The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you support bringing an end to the twice-a-year changing of the clocks during the beginning and end of Daylight Saving Time?
FYI: The Senate passed a bill earlier this year to make Daylight Saving Time permanent (meaning no more changing clocks), but Congress only has 15 days left to vote before both chambers are forced to reset the clock and reconsider the change.
Talk about it….
IF we were meant to change time twice a year, roosters would have reset buttons.
Yes, end it, make it happen.
Keep Daylight Saving Time.
It’s this Standard Time where it gets dark early. It really sucks because ya get up when it’s dark and come home from work in the dark…. It’s like “Where did the day go?”
Dust off your old science book at the part where it shows the earth is farther away from the sun in the winter. here we get about 15 hours of daylight in the summer and about 11 hours of daylight in the winter. Contrary to what some think, changing time standards is not going to make a day longer.
I know that.
If you read my post in earnest, it’s the time at which sunrise and sunset occurs relative to the workday in the fall and winter.
Nobody actually thinks the Daylight Saving Time provides any more hours of daylight. Its popularity is from having the available hours of daylight lasting longer into the day.
Here is a topic. The election.
I don’t care one way or the other. I don’t mind changing the clocks twice a year, and I have never lost any sleep over it. If Congress approves the Sunshine Protective Act, DST will become permanent. But whatever they do, is fine with me.
Wish there would be an end to the time change.
But not to Daylight Savings ~
Standard Time was the normal time before the clock merry-go-round.
I agree. I’d prefer that Standard Time be permanent…..But I’ll take Daylight Savings Time any day over changing the clock back and forth twice a year.
I don’t care if you call it daylight saving time or standard time, just eliminate the twice yearly changing of the clocks.
yes! one or the other – doesn’t mater to me … another example of where current political leadership doesn’t listen to the citizens… so we need new leadership
Time displays in this house are mostly connected to the Internet or have a built in date for time change (will need to replace that one if they move the change dates again). One radio just has a DST button on it making the change easy.
Most people who like DST like it because they get that extra hour of daylight at the end of the day. Has nothing to do with saving energy. People who are salaried (exempts in CA tax lingo) can often set their own hours so could care less about DST.
And it isn’t as simple as it was decades ago to pass legislation on this. Just think Y2K and what anxiety that created. Lots of issues to consider.
Coordinated Universal Time works for me
We Voted to end it So END IT!!!! Tired of biannual jetlag!!!!!!
Do away with Daylight Savings time permanently. Yes, I love the late evening light in summer as much as anyone, but if DST were year-round, the sun wouldn’t rise until late in the morning during winter. I left Claycord for redder pastures this year. Where I live now the sun would not rise until 9:18 AM in late December. Sure, the sun wouldn’t set until 5:18 PM that day, but kids would be going to school in the dark. Two weeks ago, a high school student walking to school was hit and killed by a car at 7:45 AM – it was dark as midnight out – 15 minutes before school was to start! That’s ridiculous. Making kids travel to school in the dark so someone can play tennis a little later in the evening is not worth it.
If you want to learn more about time zones try this site. They also have an interactive map of the time zones.
Yes, please end the time adjustment.
I prefer standard time. Changing back and forth 2 times a year means you are out of wack for a few days until you readjust your internal clock.