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Fetterman was as charismatic and intelligible as Joe Biden.
Your comment is very callous, Fetterman had a stroke, he has trouble expressing himself, however that does not saying anything about his intelligence. If you or a family member suffered a stroke would you want someone to make a comment like that? I will grant he probably should not be running for office, but is not unusual for a stroke victim to be very sharp mentally, but not being able to express themselves. Disagree with his politics, certainly but to attack him because he suffered a stroke, not cool.
Biden is senile without having a stroke.
That’s my point so lighten up, Karen.
Stroke has nothing to do with what he believes like letting felons out of prison, hating America, etc.
I too might disagree with his politics and that he shouldn’t be running for office those are separate from the after effects of a stroke.
@EXIT 12A..….And don’t forget about Slo Joe’s, not one aneurysm but two aneurysms in the late 80s.
He should be in therapy instead of campaigning. Its sad his party is pushing him just to be the 51st vote.
I think they wanted a scapegoat to blame when the country falls into being “third world” and a two tier society (aka feudalism).
She lives in her Critical Parent Ego State.
I’m sure it’s extremely difficult to express yourself after having a stroke but I have to wonder why he or his political team would put him through that if they knew he wouldn’t be up to speed. There is a reason Jill Biden controls very tightly Joe’s schedule. Perhaps Fetterman’s wife thought differently. My point is don’t put yourself out there in the public eye if you are not up to the challenge otherwise to some you appear to be weak and not like an individual who can lead and solve problems.
His point was about Joe Biden not Fetterman. I am surprised you didn’t pick up on that.
Nobody said anything about a stroke, Karen.
Making assumptions like that clearly shows your unwillingness to see the facts about his beliefs, etc… if you’re willing to vote for another bumbling idiot (pre-stroke) then blame it on the stroke, then you cannot be helped.
Grow up.
Hanne: your post is a “non sequitur”. Exit 12A made a statement of observation. He said nothing about F. having had a stroke, so he was not “being callous”. You jumped to that conclusion by yourself. The simple truth is that Fetterman has no business running to be a US Senator. He has lived off his parents all his life and done nothing constructive. His priority is to empty all the prisons. He looks like a prisoner himself. Can you imagine that walking the halls of Congress? His wife has posted (on Twitter, I think, in the recent past), about how she is plotting and pushing to get him elected, with the idea that she will fill the Senate seat because he isn’t up to it health-wise. The level of corruption in parts of our politics is mind-boggling! On top of that, just as with Biden, anyone who has pushed/is pushing senile or stroke-affected “puppets” to go through the grueling process of running for office (especially their wives) is cruel and committing (elder) abuse . These people should be being cared for in appropriate and rehabilitative ways. I know you are busy, but try to do some political reading before you knee-jerk jump into automatic defense of anybody with a D in front of their name. Thank you.
PS: I think his wife posted those items on TikTok, not Twitter (which would probably have banned them). (I’m not on either one, but saw it re-posted somewhere.)
I’ll just go with Uncle Festerman is a horrible person for wanting to let murderers out of jail and back on the streets. His wife is also VERY trashy, wearing T-shirts flaunting her bisexuality. Keep it classy Democrats
“His wife is also VERY trashy, wearing T-shirts flaunting her bisexuality.”
This is par for the course for Democrats. They have to advertise their “progressive” attitudes. The key word here being “advertise.”
I’m wondering why a person’s non-traditional sexuality seems to defines their identity.
I don’t care if a person is a LGBTQA so long as they are not shoving that fact it my face at every turn – it’s tiresome.
I’ve called out several people on it and they immediately checked their attitude… at least around me.
It is sad that the Democrats are not looking for sharp wits, or good personality, or any kind of history of living life and making good sound decisions.
They are looking for a reliable Dem vote in the Senate. And they will get it with Fetterman, who will always vote yes/no as told. So he will get his vote, despite being neither qualified nor reasonably suitable for the position.
Stroke is a terrible event but US Senate is not the place to recover from it.
I’m in a “wait and see” mode concerning the forthcoming, largely uncensored, and unbiased Twittersphere.
