Home » Vote-By-Mail Ballots Are Sent Statewide, Voting Period Begins Immediately

Vote-By-Mail Ballots Are Sent Statewide, Voting Period Begins Immediately


With four weeks to go until Election Day, all registered Bay Area voters can expect to receive a vote-by-mail ballot with a prepaid return envelope very soon.

Millions of vote-by-mail ballots are on the way to voters statewide for the Nov. 8 election, according to Shirley Weber, the California Secretary of State.

The vote-by-mail ballot voting period begins as soon as ballots are in the mail, which begins Tuesday.

“We’re urging all Californians to vote early this year. You don’t have to wait until Election Day because voting-by-mail makes it easy as soon as you get your ballots,” Weber said. “Every person who votes early will help keep lines shorter and reduce wait times at in-person voting locations on Election Day.”


Votes may choose to return their ballots through mail, drop boxes or in person. To return by mail, voters must sign and date the initial envelope with the ballot and make sure it’s postmarked on or before Nov. 8.

In-person early voting is also now available at every county election office. One or more voting locations in many counties will be open prior to Election Day. Voters can find a nearby drop box or early voting location at

Voters should update their status if they have moved their residence or have changed their name or party affiliation. To check personal registration status, visit

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Vote early…vote often!!!!!

If you want a change, vote out the incumbents.

Dawg, definitely the case when voting for Concord city council members

The Republicans and Democrats do not CARE about the American people . The view outside their own bubbles are so obscured. We need to do away with two party system!!

They do care only about the power of their party.

I won’t be here on vote day….. Seldom do by mail, but I did this time..

Did not vote for any incumbents and voted NO on anything that would add to my taxes…..

Agree or not, Please vote…….

Gonna have to watch my mailbox like a hawk, so me and my wife’s ballot is not stolen this time.


Hear, hear!

Exit 12a, darn right, send those grays back out into space in the next rocket!😄

Voting for DEMs means you want higher prices along with legislation and policies that attack family values and your rights.

‘Judge Rules CA Gov Overstepped His Authority with Covid Order, Issues Permanent Injunction Restraining Newsom From Further Issuing Unconstitutional Orders’

‘Ninth Circuit rules Newsom’s COVID closure of Private Schools Unconstitutional’

‘U.S. Supreme Court rules against Newsom on indoor church services in California COVID-19 case’

“Harvest Rock Church has been battling in court for an injunction against Gov. Gavin Newsom since summer.

Under the settlement, California may no longer impose discriminatory restrictions upon houses of worship. The governor must also pay $1,350,000 to reimburse attorney’s fees and costs.”

WE deserve a government that can read with comprehension our founding document and have the intelligence to make sure their decisions are not a violation.

Before you vote, fill up your vehicles and buy groceries.

Let the fraud begin!!!!
All poll workers/vote counters are liberals recruited from the ghetto.
Ca is through if you arent a free stuff leech,it’s all they want here.
Nobody with a brain is welcome anymore.


The little old ladies that’s volunteer at the polling place near me, just outside of Todos Santos, must be tougher than I thought.

Dear dear James why don’t you volunteer to work at a polling place so you can keep your eye on things?

Sending out ballots without registered voters asking for them is a sure way not to trust the election. Democrats just can’t play honestly and they know it.

Ricardoh, remember that old song….paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep….

“For What It’s Worth” by Buffalo Springfield

You are right. A couple of years ago Los Angelea County was sued in order to clean their voter rolls and they had to take off 1.4 million ineligible names off their rolls. That’s just one county. The democrat party doesn’t care about truth or fairness as long as they stay in power. Why else would they send out ballots to every name on a list that they know there are millions of names of ineligible voters ?

Let the demoncrats cheating begin!
Auntie nancy won’t let POS newscum loose.



Got my mail in ballot today. How come there’s already a check mark next to Newsom’s name? Weird!

That guy and his wife are so dishonest. Now Seibel is testifying against Harvey Weinstein, saying she was raped after saying it’s all the woman’s faultwhen Newsom cheated with Ruby Tourke. She needs to be honest and let it be known she wanted to rise in Hollywood and would do anything to get there.
They are two dishonest, bad actors!

@ MoJo ~
Really!?! Wow!!
I would get another Ballot.

The right is advocating for a red wave.

The left is advocating for a blue wave.

There will probably be more voters on the red side than the blue side.

Having said that, the left-leaning con artists are prepared to triumph. Is that the reason why so many Democrats avoid debates? Why even try? In any case, they will prevail.

The adage “the jig is up” seems fitting in these circumstances.

