Home » Concord Police Department Reminds Parents Are Key To Keeping Teens Safe Behind The Wheel

Concord Police Department Reminds Parents Are Key To Keeping Teens Safe Behind The Wheel


In recognition of National Teen Driver Safety Week (October 16-22), Concord Police Department encourages teens and their parents to talk about the importance of following the rules of the road and driving responsibly.

Car crashes remain the leading cause of death for teens. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), 2,378 teenagers died in car crashes in 2020 – a 14% increase from the prior year. Per mile driven, teen drivers are nearly four times as likely to be involved in a crash as drivers in all other age groups.

“Parents play a critical role in teen driver safety and in communicating important driving safety information,” Concord Police Department, Lt. Gregory Rodriguez said. “Teen drivers are still gaining experience behind the wheel and more likely to take risks and pick up bad habits. This is why it’s important for parents and caregivers to play an active role in talking to their teens about risky driving behaviors that can lead to deadly and tragic consequences.”

Concord Police Department offers the following tips to parents and guardians for starting conversations about safe driving with teens:


  • Provisional Driver’s License : Learn about California’s provisional licensing law, which places restrictions on passengers and driving at night during the first year they have a license.
  • Lead by example: Have driving sessions with your teen. Tell, but also show your teen how to drive safely.
  • Set ground rules: Be firm on rules such as no phone use, being distracted by friends, always following the speed limit, and always buckling up.
  • Sober driving: Emphasize the importance of never driving under the influence or riding with someone who has been drinking.

Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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‘Funding for this program?’ What program? For posting here?

I think CPD needs to get an interpretation from NewScum and the Dems before making a statement that parents are responsible for their children. This runs contrary to the Socialist thinking emanating from Sacramento.

My tip:
Don’t drive like a Dick or a Karen.
YOU don’t own the road.

Parents who allow their teen/young adult drivers use your car whenever your teens/young adult wants to. Tell them to get a job, save their money and buy their own car. They may think different when it’s their own car and not mommy’s and daddy’s. Police need to hold the parents accountable for their kids actions.

Parents, PLEASE, when you go to bed, don’t leave your keys in a place where they are accessible to your teenagers. It is too tempting for them to go joy riding after parents are asleep, and don’t think your kids would never do that.



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