It’s certainly not about electing someone with a disability. Roosevelt and Churchill functioned in outstanding positions of leadership in spite of their disabilities. It is the nature of Fetterman’s disability that is in question.
A stroke can leave someone unable to recover to the level of mental acuity they enjoyed pre-stroke. While they may function for all intents and purposes well enough to get along, they may not be able to recover subtle mental function required for processing the information necessary to do the job Fetterman is seeking. Time will tell.
Until he is fully recovered, it is impossible to know the full extent of the damage done to his suitability for the job. I’d say it’s another example of how desperate and lacking democrats are for qualified members of their party to hold office.
And, did Nancy Pelosi really believe she could tear up Trump’s speech so dramatically the way she did and not make a few enemies. She obviously was a little overly confident of her karma.
Not that we don’t wish her husband the best and a speedy recovery. Violence is never the answer. But, one wonders how it feels when the shoe is on the other foot. After all, republicans were attacked for their beliefs and, in fact, Maxine Waters encouraged democrats to become confrontational and get in republican’s faces.
Is it any wonder the crime rate is astounding when our so-called leaders have dropped all pretense of civility and are behaving like spoiled brats. Let’s start with Joe Biden. Can he stop lying to us?
And Roosevelt had had polio, which he hid from the public for many years, all his life. I believe his stroke, before his death, was also hidden from the public. He required a wheel chair, but was never allowed to be photographed in any way that showed his disability. And the press colluded. Yes, he was mentally okay, but politically, being unable to walk would have been a huge liability.
If a foreign enemy government wanted to damage the United States from within, they could not have done a better job than the democrats have done in the last 2 years.
Newscum is running adds that say ‘vote like your democracy depends on it’. I am actually going to follow his advise for once … and vote for Brian Dahle to replace Dictator For Life Newscum.
Whatcha ya going to do?
Dahle is eminently qualified and
more than likely wasn’t doing the drugs in the 70s that obviously fried Newsom’s brain.
Anybody else following former SNL “Goat Boy’s” YT channel … the man still has it after all these years … #funnyAF
Only the MSM could spin the Pelosi home assault as being associated with J6.
Funny how this attacker lived in Berkeley and had leftist signs in the front of the house. Leave it to the liberals to spin this. Never fails!!!!
A known nudist, and lover of Fidel Castro, arrested in his underwear. He did not bring the hammer, it belonged to the Pelosi’s. In the 911 call, Paul Pelosi says, “His name is David, and he is a friend.”
Could this have been a gay tryst gone wrong? Does that really seem that far off? No security or locked doors? No security cameras recording?
I think BOTH should be drug tested and this may tell the story. Probably find something along the lines of vegan molly.
The media will bury this story QUICK since it doesn’t fit their original, fake narrative of “conservative white supremacist Trump supporter.”
The media will run from this story as fast as they can…..I don’t know what happened, I freely admit that but two nearly naked men in the house together, they know one another, no security, no cameras….It doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to come to a few tentative conclusions as to what might have been happening to lead up to this….
A conservative Berkeley hippy nudist with a hemp related business. Who knew such a person could exist?
Leave it to MSM brigade to spin the story, they will, no command even needed, they know what to do. Journalism has been dead for along time.
Why would the FBIs christopher wray ask a judge to give them 66 years to turn over the contents of Seth Rich’s laptop?
Why does the berkeley home of the supposed MAGA pelosi attacker have BLM signs and rainbow flags? Why does the leaked SFPD phone call have paul pelosi calling dude a confused friend? What were they doing at 2:30 am in their underwear? Funny how they tried to tie it to Trump when we have the data.
Facts are not white supreme pizzas.
Digital warriors want answers.
What’s Happening At TWITTER? –
I like the 4th link. Also, it’s likely that Elon Musk will be updating Twitter’s speech policies very soon. From The Street: https://bit.ly/3SN0Her
This is just way too funny 😃🤣
Educate your friends very gently, in an almost round about, discovery, think for themselves way of convincing, that if everything these last two years has been absolute crap and has certainly cost them savings, investments, property values, crazy high crime, illegal immigration, drug overdose records across the country from open borders and free drug/needle programs, tent cities larger than some towns in America….(list goes on, my fingers are tired) then just how about, just this one time, taking a chance and vote RED this November. Here is your final selling point – “What have you got to lose, you’ve already lost everything”
Sadly, most of them can’t admit they were wrong and will blindly go towards their own destruction and still vote blue
When Rand Paul got attach by his neighbor who broke three of his ribs plus more Nancy Pelosi’s daughter texted “He Deserved It”.
