toast. Tom Sullivan have always been lukewarm on Trump, like his policies not his personality, same for Joe McGinnis, Mark Levin have been a staunch supporter of Trump, not anymore, if Trump have lost Mark Levin that says a lot about his standing, do not know about Sean Hannity, he have had such a love affair with Trump, I doubt he is ready to abandon him, however if Trump loses the support of Hannity than he is in trouble.
Yes yes I know Trump candidates winning 219 races and losing 14 is not a “red wave” to fox news. 🤣🤣 Nobody sent you guys the memo…FOX ISNT MAGA. They called the 2020 for biden with 40% counted. Mark levin is a grifter, that’s why democrats like you listen to him and think you’re bipartisan. Paul ryan hates Trump. Speaker of the house has a nice ring to it. That would make Trump 3rd in line when biden and kamila get removed…Wasn’t the lincoln project “republicans” 🤣🤣🤡🌎
Sam, Mark Levin is a very conservative republican, not middle of the road. He has been a staunch supporter of Trump. I listen to him rarely, can’t stand his personality, he is rude and abrasive. I just turned in yesterday to because I wanted to find out what the right wing hosts were saysing on DeSantis vs. Trump issue.
He’s rude and abrasive because that’s his shtick. He’s a paid actor for the establishment working for paul ryan.
November 9, 2022 - 1:27 PM 1:27 PM
The voting public always loses with the exception of the low level offices like school board. Those higher level elected officials get there not really through votes but big money interests that fund them. Once elected they don’t care about the voting public but rather how to keep power and answer to those that funded them.
Many school board folks have big money behind them too. And the teacher unions basically pick who they want.
November 9, 2022 - 1:29 PM 1:29 PM
No. I’m happy I don’t own bitcoin tho.
November 9, 2022 - 1:33 PM 1:33 PM
Not surprising in Ca, as everyone in our cities love crime, homeless, drugs and sexual perversion. PA was a little surprising, in that they’d rather have a stuttering hoodie wearing guy that looks homeless instead of someone that looks and acts respectable. Democrats are pretty much embarrassing themselves at this point.
How dare you insult someone’s religion for stating the obvious. You’re a bigot mike. Fettermam can’t even talk. Typical demon leftist over here wishing more babies were aborted and kids were groomed trying to stomp all over the high ground🤣🤣🤣 What a complete failure of a human. Just like pop bidens esteemed dr jill esquire, fetermans wife is abusing him by trotting him around in his conditions. Moral less individuals. And you support it.🤣🤣
Hey CHUQ who knows maybe Walker will win the runoff. Keep in mind we now know that abortion rights weigh heavy on the electorate and while Warnock may be pro choice, Walker is the only true pro abortion candidate in the race.
Only a 33% CCC voter turnout, for shame. Including dropping off my ballot, I didn’t spend but 15-20 minutes on this process. We’re surrounded by laziness and apathy. One would think the local Karens would put their money where their facemasks are, and go vote.
To Do List
November 9, 2022 - 1:45 PM 1:45 PM
Not very happy. Was hoping for more of a red wave. However, putting on my optimist hat more locally, although Newsom got 58%, if you think about it, that is only 9% from losing and his opponent was unknown and underfunded. If one out of ten voters in this state stopped mindlessly voting for fun and looked at the state of the state, we might get some better results in the future.
Old-school guy
November 9, 2022 - 2:14 PM 2:14 PM
You can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Just fool enough of them on the second Tuesday in November.
November 9, 2022 - 3:03 PM 3:03 PM
No – nothing in the state elections, continued degradation in Cali is almost guaranteed
Cali? You sure sound like a flight attendant from Tulsa OK.
November 9, 2022 - 3:53 PM 3:53 PM
I was not happy at all. Was I surprised, no, sadly.
I was happy to see the the margin between Dictator and Mr Dahle was a lot closer than expected.
I am extremely disappointed that Prop 1 passed.
I am happy to see real possibilities of Republicans taking control of the House and Senate.
I am a registered Democrat, but I vote for policies, not by ideology.
The Wizard
November 9, 2022 - 5:00 PM 5:00 PM
I must be on the right track. Every person I voted for the opposite person won.
November 9, 2022 - 5:46 PM 5:46 PM
No I am not happy. I do not trust our voting system or the machines we use.
