The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think local cities/counties are doing enough to fix the homeless problem?
Talk about it….
No, they just make it worse
The homeless problem is too important to be fixed. There is a lot of money to be made in the homeless industry.
Every benefit needs to require a drug test and job application.
Help people get back on their feet.
If they refuse or try to game the system, they don’t get any benefits.
Hard decisions, but the freeloaders need to get with it or get gone.
Excellent idea.
And, if you are on benefits, NO MORE KIDS. Enough is enough.
I believe in reproductive freedom as far as not coercing people to refrain from having children a la China’s one child policy, so I would prefer to see a disincentive in the form of no additional money if you have more children, just like those of us with jobs have to live with. There was some local state legislator who was trying to get a bill to that effect passed a number of years ago, too
They are never going to not give someone with a newborn money. If you think about it, it’s not the kids fault. Not saying I agree with it but I’ve overheard a woman say she wanted to have another kid to get back on welfare.
But the buck has to stop somewhere. We cannot keep on with these bleeding hearts. Wean them off of it ad transition to a hard stance or this will never stop. And it needs to stop.
We need to invest in Mental Health to take the Homeless off the streets. We should set up Centers to bring the Homeless there so they can go to drug rehab , consueling and then offer them jobs and shelter. In Europe they do this.
If we have Billions for war, we have millions to try to get the Homeless off the streets.
Coc, you are clearly a nice person. But, this won’t help anyone but the politicians that line their pockets with our money. These people have destroyed their brains so much that there is no amount of MH or medications that can fix them. The problem is larger than that. We need institutions that will get these people out of normal society so they are not a danger to themselves or others. Additionally, we can only help people who WANT to be helped.
I agree you can only help people who want to help themselves. However, l just listened to an interview with a guy that did a documentary on the homeless in Los Angeles, not all were on drugs, some were priced out of the market, the might have used their last $$ to keep a roof over their head, so kind of stuck. He also made the point that being homeless is awful, would probably make most of us turn to drugs and alcohol. I do agree that some are mentally ill, and addicted to whatever, some are a danger to others and society, they should not be on the streets and anywhere, where they can hurt others.
We’ve tried it. It’s incredibly difficult to keep some mentally ill and or drug addicted people under a roof – to them it feels like being in jail would feel to us.
Rename Kirker pass road !
Not sure the government (local or federal) should “fix” the homeless problem.
What are the criteria for success?
The mentally ill and/or drug addicted are still gonna be the same regardless if they are housed.
Coco these people don’t want to be helped.There are resources available already.Keep handing out freebies and it will never get better.Its a get rich scheme for providers.
They don’t want to solve the problem. They want these issues so they can bloviate about fixing the issues. If all of the problems were solved then all of the politicians become unnecessary.
No they do not. They take money to help, and then blow the money on useless studies or what their opinions are of what is needed. If those in power really wanted to help they would ask what was needed but all they want to do is blow smoke and talk about it.
If anyone asked me, the first thing I would do is quit giving them money with zero accountability. If you want money, meet no drugs/alcohol. If you are in a shelter, no drugs/alcohol. Failure to comply, lock them out – they are already used to living on the street. We need to help those who want help. It sounds cold, but if they don’t want help, don’t help them. If they do a crime, jail them. While in jail, detox them. I would rather our money be spent on building new prisons then homeless shelters; at least the prisons could be used to house the other criminals.
All they do is feed the bears in CA, encouraging more to come and take advantage. These people need some tough love. STOP giving them so much of our money to use for drugs.
The federal government no longer own the Coast Guard housing property on East Olivera Road, it was sold to one of the Maloof brothers and a partner out of Las Vegas.
Most of those claiming to be vets are SCAMMING YOU. They are not. The VAs will never turn anyone away. If they are not housed, they are not willing to seek the right kind of help. Anything you give them will go to drugs and destruction.
Btw, local governments and nonprofits, unless pushed hard by the electorate and business groups, have little incentive to solve homelessness because “the problem” keeps people employed and non-profits viable by the flow of billions dollars in federal and state tax dollars.
Am I cynical? You bet! I’ve lived long and have seen numerous altruistic schemes become institutionalized and made permanent budget items.
We can all play an immediate part in helping the drug addicted homeless. It’s simple – stop giving them “cash” handouts. It just goes directly in their arms. Instead, food, clothing, toilet supplies. Sure, they may throw them back in your face and spit on you, but hey, you tried right?
People need to demand (by voting RED) that our government close our borders and stop the steady wave of cocaine, heroin, meth and fentanyl streaming over our borders.
Our cities and communities are not responsible for this crisis, it’s our open border, zero crime enforcement policies of the left. You know it, and they know it too, but unlike the wise, they continue to vote our country into a crappy third world nation because the TV tells them to.
Wish I had a solution. Breaks my heart knowing that people have it so hard
They’re doing too much… just needs to quit all the freebie handouts and start citing and “institutionalising” some of the freeloaders – not those that truely need help , only those that don’t want or refuse to get off their “feet”
The Democrat governments solution to ‘fixing’ the homeless problem is to appease and pander to the bleeding heart liberal’s who think and believe that if only housing and good jobs we’re made available to all the homeless, then the homeless situation would miraculously be solved!
The majority of the homeless don’t fit into the go to work every day and responsibly pay your own way model. Granted, there are those that have fallen on hard times, and they truly deserve help and assistance. However, the majority of the homeless are mentally challenged and or drug/alcohol addicted.
No. I think they pocket more money than ever goes to the problem. In SF, they get $700 a month and a cellphone to live on the street and they aren’t even from CA.
How about a New York City homeless program model? It’s popular with elected officials. Just one example is a homeless shelter with 5x board of directors paid $200k+, with the requirement to funnel some money back into their buddies campaigns. Beware the Homeless Industrial Complex
No I don’t think the cities are doing enough or the county or the state.
I do like some of the ideas that are being portrayed through the city such as the one of the city of Pittsburg, Ca that is reutilizing properties like the Motel 6 on Loveridge Rd and changed it into a low income monthly payment room for some of their homeless.
What a question. Od course not! Not even close.
It will never be fixed because it can’t be fixed.
One solution could be, for each county to round them all up as vagrants, place them in camps (ala internment camps) provide the minimum needed food which they would maintain, prepare and clean up.
All residents would have the same things in the same quantities to minimize theft. They will provide their own tent, etc.
They could leave at will but shall not return to their previous residence nor to the same county. To do so means caneing in the town square.
Nothing else has worked.
That’s the deal…………..or what would you do? Keep it simple.
What homeless problem?