The shoe is on the other foot.
Nancy’s daughter was pleased about Rand Paul getting hurt; then there’s that recently released video of Nancy saying she wanted to hurt Trump and would end up in jail for it. As far as I’m concerned, they brought this violence to their front door. They wished harm to others and this is what happened.
You’re right! And, I sure don’t remember Trump threatening others with violence because they disagreed with him. I hate to say it, but “democrats started it.”
I just saw this article post and I wanted to share it.
I can’t vouch for it’s authenticity.
California revenues decline amid economic worries
Thank you very much for that. I’ve seen such numbers elsewhere that agree with the point that the top 1% of earners in California pay about half of the income taxes. Those crying and chanting that the rich do not pay their fair share are either lying, or, more likely, just ignorant after years of propaganda. Say it enough times and they will believe you. Few realize that California is basically playing the stock market using IPO and capital gains and such for revenue from the better off. The Socialist Venezuela command economy based everything on the price of oil, and when oil prices fell there were riots, bread lines, starvation and refugees fleeing to neighboring countries. Here the government is very dependent on screwing over the rich, which is a popular theme since many of the high profile rich here are such jerks.
In CA, the government is very good at screwing over everyone in one way or another. The quality of life is deteriourating quickly.
For thousands of years there have been wars. Million and millions of soldiers and civilians have been killed and mutilated. They faced absolutely horrendous inhumane conditions . Trillions in properties destroyed. Yet we still have them. I know of no country that has voted for war. They may have voted for the leader that got them into war but not likely they would have voted to go to war. I am not a peace nik but maybe it is time for the world to realize it is time to negotiate and not blow each other up. It could be done we just need the right person to get it started.
According to the corrupt, creepy, little girl-sniffing man who likes to shower with his daughter, this country has 54 states – NO JOKE!
Joe is the joke
Joe may be the President, but Obama is the Chairman of the Board. I’m sure he is having second thoughts about Biden being the Front Man for the operation, as he has clearly lost it, whatever “it” was.
Are we ever going to know who is running the White House? What does the organizational structure really look like? Biden can’t find his way off the stage after reading the teleprompter, and afterwards without the teleprompter will completely contradict the speech someone wrote for him to read. He is so isolated he was even caught on video repeating the phrase “let’s go Brandon” clearly clueless as to what it meant.
Did you all see Gavin Gruesome call out Trump’s republicans on national TV? Gruesome’s democrats are calling out Trump’s republicans. Is there any lower they will go?
So, the Democrats point to a nudist activist street person with a hammer as their talking point, while the figurehead and president of their party says Trump supporters are semi-fascists, are a danger to democracy, and theatrically present a prime-time lecture on the evils of disagreeing with Biden while he stands in front of soldiers and a demonic red background. This is crazy world.
What Gavin has ever achieved? His record speaks for itself:
Crippling Taxes.
Total ignorance, disregard and zero support of the working middle class.
Dismal childrens education.
Crumbly infrastructure.
Rampant crime and soft preferential treatment of criminals.
He has nothing else left but to divert attention away from himself.
If you want to live “in a neighborhood”, vote for Brian Dahle.
If you want to live “in da hood” vote for Gavin Newsom.
But as they say, life is a series of choices……….
It is outrageous and sickening that they have been treated this way in the US. Many of them (if not all) have never even been charged with a crime! Some of them have committed suicide. I h@te those who have been responsible for this. The prisoners’ release should happen on Day 1!
There Are Multiple Problems with the Paul Pelosi – David DePape Story – Nothing Adds Up –
The incident at the Pelosi house on early Friday morning is still puzzling at best. There now are more questions than answers.