Cautiously Informed
November 9, 2022 - 7:08 PM 7:08 PM
Regarding California, I’m not at all surprised at the results, especially the re-election of Gavon.
It’s obvious that the majority of California residents don’t have a problem with:
Endlessly high taxes
Rampant crime
Unsafe communities
A disgraceful public education system
Unsafe and crumbling infrastructure
Benefits, support and priority services for those who have entered the country illegally
For those voters that don’t agree, there’s an old say: Actions speak louder than words.
Gavin is doing a great job and certainly earns my respect for enjoying great dinners in Napa.
While we all had to stay home, wear masks, show proof of needles in arms, and force us to fork out $100K for a Tesla.
Such a caring politician. He ought to run for president.
Here’s an idea to pitch to Joe, Gaven, AOC, Nuncy, Botabag, and the rest:
Install a windmill on top of all battery powered vehicles. When the car is moving the windmill will turn and can charge the car batteries. When car is parked wind can turn the windmill and charge car batteries. Also, (and this is a biggie!) retrofit all low bridges, tunnels, low hanging wires and such so that vehicular windmills don’t crash and get demolished.
That’s the kind of smart thinking you can only find here. Of course even if all the three outstanding senate seats go to the Republicans for a total of 52 senators that’s well enough to remove the President and Vice President from office. I know Jellyfinger they don’t hand these Dr. titles out like candy … or actually having seen Dr. Oz or Dr. Carson maybe they do.
November 9, 2022 - 8:00 PM 8:00 PM
I look at it like this; I feel both lucky and blessed to be born in America where I can cast a vote for a candidate who I believe will try their best to solve problems that our country faces.
I might have felt that way if I had been alive 50 years ago. Now, that is not what candidates want to do. It is about money and power. They try and create problems to look like they have the fix. It’s sick.
Think about this; Politicians are in Politics for Money and Fame! In the last 50 years there are only two Presidents that had both before they became President and they both have been villainized by the Media and other politicians because they were in it for what’s the right thing to do. Their policies were great for the average American. Guess who they were. Hint 40 & 45.
November 10, 2022 - 4:03 AM 4:03 AM
All politicians are garbage and it’s BS that u have to choose the lesser of two evils.
November 10, 2022 - 5:47 AM 5:47 AM
Donald J. Trump
@realDonald Trump
Incredible how dishonest the Fake
News Media is.The Failing New York
Times has gone crazy. So many of
the people I Endorsed went on to
victory on Tuesday Night, nobody
was even close, and they literally
make up a story refusing to write the
facts, and only quoting enemies and
losers. Almost all of the people I
endorsed WON, yet if you read the
story from two Trump hating writers
(who only do as they are told!), you
would not even recognize the truth.
They truly are, THE ENEMY OF THE
..219 WINS against 16 LOSSES IN
the Fake News writes only
unrecognizable junk. No wonder they
are all doing sooo badly!
November 10, 2022 - 9:11 AM 9:11 AM
I know that I have said fear tactics of the left kept us from a red wave but actually worse then that was the timing of the SC with the Roe vs Wade decision. I have no idea what they were thinking putting out that decision when they did. That cost the Republicans big time.
I can’t recall ever being happy with most election results, this last election is no exception.
I am glad that the two on line gambling initiatives were not approved.
As for candidates, None of who I voted for won.
Still batting 1000.
November 10, 2022 - 11:33 AM 11:33 AM
Fit me for a tin foil hat and accuse me of questioning the results if you like, but the fact that my ballot went into what can be most accurately described as a soft sided beverage cooler is making me question if it was counted. There was barely enough space for the poll workers in the room, so having a machine to tabulate and count the ballot was probably not feasible. Whatever the case, it didn’t seem official or secure.
November 10, 2022 - 4:18 PM 4:18 PM
I was really surprised that the Red Wave everyone was predicting was just splash. With the out going Trump administration Bidden had to pick up the pieces that the Trump administration left him with without giving Bidden a turnover on what was on the agenda for the future.
Bidden picked himself up and took over a country that was in the middle of a pandemic, he believed in the science. No pandemic now. The Ukraine war made the world economy sag because Puttin is a narcissist and wants Russia to be in power again. Inflation comes and goes due to the high crude oil price. There are the Saudis who want to make more profit for their oil, next summer it will be 130.00 a barrel again, its not just Puttin.