A blue wave will also signal the end of the argument.

So even though I did not ask for a mail in, I get a mail in. Such an easy system to defraud at that point. And if someone mails in a vote, and votes in person with different answers, which vote counts?

I will be voting, and I will give Newscum a vote – “to get out of the office so a REAL leader can emerge”.
Any request for money is an automatic no from me. Until the government can accurately account for and manage the money I already give them, they get no more.

“Middle class refund checks” will be sent out immediately to early voters who properly fill out their ballot. Signature verification and proof of citizenship not required, in fact discouraged. All votes cast for Brian Dahle will be deemed “misinformation”.

Voting begins immediately. Counting took place last week.

Anyone who votes for Newsom obviously prefers the highest taxes in the nation, the highest gasoline prices in the nation, expensive groceries, rampant crime and the continuing degradation of the state. Please vote responsibly…


I will literally be voting for, “Mickey Mouse,” because CA insane voting by mail practices, which opens to fraud, makes voting mikey mouse.

I like this, will join you in adding Mickey to all the write in choices.

Always been rigged! Even if a republican won?

There is no proof of an election that was rigged so get over it already.

You could slap Snakekeeper in the face with a cold dead fish and he’d look you straight in the eye and declare there’s no proof he was just slapped in the face with a cold dead fish. You could show him videos of it happening, provide thousands of sworn witnesses…. still, he would declare it never happened. He is among the rest of the Hypnotized Zombie Lefty Loonies… and we know that the hypnotized never lie……
Do They ?

Middle Class refund checks are direct deposited before the election but if you voted yes on the recall then you received your GGS 2 months later than everyone else and got a paper check. Even though you have had same bank account and received your tax refund via direct deposit for 10 years. Funny how the you receive your Middle Class refund the same method your GSS came. I remember when voting actually meant something. You had 1 day to do it for the average person. If you missed it, that was it. Such a joke

Mickey’s cool.

Aw come on….it’s Minnie all the way!

@Itsme….Minnie, a black female, perfect!…. following O’bidens lead.

No proof so tell H. Clinton to stop it already.
You’re skipping people again

One could vote by mail and multiple polling places in Calif,and if it’s a democrat vote,they won’t care,if they even check?
All the voting place workers are biased,and angry.
A conservative wouldn’t even be hired to work among those that wouldn’t want him there.It just wouldn’t work.
If every offive in every stae is such,there is no way anything isn’t rigged.They can’t win fair,they have to do it this way,and they justify it in their mind that they had to do it,to be sure that they beat down law and order and rules and safety.And peace of mind and the American way/
it’s all for equity,so cheating is fine.

I will vote … but not because I believe the system is fair and it will actually matter … like The Don or not … the fact is he had the most votes in recorded history for a presidential campaign and still lost … or so they say. #adiosUSA #adiosUSConstitution

Second most votes.

At some point both parties need to accept the results and move on. Otherwise we continue in an endless circle.

It was wrong when Stacey Abrams screamed fraud in 2018 but she went out to get more people to vote in future elections. Trump and his supporters aren’t trying to get more voters, they are trying to adjust the way votes are reported.

If the GOP wins the midterms in 2022 and either Trump/Ron win in 2024, I won’t be happy but I’ll accept the decision.

It’s been two years and some of you are still believing your best friend’s sister’s uncle’s third kid who said he saw someone vote twice.

All politics are equally dirty in my view … it (voting) is a lost cause sadly, me thinks … Bih Tech, Big Media, Big Corp decides all nowadays (in USA)

In 2020 there were 6 million Republican voters in CA. Texas was second at over 5 million and FL third. It is important to vote if you are a republican to show the strength of the party. This is currently the only way to minimize them from running roughshod over the political process. Mail in ballots are a democrat fraud factory. Candidates can get lists legally of voters from past elections. It is possible to create fake ballots from these lists. There is no strong oversight of the county elections office. They were sued by Judicial Watch because the voter rolls were outdated. There needs to be a national reform of the voting process where it is returned to paper ballots and one day voting. This is what they did in France. If someone is too stupid or lazy to get to a polling place then they forfeit their vote.

Go ahead and vote if you want to….but the counting has already been completed.

Glenn223 I like the way you think…..Trumpers don’t vote!

If you are a republican or anything close you better make sure you vote.

If you can not answer this one simple question you have no business holding any office and actually need help.
What is the definition of a Woman?

The DHS was just caught lying about border patrol agents on horses whipping illegal migrants! They never whipped anyone and a just found email proves it. Mayorkas knew about this and lied about it. Biden must fire him immediately!



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