The police didn’t share how David DePape entered the house in their first press conference. They did mention that they charged him with burglary but that was it.
In the second San Francisco Police Department press conference on the matter on Friday, the police provided more information. The police shared:
“I can confirm that Mr. DePape forced entry into a rear door at the rear of the Pelosi home.”
For one, if an individual broke into the home of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, there surely is a surveillance system that would tell the police and numerous entities that the house had been broken into. There’s no doubt that the Pelosis’ home has a security system. This system likely includes motion detectors as well. Any movement near the house or broken glass would immediately be registered at the surveillance company. They in turn would notify the police of the encounter. Also, there are likely police cars circling the neighborhood where the Pelosis live. But the police reported that Paul Pelosi made the call to the police.
Paul Pelosi never shared that the home was broken into.
There are also questions about this event being a burglary. DePape reportedly forced entry into a rear door. But a video from yesterday shows that there was glass on the outside of the home on the stairs behind the house. If the window was broken from the outside, wouldn’t the glass be on the floor on the inside of the house?
A video on Friday reportedly showed the house with broken glass outside on the stairs behind the house.
If the glass window was broken from inside the house wouldn’t the glass be on the outside of the house?
Additionally, it’s been reported that DePape was in his underwear when the police arrived. This means that he most probably took off his clothes inside the house. This is because anyone walking around in that neighborhood in their underwear would immediately be arrested. This is not something that someone could do in that neighborhood.
Also, why did Paul Pelosi refer to him as a friend on the phone?
Also, if it was a burglary, what did Depape steal? Is there any evidence that he had things in his possession that he was stealing when the police arrived? Not that we know of. Was he hiding something in his underwear?
It also sounds like someone else let the police into the home. Who was this? Why did this person not call the police when the house was supposedly broken into? Was there more than one other person in the home?
Finally, what injuries did DePape incur? He too was sent to the hospital and in the first press release the police mentioned that they worked on his injuries before sending him to the hospital along with Paul Pelosi.
The one thing the police can do to clear this all up is release the police and surveillance camera videos. This would likely answer most of these questions.
Unfortunately, when police aren’t sharing the entire story, there are problems with the story. This is most likely the case.
In reports I heard, Depape is a well-known advocate for nudism and frequently walks around naked.
Facebook Fined $25M By Washington State For Violating Election Law –
‘A country where you can leave your computer and phone on a table without fear of having it stolen’
‘A country where you can leave your computer and phone on a table without fear of having it stolen’
Remember this one from the good old days.. What should be the punishment for his SOB?
How quickly they forget! But, judging by Biden’s lack of, shall we call it “presence,” that’s pretty much expected among democrats.
Open Carry IN SF –
Food shortage? No problem, we got this –
Not too late to get your costume for tonight –
Democrats solving problems? What kind of phuckery is this?
Who needs the second amendment?
@HappyPappy…..Open carry in SF…..”But being as this is a 24 oz. framing hammer, the most powerful hammer in the world, and would knock your head clean off, I don’t know if I swung 5 or 6 times…..”-Harry “The Carpenter” Callahan
Nice wit there,NYTEMUVR, and a nod to Clint.
1960’s – oil reserves will be depleted in 10 years.
1970’s – another ice age in 10 years.
1980’s – acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years.
1090’s the ozone layer will be destroyed in 10 years.
2000’s – the ice caps will be gone in 10 years.
NONE of these BS catastrophic lies happened, but they all resulted in more taxes and more government regulations.
Ask yourself who supported and profited from each of these scams, and NEVER trust them again.
Hopefully FEDs will take over prosecution of pelosi attacker, decades of DEM governance of CA have proven how soft they are on crime.
But DePape is clearly mentally ill… crazy.
But folks in SF and Berkeley simply referred to him as “an eccentric character”.
Such a fine line between eccentric character and murderer. And while they’ve attempted to create a media friendly narrative, rumor has it the assault weapon was not a claw hammer, rather it was Nancy’s Neiman Marcus Ice Cream Scooping Device. Apparently it was not capable of soft serve.
I got a $5 square on the DePape “Suicide Pool” at work. I’m pretty sure it will be only a short while. Gotta get the new story straight & then shut him up fast.