This why we vote, the nation has spoken, we are not bad off. The Market rallied today. I wonder why?
November 10, 2022 - 6:02 PM 6:02 PM
A good friend of mine is a US Postal Worker. (Mailman). He works out of the big Martinez PO.
When he got off work on Wednesday (The day AFTER the election) he told me that there were piles and piles of (unread) ballots in one storage room!?! Sounds fishy to me. Why weren’t the delivered to the precincts yet for counting????
The Fearless Spectator
November 10, 2022 - 6:28 PM 6:28 PM
We’d be lucky if they could can wrap this up by Thanksgiving. But with the Walker/Warlock runoff bumped out to December 6th, who knows. The only certainty is more purgatory ahead.
But we are living in the bizarro world. Facebook lays off 13% of their workforce and the Nasdaq cranks. Young people should pay attention to such phenomenon, but they won’t.
November 10, 2022 - 6:56 PM 6:56 PM
OF TUESDAY’S ANNOUNCEMENT!!! THE RED WAVE IS HAPPENING IN SLOW MOTION TO TRY AND MANIPULATE YOU. We are taking the house and senate 100%..The fake news is fighting for the establishment. It will never work.
No, particularly in this state. I am only slightly surprised by any of it, I did not expect the “red wave” that was predicted. As soon as mccarthy came out with his GOP plan, I figured there would be not much turn out; he is not at all motivational for anything. I also did not think a candidate as flawed as Oz was in PA would be able to attract enough votes to overcome the clearly mentally injured candidate.
You didn’t think Oz could overcome a mentally challenged democrat? Tell us how was OZ flawed? He had common sense ideas and was not radical but that flawed him? It is the liberal press that sunk him. They refuse to say or print the truth.
I can tell you how some people view Oz as flawed. There are many in the medical profession that see him as a self-serving quack, who pushes questionable dietary supplements that are known to have serious side effects. If people see him as greedy, and dubious, and will do anything for money, it makes him appear to be susceptible to corruption, and they will not vote for him. People vote on a candidate’s character, and personality, as well has their policies.
I agree with you Dawg, it is too easy to blame everything on the liberal press, if you are a conservative, and right wing talk radio if you are a liberal. There are times where I think it is appropriate, but not all the time. I also think he failed to connect with the common people. I use to watch him a little on Oprah and saw his show a few times, he seems like a pleasant fellow, but once he tried to push the supplements that was dubious I lost interest in him.
Connect with the common people? I don’t want to connect to a politician. I want them to vote the way I want them to vote. I don’t want them to expand inflation or let killers out of jail.
Ricardo, Hm intersting take. I heard several conservatives complaining that Hilary did not connect well with people, perhaps you weren’t one of them. Connecting means understanding, so in that sense I guess you are right, even if the president is a millionaire, like Kennedy or Trump, those voting for them like to feel that there concerns are understood.
Here you go hanne,
The source of current GOP/establishment/desantis
propaganda. It’s just paul ryan coming out from hiding. lincoln project rebranded. MAGA already knew ron desantis was eye patch mccain in drag. You’re welcome.
Fair question. My perception is that Oz became more conservative, or more accurately, more Republican, once he began running for Senate. He did not campaign well, in my opinion. He did not do poorly, just not well enough to overcome the typical MSM hostility. He also moved to PA in order to run. I understand he went to school there, and is licensed to practice there, but he lived in NJ, why not run there? Those were what I see/saw as flaws, not enough to overcome the media assault. He did nothing to spark his candidacy, that I read/heard.
Could have been better, could have been worse. If the Republicans can win the house then that should slow down the psychotic Biden Administration and their destructive policies so that’s something to be happy about. Super majorities in any level of Government are not good. Checks and balances are needed. Did ok on the local propositions. Hate Newsom, so I was hoping for a Dahle miracle but it wasn’t to be. I think the Democrats will keep the Senate but without the house, Biden will still be handcuffed. Maybe its time to eliminate the two party system and require all politicians to be independent. Might deliver decisions based on what’s best for the people they serve rather that what’s best for the party or getting reelected.
Registration cap on all political parties.
too soon to know right now. As of now, the turn out will not be ready for days or weeks. so, do not expect much yet. They got a long way to go.
For California, definitely not. The majority of California voters continue to show how ignorant they are by electing the same or like-minded fools that continue to destroy the state. This just cements the reasons to leave California ASAP.
