The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
In your opinion, where are the intersections with the longest stop lights in Claycord?
Also, have you ever ran a red light because it wouldn’t change to green?
Talk about it….
The biggest problem with most of them is that people don’t stop when they turn red. It’s getting ridiculous.
The intersections with left turn lanes are always longer, but just about all of them seem too long to me, especially during the summer months when I’m stopped at a red light with the top down, and the hot sun is beating down on me. On the second question, yes, I have gone through red lights when they did not change to green after waiting a long time. Usually there’s a car or two in line with me, and they go through also.
Let me clarify on going through a red light. After waiting five minutes, it was obvious the light was out of order, and was not going to change.
PLCs controlling stop lights sometimes glitch.
At my age, finally retired, I like to observe ‘the funny people’ out driving.
The jack rabbits that speed ahead and are impatiently waiting for yet another red light that is ‘mistreating’ them and they do it again when light turns green.
But most fun is sitting behind someone in left turn lane, texting thru the green then yellow lights, peeling out embarrassed as light turns red while balancing their mocha triple shot frappe whatever.
It’s FUN to watch people providing all that free entertainment !
Systron Drive @ Monument.
Have never ran a red yet
A few years ago my car got totaled there because some idjit coming off Systron onto Monument turned left in front of me when I was halfway through the intersection. The advent of green left turn arrows have seemingly overridden the capacity of some drivers’ ability to yield on a green to oncoming traffic.
That exact thing happens there all the time…countless
Plus, there was a nasty car accident there yesterday.
Be careful traveling there Lil Bro
Which one isn’t bad…
The signal at 6th Street and Concord Blvd. is weird. If you’re going in one direction you can get a green while the other side is still red. What’s the point of that?
All intersections where the driver in front of you too busy looking at their phone when the light turns green and they just sit there
The left turn at Cherry Lane if you’re heading West on Treat. During the day after 9 AM, you wait forever. I’ve sat there with zero cars coming East on Treat for quite a while. Before 9 AM, it lets about 1, or if the first person in line is awake 2 cars through before it goes red. If I have an appointment at John Muir I make sure it’s after 9 AM.
The other one is at Carriage Drive and Treat. They have more accidents there. One solution would be to lengthen the yellow to stop people from getting broadsided, the other would be to make no right turn on red on both sides of Carriage Drive. With the block walls there you can’t even see who’s coming in the slow lane until the front of your car is past the crosswalk line.
The signal at Treat and Oak Road. No I never run a red light. I just get impatient and mouth off a few choice words at the person in front of me who is slow so the light changes before I get to turn. That’s me behind you in the Toyota Tacoma.
The intersection of Trinity (Civic) & California in WC. You’d better bring something to do with you (playing cards, knitting, smoking etc) as that is one long light. I doubt they have many accidents, simply because the light changes so infrequently.