The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question.
Some metro stations across the country are considering or have considered selling the naming rights to stations.
Do you think BART should sell the naming rights to their stations to make extra money?
Talk about it….
+1 also
+1 ribbit
Considering rampant stupidity that plagues CA wouldn’t put it past them to try it. Why not confuse the public by changing station names.
Reason revenues are down is CRIME and people working from home. Besides as more and more companies move out of CA ridership will continue to decline.
We have reached the end of times. If this isn’t desperation what is?
Yes. I would like to buy the rights to the Pittsburg station, and name it the Orinda station!
+1 I was thinking the same thing. I want to purchase the naming rights for a number of stations and remap BART. Rename Civic Center to Hell.If you have to go to City Hall you know where to go.
Change the name to messages for your friends or enemies. xxxx can take a flying **** through a rolling doughnut. So much fun with imagination.
I still don’t know where some of the venues are. I only know that Sleep-train means the Concord Pavilion.
.. .. … and if people in Orinda don’t pony up money, their name will default to Pittsburg!
Would happily donate to that cause.
Good one, Doh. 😉 😉 😉
No. Public and quasi-public facilities are funded by public tax dollars and should not be commercialized.
@Exit, I agree with your stated position, although, would it not be hilarious to hear the outcry if President Trump bought the rights to a number of stations and named them after his family…
A better idea is to crack down on the gate jumping, fair evaders.
But alas, in a WOKE world that would be racist. After all, they are aspiring rappers about to turn their lives around.
Once the fed stimmy money runs out and wages freeze we may see Bart take a more active role in getting people to pay. (provided the public is not stupid enough to give them another tax increase.)
Yeah, but only if the options are: Bart, Homer, Marge, Lisa, Maggie, Moe, Apu, Krusty, etc.
Yes. The concord station should be named ….
The Olive Garden
You beat me to it.
@Lovelace…North Concord station….Corn Snake Ranch.
Let’s pay the armored car company and let them advertise in exchange for not allowing a single non-paying passenger to get into the system or on a train. Things will improve overnight.
If government offices should put out advertising based on money paid to them, a neon “People’s Republic of China” sign should be up at the White House.
No… another dumb idea …. how about renaming Sacramento to Newsomville then?
Merced is a much more likely Newsomville.
All aboard the Newsomville Cannonball Merced to Bakersfield. It’s a diesel, but god willing, sometime, before 2050 it will be electric.
The train from nowhere to nowhere.
Fortunately it’s funded by unlimited funds.
@The Fearless Spectator….Will Bobbie Jo, Billie Jo and Bobbi Jo be skinny-dipping in the water tower? Uncle Joe was movin’ kinda slow even back then….no joke, true story.
Billie Jo, Bobbi Jo and Betty Jo…damn spell check.
Kate ran the house, Uncle Joe seemed harmless but he was the muscle if somebody didn’t pay or got rough with the girls.
And of course you know the train is the same one used in Wild Wild West.
@Dr. Jellyfinger….Yeah, everytime I saw a water tower for a couple of years stretched the buttons on my 501s, those crazy early uncontrollable masturbatory days…..opppps, too much?
@To Do List….Yes, I did know that.
Change WC station to GEMCO,
Maybe someone could find that tall sign that used to be next to freeway.
I really don’t care what Bart does.
It’s just as missmanaged and corrupt as our state government.
We can no longer vote the corrupt out of our government, so they’ll do whatever they want to do and you’ll be happy to pay and like it.
Why not? Look at all the places that have already done that. Sometime even more than once. Named, renamed, not named, they will charge more anyhow.
Sure. As long as they stop embezzling taxpayer money.
But what place in their right mind would want to be associated with BART?????
Sure. Go for it! However, it all should be accurate and honest. Such as:
The homeless hotel
The long ago one time great line
The fecklessly run fiasco
The taxpayers bottomless money hole
The Bay Area disgrace
Don’t forget such beautiful stations as:
Fresh Out of Prison
Drugs R Us
You Paid to Get Robbed
Giving directions to out-of-town visitors would be a hoot: Catch Verizon BART at PetCo, then transfer to a Home Depot-bound train at American Airlines. Huh?
I wish they still had Candlestick Park and Sears Point raceway….some things will never change, no matter how hard the very few try.
Sure, right after they pay us back for building it. It’s not “theirs” to name. It’s “Ours!” “We” bought it and “we” own it.
Sure why not, and while we are at it, let’s also rename:
San Francisco International Airport into Adobe International.
Oakland International Airport into, hmmm… maybe Uber International.
Let’s see how many people can figure these out.