Home » Long COVID May Reduce Capacity For Cardiovascular Exercise, Study Says

Long COVID May Reduce Capacity For Cardiovascular Exercise, Study Says


Long COVID may age a person’s capacity for exercise by roughly 10 years according to a study published Wednesday by medical researchers in San Francisco.

The study, published in JAMA Network by researchers at the University of California at San Francisco and Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, analyzed data from more than 2,000 participants across 38 pervious studies that tracked exercise performance in people who had been infected with the virus at least three months prior.

That sample was then narrowed to a pool of 359 subjects who had fully recovered from their COVID infection and 464 who had other symptoms of long COVID, including brain fog, fatigue and frequent headaches.

The subjects, who ranged in age from 39 to 56, had their oxygen and carbon dioxide levels monitored while exercising on a treadmill or stationary bike.


According to the researchers, those with long COVID were determined to have an increased likelihood of irregular breathing, a reduced ability to pump blood fast enough through the body and the reduced ability for muscles to extract oxygen from the body’s bloodstream.

The difference in performance between both groups, the researchers said, was roughly 1.4 metabolic equivalent of tasks, a unit that measures energy expenditure during physical tasks.

“This decline in oxygen peak rate would roughly translate to a 40-year-old woman with an expected exercise capacity of 9.5 METs, dropping to 8.1 METs, the approximate expected exercise capacity for a 50-year-old woman,” said Dr. Matthew Durstenfeld of the UCSF Department of Medicine and Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital’s Division of Cardiology.

However, the researchers said, more study with a larger sample size was necessary to more-accurately determine how large the effect of long COVID is on exercise capacity.


Dr. Priscilla Hsue, the study’s senior author and a professor at UCSF’s School of Medicine, suggested long-term studies of exercise ability to better understand long COVID’s affect.

“Trials of potential therapies are urgently needed, including studies of rehabilitation to address deconditioning, as well as further investigation into dysfunctional breathing, damage to the nerves that control automatic body functions and the inability to increase the heart rate adequately during exercise,” Hsue said.

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Long Covid = Vaxx damage

Or all kinds of minor ailments that they can tuck under the term to make more money.

It may take longer for some people to bounce back.
Full recovery should not be ruled out.
Step One: Breathe Deep
Step Two: Start with small Walks
Win back Your Health.

You sound like you are doing better 🙂

Yes! Thank You 🙂

Shouldn’t be called “Long Covid” then but “recovery.”

Captain…should be called “Long Vaccinated” That is where the study should focus. Sad to say they probably have and it’s simply not shared. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Know so many with health problems related. They never contacted Covid. I have however lost 3 family members to this and perhaps they would still be around today with the vax…but who knows what the quality of life would be.

Long covid is as real as long flu.

And how can anyone claim to know the effects of covid a decade from now? Pure conjecture designed to push the vaxx agenda.

Get boosted! Stay ahead of the curve and protect yourself and community. Vaccines save lives just like a seatbelt.

Not many people are falling for the sham any longer, even that clown Fauci is back in hiding.


This is not a vaccine and you know it. It certainly does not save lives nor stop the spread of the virus. People like you are a big part of the problem. Comparing wearing a seatbelt to taking a lethal experimental shot is irresponsible & ludicrous especially from somebody that professes to work in the health industry.

Hmmm… Long Covid causes decreased cardiovascular ability. Soyllenials and Neck Beards have Long Covid. Soyllenials and Neck Beards hate cardiovascular exercise. Me thinks I see the answer.

Sure, I’m going to believe “research” from Zuckerberg Hospital…..”yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket “-Tommy Flanagan

Publish one of the hundreds of studies that cite “Vaccine” as being a major health risk (including sudden death syndrome). Yes, there is now a common term hospitals are cataloging death under at record numbers, look it up.

I can’t imagine the empty stomach feelings of betrayal so many are dealing with now. Many thought they were doing the right thing, (because they followed ONE information source), but the others that were forced because of job, those I feel for the most.



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