Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.
This is a post with no subject, you can talk about whatever you want. If breaking news happens (such as a shooting, earthquake, etc.), or you hear about something newsworthy, feel free to post it here.
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose a name so others can easily chat with you. Users must provide a name in the ‘name field’, please do not use the ‘@’ symbol in the name field.
Cowellian’s First!
Way to go, Cowellian. First again this week, and the first one to comment on the first Friday “Whatever” of this new site. 🙂
Liberals on Twitter are becoming unhinged nowbthat Elon Musk took ownershipbof thebsocial media platform.
Unhinged because Mr. Musk ks a supporter of the First Amendment.
Twitter is no longer a “safe space” for the intolerant left wing!!!
I’ve been waiting until the Musk takeover to join Twitter. Opened an account yesterday and am having a ball witnessing the meltdowns, temper tantrums, and rants over the new “Chief Twit!”
Liberals on Twitter are unhinged now that Elon Musk took ownership of the social media platform.
Unhinged because Mr. Musk ks a supporter of the First Amendment.
Twitter is no longer a “safe space” for the intolerant left wing!!!
I’m starting to like this new format.
I wish the weather box showed the current temp.
@Cellophane – Thanks for the feedback. Good point about the temp, we’ll change that soon.
I’m looking for a gift for my adult Nephew and his girlfriend. They like to play card and board games for 2, or more, on game night. Any suggestion of a good game, especially newer ones?
Pente – it’s about 2,000 years old. Simple, easy, but very demanding to get it right.
Not new, but Rummikub is very fun and great for two players.
Mexican Train is pretty good, too. It’s a domino like game.
Contract Rummy is a fun game that can play with up to 10 people and use up to 3 decks of cards.
Ravensburger makes a number of fun games that can be for as little as 2 up to many. Another game, more for 4 or more, that is fun is called Pandemic, by Zman games.
College Park AD and head football coach suspended two games for allowing 84-0 slaughter over 19 team member Ygnacio Valley High.
There is no way that YV should be competing with football given they have only 19 on the varsity. They should be competing at a junior varsity level whether or not they have any seniors or not. But the YV coach, AD, and principal should have never have put that team on the field. Since they were, the game should have ended at half . Just dumb decision making from the superintendent on down
CP beat Mt. Diablo 54-6 last night. Neither YV or Mt Diablo have a JV squad. Since the CP coach has NFL contacts how about if he uses his influence and helps with a football camp or clinic for YV and Mt Diablo, especially for incoming freshmen. If the schools could get a JV program going it could build the varsity. But, the school needs support. If you go to a Mt Diablo game the visitors often have more supporters. Last night, YV did score 12 points against Alhambra and lost 31-12.
So, I’ve a friend who is a football coach at a bay area high school and is far from woke. His comments are that most coaches in the bay area are looking down on college park’s coach and AD (which I learned is Athletic Director; I’m not a sports person, so learned something new). Seems not so much the score, but the encouraged poor behavior of the college park players being disrespectful and teasing the other team. Such as thing as a poor loser and a poor winner I guess.
A fly on the wall shares that the AD will wear the suspension by the superintendent as a badge of honor.
Looks maybe like the kids are just following their influence?
So I have spoken to a couple of coaches in the bay area as well .. they have a different view then your friend. Just goes to show that everyone can have a point of view.
1) College Park was not playing their 1st and 2nd string players – they were playing the last string players.
2) College Park tried to play other players in other positions to ‘even’ it up. YV said no.
3) I give you the excessive celebration and the 2 point conversion. That was wrong and kids should be talked to about that .. that was poor sportsmanship and it should be dealt with/addressed.
4) Why didn’t the YV coach stop the game at half or some other time during the game?
5) Was the AD there? If not, why should he/she be punished? The story I have been told was that the AD was only punished because he defended his football coach. I would wear that as a badge of honor as well.
6) Why is the YV coach/admin allowing their basically ‘all freshmen’ team play against Varsity players? Why doesn’t Adam Clark ask those questions …
7) Why did the YV team only try to punch through the defensive line instead of throwing the ball down range?
In short, their is blame to go around … but I will start with the YV leadership. They should have considered who they were playing and at what level. If they had played a team of their caliber, they would not have been slaughtered on the field.
I also think that people need to get the FULL picture of what happened before jumping to conclusions of who should or should not be blamed. Of course we do that with all news articles now … Peolsi husband, elections, governors, etc … we read the article to fit our wants/view points so that we can be triggered.
