Home » Claycord – Talk About Local Politics – Nov.4, 2022

Claycord – Talk About Local Politics – Nov.4, 2022



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Cyn November 4, 2022 - 9:01 PM - 9:01 PM

At the most recent Clayton city council meeting during public comment, Mayor Clovin reminded callers/attendees to address the council as a whole, not by a single member. Tuija Catalano, a former Clayton mayor and supporter of candidate Bridget Billeter, called in and told Councilman Wan to stop the negative information being circulated around town in a flyer. Mayor Clovin didn’t stop Catalano from addressing only one council member; instead, he thanked her for calling. WRONG. Mr. Wan does not control what people do, say, think, or feel. Pretty ridiculous of Catalano to order him to put a stop to it. With her logic, people should tell Bridget Billeter to put a stop to Tuija Catalano’s rhetoric.

sancho panza November 5, 2022 - 1:14 PM - 1:14 PM

I saw that! Catalano claiming ‘misrepresentations and straight up lies in the last election (she placed last and factual information came to light that she and her S.F. law firm gave money to Senator Scott Wiener, you know, the guy that wants to get rid of single family zoning SB9/SB10 ) She claimed Wan has ‘the keys in his hands,’ whatever that means. Meanwhile, we have Vice Mayor Tillman writing a manifesto and why you should not vote for Wan—never telling us why we should vote for the others—reeks of desperation!

Vote for Kim Trupiano and Jeff Wan as they have the skill set to turn this ship around before the City of Clayton hits the iceberg into insolvency.

Cyn November 5, 2022 - 6:56 PM - 6:56 PM

@Sancho Panza
I read Tillman’s manifesto and you’re right, it reeks. What also bothered me is that she said she had PRIVATE conversations with Wan, but then plastered them all over social media. That in itself is proof that Holly Tillman IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED, not with your conversations and most definitely not with your city.

THE BLACK KNIGHT November 5, 2022 - 3:32 AM - 3:32 AM

Mike McDermott (from last week),
Just because Concord and Oakland are both cities with budgets and populations doesn’t mean they both should spend the same per person, because they both don’t have all of the same, issues, needs, and requirements to function.
According to many media sources both New York and Florida are equal in being States but that’s where their similarities end when it comes to populations and budgets. New York collects and spends twice the amount in tax dollars than Florida does, but Florida has a larger population than New York does. All things are not equal when comparing how much different government entities spend per person.
Under your argument you believe things should be easier for Oakland because they have an international airport, a deep water port, and spend 7 times more per person than Concord does. Tim McGallian has failed to bring an international airport and a deep water port (other than the existing deep water port controlled by MOTCO) to Concord and the tax dollars they bring in, and he’s failed to increase tax revenue by 7 times the current tax burden Concord residents already pay. As you stated, “Concord just has Park-n-Shop,” and Tim McGallian must be satisfied with that, you’ve helped make the argument why Tim McGallian needs to be defeated.

Mike McDermott November 5, 2022 - 9:34 PM - 9:34 PM

TBK, I think it does matter that cities have widely different amounts of money available to them for their public services. Compared to Concord and other cash-strapped cities like Antioch, Oakland has 5x the amount of money per capita, Walnut Creek around 1.5x. I believe San Francisco’s budget for their homeless is about the same size as the entire Concord city budget!

In 1971 the Serrano v. Priest decision took school funding away from cities and now we distribute money more equally so that a school in Fresno gets as much or more than a school in Beverly Hills or Moraga. Maybe we need something like that to equalize city services across the state? No doubt Concord and Antioch would benefit greatly.

But unfortunately we have to play the hand we are dealt, which means our city council has to manage our limited budget very carefully. Tim McGallian, with his experience on city council for 6 years AND his service as our city treasurer understands the budget trade offs. I am confident he will continue to make prudent, well informed decisions if he is re-elected.

Voting for Tim on Tuesday for sure!

THE BLACK KNIGHT November 11, 2022 - 12:42 PM - 12:42 PM

Mike McDermott,
It sounds like you want to expand upon the “one person, one vote” rule or “theory” to include “one person, one budget” when it comes to the funding of counties and cities, and possibly states and special districts too.
It was this issue of funding, or lack of funding, based on population that just this week San Bernardino County voters were able to vote on seceding from the State of California and forming the “State of Empire” in the future.
We are currently stuck with the “one person, one vote” rule, but I personally believe in the “little federalism” model and have hope that our current United States Supreme Court will reverse the “one person, one vote” rule of the past 55-ish years and return to the “little federalism” model of the previous 175-ish years.

S November 5, 2022 - 10:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Voted anti-incumbent at all levels
Voted NO on any item that would increase my taxes; there are even things on the ballot that might be good, but the tax dollars are so mishandled that the promises never come thru.

Those 0fficials that do better may win my vote for re-election, cut for now we need better across the board.

Regardless of my opinion; Please VOTE !

Cyn November 6, 2022 - 1:28 PM - 1:28 PM

A long-time Clayton resident, Howard Geller, posted the following: “Wan and his supporters want to control this city but fail to give us their plan”. That statement HAS to be the true definition of the pot calling the kettle black.

Sick of it November 6, 2022 - 2:10 PM - 2:10 PM

Hate seeing all the pollution posted all over. Haven’t we had enough of Hoffmiester all ready. It’s time for her to go away and hopefully get some new blood in the city that might be able to turn it around from the years of the same old ones running it into the ground

SUN TERRACE KEN November 7, 2022 - 12:11 AM - 12:11 AM

I attended a neighborhood meeting on October 10th where candidate Robert Ring said “if elected it is my job to work with Seeno.” He didn’t say Concord First Partners, he said “Seeno”!!! I found his statement extremely troubling!

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