Leave then
I’ve seen this kind of taunting that Tony is doing before as if in elections the politicians should stay put and those who don’t like them should be kicked out. Kind of the tail wagging the dog. When in San Francisco I saw these comments for years, and over that time families fled the city, homeless grew more aggressive and became permanent tent cities, and shoplifting and car break-ins flourished. Those who would not put up with it left, and those who are OK with it stayed. And now it’s a mess.
You wouldn’t know from reading Claycord that Contra Costa County voted 80% democrat. This election proved one thing, that the scare tactics of the liberal press and democrats was more powerful than the scare tactics of Trump and the Republicans. That many people love crime and inflation along with drug deaths and open borders. That TDS prevails over common sense. Very sad.
Liked not because I agree with the sentiment expressed, but because that first sentence is true and should tell you something.
I agree it is curious why this site seems to attract a certain demographic which does not reflect the population of the area?
I could make a nasty light hearted insult, but will not, at least yet… I will state it is a sad state of affairs when the leader of this (once free) country can get in front of a backdrop similar to that of maybe some other type of leader from an earlier age, and tell the nation that half of the population is dangerous.
It is just reflective of how dumb the population is. They do what they are told instead of researching for themselves. They have been brainwashed. That’s it. They vote straight dem ticket with no thought.
Ha ha ha “researching for themselves” means I subscribe to every right wing propaganda site and my buddies send me debunked memes.
JWB, People that hold strong convictions sometimes have a hard time believing that someone my have a different opinion or worse a totally opposite opinion, so they explain by saying those are low information voters, or they watch the wrong news channel etc. I seems to run rampant among right wingers, but I have a girl friend who is very liberal (Bernie supporter) who have at times voiced the same. Some people need to realize that there are many different opinions, even among people who are well informed and get their news from different news sources.
Younger voters have not learned from history so they must learn from experience.
DEMs want voters easily influenced, with memories and attention span of a fruit fly.
They also strive to create each year more people dependent upon government for their financial well being.
Evidently DEM voters don’t care how many times actions taken by newsom during covid lockdown were ruled unconstitutional by the Courts.
Count of conditions in CA to continue to deteriorate as result of incompetent DEM governance.
ORIGINAL G, You get ten thumbs up from me. You are right that young voters have not learned from history. What younger voters have learned is from the Left leaning schools they attend, social media, and the liberal press. It amazes me how many believe climate change, inflation, high taxes, and a crumbling infrastructure, is the fault of baby boomers. This is one of the reasons the youngsters of today show a lack of respect towards their elders.
No real surprises. I’m not doing communism with you.
Ha ha ha, well you sure could have fooled me.
I remember how highly intelligent and truthful your posts always are. Welcome back, its never to late to start being honest. 174 wins to 9 loses ain’t to shabby if you ask me. Dropping pelosi, winning the house, the senate, and putting the screws to fauci, and the kibosh on biden sounds like the plan. Just let it sink in. We own you. You’ll figure out what happened.
Sure Sam it was a great success. BTW have a look at tomorrow’s issue of the New York Post a paper owned by Rupert Murdoch.
Who’s rupert murdoch? paul ryan runs fox news. He’s like eye patch mccain writing the news..means the establishment wants ron defakeis who is nothing without King Trump…he knows it. See you next week cheering for florida ron
Sam, I listened to 3 conservative talk show hosts today (surprise) Tom Sullivan syndicated, Mark Levin syndicated and Joe McGinnis he is a former sheriff and has a show 1530 am Sacramento, all 3 felt Trump is toast. Tom Sullivan have always been lukewarm on Trump, like his policies not his personality, same for Joe McGinnis, Mark Levin have been a staunch supporter of Trump, not anymore, if Trump have lost Mark Levin that says a lot about his standing, do not know about Sean Hannity, he have had such a love affair with Trump, I doubt he is ready to abandon him, however if Trump loses the support of Hannity than he is in trouble.