With a minute to go in the 1st half, CP was ahead 49-0. The starting QB threw a 90 yard pass to another starter for a TD, ending the half at 56-0. They could have easily just run out the clock.
The YV roster lists 7 seniors, 3 juniors, 1 sophomore, and 12 freshmen, according to maxpreps. I have respect for the YV team because the players didn’t quit. If you ask players if they want to quit they usually say no. They regrouped for the following week and played a tough game against Alhambra. A team with more than twice as many players.
The teams in MDUSD go up and down. CP hasn’t been that good recently and their coach has turned things around. He has done a lot for the team and school. Concord also hasn’t been that good and this year is 8-1. Each year is different.
Hopefully the YV freshmen stick with it and more players join the team. Maybe when they are juniors the team can have a winning season.
Your wrong, but ok…
I’ll allow you the last word…
I find this whole thread about high school football teams really strange. Addmitly I don’t have kids and I wasn’t a jock in high school, but isn’t part of growing up taking both the good things and disappointing things in life and learn to deal with them? I don’t understand the whole “participation” trophy either….just 2¢ from a not-so-old man.
Musk 1 … Silicon Valley Mafia 1
Oopsie daisy … meant to say:
Musk +1 … Silicon Valley Mafia -1
Musk is a clown. Within the next 10 years he’s going to loose it all. To much into publicity and gimmick.
@Well Folks
That clown (and he very well may be one) just fired the ringmaster and some animal trainers who were anti-First Amendment. Now that’s my kind of circus.
I am willing to bet he will be the world’s first trillionaire. Unless he goes do something stupid again like buy a brain dead company like Twitter.
Musk lost more money in this past year than most of the other richest people in the country will ever have… He sneezed and moved on. I’d rather feel good about him and wish him well.
Halloween around the corner. It’s one of my favs.
Ready to have the time change. The dark mornings are a hard start.
Hey Simonpure~
Hoping Missy is doing better, and the rest of the Family is health. 🙂
We are Big Sis…now my Son caught it so no kiddos this weekend 🙁 I think we are about done with this crap.
I just noticed that all screen names are now it caps. Guess it does not matter much to me but wonder if it is intentional.
I know what you mean. Hard getting up on this early colder weather. A year ago we had rain storms and probably a bit warmer. Darn that human caused “global warming”. 😄
OK Roz…I had Lindsay mail it to me and got it today. So sweet. My wife snatched up the Peets card so fast 🙂 She loves her coffee. You are brilliant Roz. Great idea. I’ll email you later. Thanks so much…the whole world needs to be filled with kind people like you.
Cheers for now.
Hey Simonpure !
I got such a laugh that Missy gabbed the Peets Card!!
Glad to make her Happy, and hope she shares it with you.
Talk to you soon 🙂
How do we view older talk about whatever? I only see 2 days of comments.
Maybe live where there are good schools. The Acalanes Dist and it’s feeder schools are some of the best in the country. High income and demographics speak for themselves. There was never a point I would have sent a child to any of the schools in Concord
When I was growing up the schools in Concord were always meh and if a person lived in the MSUSD and wanted good schools they needed to live with College Park or PHH and it’s feeder’s boundaries as those were always the good schools
SIR Branch #19 Monthly Luncheon November 3rd – Noon at the Greenery Restaurant in Walnut Creek with social hour beginning at 11 AM. We be honoring our veterans. The guest speakers will be Wayne Korsinen, historian, who will talk about the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor and SIR Rich Peterson who will speak of his experiences in Top Gun fighter School. Guests are welcomed. Please register. SIR is a group of men of all ages who enjoy various activities and each other’s company. All are welcome. Activities include weekly golf, bocce, bowling, wine tasting, dining out, day trips and many others. If interested, visit us at http://www.sirinc2.org/branch19 or call 925 338-1996.
Hi Claycordians – Thanks for all your patience and understanding with the new website, and thanks for all your feedback, too!!
We put a “talk about politics” and “talk about whatever” link on the top navigation bar. We just did that last night so you might not have seen that yet. You can also access them under “useful links.”
Don’t forget to sign up for the daily newsletter, which should be starting next week. We’ll never sell or share your email address. https://swiftemail.thehdg.biz/h/t/40D96D5C378DAC39
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Thank you!!! This is so much more vibrant and colorful. Simply love it now.
