Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Vote In Person Or By Mail?

The Water Cooler – Do You Vote In Person Or By Mail?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you vote in person, or do you vote by mail?

Talk about it….

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Drop off ballot at polling place. Try to vote the bums out.

In person. On election day.

This vote by mail and the extra election days make it much easier to cheat. If any other country had such a process, the elections would be condemned as corrupt.


Per the Pew Research Center: “Out of 166 countries for which data is available, 40 used postal ballots in their most recent national election, according to country experts surveyed before the COVID-19 outbreak by the Electoral Integrity Project.”


I brought our ballots to Martinez Court House and dropped off inside 2+weeks ago.


Drop off box


Vote by mail, absentee ballot. When working all those years before and after my Medical Retirement six years ago.


Sort of a combination of both I think. I take my mail in ballot to Martinez and turn it in at the Registrars office. I don’t use the drop box they have outside. Been doing it that way for several years now.

I began voting absentee before it was popular, when you actually had to request an absentee ballot, and to this day, I still mail it in. However, I drop it off at the post office. The one time I dropped it off at city hall, it was not counted. I use Ballot Trax to track my ballot, and it has always been counted when I mailed it in.
In California, over 100,000 mail-in ballots were rejected during the March presidential primary because of mistakes. One of the reasons is because the signatures didn’t match. Signatures change over time, I know mine did, that’s why I kept a copy of the signature I used when I registered to vote. I can make certain that I use the exact same signature.


People in other countries laughs at us, it takes days and sometimes weeks to get results. Weird huh!
Official: Problems with Vote Tabulation Machines at 20% of Maricopa County, Arizona, Voting Locations


By mail. Except for some of the propositions we already know the results for California.

???? Either you vote by mail/dropbox or in person. You cannot vote by mail except for some of the Propositions.


It’s just an absentee ballot put in the US mail. I assume I’m doing it right unless my Uncle Fester has been printing it up to play a joke on me.


imho – you should have to show ID to vote – unless you have a certified letter on file due to medical purposes notorized by a Dr. or NP or a standing absentee ballot but only when ID was verified.


“notorized by a Dr. or NP? You may not know this but Drs and NPs do not notarize. Only Notaries can notarize. In addition you do remember that for two years Trump with the WH, Senate and House did a investigation into voter fraud and did not come up with any widespread voter fraud. Of course there have been (mostly Republican voters) that voted for dead relatives or tried to vote multiple times.


Absolutely you should have to show an ID when voting in person. I walked into my polling place this morning without the ballot I received in the mail. The lady working asked my name and had me sign a screen. Then a man tore off some ballot sheets and handed them to me. I voted and then stuck the sheets into a cardboard box. ANYBODY could have claimed to be me and could have voted. No ID check or anything. And nothing to compare signatures to. Oh yeah, no problems with this system. 🙁


It just shows that you have no clue about the voting system. Because you didn’t bring your ballot you had received by mail you were handed a provisional ballot. Do you not think the county will check whether you did or did not mail in your ballot? Once the county has established that the ballot you put into the cardboard box is the only one you turned it and after verification of your signature the provisional ballot will be counted.


It would appear that you missed my point, which is that my neighbor could have gone in, claimed to be me, sign the screen exactly as I would, and voted. No photo ID was required. You talking about the county checking mail-in ballots has got NOTHING to do with what I’m saying…….absolutely nothing. But I’m not going to be rude to you as you were to me, as it was partially my fault for even bringing up the mail-in ballots. Point is, a PHOTO ID should be required for all in-person voting, period.


No that was actually not your point. Do you see that you initially posted “nothing to compare signatures to” and I told you that the county will match signature for your provisional ballot before accepting it.

Now your spinning your conspiracy to having a neighbor who knows your signature and is able to sign exactly as you would? First there is no evidence that this is happening at any significant rate to change the outcome of elections. And why would you be so confident that your neighbor who is so intent to cast a fraudulent vote would not be able to produce a forged PHOTO ID? Or would match the exact signature of your neighbor who might be sick and unable to get to a polling place or who might be deployed by the military, or might be out of State for a business assignment?

You’re simply trying to find a problem that doesn’t exist.


Wow, you’ve turned everything I said into some sort of conspiracy. My exact point is that anyone could have said they were me and voted in my place, since no photo ID was required; and you cannot compare actual signatures against those credit card signing machines. Half of my signature didn’t even show up on the screen. That is why I truly believe that photo ID should be required for in-person voting. One more thing, I never once said there was evidence of anything; and I never once said I was so confident that my neighbor who is so intent to cast a fraudulent vote. All that spinning is you trying to justify your post. Now, how are you going to spin this?

I drop it off at the nearby county offices ballot box. Then I receive a text message that the ballot has been received and counted.