You know you’re weird when San Franciscans and Berkeleyites think you’re odd.
Vote Republican
Reportedly man arrested in pelosi attack, is a “longtime” illegal alien living in the great sanctuary state of California. Another example of DEMs keeping citizens of CA SAFE.
Think about it, before you vote. Want higher prices? Vote DEM. Want more crime and criminals on our streets instead of in Prison? Vote DEM.
“Before arriving in California about two decades ago, DePape grew up in Powell River, British Columbia, in Canada.”
Must be a special kind of amnesia to forget that from 2003 to 2011 California had a Republican Governor.
I looked up Powell River and got a bunch of videos. Not much to do there. Number one activity is to take your dog to the beach, closely followed by number two, which is take your dog to the forest. It is not very convincing that it is just coincidence that some nut with a hammer could get into the Speaker of the Houses house (where does that stupid possessive apostrophe go?) and drive from the headlines the misery of inflation, increasing crime, double digit increases in homeless, threats of nuclear war, Biden’s failing health, and so on just before an election. Something does not smell right here.
“SCREW YOUR FREEDOM” Schwarzenegger? Are you kidding?
There sure is a lot of this story that doesn’t add up. Guy breaks in and let’s Pelosi use the restroom where he calls 911. Either the bad guy or Pelosi open the front door for Police while jointly gripping a hammer. He waits for police to enter and then bashes Pelosi with the hammer. Then the Police tackle him. Further, Brooke Jenkins spent a little too much time discussing the supposed details. Sorry guys, the B.S. meter is pegged.
How can the Pelosi family with wealth of $120 million living in a high crime city and Nancy always talking about violence toward politicians have basically no home security even when she is away. Not even a motion sensor with a recording of a barking dog?? Something does not smell right.
Civilization survived Attila The Hun. Civilization survived Genghis Khan. But, will civilization survive Gruesome Newsom? Let’s not find out. Vote Dahle for Governor of California!
So now the perpetrators of the biggest mass murder in history are telling us to give them amnesty. I told everyone COVID HOAX was genocide, crimes against humanity and flat out lie on top of lie. 99.5% of you fell for the propaganda and followed fauci and the commies. You masked your children, you shunned your family, you yelled at random people in stores for not wearing a mask, you refused to sell us food, you called us crazy and said we deserved to die without medical care. You arrested people at the beach by themselves. You beat old ladies for walking down the street. Most of you supported the authoritarian state doing “whatever it takes” to “stop the spread”. Ivermectin or “horse paste” was withheld, band and ridiculed. Now it’s the go to treatment for illness. You supported the lies. You advocated death for non backers. It was a lie the whole time. People died from hospital protocols. Induced comas and remdesivir are PROVEN to kill in 10 days. Masks are PROVEN to cause bacterial phenomena.
There will be no amnesty for anyone who caused harm. NCSWIC.
Watching all the liberal progressive wokester “social media influencers” on twitter lose thousands and thousands of bot followers everyday and wondering why their comments are not being promoted and they are getting responses from actual people who don’t support ukraine or the genital mutilation of children is priceless. Apparently the price of free speech in 2022 is 44 million dollars. Thanks Elon for making America great again. Knowing all those fired twitter engineers that banned people had to pack up their Teslas is the icing on the cake. Finding out they were fired “for cause” and were working hand in hand with the government to suppress constitutional rights and will NOT be getting their severance pay and potentially charged with crimes is world class boss level American.
WTH is a “social media influencer?” Is that a person who can’t get a real job; ie, a liberal?
Love the thumbs down from people who have no standards and can only push their ideas with full media and twitter manipulation. Real people don’t want drag queen story time crammed down their kids throats. Real people understand ukraine is a money laundering operation. Real people know the commies at twitter all drive teslas and hate America. Toilet 🚽 🚽🚽🤡
‘Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) on Wednesday linked the political rhetoric of Democrats to the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) and others at a baseball field in Alexandria, Va.’