Did you add that because of what I said????? Yeah! I had a positive impact on the world. I also like that I can make myself look wildly popular up voting my own comments and even doing so multiple times if done from different devices in the house. Oh, maybe I shouldn’t mention that.
Now if the center panel could be a ‘not quite so glaring’ shade of white… maybe a beige, mocha, latte swirl… 😌 Give us a couple weeks we’ll have it all back to the old format…lololololol
LOL No Excuses. 🤣
I am getting use to the new format. I think the changes made since the launch of the new site has really helped with the new layout. Thank you for listening to everyone’s input.
Greetings, Claycordians!
I have a question for all of you:
From which vantage point does one have the best view of Mt. Diablo?
I’m talking about a view showing all of the mountain, no wires crossing the view, no buildings blocking part of the view, etc. The kind of view you’d use for a postcard. And it has to be a view from the city side, not Morgan Territory Road or some such rear location. Also, easy to get to – no three-hour hikes up Las Trampas Ridge, etc.
So, what do you think – any offers?
There is an open view from the back of Buchannon Airfield. Approach from Center on Pacheco or Marsh Dr off is Solano. Not sure about getting a good angle without power lines
My favorite view was standing in my driveway in Cowell and being able to see snow atop Mt Diablo without having to shovel any of it.
There is a good view of Mt Diablo from the back of Ygnacio Valley High school.
@ Ancient Mariner ~ Drive to the end of Mt. Dell Dr. in Clayton then turn right on Mt. Tamalpais & park your car. Walk into the State Park thru the access way & take a picture. No hiking necessary.
The view of Mt. Diablo shown in the Claycord.com weekly Clayton Police Report, the one with the donated electric Clayton Police motorcycle in the foreground, is one of the most stunning views around.
I asked one time where the photo was taken and someone on Claycord.com responded with the name of the street, but I don’t remember now what it was. At the time, I drove up in the hills to look at it. It was in a newer section of Clayton at the end of a street that dead ends, high on a hillside to the East of town, with absolutely nothing obstructing the sweeping view of the mountain. It’s got to be my favorite — it’s so spectacular.
Gittyup – That is a great picture. Here’s a link to it:
Thank you, Mr. Mayor. That’s the one! I had not seen that view until it showed up on Claycord and didn’t realize, from my limited perspective, how much more of the mountain was actually there, or that there was a view that didn’t include the quarry.
Thank you all for your suggestions.
Dr. Jellyfinger – that’s a very imposing view – the mountain is big and beautiful from there!
Gittyup – yes – I wonder why I never noticed it before. That is a great view.
Doremi and Anon – good suggestions, too.
Cowellian – any time you don’t have to shovel snow, it’s good snow!
If my brother from the UK (Ancient Aviator) manages to visit, I’ll be sure to take him to one of these spots.
If my brother from the UK (Ancient Submariner) manages to visit, I’ll be sure to take him to one of these spots.
I have two.
I’m willing to bet that when the Ancient Mariner, Ancient Aviator, and Ancient Submariner get together, there are some great stories to be told, and retold! I have some friends who served on submarines in the Royal Navy. We have a longstanding disagreement on the proper pronunciation of Submariner.
In the UK, it’s pronounced sub – mariner,
In the US, it’s submarine – er.
First off, Mr. Mayor Thank You for Talk About Politics and Whatever links at top of main page !
suggestion, consider adding at bottom of page in Useful Links … Most Recent Posts link.
Question for the Ladies, we did the Costco shuffle this afternoon and how do you all manage the slight of hand adding items to cart that only materialize at checkout ? ? ?
Stuff came out of that cart I never saw being put in.
OG, you got distracted (probably by a woman) and then you grabbed someone else’s cart by mistake….. walked away drooling & never noticed. I do it all the time.
I agree with you about a recent posts column like CC used to have… it’s the easy way to follow conversations.
just now…. 2 L-39Cs up and about byron area
or so shows flightradar24…
planes from an airshow business…
2 as in two L-39……..
@S – Thanks for that. Just FYI – a link to FlightRadar24 has been added under “quick links” on the top navigation bar. 🙂
Tuned up for our area, instead of UK.
Thanks so much, Original G!
For those interested in seeing rain headed our way, 10 day period, this link is set to rain and tuned up for our area.
If you would like to check out the snow in the mountains. Caltrans CCTV Map
Can we post pictures of found animals? If so how do we do that?