Yes yes I know Trump candidates winning 219 races and losing 14 is not a “red wave” to fox news. 🤣🤣 Nobody sent you guys the memo…FOX ISNT MAGA. They called the 2020 for biden with 40% counted. Mark levin is a grifter, that’s why democrats like you listen to him and think you’re bipartisan. Paul ryan hates Trump. Speaker of the house has a nice ring to it. That would make Trump 3rd in line when biden and kamila get removed…Wasn’t the lincoln project “republicans” 🤣🤣🤡🌎
Sam, Mark Levin is a very conservative republican, not middle of the road. He has been a staunch supporter of Trump. I listen to him rarely, can’t stand his personality, he is rude and abrasive. I just turned in yesterday to because I wanted to find out what the right wing hosts were saysing on DeSantis vs. Trump issue.
He’s rude and abrasive because that’s his shtick. He’s a paid actor for the establishment working for paul ryan.
The voting public always loses with the exception of the low level offices like school board. Those higher level elected officials get there not really through votes but big money interests that fund them. Once elected they don’t care about the voting public but rather how to keep power and answer to those that funded them.
Many school board folks have big money behind them too. And the teacher unions basically pick who they want.
No. I’m happy I don’t own bitcoin tho.
Not surprising in Ca, as everyone in our cities love crime, homeless, drugs and sexual perversion. PA was a little surprising, in that they’d rather have a stuttering hoodie wearing guy that looks homeless instead of someone that looks and acts respectable. Democrats are pretty much embarrassing themselves at this point.
How dare you insult someone’s religion for stating the obvious. You’re a bigot mike. Fettermam can’t even talk. Typical demon leftist over here wishing more babies were aborted and kids were groomed trying to stomp all over the high ground🤣🤣🤣 What a complete failure of a human. Just like pop bidens esteemed dr jill esquire, fetermans wife is abusing him by trotting him around in his conditions. Moral less individuals. And you support it.🤣🤣
Goodness if you think Fetterman is an unfit candidate wait until they hear who the Republicans are trying to get elected in Georgia.
Hey CHUQ who knows maybe Walker will win the runoff. Keep in mind we now know that abortion rights weigh heavy on the electorate and while Warnock may be pro choice, Walker is the only true pro abortion candidate in the race.
warnock is horrible too, I agree.
Only a 33% CCC voter turnout, for shame. Including dropping off my ballot, I didn’t spend but 15-20 minutes on this process. We’re surrounded by laziness and apathy. One would think the local Karens would put their money where their facemasks are, and go vote.
Not very happy. Was hoping for more of a red wave. However, putting on my optimist hat more locally, although Newsom got 58%, if you think about it, that is only 9% from losing and his opponent was unknown and underfunded. If one out of ten voters in this state stopped mindlessly voting for fun and looked at the state of the state, we might get some better results in the future.
You can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Just fool enough of them on the second Tuesday in November.
No – nothing in the state elections, continued degradation in Cali is almost guaranteed
Cali? You sure sound like a flight attendant from Tulsa OK.
I was not happy at all. Was I surprised, no, sadly.
I was happy to see the the margin between Dictator and Mr Dahle was a lot closer than expected.
I am extremely disappointed that Prop 1 passed.
I am happy to see real possibilities of Republicans taking control of the House and Senate.
I am a registered Democrat, but I vote for policies, not by ideology.
I must be on the right track. Every person I voted for the opposite person won.
No I am not happy. I do not trust our voting system or the machines we use.
Regarding California, I’m not at all surprised at the results, especially the re-election of Gavon.
It’s obvious that the majority of California residents don’t have a problem with:
Endlessly high taxes
Rampant crime
Unsafe communities
A disgraceful public education system
Unsafe and crumbling infrastructure
Benefits, support and priority services for those who have entered the country illegally
For those voters that don’t agree, there’s an old say: Actions speak louder than words.
Gavin is doing a great job and certainly earns my respect for enjoying great dinners in Napa.
While we all had to stay home, wear masks, show proof of needles in arms, and force us to fork out $100K for a Tesla.
Such a caring politician. He ought to run for president.
Newsom and Pete Buttigieg are working on legislation for all California vehicles to run on Vaseline by 2035.
They need to change the make up of Vaseline, a petroleum ingredient to a plant base to comply.
Here’s an idea to pitch to Joe, Gaven, AOC, Nuncy, Botabag, and the rest:
Install a windmill on top of all battery powered vehicles. When the car is moving the windmill will turn and can charge the car batteries. When car is parked wind can turn the windmill and charge car batteries. Also, (and this is a biggie!) retrofit all low bridges, tunnels, low hanging wires and such so that vehicular windmills don’t crash and get demolished.