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
“The left-wing Bernie Sanders supporter who opened fire on a crowd of Republican congressmen in June intentionally committed an “act of terrorism” that was “fueled by rage against Republican legislators,” according to a new report released by the state’s attorney”
‘FBI quietly admits 2017 GOP baseball shooting was domestic terrorism after all’
CROOKED Teachers’ Unions Funneled $59 Million to Leftist Causes Despite 57% of Teachers Being Republicans, Independents –
Biden now claims he talked with the person who developed insulin to deal with diabetes. In reality that person died before Biden was born. Are Democrats waiting for him to declare he is Napoleon Bonaparte before they admit there is a problem?
@To Do List
Oh, brother………hadn’t heard that one.
That’s unlikely as he talks to Napoleon all the time also, and Rasputin, and the Andrews Sisters, and especially Shirley Temple……
Traitor Joe got carded prior to voting –
How Bad Is It and Who Is To Blame –
He still has COVID, you moron –
Kind of voter DEMs want,
The year, last Washington, D.C. republican mayor left office in 1910.
‘Washington D.C. to Legalize Public Urination’ ? ? ? ?
“It’ll also cut “the maximum penalties for offenses such as burglaries, carjackings and robberies.” ”
Thinkin’ your vote can send a message to DEM politicians all across OUR COUNTRY?
Put them on notice !
Awww, https://tinyurl.com/2p8re2cc
Liberals will likely be retreating to their SAFE Space with crayons and hot chocolate now that Twitter has been ‘liberated’.
A few months ago, Gavin Newsom was all over the news cheering himself for producing a huge budget surplus for the state, almost $100 billion dollars. He seems to think he is a corporate CEO where the goal of government is to generate revenue. In reality, that surplus shows failure. This week, the Hoover Institute published a paper giving some numbers to the increasing exodus of private companies leaving the state. The main reasons for leaving are the high taxes and unfriendly business climate. Gavin’s gain is the state’s loss. Recall the bad times when the restructuring and closing of the military bases in California caused a local recession in this state a few decades ago, and this study says don’t be surprised if high tech leaves.
Spot on.
Earlier today I read an interesting article by economist John Jordan where he highlighted the many failures driving business out of our state. Amusingly, he referred to California Democrat party leaders as “The Museum of Head Injuries”.
CA explained,
Here’s the truth about that generous Social Security raise Biden’s giving you –
Once again Traitor Joe and the Dems are lying.
Rhetoric has escalated, but then again desperation manifests in predictable ways such as biden talking about MAGA extremists. Then again, weak minded are easily influenced.
“We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.” — Vladimir Lenin
‘Republican candidate’s daughters, three and five, are almost KILLED after gunman opens fire at North Carolina home – with bullet landing close to where they slept: Democrat rival pulls campaign ad he filmed outside property’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/4x48s3we
Now the Disgraced COVID ‘Experts’ Want ‘Amnesty’?
By Tanya Berlaga
In her recent article in The Atlantic, a Brown University professor, Emily Oster, is calling for “pandemic amnesty.” She is telling me to “forgive and forget” everyone who was yelling obscenities at me for not wearing a mask in a public park or calling me a mass murderer for posting a picture with a friend visiting. I must forget all this, the author insists, because all those people had nothing but my well-being in mind!
If a state can’t count all the votes on election night, there’s cheating in that state. Entire nations count their votes on election day. If you can’t it’s because you don’t want to.
We did it here for many decades. Now lying cheating democrats have changed the rules to facilitate cheating.
Okay, so radical wacko democrats made a tiny oops………”can’t we all just get along” and forgive what they did to us?
Steve Scalise had this to say about Andrew McCabe and the FBI regarding his attempted murder –
I believe there are good and honest people in the FBI. Since becoming aware of recent events, I also believe the FBI is corrupt. It started with Hoover and has not changed.
Oops……the second paragraph is my opinion, not that of Scalise. I should have placed the link above my comment.
MSNBC Meltdown: “Our Children Will Be Arrested & Conceivably Killed” If The GOP Wins Midterm Elections.
They are sending Joe Biden out on the campaign trail and his message is this:
“Vote democrat, it’s the only way to save democracy”.
The public asks, “How are you going to do that Joe?”
Joe responds, “Do what?”