I voted early on Friday, in person, no issues

Get ballot by mail and drop off in the drop box at city hall. I dont actually send back through US mail.

Voted in late October and then dropped them off at the Walnut Creek Library on Oak Grove Rd. on approximately November 1st.

Always in person.

Mailed it in

Don’t know how they cast their ballots across the country but not enough republicans voted for sure.


Or republicans need better candidates…..

So you think Fetterman who believes in letting killers out of jail and is a rubber stamp for Bidens inflation problems was better for the country than Dr Oz.? Not hardly.
Here is what it boils down to, the scare tactics of the press and democrats was better than the scare tactics of the Republicans and Trump.

Not sure I agree with you on that. For the Democrats to make the Republicans look bad they have to lie, for the Republicans to make the Democrats look bad they just have to tell the truth. Democrats in truth gave us inflation, huge debt, open borders, more crime, homelessness and amazingly even more social division. The biggest lie from the Democrats is that Republicans are fascists who want to end democracy. Well, we just had an election, and whether or not you like the results, where is this ending of democracy thingy? I’m waiting for an apology from top Democrats………


Clearly maybe other than your MAGA pals nobody is buying what your selling TDL. But by all mean keep doing it it is working so well for you.

Oh poor poor Ricardoh of course it must be the press and the Democrats to blame ……

Wow you guys are sad.


Not sure what you disagree with. The ending of our Republic can be brought around by a liberal press. They Demonize every Republican and lift up every democrat and when necessary they hide the truth. It is undeniable..


Remind me which party had over 200 people running for office who believe the 2020 election was rigged or fraudulent?

Maybe the PA GOP should have told Oz to stay in Jersey and let someone else take up the cause in PA. If there’s one thing a majority of PA people dislike, it’s people from Jersey and their highbrow lifestyle.


Mr. Resident: If you read about an election like that in another country, you would consider it rigged or at least I would. The national police force suppressed evidence of felonies and possibly treason by one of the candidates (Hunter’s laptop). The media was mostly controlled by one party, with the leading university (Harvard) putting out a study that on average about 80 percent and sometimes as much as 90 percent of the major media stories were anti one candidate. The same candidate got censored and banned from his favorite media outlet. Violence was encouraged against this candidate’s supporters so that someone wearing one of his hats in public would expect to be verbally and/or physically assaulted (recall Maxine Waters telling supporters to confront Republicans in restaurants and gas stations). State authorities (New York) misused their office to tie up that one candidate with endless investigations about his personal finances and taxes. Media under the guise of fact produced propaganda (the last time I looked, Wikipedia’s encyclopedia article on Trump has all but 3 paragraphs stating or leading to something negative about him, while the Cory Booker article by comparison seems to indicate he should be up for sainthood, even offering up a story of how he saved two dogs from freezing in bad weather). I do not have to even consider vote counting to call it rigged. If this happened in a third world country, it would be considered a rigged election.

Now that’s just sad. Somebody hand TDL a box of Kleenex.
I hope one day you will realize that this has nothing to do with rigged election but with the simple fact that Trump is the worst official ever to hold office in the US. That’s why he lost in 2020 and that’s why he keeps dragging the Republican party down in 2022.
The worst decision the Republican Senate made was in January 2021 to not cut the cord on the entire Trump clan and convict him in the impeachment in order to start rebuilding the party after Trump.

JWB: It might be fun to discuss Mr. Trump with you, but let us finish one topic at a time. The issue is whether that was a rigged election, and the definition from Collins Dictionary of a rigged election is: “dishonestly arrange it to get the result they want or to give someone an unfair advantage.” The Leftist media determined eighty to ninety percent of the stories voters saw would be anti-Trump, government forces in the FBI, DOJ, and local taxing authorities used their government power to undermine him, violence was encouraged against his supporters, and so on. It was a banana republic quality rigged election. Do you disagree with the definition or the facts? If not, lets agree it was rigged and move to another topic.

For crying out loud stop it TDL. If you need to reach out to Collins dictionary you have lost the argument. Trump lost because he is total failure and he keeps dragging Republicans down. But I’m fine with that so by all means keep worshiping the fraud of Mar A Lago.

JWB: So, the only missing part of the picture is that you question the dictionary I chose. Otherwise, you agree with the facts and that these facts align with the dictionary definition of rigged. Webster’s dictionary provides just about exactly the same definition so point proved. So, you are a closet election denier. How does it feel to have NBC post charts of where you live and distain for your existence? You are also a deplorable. Congrats. It’s not a bad thing. On CNN your caricature is that of a non-college educated pig farmer from Iowa. Oink.

I vote in person. I asked the personnel at my polling place why they were wearing masks and plexiglass shields were placed on their desks? I was told for COVID measures. Oh….thank you Dept. of Elections for keeping us safe from the Wuhan Flu.



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