The problem is that the majority are not paying for any of those things anymore. They vote to give away OUR money.
I think we should make King Trump new speaker of the house. That would be fun.
OK, but only if we follow up by impeaching Biden & Harris and remove them from office.
“10% for the Big Guy” Tony Bobulinski. Once Bobulinski testifies Biden is TOAST. Your welcome President Harris.
That’s the kind of smart thinking you can only find here. Of course even if all the three outstanding senate seats go to the Republicans for a total of 52 senators that’s well enough to remove the President and Vice President from office. I know Jellyfinger they don’t hand these Dr. titles out like candy … or actually having seen Dr. Oz or Dr. Carson maybe they do.
I look at it like this; I feel both lucky and blessed to be born in America where I can cast a vote for a candidate who I believe will try their best to solve problems that our country faces.
Let me know when you find one.
I might have felt that way if I had been alive 50 years ago. Now, that is not what candidates want to do. It is about money and power. They try and create problems to look like they have the fix. It’s sick.
Think about this; Politicians are in Politics for Money and Fame! In the last 50 years there are only two Presidents that had both before they became President and they both have been villainized by the Media and other politicians because they were in it for what’s the right thing to do. Their policies were great for the average American. Guess who they were. Hint 40 & 45.
All politicians are garbage and it’s BS that u have to choose the lesser of two evils.
Donald J. Trump
@realDonald Trump
Incredible how dishonest the Fake
News Media is.The Failing New York
Times has gone crazy. So many of
the people I Endorsed went on to
victory on Tuesday Night, nobody
was even close, and they literally
make up a story refusing to write the
facts, and only quoting enemies and
losers. Almost all of the people I
endorsed WON, yet if you read the
story from two Trump hating writers
(who only do as they are told!), you
would not even recognize the truth.
They truly are, THE ENEMY OF THE
..219 WINS against 16 LOSSES IN
the Fake News writes only
unrecognizable junk. No wonder they
are all doing sooo badly!
I know that I have said fear tactics of the left kept us from a red wave but actually worse then that was the timing of the SC with the Roe vs Wade decision. I have no idea what they were thinking putting out that decision when they did. That cost the Republicans big time.
There is only one thing you can count on John Roberts for, And that is NOTHING!!!
I agree
I can’t recall ever being happy with most election results, this last election is no exception.
I am glad that the two on line gambling initiatives were not approved.
As for candidates, None of who I voted for won.
Still batting 1000.
Fit me for a tin foil hat and accuse me of questioning the results if you like, but the fact that my ballot went into what can be most accurately described as a soft sided beverage cooler is making me question if it was counted. There was barely enough space for the poll workers in the room, so having a machine to tabulate and count the ballot was probably not feasible. Whatever the case, it didn’t seem official or secure.
I was really surprised that the Red Wave everyone was predicting was just splash. With the out going Trump administration Bidden had to pick up the pieces that the Trump administration left him with without giving Bidden a turnover on what was on the agenda for the future.
Bidden picked himself up and took over a country that was in the middle of a pandemic, he believed in the science. No pandemic now. The Ukraine war made the world economy sag because Puttin is a narcissist and wants Russia to be in power again. Inflation comes and goes due to the high crude oil price. There are the Saudis who want to make more profit for their oil, next summer it will be 130.00 a barrel again, its not just Puttin.
This why we vote, the nation has spoken, we are not bad off. The Market rallied today. I wonder why?
A good friend of mine is a US Postal Worker. (Mailman). He works out of the big Martinez PO.
When he got off work on Wednesday (The day AFTER the election) he told me that there were piles and piles of (unread) ballots in one storage room!?! Sounds fishy to me. Why weren’t the delivered to the precincts yet for counting????
We’d be lucky if they could can wrap this up by Thanksgiving. But with the Walker/Warlock runoff bumped out to December 6th, who knows. The only certainty is more purgatory ahead.
But we are living in the bizarro world. Facebook lays off 13% of their workforce and the Nasdaq cranks. Young people should pay attention to such phenomenon, but they won’t.
OF TUESDAY’S ANNOUNCEMENT!!! THE RED WAVE IS HAPPENING IN SLOW MOTION TO TRY AND MANIPULATE YOU. We are taking the house and senate 100%..The fake news is fighting for the establishment. It will never work.